Sticky George

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Sticky George is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in The Melting Ice Cream Bar located on Walrus Way in The Brrrgh.


Sticky George is a lime rabbit who wears a slate blue Plain shirt and purple High Pockets shorts.

Story Appearances

The Brrrgh - In The Brrrgh's taskline Sticky George appears in the following tasks: The Ol' Pub and The New Heater. His dialogue during these tasks is as follows:

The Ol' Pub

"Hey, hey, hey, are you looking for something? You look like you're about to survey the gum varieties stuck under the counter..."
"Well listen, I'll help you out. I'll answer any questions, get you a free ice cream, but you gotta help me out quick."
"My heater's in the back and I gotta turn that darn thing off, but my keys are gone for the door."
"I keep it locked to make sure nobody messes with my stock of ice cream!"
"One of those big Cogs with the little tiny heads came in and snatched them from me. The nerve of that Cog!"
"I need you to go get them back for me, then I'll get you something."

After recovering Sticky George's Keys from Bossbots

"Hey thank you, I appreciate you getting them back for me."
"I unfortunately got a little... frustrated and pried the door open while you were gone."
"You see, I recently got my new Hilariously Hot Heater from Sweaty Pete the other day, and this darn thing has been blasting out heat waves all day long!"
"I know my shop's called The Melting Ice Cream Bar, but I didn't mean it literally!"
"Please, go speak with him, I need this darn thing fixed..."
"His shop is Heat - Get It While It's Hot! over on Sleet Street."

The New Heater

"Dry ice?"
"Well... It'll have to do. I can't let my ice cream melt into puddle cream!"
"Who would come to buy that?"
"Besides Choppy..."
"Anyways, where were we?"
"So, you wanted to know about Lil' Oldman, right?"
"Oh yeah... That Lil' Oldman is quite a character, alright."
"He visits nearly every week, always ordering the same thing. Two ice creams. One large cheese, one extra, extra small red bean for his toads."
"It's quite weird, if you ask me."
"But I always try to please The Blizzard Wizard, especially after everything he's done for us."
"Anyways, he left his cap here one day. An old wool one, to be exact."
"I was keeping it in my lost and found, but he hasn't showed up for weeks now. Since you're looking for him, you can take it."
"He didn't say anything on his last visit, just smiled with cheesy ice cream dripping from his buck teeth, scooped up his toads and strolled on out."
"But that's our wizard!"
"Anyways, good luck in finding him. I hope the cap can help!"