Judy in the comic "Lawfice Space"
Judy in the comic "Hired Help"
Judy is a Lawbot Manager that works as a secretary for the Chief Legal Officer. She is located in Lawbot Headquarters, residing at her desk in the Legal Administration Foyer. She is tasked in giving disguised Toons Directives that will give them access to the Executive Lobby, which unlocks the Overclocked Chief Legal Officer boss battle, allowing Toons to progress their Executive Lawbot Suit. She otherwise acts as an interactive Cog that will brush off any unwanted business.
Lawbot HQ - Judy appears in every Lawbot HQ Directive. Her dialogue during these directives is as follows:
Report Roundup
"I've been waiting for you."
"I was reviewing your most recent promotion papers, and it says here that you have been promoted to a Big Wig."
"According to company policy, you will receive a key to the executive lobby during this promotion process."
"I'll need to order one from corporate..."
"While I do that, I require some patent reports from the Lawfices, can you go talk to the Head Attorney and collect those?"
After recovering 2 Patent Reports from Head Attorneys
"Welcome back, did you get the reports I need?"
"Is that... blueberry? Hmmm..."
"Oh! The Head Attorney must have bought some new stationery!"
"Your key has not arrived yet, but there is still more you can do to help me out to pass the time."
"No point in you just standing around waiting."
"I was supposed to get reports from some of the local managers around town yesterday at noon, but nothing has come in yet."
"Would you go down to one of the buildings and check up on them?"
After defeating a Lawbot Building
"Well, that took longer than expected."
"Normally it does not take that long to collect reports."
"Did you encounter a Toon? That would explain why you took so long."
"Ah, I see."
"Well, even though that took a while, your key has not come in yet."
"I did receive notice that it has been made and shipped out, so that's the good news."
"I reckon that you do have your work to do. Why don't you go work on that rather than just standing there?"
"You don't have an assignment? Then go talk to your manager and get one."
After recovering an Assignment from a Micromanager
"I told you to obtain and complete an assignment."
"While yes, you got an assignment, this is directed towards a Bossbot."
"Of which you are not."
"Listen, your key is not here yet, but go talk to YOUR manager and get an assignment."
After recovering an Assignment from an Executive Big Wig
"Please, I don't need to see your assignment. Turn it in to your manager."
"Oh, you already did?"
"Good work then."
"While you were away I received your executive key."
"The executive lobby is through those doors behind you, remember to lock it up afterward."
"We don't want any Bottom Feeders wandering in or, even worse, a Toon sneaking through."
"I would report to Ms. Morsecode right away."
"She is meeting with the Litigation Team at the moment, but she should be able to make time for you."
Crossword Crisis
"Oh, it's a Pettifogger. Do you have anything you need to give me? I'm a bit busy at the moment."
"You have promotion papers? From the Executive Lawfice?"
"Alright, can you sign there?"
"I guess that's mostly legible. That will have to do."
"I'll file your papers, but it'll take some time before the executive office receives these."
"While you wait, can you do me a favor?"
"I just finished my last crossword puzzle and I need some more, but it will be a while before R.I.D.D.L.E comes out with another volume."
"If you could go and find me any crossword puzzles that aren't made by R.I.D.D.L.E, that would help me a ton."
After returning from Magus Bizzy
"Well, look who it is."
"Please tell me you got those puzzles. I desperately need something to pass the time around here."
"You did?"
"Thank you so much! These will come in handy!"
"A four-letter word that plays before a message is recorded... I'll need to think about that."
"Maybe I'll ask Janet what she thinks."
"Anyways, I received word that your promotion has been processed by corporate."
"Go clean your glasses before you go, they're smudged."
Needle Nonsense
"Welcome, I assume you are here to turn in some promotion papers?"
"Alright, hand them over and I can file them right away."
"These... these papers are sopping wet."
"I'm going to have to re-write these, which will take some time."
"Do you think you can help me out while I do that?"
"You can? That would be very helpful."
"Here's what I need: I need you to get me some spare needles."
"I was talking to Janet--do you know Janet? No?"
