Picnic Games

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Picnic Games are different activities available to play while sitting at any picnic table. There are three different games currently available: Checkers, Chess, and Toono. Playing Picnic Games will always award the player with Jellybeans. If the player is in a Club, Club Coins and Club XP can be obtained as well. Picnic Games can sometimes be asked to be played in order to complete certain Tasks.

Where To Play

In order to play a Picnic Game, the player must locate and sit at a picnic table. Picnic tables can be found by visiting the Minigames Area or a Toon's Estate. The only exception to this is the game Toono, which is available to play in the Pacesetter's lobby and the Overclocked Chief Legal Officer's fight. In the Pacesetter's lobby, Toono can be played only at the set of couches closest to the elevator. In the O.C.L.O.'s fight, Toono can be played by sitting at the large meeting table after defeating your set side of Litigation Team members. This can only be done if the other side has not defeated their set of Managers already, as the fight will automatically continue once all Litigation Team members have been defeated.

The Minigames Area can be visited 2 different ways. The easiest way is by opening the Shtickerbook Shtickerbook icon.png and locating the Map TeleportIcon.png page. On this page, there will be a yellow button towards the bottom labelled "Minigames". Clicking on this button will directly teleport the player to the Minigames Area. This button is available at the start of the game and does not require the player to do anything to unlock it. The second method is by visiting Acorn Acres and entering the tunnel labelled Minigames Area.

To visit a Toon's estate, the method is the similar. On the Map page there will be a yellow button labelled "Estate" which will directly teleport the Toon to their own Estate. The only way to visit another player's Estate is by teleporting to them while they are currently there.

How To Play

To begin playing one of the Picnic Games, all players must sit at a picnic table. The first person to sit down will become the leader and will be indicated by a Party hat.png icon next to their head. The leader is the only person who is able to choose which game to play as well as who can play with them. There are only 3 games: Checkers, Chess, and Toono. Under each Picnic Game name there is a yellow question mark. Clicking on this will show the games information. This can be viewed at any time, even during the game. Each game has a different set of rules with some that can be adjusted (for Toono only). After selecting which game to play, the leader must select the heads of any Toons that are sitting at the table with them in order to include them in the game. Selected Toon heads will be highlighted green. Every Picnic Game require at least 2 players in order to play. Up to 6 players can sit at a Picnic Table, but only Toono allows for more than 2 players to participate. Once the activity has been completed, every player will receive a certain amount of Jellybeans based on which game they played. The players will automatically stay seated at the table and the screen will return to the "Play Game" menu.



Checkers is the typically the quickest and easiest game to play. There is a limit of 2 players. Each player is assigned a color (black or white) and must either capture all of their opponent's pieces, or trap all of their pieces causing them to be unable to make any more moves. Each player begins with 12 pieces which is shown by the Toon's head. Clicking on a piece will cause it to highlight and flash potential moves that the piece can make. Pieces can only move forward and diagonally unless they become crowned. In order to crown a piece, it must travel to the end of the opposite side of the board. This piece can then move in any direction. Players can only move their piece one time per turn unless they are able to capture multiple pieces at a time (which will behave as one action). To capture a piece, the player must be able to "jump" into the spot behind their opponents piece. After a piece is captured it will be removed from the board.

Winner (By capture) Winner (By trap) Loser (By capture) Loser (By trap)
300 225 200 150


Chess is a strategic game with each piece having a unique moveset. This game is limited to 2 players. Each player is assigned a color (black or white) and must trap their opponents king piece in check with no way of them getting out of check. Check means that the king is being threatened (as it cannot be captured). If no moves can be made, and the king isn't in check, the game will result in a stalemate. If a stalemate is reached, an "Offer Draw" button is available near the exit button. Both players must vote to draw. Each player starts with 16 pieces which can be seen by the number by the Toon's head. Clicking on a piece will cause it to highlight and flash potential moves that the piece can make. Pieces can be captured by landing on the same square as another piece and taking their place. If a Pawn reaches the other end of the board it will be promoted into any piece of the players choosing (except for a King).

