Pepper Minstix

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Pepper Minstix is an NPC Toon who's located in the Toonseltown playground.


Pepper Minstix is a dark green deer who wears the Green Elf outfit.

Story Appearances

Event Tasks - Pepper Minstix appears in the Toonsmas tasks: Board Up and Stocking Stuffers.

Board Up

"[Toon Name]! Something's wrong!"
"I haven't heard any news about Toons needing help here in Toonseltown."
"It's so odd experiencing this place so quiet, calm and relaxed."
"Besides the occasional wave of Cogs, of course."
"You know what."
"It's almost time for you to head back to Toontown."
"And nobody needs our help."
"You know what this means, [Toon Name]?"
"We're having fun today."
"Go fish up a plastic board from some murky pond back in Toontown. I got an idea."

After fishing up a plastic board

"Great work."
"Now this piece of plastic needs to be shaped, and lined."
"I bet Boardbot suits have enough grippy material to line it up!"
"I'll work on shaping this plastic, go and get some lining from Boardbot suits."
"You'll see!"

After recovering some pieces of lining

"Oh, oh! Great work!"
"I'm gonna take this and the board down to Granny Thread and get it stitched together!"
"If you could, could you find a couple leather straps?"
"Again, you'll see!"
"I bet you could find a couple from those Middlemen during their deals!"
"Thanks, buddy!"

After recovering some leather straps

"Thank you!"
"It's almost done."
"Just uh..."
"Turn away and throw some snowballs while I get it all ready!"
"See me in just a minute and we'll be set!"

After throwing some snowballs

"Here it is! One perfectly crafted Snowboard just for you!"
"Listen, [Toon Name]. If you're gonna be here for a day or two more, you gotta do it in style!"
"And also by having a little fun!"
"Enjoy the snowboard, and I hope you're enjoying your time in Toonseltown."
"I'll see you real soon, friend!"

Stocking Stuffers

"Well, [Toon Name]. This is it."
"St. Bernard told me that today is one of the last days outside Toons will be let in Toonseltown for now."
"We need to do something to commemorate our time together!"
"Ooo! I know!"
"It starts with sticks. Go fish some up in the pond over at Acorn Acres."
"There's loads of trees, sticks and leaves all over the place there!"

After fishing up some sticks

"A lovely and hasty delivery."
"Now we need some stockings, my friend."
"With the holiday celebrations gone by, there's plenty of stockings left around here."
"Just ask some of the folks here for theirs. I'm sure they'll be happy to hand them over!"
"Try starting with Tinker, then Jen Jerbread, and then St. Bernard!"

After visiting each Toon

"Will work great!"
"So, [Toon Name]."
"I didn't want you to get these things for me."
"I wanted you to get them for yourself!"
"Take these things home, and hang them up on your fireplace."
"Watch the fire go when you decide to, look at the stockings, and reminisce about your time here!"
"It'll almost be like having your very own snapshot of how it felt to be here."
"You could even show your friends!"
"Oh, but one last request before you go."
"I don't like Flunkies."
"Could you take them down?"
"Thank you, [Toon Name]. You're the best!"

After defeating a Flunky

"You've done it."
"You've defeated an entire Flunky."
"I am proud of you, [Toon Name]."
"Now go. Enjoy your view of Toonseltown."
"Remember the fond times you had here!"
"You know, stopping the Cogs a few zillion times!"
"I'll be here with the sleigh, waiting for the next chance I can get to bring you back!"
"Have fun with your time left here, and I hope to see you around in the future."

Misc. Appearances


  • Pepper Minstix originally wore red gloves until they were removed at an unknown point.
  • Pepper Minstix used to have a sleigh next to him which he would use to take Toons to and from Toonseltown. He could also originally be found in The Brrrgh along with this sleigh.