"Aw, well, I was talking to Janet, and she was telling me that she heard from a friend who heard from another friend..."
"That Jewel has a crush on one of the Cashbot vault guards!"
"I was so focused on this conversation that I carelessly broke my knitting needles in half."
"Anyways, try talking to some of the other Needlenoses around, they might know a good place to find some needles."
After recovering 2 Needles from Needlenoses
"That was pretty quick! Were you able to get me some needles?"
"These needles are all covered in oil. And... pie for that matter. These won't do at all."
"Sorry, but try to bring me something newer, these are in terrible condition."
"Maybe a Toon shop has needles? I remember talking to Susan and she told me about a great place for needles..."
"I think it was some place with 'Green' in the name?"
After returning from Eugene Bean
"Welcome back, I've almost finished your papers."
"Were you able to get those needles for me?"
"These... are sewing needles. I need knitting needles."
"Hmph, I guess I could use these if I ever wanted to get into sewing."
"I know you just got back from helping me out, but can you try to get me knitting needles instead? I can't use sewing needles to knit."
"You can? I appreciate it."
After returning from Shoshanna Sap
"Hello again, I just finished up your papers. Were you able to get those needles for me?"
"And they're clean?"
"Clean KNITTING needles?"
"For sure?"
"Well, I appreciate the help. I've already filed your papers, so you should get your promotion right away."
"Thanks for the new needles, let me know if you need anything else."
"Have a good day."
Temperature Troubles
"Good to see you again."
"I got your promotion papers from the Executive Lawfice. However, there was a bit of an... incident."
"Mundie came through just a moment ago and asked for some papers."
"I mistakenly handed your papers to him instead of the ones he asked for, only to see him accidentally light them on fire!"
"I can get you some new ones and I can even fill them out for you, but there's just one issue."
"Ever since the Litigation Team arrived, Mundie's flame has been making the offices warmer and warmer."
"As a Lawbot, you know how much we like the cold."
"With that increase in temperate, it is becoming harder and harder to work efficiently or comfortably."
"I know for a fact that there are plenty of places to get ice just outside the tunnel to here. Go get as much as possible, if you could."
After speaking with Choppy and recovering Ice from Sellbot Buildings
"Welcome back."
"This place is getting warmer by the minute."
"I saw a Bloodsucker shrivel up just a minute ago."
"Please, tell me you found some ice."
"That's... That's a lot of ice."
"You could fill an entire office with all of that ice."
"Thank you, you are a lifesaver."
"I'm still working on your papers, they only just finished printing."
"I do have something you could do in the meantime."
"All of this ice you just got me needs to be spread through the Lawfices."
"Would you be willing to go to the Lawfices and drop some of this ice off?"
"Just hand it to the Head Attorneys, they'll know what to do with it."
After defeating all three Lawfices
"You took quite a bit of time, but I'm glad you're back."
"A bit of an issue arose while you were spreading the ice."
"With the change in temperature, all of the Conveyancers goggles fogged up."
"They are just as blind as John was."
"I heard from Carl that there is a shop for defogging goggles."
"Try to go and 'coerce' the shopkeeper into giving you some defogger."
After returning from Greggory Goggles
"Welcome back."
"I hope you were able to get the defogger, I have seen no less than a few Conveyancers slam right into the door."
"You did?"
"I'm sure they'll appreciate this."
"Especially Carl."
"Come to think of it, I haven't heard from Carl since a little before you got back with the defogger..."
"Ah, I'm sure he's doing just fine."
"While you were away, I did manage to finish your papers."
"These papers will be submitted and you'll be promoted as soon as they are finished being processed."
"Thank you again for you help."
Docket Dilemma
"There you are. I tried calling you but you didn't seem to answer."
"It looks like you got some promotion papers here to sign. You can borrow my pen."
"If... I knew where I put it."
"Oh, that's right. Janet stopped by not too long ago and needed to use my pen. I guess she forgot to give it back."
"Yes, Janet. That Sellbot secretary always visits when she has the latest gossip."
"You remember those Bottom Feeders that kept asking for my number?"
"When I told the other secretaries this, it was her idea to give them a Telemarketer's phone number."
