The Litigation Team

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A promotional image made by crew member Mailman for the Overclocked C.L.O!

The Litigation Team is a new group of Cogs initially teased in Corporate Clash's 9th comic: "Hired Help" where the Litigation Team is tasked with assisting the Chief Legal Officer in her duties to combat the Toons. The Litigation Team is present in the second round of the Overclocked Chief Legal Officer fight.

The Litigation Team consists of four members:

  1. Mundie Mudsnapper, the Litigator
  2. Courtney Case, the Stenographer
  3. Barry Brief, the Case Manager
  4. Kilo Kidd, the Scapegoat

Overclocked Chief Legal Officer

In the Overclocked Chief Legal Officer's fight, Bumpy and Lauren are ready to raid the C.L.O.'s Executive Lawfice, which happens to be in a private meeting with the Litigation Team. The C.L.O. orders the four recently-assigned Managers to remove the Toons from her premises.

The Litigation Team will split up and form into groups of two for each side of Toons. The groups are entirely randomized, but Toons can figure them out early by noticing their positions in their chairs. For example, if Scapegoat and Case Manager are sitting on the left side of the table, they will be fighting the group of Toons who are on the right side (upon entering the Executive Lawfice). Any Cogs joining the fight will spawn between the starting Managers, and will attack after them.

Each member has several cheats that may make certain combinations quite deadly. All of them have a few universal ones, such as Lure Resistance, which limits the amount of rounds they can be lured to 2 at most, and standard Manager benefits such as immunity to Cease & Desists, Pink Slips, and the 30% Executive boost from Trap. Additionally, the Litigation Team can queue up cheats for the next round if they are lured during the turn that they would activate, which can result in the cheat being used twice in one round if poorly timed.

If any remaining Litigation Team members are able to wipe out a full side of Toons, they will not remove themselves from the battle. Rather, they will wait until the other side has at least one less Manager before joining to their aid (with a limit of 2 Managers on a side at once). Likewise, if one side goes sad while the other side is not fighting, they will immediately be pulled into battle to deal with the remaining Cogs. Any damage applied from the previous battle will also carry over. If a Litigation Team member joins the other fight, they will not follow the traditional "social-distancing". This applies to any newly spawned Cogs at this point.

The last remaining member on either side will enter a Desperation Mode, which increases their damage output by 40% and strengthens their Lure Resistance by 1 round (causing them to unlure the same round that the Lure Gag is used). The Scapegoat will gain complete Lure Immunity if both in Desperation Mode and Enraged. This Desperation Mode is permanently removed upon their defeat, or temporarily if a member from the other side joins the fight.


Litigator Attacks


Evil Eye


Power Trip




Throw Book


Damage 43 36 38 48 40
Damage (Desperation) 61 51 54 68 56
Accuracy 85 95 75 75 90
Frequency 40 10 20 15 15
Stenographer Attacks
Buzz Word




Mumbo Jumbo




Pound Key


Damage 36 30 34 38 45
Damage (Desperation) 51 42 48 54 63
Accuracy 90 95 95 90 85
Frequency 20 10 30 25 15
Case Manager Attacks
Eviction Notice


Restraining Order


Fountain Pen


Guilt Trip




Damage 38 39 33 31 36
Damage (Desperation) 54 55 47 44 51
Accuracy 85 90 90 90 95
Frequency 15 10 35 30 10
Scapegoat Attacks


Guilt Trip


Finger Wag




Paradigm Shift


Damage / Rage Damage 40 / 52 36 / 47 38 / 50 32 / 42 33 / 43
Damage / Rage (Desperation) 56 / 73 51 / 66 54 / 70 45 / 59 47 / 61
Accuracy 90 80 95 95 90
Frequency 30 15 30 15 10


Contrary due to popular belief, it does not matter which Litigation Member is going to be destroyed first. Toons could pick and choose based on personal preference, but their opinions may chance depending on the set of Managers they will fight.

  • The Stenographer is often targeted first because of her ever increasing Court Costs cheat. It is possible to leave her last due to how long it takes for both of her cheats to trigger, which makes her empty-handed between those use.
  • The Litigator has the upper hand with his Cogs, requiring much precision and planning in order to minimize Bayou Bellow. It can help to target him first, since the other Managers don't have much of an impact with 6 Cogs on the table.
  • The Case Manager's Lure Resistance on other Cogs and the potential Overcharge can be deadly when applied on the right Cogs. He does have the lowest health pool compared to the other Members, so he can either be an easy first pick or delayed long enough before his destruction.
  • The Scapegoat deals incredible damage with his three group attacks alongside his unique Lure Immunity, but he does not have any cheats that cause other Cogs to wake up prematurely. The damage potential is halted with one simple Presentation.

