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Choppy is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Diced Ice at a Nice Price located on Sleet Street in The Brrrgh.


Choppy is an orange rabbit who wears a blue Plain shirt and purple Shorts with Belt.

Story Appearances

The Brrrgh - In The Brrrgh's taskline Choppy appears in the following task: The New Heater. His dialogue during this task is as follows:

The New Heater

"Why, hello there!"
"What kind of diced ice may you be looking for?"
"I've got them all! Diced, chopped, crushed, bagged, square, round, puddled..."
"I ESPECIALLY like the puddled ice!"
"...Dry ice?"
"Ha, none of that here. No siree."
"...Order sheet?"
"Okay, I admit it..."
"I kind of..."
"Made a deal with a Cog."
"Don't look at me weird, alright?"
"They came inside my shop and threatened to take it, but that just lead to me chucking ice cubes at the darn Cog."
"Then he went a different route and made me a deal..."
"They said they'd take the ice and use it for whatever they needed and would bring it right back."
"So I kind of just let them, they took what they could, but it was only about half of the ice..."
"Looking back on it, I don't even understand what they'd be doing with the dry ice..."
"In fact, what would they do with most of this stuff they take?"
"Anyways, the fact of the matter is that there's a Cog out there with half of my supply of dried ice."
"If you could by chance get it back from them, I think you'd be in service."
"The good news though, is that it's probably cold enough that it hasn't fully evaporated yet!"
"Heh, sorry. Good luck."

After recovering some dry ice

"That's it!"
"Now let me just hand you over the other half..."
"Wait. That's a LOT of dry ice..."
"I know Sweaty Pete was desperate, but he needs to just crack a door open or something, this is just excess spending..."
"He also needs to invest in a shower, his shop smells worse than a Big Cheese convention in the middle of summer..."
"But that's another story. The issue here is you can't just move all this dry ice yourself, you're gonna need something to help."
"But I got an idea!"
"I work with Professor Flake all the time on issues like this."
"Most of the time it's turning the ice into water, but regardless. I think he could help!"
"His shop is The Precipitation Foundation over on Polar Place."
"Talk to him and see if we can't figure it out!"

After returning from Professor Flake

"Hey, [Toon Name]! Nice remote!"
"Wait, don't point that thing towards me!"
"Woah there! I didn't know we were going to handle things this way!!"
"You know what, just take it, before anything else bad happens..."
"You leave that remote with me, I'm gonna have to talk to Professor Flake about this..."
"Oh boy..."

Lawbot HQ - In the Lawbot HQ directives Choppy appears in the following directive: Temperature Troubles. His dialogue during this directive is as follows:

Temperature Troubles

"Hello there!"
"What are you here for?"
"We have ice... and..."
"That's it, that's all I have."
"And on top of that, I'm fresh outta ice."
"Yeah, some other Toon just came in and took all my ice."
"Although, I think I know where you can get some of the best ice around."
"Cold Callers."
"But not just any Cold Caller, you need some of the ice from their cubicles. Their ice cubicles."
"I imagine you can find plenty of ice cubicles in a Sellbot building."
"Oh, and I hear the best ice comes from their desks, so be sure to check those out."
"Good luck in those buildings."