Count Napula

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Count Napula is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Night Terrors Theatre located on Twilight Terrace in Drowsy Dreamland.


Count Napula is a black bat who wears unobtainable variants of the Vampire shirt and Vampire shorts.

Story Appearances

Drowsy Dreamland - Count Napula appears in the Doze Were Mine! Kudos Board Rank-Up Task. Their dialogue during this task is as follows:

Doze Were Mine!

"A one, a two, a three, a four..."
"FOUR! Four whole film reels, missing!"
"Just vhen I thought I was done vith those vicked Boardbots!"
"How can I keep this neighborhood entertained vithout my most popular shows?"
"You vill help me, von't you? Please! Go find them!"

After recovering 4 Film Reels from Boardbots

"Vonderful! You found all four, and vithout a scratch on them."
"But there's another thing. I can't run my theatre without it."
"Vhat good vould a theatre be if it didn't have a popcorn machine!"
"The Machine is still here, but some pieces are missing. A building should have a replacement."

After recovering some Machine Parts from a Six Story Boardbot Building

"Ah, there you are!"
"I hope it vasn't too much trouble for you. Those Boardbots even give me a fright!"
"There's only one more thing that needs repairs..."
"My soda fountain is out of fizz. I can't serve flat soda!"
"There's a pond down the street vhere you can fish for bubbles. Yes, bubbles!"

After fishing up 3 Bubbles

"A one, a two, a three... that's it, that's everything! I don't know vhat I vould have done vithout you!"
"I hope I haven't kept anyone vaiting too long."
"Here, have a soda on the house. You're velcome to stop by vhenever you like."