Professor Flake

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Professor Flake is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in the Precipitation Foundation located on Polar Place in The Brrrgh.


Professor Flake is a yellow monkey who wears the Green Button-Up shirt and sienna High Pockets shorts.

Story Appearances

The Brrrgh - In The Brrrgh's taskline Professor Flake appears in the following tasks: The New Heater and Cog Suit Architect. His dialogue during these tasks is as follows:

The New Heater

"Is that you Doctor D-"
"OH, UH HI!"
"Hah, sorry. I thought you were someone else!"
"So, what are you needing from old Professor Flake?"
"Compacting an overwhelmingly large supply of dry ice for the sole purpose of ease of travel?"
"You could just walk in shifts, you know..."
"But this DOES give me an opportunity to test out my stretch-and-shrink zapper prototype!"
"I just need one more piece that I've been trying to find."
"It's a highly reflectived metallic piece used to focus the signal light."
"Perhaps Mover & Shakers could help. They sure do have some pearly whites!"
"If you can get some of those shiny metallic teeth back to me, I could definitely let you test out my zapper!"

After recovering 3 Teeth from Movers & Shakers

"Oh no..."
"Pearly white is definitely what I'd call them."
"But it's also what I'd call the coat of paint ON them..."
"This just won't work."
"I've been at a crossroads for weeks trying to figure this out..."
"If only I could find a way to doctor this machine into working order, but my ideas keep sinning and fizzling out..."
"Doctor... Spin..."
"Spin Doctors!"
"They have those head mirrors on!"
"I just need you to go out and fight those Spin Doctors and bring me back a pristine, non-cracked head mirror!"
"This is going to work, I just know it!"

After recovering A Heat Mirror from Spin Doctors

"Yes, yes! This is going to work!"
"Oh, [Toon Name], you're making me happier than my first date!"
"And we even high-fived on that date, so you KNOW this is special!"
"Oh how I miss Svetlana and her hand-shattering high-fives..."
"Regardless, take this. It's my stretch-and-shrink zapper!"
"To use it, simply point it at the dry ice, and press the button."
"It should work flawlessly!"
"Just leave it with Choppy when you're done. He has me create puddles for him all the time, so he can just bring it over the next time he's up for it."
"Good luck!"

Cog Suit Architect

"A familiar face! What can I have the pleasure of doing for you this time?"
"A temperature gauge of sorts, huh?"
"Why, I've actually been working on quite a similar thing for a while now!"
"They're called external temperature sensors. I've used them to study by sticking them to the Cogs around The Brrrgh."
"My findings do indeed show that it's cold. Really cold. Shocker, I know."
"Anyways, if you can get my temperature sensors back, I can fix one up for you to attach to the inside of this suit you're mentioning."
"That should fix you right up!"

After recovering 5 External Temperature Sensors

"Brilliant! I'll just attach some super-sticky-tape to the outside of this sensor, and attach a wire here... aaaaand..."
"Your sensor is good to go. Good luck with whatever you're doing with this suit."
"I love to dress up as things sometimes myself, as a matter of fact."
"Most of the time it's as different kinds of particles, however."
"Anyways, have fun!"