Moe Madrigal

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Moe Madrigal is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Madrigal Motor Homes located on Baritone Boulevard in Mezzo Melodyland.


Moe Madrigal is a periwinkle cat who wears a slate blue Bottom Stripe shirt and yellow High Pockets shorts.

Story Appearances

Mezzo Melodyland - In Mezzo Melodyland's taskline Moe Madrigal appears in the following task: Chop Shop Blues. His dialogue during this task is as follows:

Chop Shop Blues

"Oh hey there little buddy, you wanna buy a big fancy motorhome?"
"These babies are pristine, ready to cruise around town!"
"Just avoid those sidewalk props! They can get in the way a bit too often!"
"Okay... you gotta help me out here..."
"I've been fearing the day the Toon Council would come kicking my door down, accusing me of fraud..."
"I don't have the jellybeans to pay all these possible fines!!"
"You gotta help me get my stock in tiptop shape!"
"Here's an idea, I'll go check my lot and see what issues I need fixed, and you just keep my shop clear of Cogs until I get back."
"I should be just a minute... Hopefully."

After defeating 7 Level 6+ Cogs

"Okay, so I checked out my motor home lot."
"It's not that bad, honestly!"
"I just need new parts!"
"...and tire repairs."
"Aaaaand auto insurance coverage..."
"And... maybe proper licensing to operate the motor homes."
"You know, the small stuff."
"But on the bright side, I think I can use parts from some of those stronger Cogs to patch up the holes on my motor homes!"
"Just bring about five pieces of quality metallic material from those beefy Cogs and I'll be ready on that part."

After recovering 5 Metal Parts from Loan Sharks

"Great, I'll be able to use these on the gas tank holes, spaces in the roof, and maybe even giving a few of them actual engine hoods!"
"But hey, they still are some fine pieces of automobile machinery!"
"So now I need someone to take a look at those tires..."
"They may not have held air since the day they had their shag carpeting installed inside the cabin, but they sure are nice!"
"Why don't you run down the street to Gummy Whistle at C-Flat Tire Repair."
"Here, take some flyers. Tell him I'll give him a massive deal on one of these fiiiiiine motorhomes! Several jellybeans off!"
"Once he's taken the bait, get him to come on over and fix up all 7 tires on each motorhome."
"They are supposed to have 7 each, right?"
"Well, just go get him!"

After returning from Gummy Whistle

"Great work, [Toon Name]! I saw that little green mouse taking a look at my tires just before I got back."
"So, let's talk business."
"I need insurance."
"Not because I'm a danger..."
"But turns out to be a legally functioning motorhome salestoon, you need to have insurance covering the wares!"
"I uh... forgot to get that."
"Forgot is definitely the word."
"So I need you to run down to Sid Sonata at Sonata Your Fault! Discount Auto Insurance, just down the street."
"Just take this registration for my motor homes. I'm sure you'll find no problem getting insurance using these bad boys."
"See you soon!"

After returning from Sid Sonata

"Ey, did you get it done?"
"What's all this paperwork? I didn't ask you to bring me this..."
"Eh, whatever. I'll just get it done later."
"Now I just gotta head down to Tim Tailgate and get my operation license for these..."
"Shouldn't be too bad! I'm sure I'll pass with flying colors on my first try."
"Thanks for the help, [Toon Name]. You best be getting back to Rhapsody. I hear she's swamped."