"Quite clever, isn't she? Anyways, there's your gossip of the day. As for the pen..."
"If you want to sign these papers, you're going to need a writing utensil of some kind."
"I'll put these in a safe place until you come back."
After recovering a Pencil from Pencil Pushers
"A... pencil?"
"Yes, I did say 'writing utensil', but I was meaning a pen. All legal documents are signed with a pen."
"Maybe that Mingler still has it. Why don't you fly over to Sellbot HQ and tell her Judy sent you?"
After recovering a Pen from a Mingler
"I see you have a pen! Did she say anything?"
"Why would she say... Oh!"
"'A four-letter word that plays before a message is recorded'. Why didn't I think of that?"
"I have to thank her later. But first, those papers."
"Please sign here, here, aaanndddd here."
"There we go. I will need to file these papers but I have other tasks to attend to."
"You want to help? I suppose if you aren't busy."
"I lost some old dockets I was expected to archive."
"I am quite unsure of where they went, so I have no leads for you other than the Toons."
"If you could find those for me, that would be fantastic. In the meantime, I will get started on your papers."
After returning from Webster and Sluggo Songbird
"Twenty boxes!?"
"I was only missing five pages! I didn't need twenty boxes of dockets!"
"It is no wonder you're getting promoted. You truly go beyond what is expected of you."
"I am still not done with these papers, however. If you are up for more duties, I can provide them."
"Let me see here..."
"I have some patents that need to be sent to the Head Attorney."
"They've been piling up as of late, and I could really use some help in getting these filed faster."
"I simply cannot handle them on my own."
"If you could deliver these to the Head Attorney, you would save me some trouble."
"Would you be willing to do that?"
"You would? Thank you so much, it's been difficult handling the recent storm of paperwork."
"I have a few filing cabinets of patents just sitting around."
"If you could take some patents and deliver them, that would be a great help."
After defeating 2 Head Attorneys
"Thank you so much, you took almost a whole filing cabinet over from what I saw. That's a big weight off my back."
"While you were delivering those patents, I received a memo that your papers were processed."
"Thanks again and enjoy your new position!"
Memo Mishap
"Yes, I am fine. I am going to need a moment given my mood. Come back later."
After recovering some Water Cooler Water from Cold Callers
"For me? I appreciate this greatly, thank you."
"Forgive my temper earlier. I received a memo from that Bossbot secretary, Jason, about needing copies."
"Says here that their copier broke because some bot stuck it with a golf club."
"I don't see why he couldn't have asked Jennifer!"
"Then again, she barely gets stuff done, and ONLY ever answers the phone immediately if it's that snake."
"I would get these papers sorted for you, but since Jason here said that his assignment was a 'top priority', I have to do that first."
"Why don't you do some of your work while I get these papers copied? Talk to some executives or something."
After defeating 20 Executive Cogs
"You're back quite soon. I am still waiting for the papers to be copied, so I do not have your papers ready yet."
"If you want, I have a memo here for Jason. If he's not available I guess drop it off by Mr. Oilcan if he isn't too busy."
"He doesn't mind visitors during banquet hours."
After defeating the C.E.O.
"So, remember that memo I gave you?"
"Turns out that memo was for the Vice President."
"Yeah... I am going to need you to quickly get that memo back and give it to Mr. Bravecog."
"But hey! Once you get back, I am sure these copies will be done."
After defeating the V.P.
"The copies are done. Thanks for doing that quick task for me."
"In return, I will copy your papers for you and get this done."
"Why don't you have a well-deserved break?"
"Stroll through the Lawfices perhaps? That usually calms me down."
After defeating a Lawfice
"You look tired. Normally that would help me relax."
"Is seeing the Head Attorney stressful?"
"That's fair, they can be quite intimidating. Especially Nix."
"One time I saw him come to work in a jabot."
"He looked like he was ready to send some Toon to the playground and fast."
"You would not believe what I heard about him."
"I overheard from one of the Legal Eagles that one time he just picked up and THREW a Toon out of the office!"
"If you ask me, I think the other Head Attorneys are afraid of him."
