Cat (Shopkeeper)

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Cat is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Cat's Pajamas located on Pajama Place in Drowsy Dreamland.


Cat is a sea green cat who wears a light blue Bottom Stripe shirt and a light blue Bottom Stripe skirt.

Story Appearances

Drowsy Dreamland - In Drowsy Dreamland's taskline Cat appears in the following task: Bahama Pajama Drama. Her dialogue during this task is as follows:

Bahama Pajama Drama

"What's this?"
"Oh, wow! This is a lovely pair of Pajamas!"
"Big Mama sure is so nice!"
"In fact, I was out to deliver her a pair of my own!"
"Before the Cogs stepped on it, tripped me up, and picked it up as I scurried off..."
"If you helped her out with all of this, could you find the pajamas and bring it to her?"
"Tell her I put a lot of love into it!"
"Thank you, and thanks for bringing these to me again!"