There are some Gag combinations that will help with this process:

  • The first round is where Toons will often use a Squirt Gag and 3 Lightnings. They should be targeting the Manager that you are going to destroy first (unless your Zap is Prestige, in which case you target the opposite Cog). This deals roughly 800 damage to both Managers.
  • Squirt, Trap, and the cheer boost from Toon-Up can be used up to help build up accuracy for Drop (preferably Prestiged). Using 4 Pianos, or 4 Boulders is recommended if the Scapegoat is present with damage absorb.
    • In the event of only 3 Prestige Drop users or for a "just in case" back up for accuracy, let one person use Throw for the Marked status effect.


Litigator Loot Stenographer Loot

Litigator Sticker
Banner Loot VRare.png


Lawbot Suit Top
Banner Loot VRare.png


Lawbot Suit Pants
Banner Loot VRare.png


Stenographer Sticker
Banner Loot VRare.png


Diploma Bow
Banner Loot VRare.png


Gavel Backpack
Banner Loot VRare.png

Case Manager Loot Scapegoat Loot

Case Manager Sticker
Banner Loot VRare.png


The Book Of Law
Banner Loot VRare.png


Metallic Bowtie
Banner Loot VRare.png


Scapegoat Sticker
Banner Loot VRare.png


The Backstab
Banner Loot VRare.png


Lawbot Suit Bowtie
Banner Loot VRare.png

Banner Loot Sweet.png

The total Sweetener for defeating the Litigation Team is as follows:


Theme Audio File Theme Audio File
Base Theme
Litigator/Case Manager
Case Manager
Stenographer/Case Manager
Lawfice Table Toono Theme
Case Manager/Scapegoat


  • Litigation is the process of taking legal action.
  • While the Litigation Team members are shown with the Executive Suit in-game, they can be seen in the regular Lawbot suit in places like the website.
  • Each Manager has a set number of instruments that are tied to a "base" Litigation theme while fighting them.
  • Defeating the Litigation Team will count as a defeat for each individual member, even if Toons only fought 2.
  • The Litigation Team's fight is the only instance where Managers are found in a round of a boss battle.
  • The individual members of the Litigation Team have less than the standard 4 face-off-taunts that other Managers have.


The Cogs
Employees Sellbots Cold CallerTelemarketerName DropperGlad HanderMover & ShakerTwo-FaceMinglerMr. Hollywood
Cashbots Short ChangePenny PincherTightwadBean CounterNumber CruncherMoney BagsLoan SharkRobber Baron
Lawbots Bottom FeederBloodsuckerDouble TalkerAmbulance ChaserBack StabberSpin DoctorLegal EagleBig Wig
Bossbots FlunkyPencil PusherYesmanMicromanagerDownsizerHead HunterCorporate RaiderBig CheeseAutocaddie
Boardbots BagholderPaper HandsInsiderCircuit BreakerDeadlockShark WatcherMagnateHead Honcho
Specialist Cogs Field Specialists NeedlenoseShysterBarrister
Operations Analysts PettifoggerConveyancerAdvocate
Manager Bosses Facility Managers Factory ForemanMint SupervisorHead AttorneyClub PresidentUnstable Cogs
Taskline Managers Derrick ManLand Acquisition ArchitectPublic Relations RepresentativeDerrick HandDirector of Land DevelopmentDirector of Public Affairs
Street Managers Duck ShufflerDeep DiverGatekeeperBellringerMouthpieceFirestarterTreekillerFeatherbedder
Kudos Managers PrethinkerRainmakerWitch HunterMultislackerMajor PlayerPlutocratSatellite InvestorsChainsaw ConsultantPacesetter
The Litigation Team LitigatorStenographerCase ManagerScapegoat
Contractors Count ErclaimCount ErfitHigh Roller
Secretaries JudyJasonJennifer
Cog Bosses Senior Vice PresidentChief Financial OfficerChief Legal OfficerChief Executive OfficerChief Operating OfficerThe Chairman
Overclocked Bosses Overclocked Chief Legal Officer
Removed Cogs ClerkChief JusticeChief of DollarsCount Erclaim (Pre-Redesign)Sads the SkelecogRedd 'Heir' WingWitness Stand-InDirector of Land AcquisitionDirector of Public RelationsCon ArtistConnoisseurSwindlerMiddlemanToxic ManagerBig Fish