I'm Melting, I'm Melting!/Task Script

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Current Task Script

I'm Melting, I'm Melting!

"Oh, good, [Toon Name], just the Toon I wanted to see! We need your help."
"We're in pretty dire straits out here."
"For some reason, all the ice and snow around town seems to be melting! And no one can figure out why!"
"It's making all of the roads wet and slippery, and everyone is slipping and sliding all over the place!"
"The last place this phenomenon was spotted was over on Walrus Way by Frosty Freddy's Frozen Frankfurters."
"Go talk to Frosty Freddy, maybe he'll have some insight?"

"Ohhh, what a disaster! I'm RUINED, RUINED I tell ya!"
"The good people come to me and they say "Freddy! We want Frozen Franks!" and I give it to 'em!"
"I give em my Frozen Frankfurters, and they love em!"
"Well how am I supposed to sell my Frozen Frankfurters if THEY AIN'T FROZEN?"
"And don't tell me to just freeze 'em again. That heatwave wiped out my whole ice supply, too!"
"And with all this weird weather, the ice supply's on backorder! I'll never recover!"
"I'm gonna have to change my shop name to Frosty Freddy's MELTED Frankfurters..."
"Listen kid, you want information on the melting goin' around?"
"I'll squeal. But you gotta find me some ice. PRONTO!"
"A favor for a favor? Try knockin' some of those Shyster's heads together and see if they've got any."
"I always hear they like to give people the cold shoulder."

"You're a miracle worker, kid. A real angel. A doll."
"Now I can re-freeze my Franks, and Freddy's back in business!"
"Now. What you came her for. Information, yeah?"
"Well, I don't know anythin'."
"Don't look at me like that! I never said I had all the answers, just that I'd tell ya what I know!"
"And I don't know anythin'!"
"BUT... I know someone who does!"
"Ol' Soggy Nell over at Melted Ice Cubes on this street has been yammering away about his next big find."
"So while I'm over here wallowin' in my melted furters, Nell is throwin' his hat in the air over his melted ice cream."
"Who even sells melted ice cubes?! At that point, it's just water!!"
"Anyways, go talk to him. Maybe he can tell you about his latest discovery in the melting department."

"Yes, YES! This is perfect!"
"It's always so hard to get these ice cubes to melt in this chilly playground, but this will make it all better!"
"I'll, I'LL... oh, hello there- I didn't see you come in...!"
"How much did you hear?"
"Anyways, welcome to Melted Ice Cubes! What can I get you?"
"Huh? Snow melting? Heat rising? Ruined Frankfurters?"
"Umm... no, hehe, I wouldn't know anything about that! Nope."
"No sir, definitely not. Why do you ask? Haha, you should probably go."
"...Listen [Toon Name], I have made the DISCOVERY of a LIFETIME."
"Gone are the days of having to slowly blast my ice cubes with a hair dryer!"
"And you think I would just hand over that secret to you? So you can go and ruin it for me?"
"HAH! Not in a million years! You'll have to sweeten the pot if you want any information out of me!"
"Now, scram!"

"He did WHAT?"
"What that little..."
"Doesn't he know he ain't the only shop on the block?!"
"We're all sufferin' from these heat waves, an' he's bein' selfish and tryna keep them around just to help himself."
"That Soggy Nell. Stubborn as a mule and always wants to do things the hard way. Always gotta be different."
"If he's truly convinced on this bein' his latest business move, then he won't stop 'less he finds a better one."
"On that note, I do not know why that man has never invested in a STOVE. It would be so much more efficient!"
"Hey, that there's an idea. What if ya found him a good stove?"
"Why don't ya go talk to Hernia Belt at Portable Fireplaces on Sleet Street."
"Her stoves are kinda on the pricier end'a things but... well, I'm sure you'll figure somethin' out."

"Oh, well hello there! How are ya? Keepin' warm out there?"
"Of course ya are, it's warmer than a summer day out there, what with all that snow meltin'."
"Oh?? Here to buy a stove? Well you betcha, I got just the thing for ya!"
"It's the latest in heating technology, I'll say. Cook up your meals faster than a bolt to a tesla coil!"
"Real affordable too! It's only 10,000 beans! That's a real steal for what you're gettin' if you ask me!"
"Don't have that kinda money...? Well I can't just give my product away, yanno! I gotta make a profit somehow!"
"Need it to fix the melting snow? Well... those heatwaves HAVE been awfully bad for business..."
"I'll tell ya what, if you can clear out a couple of those nasty old Cogs on my street, then I'll let ya have the stove on the house."

"Yoohoo! Welcome back! Yanno, I can tell you've done a GREAT job, I haven't seen ANY Cogs around!"
"I think you scared 'em all away!"
"Well, I'm a woman of my word alright! Here's that stove for ya, dear."
"I sure hope you can figure out what's going on! I miss the snow already."

"What. Is THAT?"
"Is that a STOVE?"
"For ME?"
"Hey, why didn't I think of that?"
"HAHA, that'll be SO much easier to work with!"
"And to think I was going to try trapping that weird new Cog walking around and use its natural heat to melt my ice cubes!"
"That would've been soooo much work."
"Oh, yeah, you haven't caught on yet? I'm surprised you guys haven't seen him around yet."
"He's LITERALLY bright red and flaming and melts everything around them."
"Anyways, I'll just take this... and... you can go deal with that Cog!"
"Careful not to get burned."

"Great news, [Toon Name], we've gotten reports around town that ice and snow is already starting to come back."
"I assume this means you successfully took down that Cog that was menacing The Brrrgh?"
"Thank you so much! Once again, proving yourself an ally to all of us here. ESPECIALLY the shopkeepers."