Don D. Toupee

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Don D. Toupee is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in The Toupee Chalet located on Polar Place in The Brrrgh.


Don D. Toupee is a salmon turkey who wears the Beehive Hairdo, a slate blue Bottom Stripe shirt, and bright red Shorts with Belt.

Story Appearances

Lawbot HQ - In the Lawbot HQ directives Don D. Toupee appears in the following directive: Memo Mishap. His dialogue during this directive is as follows:

Memo Mishap

"Welcome to my fine establishment!"
"If you need to fancy yourself up, then you have stumbled upon the perfect place to do so."
"Do tell me, what is it you seek?"
"Wig powder?!?"
"How dare you even suggest such a thing, this is a toupee boutique! I'm no lowly wig seller!"
"Toupees have a touch of elegance, a fine bit of chivalry, and a dash of fanciness!"
"One must merely put on a wig, but with a toupee, you must delicately decorate your fine head!"
"I'm offended you would even suggest that I have anything for wigs!"
"If you wish to even speak to me from this point on, then you must regain my favor!"
"'How can I do that?', you remark?"
"Well, I will let you off easy and request of you a simple favor."
"Well, it's quite elementary!"
"I have quite the animosity towards wigs, and I have seen far too many of these Cogs in disgustingly large wigs!"
"If you would be willing to lay waste to some mass of these wig-wielding, mechanical monsters, then perhaps I could relinquish unto you what you desire."
"Now go and accomplish what I beseech of you."

After defeating some Big Wigs

"Did you accomplish the favor I asked of you?"
"You did? Well, do tell how many you defeated!"
"That's quite an excellent number! Surely, you have done as I asked."
"With such a blow being dealt, I'm confident I will never see a wigged monster on these streets for a long time."
"Now I believe I do owe you something as well."
"However, I do not have any... wig... powder."
"I am above such lowly things."
"Instead, I carry the finest toupee powder. It's far superior after all."
"How do I know that?"
"It says 'toupee' right there on the box."
"Here you are. Now go, and fancy yourself with the finest of powders jellybeans can purchase."


  • Don D. Toupee was originally a mouse named Donald Frump. His name was changed in order to remove any political references from the game.
