Free Cruise

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The High Roller dropping a Free Cruise on the Toons

Free Cruise is a signature Cog Attack performed exclusively by the High Roller.


  • "Congraffulaffionff, you won! Congraffulaffionff, you won! Congraffulaffionff, you won! Congraffulaffionff, you won! Congraffulaffionff, you won! Congraffulaffionff, you won!"
  • "Do you remember thiff? It'ff a real wreck if I mufft ffay ffo myffelf!"
  • "Don't waffh affhore just yet, baby doll! We can ride thiff ffhip together! "
  • "Have you ever wondered what it'ff like to have two hundred poundff dropped on your headff? Now you don't have to!"
  • "Watch your headff, folkff, thiff might rock your boat!"
  • "We have a winner! Watch your headff, folkff, thiff might rock your boat!"
  • "You are right in the ffplaffh zone, babe!"

Damage Statistics

High Roller
Target All Toons
Level 100.mgr
Damage 198
Accuracy 85
Frequency 25

Sound Effects

Free Cruise Hits
Toons Crushed
Free Cruise Misses


A video showing off the Free Cruise attack.


  • The Cruise Ship in this attack is the Toontanic, the Level 7 Drop Gag from Toontown Online.
    • The damage for this attack is the same as an Organic Toontanic, being 198.
  • This is the only attack that is an "all or nothing" attack, meaning that it either hits all of the Toons or none of them.
