Connie Ferris

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Connie Ferris is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Pinecone Zone located on Polar Place in The Brrrgh.


Connie Ferris is a purple mouse who wears a Soccer shirt and a maroon Flowers skirt.

Story Appearances

The Brrrgh - In The Brrrgh's taskline Connie Ferris appears in the following task: Lil' Oldman! Lil' Oldman? Their dialogue during this task is as follows:

Lil' Oldman! Lil' Oldman?

"Hi there!"
"Are you looking for something?"
"Lil' Oldman?"
"Nope, just uh..."
"Just a bunch of pinecones, really."
"A looooot of pinecones."
"But not long ago a few Magnates were fluttering about by my building."
"I was screaming out "NOT LITTLE OLD ME!!!"."
"That must be where your confusion came from."
"No Lil' Oldman. Just pure terror at the sight of losing pinecones."
"Those birds sure love them for some reason..."
"Always pecking at them and taking them, I don't even understand it."
"If you could, could you get my pinecones back?"
"I just... want my pinecones."

After recovering 3 Pinecones from Magnates

"My pinecones! Thank you, [Toon Name]!"
"If you like pinecones or whatever, you could like, drop by again."
"I just like chilling out with pinecones."
"Pinecone Zone."
"Neat, right?"
"Well, uh... Good talk."
"You heading out? Or -- oh, yeah? Oh, uh, okay. See you!"