Paige Arthur

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Paige Arthur is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in News for the Amused located on Loopy Lane in Toontown Central.


Paige Arthur is an aqua pig who wears the Black Top Hat, Square Frame Glasses, Black Fancy Shoes, the Newstoon Camera, a lavender Peplum shirt, and pink High Pockets shorts.

Story Appearances

Toontown Central - Paige Arthur appears in the Scraping News Kudos Board Rank-Up Task. Her dialogue during this task is as follows:

Scraping News

"Hello Toons! It's your FAVORITE news writer: Paige Arthur! I hope your day has been swell!"
"Because MINE hasn't!"
"Hah. I remember the good ol' days, when my name was big."
"I was ALWAYS busy. NOW the best I can do is get a small article out."
"And it's ALL thanks to that Luciano Scoop. UGH."
"I NEED to step it up a notch. I will NOT fade away! And YOU will help me!"
"I had the MOST daring idea to DATE. Hear me out on this."
"WAIT, WAIT, WAIT! I am NOT insane, I promise! You HAVE to agree with me that Cogs are ALL the rage!"
"TRUST me, just go out and recover those memos to gain more information from them!"

After recovering some memos from Level 4+ Cogs

"Give me that! Let's see!"
"Absolutely NOTHING! Amazing!"
"We don't NEED business information! We NEED stories! Toons want to hear about Cogs' lives!"
"After that whole Break the Law NONSENSE, I hear Toons left and right talking about a "Witness Stand-In" and a "son"."
"And THAT'S what we need! The inside life of a Cog!"
"Hm... I wonder if we should focus on a higher position?"
"Why don't you go recover a memo from one of those executives?"
"I will be here devising a plan."

After recovering a memo from and Executive Cog

"NOTHING! What is UP with these Cogs!? It's like all they do is stand there menacingly! Like ROBOTS!"
"Ugh, I'm getting desperate..."
"Please just take this clipboard and pen and ask a Cog to fill it out."
"Maybe those Sellbots. They LOVE this kind of stuff."

After defeating a Sellbot

"I TRIED at least."
"I don't understand WHY Toons like these things."
"Well, as promised for your trouble, here is a discount."
"Thanks. I will now CONTINUE in my sulking."

Misc. Appearances


  • Prior to v1.3.0, Paige Arthur was named Fanny Pages.