Ree Pare

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Ree Pare is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Flounder And Sink Ship Repair located on Anchor Avenue in Barnacle Boatyard.


Ree Pare is a dark teal duck who wears the Sailor Hat, Goggles, a lime Double Striped shirt, and lime High Pockets shorts.

Story Appearances

Barnacle Boatyard - In Barnacle Boatyard's taskline, Ree Pare appears in the following task: Big Binnacle Bash. Their dialogue during this task is as follows:

Big Binnacle Bash

"Welcome! I'm Ree Pare and I will ree-pare any ship-related item you need!"
"Shrouds, rudders, masts, hulls, you name it!"
"Correcting spheres eh?"
"Not a very common request but certainly something Ree Pare can handle!"
"I'll need you to get me some good metal for such an item, however."
"I think if you try to salvage some metal from the fishing ponds around here, that should work well enough."

After recovering 2 Spare Metals

"Welcome back!"
"I was just getting all my tools ready to work while I was waiting for you."
"And this scrap metal looks perfect. In fact, you got plenty to spare. This will be great for future projects of mine, thank you!"
"I just have to fashion this scrap metal into a couple correcting spheres, and attach them on either side, aaaaand-- BOOM!"
"All ready to go!"
"Gee, this binnacle sure looks fancy!"
"I'm sure Billy Budd will be pleased with the condition it's in now."
"Thanks for stopping by and thanks for the extra iron!"