Camera Repair/Task Script

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Current Task Script

Camera Repair

"Hey, maaaaaaan... I'm here in Drowsy Dreamland now, and everything's quite the opposite of fine."
"You won't believe it, but I accidentally dropped my camera and now it's pretty broken."
"And I have no idea where to start when it comes to fixing it."
"Everything around here is kinda fuzzy with how tired I am after traveling for so long."
"I think I saw a repair shop down Lullaby Lane, mind taking my camera down there to see if they can help fix it?"
"Thanks in advance, maaaaaaaan."

"What's that? A broken camera? You're lucky I have some downtime set aside for machine repair alongside all these watches!"
"I'll take a look at it but I can't promise anything, mind taking care of all the noise outside so I can concentrate on this?"

"Alright, it looks like I'll be able to fix some of the inner workings of this camera."
"We'll need some of the finer machinery from the Cogs inside those buildings."
"Cogs on the street are made to be outside and roaming around."
"Their gears are far too big for the fine detailing work I do."
"Take down one of the tallest buildings and see if you can't gather some smaller gears."
"That should give us enough small gears to look through to make sure everything is properly put together."

"Thanks for taking care of that, let's see what we're working with here..."
"Ah, you've brought back some very fine materials."
"There's just enough to fix the inner workings of the camera."
"However, you'll need to go see my buddy Charlie to fix the outside plating of the camera."
"He's just down the street, can't miss him."
"If you ever need any other repairs, feel free to come by and see if I have some down time to help you out."
"Have a good day, [Toon Name]!"

"Ah yes, I believe Sarah must have sent you?"
"Come, come, let's take a look and see what can be done."
"Hmm, I see now. We'll need plating from Boardbots to fix the outer shell of this camera."
"Since it's more sturdy than any of the other plating I've seen on Cogs."
"That should help keep everything put together even after dropping it multiple times."
"Twilight Terrace has lots of them roaming around, five scraps of plating should be enough. Thank you!"

"What sturdy plating! Thank you for getting all of this for me."
"Let me attach this here... Screw that there... A little more glue... Done!"
"A little bit of polishing is all this beautiful camera needs."
"I think those high Cogs always carry some on hand if you could fetch that for me as well."

"Thank you for getting the polish for me, feel free to set it on the desk and I will get right to work."
"Whew, this stuff sure does have quite the smell..."
"Ugh, I accidentally dropped the metal polish on the floor..."
"It stinks so bad in here, hurry up and grab this camera, I have a mess to clean up."
"You want to help me with this?"
"No no no, I couldn't ask that of you, I spilled it so it's my responsibility to clean it up."
"Run along now, [Toon Name], deliver the camera back to its rightful owner."

"Maaaaaaan, why does my camera smell so bad?"
"Oh, it's fixed? Thank you thank you thank you!"
"I don't know what I would do without my trusty camera, it's been with me throughout this entire journey!"
"I took this photo before I dropped my camera, maybe you can find some inspiration in it!"
"I've been around every playground in Toontown now..."
"However, I'll still be traveling around to see what else there is to discover about this place."
"Who knows? I might find something super exciting!"
"Don't forget to say hi if you see me around!"
"Thanks for tagging along with me, [Toon Name]!"