Hardy O'Toole

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Hardy O'Toole is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Make Your Bed! Hardware Store located on Lullaby Lane in Drowsy Dreamland.


Hardy O'Toole is a yellow cat who wears a slate blue Plain shirt and tan High Pockets shorts.

Story Appearances

Drowsy Dreamland - In Drowsy Dreamland's taskline Hardy O'Toole appears in the following task: The Not-So-Tucked-Inn. His dialogue during this task is as follows:

The Not-So-Tucked-Inn

"Howdy there, lil' fella. Here to make yer' own bed?"
"Noise pollution?"
"Slow down there, lil' fella..."
"This here hardware store ain't puttin' out no noise pollution..."
"That Tabby Tucker needs to check her sources before she goes round pointin' them there fingers!"
"It's like my pappy always told me... Don't dig for water under the outhouse."
"That's how that goes, ain't it?"
"Anyways, that shufflin' be the Cogs roaming 'round this street!"
"Don't let my hardware store fool you! I work in a soundproof workshop in the back. I'm a considerate fella!"
"Why, if you go and rassle some of them Cogs down, I betcha you'll fix that there sound problem pronto!"
"Now get along, lil' fella."

After defeating 15 Cogs

"Hey, there you are!"
"I was lookin' round for ya, lil' fella!"
"I found another source of that there noise pollution that you were describin' to me!"
"It be them Cog buildings sprouting up nearby!"
"I almost hear a whistlin' when they pop up as well..."
"Anyways, you go and lasso some of them down, and I'm sure all your metal clangs and bangs are gonna be good as gone!"
"When you're done, let the nice little lady at The All-Tucked Inn know of the source of your pollution."
"See you round the watering hole, lil' fella."