Movements of each piece:

  • King - Moves one square in any direction (but never into check, where he could be captured).
  • Queen - Moves any number of squares diagonally, horizontally, or vertically.
  • Rook - Moves any number of squares horizontally or vertically.
  • Bishop - Moves any number of squares diagonally.
  • Knight - Moves in an L-shape, two squares in a straight direction, and then one square perpendicular to that.
  • Pawn - Moves one square forward, but on its first move, it can move two squares forward. It captures diagonally one square forward.

This game requires a certain amount of moves to be made in order for Jellybeans to be rewarded. The winner will be rewarded 300 Jellybeans while the loser is awarded 200 Jellybeans. When a stalemate is reached and both players choose to end in a draw, they will both be awarded the losing amount of 200 Jellybeans.


Toono is a card game based on the card game Uno. This game has a limit of up to 6 players. Before starting the game, a set of house rules can be enabled/disabled. All house rules are disabled by default. These rules are:

  • Draw Until Play - Continuously draw cards until a playable card is drawn.
  • Seven-O's - Placing a 0 will force all players to swap their hands in the current player order, and playing a 7 allows the player to swap hands with another player.
  • Stacking Cards - When a Draw Two or a wild Draw Four is played, play the same type of card to add to the penalty and pass it down to the next player.
  • Automatically Play - When a card is drawn, it will be immediately played if possible.
  • Jump In - When a card is played, other players are allowed to play the same card out of turn.

The game starts with each player holding 7 cards, with one card placed on the table being the starting card. Players must choose a card that is either the same color, or the same number/type as the table card. The exception to this rule are Wild Cards, which can be placed at any time. If no card fits these requirements, the player must draw one card from the deck. There are 6 different types of cards, each having a certain color (Red/Blue/Green/Yellow):

  • Number - These are generic cards with numbers 0 - 9 on them.
  • Draw Two - Playing this card forces the next player to draw 2 cards immediately.
  • Wild Draw Four - Playing this card forces the next player to draw 4 cards immediately and the person who placed the card gets to choose the color of the table card.
  • Reverse - The direction of the player order is reversed.
  • Skip - The next player loses their turn for that round.
  • Wild Card - Change the color of the table card to any color of the players choice.

The maximum amount of cards a player can hold is 20, if this player chooses to draw, their next card will be automatically played (if it is possible to do so). If the card they pick up cannot be played it will be discarded. If a player is at max cards, and is forced to pick up cards by a Draw 2 or wild Draw 4 card being played, they will not pick up any additional cards.

The game is won when a player has 0 cards in their hand. When a player has 1 card remaining, they have the option to press the "Toono!" button in order to announce it. If they choose not to, other players have the option to click it instead, which will cause the person with Toono to draw two cards.

Jellybeans awarded while playing Toono is based on the amount of rounds that happened during the game. The least amount of Jellybeans earned from winning is 75, while the losing amount is 50. Every 10 rounds that occur during a Toono game, the winning amount will increase by +75 and the losing amount will increase by +50. For example, if there were 40 rounds in a game, the winner would be rewarded 225 Jellybeans, while the loser is awarded 150 Jellybeans. This number does not change depending on the amount of players present. Additionally, if all players leave the table while the game has not ended, the last player remaining will earn the same amount of Jellybeans as if they had won.


Theme Audio File
Checkers Theme
Chess Theme
Toono Theme
Toono Theme
(Lawfice Lobby)
Toono Theme
(O.C.L.O. Table)
Toono Theme
(Pacesetter Lobby)

Sound Effects

Color Change
Shuffle Cards
Toono Alert
0 Card Played
7 Card Played
Toono Trumpet


  • An animation was created featuring several Clash Partners playing Toono in association with an official Twitter comic.
  • Toono was added during the v1.2.5 update after it was suggested in the official Discord server by a player.
