Wyda Wake

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Wyda Wake is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Pillow Fights Nightly located on Lullaby Lane in Drowsy Dreamland.


Wyda Wake is a red horse who wears a citrine Bottom Stripe shirt and the Snowman skirt.

Story Appearances

Drowsy Dreamland - In Drowsy Dreamland's taskline Wyda Wake appears in the following task: The Not-So-Tucked-Inn. Her dialogue during this task is as follows:

The Not-So-Tucked-Inn

"Hey there, better be careful stepping inside this shop unarmed!"
"Next time you might just get WHACKED outta' nowhere by a stray pillow!"
"And let me tell ya', these aren't no ordinary pillows!"
"After so many pillow fights and busted pillows, feathers strewn all over the floor, we had to figure it out..."
"We stuffed whatever we could find into pillows to see if it could hold up to our pillow fights."
"Straw, sand, marshmallows, heck, even tofu!"
"None of them could withstand the power of the pillow fight."
"We took it to the next logical step."
"Empty pie pans, used whistles, flimsy old rake pieces, whatever we could find!"
"We scrounged them all up, and stuffed them into our nightly fighting pillows."
"Boy oh boy can you imagine the sound that emits when you wallop a Toon with one of those!"
"Needless to say, we have quite the intense fights here."
"So now, let me guess..."
"No pillow, angered look, slouching arms."
"You must be here from Tabby Tucker, aren't you..."
"I have to be honest, I understand her frustrations with the sound."
"Pillow Fights Nightly... more like Sound Complaints Daily!"
"It's like people are always trying to sleep around here or something..."
"The point is, I can't do anything unless we find a way to make these pillows quieter."
"We can stuff even more things inside them to make the metal quieter!"
"But what could you run out and find at this hour..."
"Clouds? No, they'd disappear..."
"Stars? No, too far away..."
"Ah-ha! Let's try those Magnates. They have feathers!"
"I think..."
"Bring some of those back and we'll try it out!"

After recovering 3 Feathers from Magnates

"Oh no, no, no!"
"I had thought for sure they were birds..."
"Don't get me wrong, these are feathers alright. It's just..."
"They're metallic feathers!"
"These will only add to the problem!"
"I'm still taking them for pillow fight usage, but still."
"We need something soft, plump, something that'll drown the sound out."
"Something like..."
"Those wigs the Big Wigs wear!"
"Let's try that! Bring me some of those!"

After recovering 5 Wigs from Big Wigs

"Oh, these are excellent!"
"Soft, plushy, and absolutely caked in powder that is sure to create a new sneezing factor to my pillow fights."
"This is perfect."
"With these, I'll be able to stuff our pillows full, and those metal parts will be muffled down, so no more worry for Tabby Tucker's ears!"
"Thanks for the help, [Toon Name]. And if you ever wanna pick a fight, you know where to go!"