Reid Stock

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Reid Stock is an NPC Toon who could be found stationed in Gag N' Gos on every street in Toontown. During the Break The Law event, she could be found stationed in Lawbot Headquarters for Toons to purchase Gags from.


Reid Stock is a citrine koala who wears the Outback Uniform shirt and Detective shorts.

During Break The Law, she wore the Lawbot Resistance Ranger outfit.

Story Appearances

The Comics - Reid Stock appears in the following Corporate Clash Comics:

Misc. Appearances


  • As part of an official Q&A for the Break The Law event, Reid Stock along with several other Resistance Rangers had a Discord account for the event that appeared in the Corporate Clash Discord Server. All of the Rangers' Discord accounts have since been deleted.
    • Her Discord tag was ReidStockYourGags#0018.
  • When a Toon goes sad near Reid in a street battle, she will use the Greened Cat sticker.
