Professor Ivy

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Professor Ivy is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in the School of Vine Arts located on Tulip Terrace in Daffodil Gardens.


Professor Ivy is a blue cat who wears a red Bottom Stripe shirt and the Zesty Western skirt.

Story Appearances

Daffodil Gardens - In Daffodil Gardens' taskline Professor Ivy appears in the following tasks: A Boxing Lesson To Forget and Not So Vine... Her dialogue during these tasks is as follows:

A Boxing Lesson To Forget

"Welcome to my school of vine arts!"
"I presume a Toon like yourself is here to learn of the vine artistic qualities of the vine itself, yes?"
"These vines are something to be respected, to be adored!"
"Vine art isn't six seconds long, it's a lifetime!"
"To understand the vines, you must think like the vine."
"The vine is in the common sense a grapevine. Producing beauty and nourishment!"
"You must know like the vine knows, so go forth."
"Seek Diane Vine at Grape Expectations on Petunia Place."
"Assist her, and in return learn the knowledge of the grape."
"I will await your return, vine young Toon."

Not So Vine...

"Yes! Good! Now you know the wisdom of the mighty grape!"
"But now you must feel as the vine feels."
"As it grows, sprawls out, and produces grapes, you must feel the way these vines do."
"Seek Dr. Vine, use him to give you the experience that a vine feels."
"His shop is I'm Feeling Vine! On Sunflower Street."
"You must to it for the vine, [Toon Name]!"
"Now go forth!"

After returning from Dr. Vine

"The experience of feeling the vine first hand is the key to understanding them. This is good progress you've shown me."
"But it is time for your final task, to fully experience the life of a fine vine."
"You must look like a vine."
"No arguments, you must step into the shoes of the thing you seek to understand."
"Despite... vines not having shoes..."
"But regardless, you must seek Vine Green of the Vine and Dandy Menswear shop on Daisy Drive."
"Tell him that you must experience the look of a vine, regardless of what cost it may take."
"Come back to me once you've completed this task."

After returning from Vine Green

"Excellent! Yes! You've done it!"
"How do you feel now that you've experienced the knowledge, feelings, and appearance of the vine?"
"Well that's kinda disappointing to be honest with you."
"I would've expected more honestly, but now that you've explained it to me it makes sense. It's just a vine."
"Well, there goes my creative curriculum for the next semester!"
"Maybe I'll teach about different types of vines instead, does that sound riveting, [Toon Name]?"
"Would you wanna help me research? There's a lot of them around Daffodi-"
"Uh -- Thanks for your help!!"