Tabby Tucker

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Tabby Tucker is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in The All Tucked Inn located on Lullaby Lane in Drowsy Dreamland.


Tabby Tucker is an periwinkle cat who wears a periwinkle Plain shirt and the Blue & Gold skirt.

Story Appearances

Drowsy Dreamland - In Drowsy Dreamland's taskline Tabby Tucker appears in the following task: The Not-So-Tucked-Inn. Her dialogue during this task is as follows:

The Not-So-Tucked-Inn

"You there! You need to help this old horse out!"
"I'm trying to run a peaceful inn, but I can't keep all the noise out!"
"All these Toons around here have no sense of peace and quiet... It drives me crazy!"
"My inn is known for its calming and serene environment, and they're ruining it for all of us!"
"Start with that boisterous Hardy O'Toole across the street..."
"He's been constantly clanging and shuffling metal around over at his hardware store, and I can't stand it!"
"The noise pollution must come to an end!"

After returning from Hardy O'Toole

"Sound! Sound!"
"Hideous, hideous sound!"
"You may have fixed one problem, but my horsey ears detect another issue!"
"Loud hits, smacks, booms, like a boxing match being played through a megaphone!"
"It's that rackety Wyda Wake, throwing her nightly pillow fights..."
"It's so loud that the sound carries straight inside my shop's walls, and I can't stand it!"
"Please, you HAVE to speak with her, and stop this rambunctious pillow pounding going on outside my inn!"

After returning from Wyda Wake

"I must say..."
"My ears..."
"They don't... hear anything!"
"You're a blessing in a toony disguise, [Toon Name]."
"And you have helped restore my shop's calm demeanor."
"Here, take this free reservation for a night off at my inn. You deserve it."
"Have a pleasant night!"


  • Tabby Tucker was originally a Horse Toon. She was changed into a Cat at an unknown point.
    • Despite this change, her dialogue still refers to her as if she was a Horse.