"Anyways, I have your promotion papers ready, but they need to be processed."
"I do know how you can help out around here."
"I heard from one of the Big Wigs that wig powder supply is low."
"If you can go get some, that'd be a huge help. The Big Wigs get antsy when they don't have powder."
"If you don't know where to go, I would talk to some Big Wigs. They usually know where to find some."
After returning from Don D. Toupee
"Once again, you manage to pull through. You are an incredible Cog."
"I can get some other Cog to distribute this through the Big Wig offices."
"I'm sure they'll appreciate this, those wigs can get very uncomfortable from what I hear."
"While you were away, your papers were finished, so your promotion is ready."
"You know, you are rising through the ranks fast. I wouldn't be surprised if I saw you become a top executive."
"Keep up the excellent work, I think we'll see each other again soon."
Fashion Fiasco
"Good to see you again. You are here for your promotion, right?"
"Seems to be the highest ranking one here too. Would you look at that!"
"Usually Cogs like yourself should be participating in a banquet. Why don't you go attend one right now?"
"I've heard they'll give out free doughnuts to Cogs such as yourself for getting the highest promotion."
After defeating the C.E.O.
"Good to see you're back. I heard the banquet got overrun by Toons... again."
"Jason tells me it's a frequent occurrence. Same as every other department head... except the Chairman, of course."
"He's got some high-end security, so it is impossible for any Toon to slip past and get into his headquarters."
"That aside, while you were gone, I took the liberty of beginning your papers."
"This will take some time, so while you are at it why don't you..."
"Get yourself a new suit? Yours seems to be a bit worn, plus it has some pie stains."
"I should be finished by the time you get back."
After returning from obtaining a new suit
"How can I help you?"
"A promotion?"
"Oh wait! It's you!"
"I didn't recognize you with your new suit there! Looks great!"
"Anyways, I have finished your papers. I need you to sign everything required."
"Alright. Now there is one final step that needs to be done."
"All you need to do now is go up to the Executive Lawfice, and hand these in to Ms. Morsecode."
"You know where to find her. She's meeting with the Litigation Team at the moment, but you should be able to talk to her."
"She's willing to make time for promotions."
After defeating an Overclocked C.L.O.
"Welcome back, I hope the meeting went well."
"How'd it go?"
"That's good to hear, if you could hand me the papers back I can file them right away."
"Oh, dear."
"These are signed 'Barry Brief'."
"You must have gotten the papers mixed up."
"You need to give these back and talk to Ms. Morsecode again."
After defeating another Overclocked C.L.O.
"It's good to see you again."
"I hope you got those papers fixed, Barry would never have let me hear the end of it if you hadn't."
"If you ask me, he has some anger issues."
"Anyways, if you'll let me see those papers..."
"Let me just..."
"And you are good to go!"
"Hold on."
"The fax machine is out of ink."
"If you want those files processed soon, you are going to need to get some ink."
"The Bloodsuckers used to be good for ink, but after the upgrade, that's just not an option anymore."
"OH! I know. I heard that some Bloodsuckers throw ink into the ponds over in the Central."
"Maybe you can get some ink from there."
After fishing up some ink
"You're back already? That was fast. Normally Cogs get Toon opposition on the way to a pond."
"I'll need someone to deliver this to the fax machines on floor 12..."
"I'll call someone else, you've done enough as of late."
"As soon as this is delivered, your papers will be faxed in, and you'll get your well-deserved promotion."
"Thank you for all of the help recently, I appreciate it so much, and some of the other Cogs around here have been talking about you as well."
"You sure have left your mark as one of the best lawyers C.O.G.S. Inc. has to offer."
The Comics - Judy appears in the following Corporate Clash Comics:
Judy will say the following phrases while interacting with her normally:
Interacting Without a Directive Available |
Interacting With a Directive Available |
Exiting the Directive Prompt |
As a part of the COGS.ink ARG, Judy was used to give players the login information of the Mouthpiece through information about a knitting club. This dialogue is triggered saying the phrase "Are you part of the club?" located at the end of the Cog Speak SpeedChat tab and will prompt Judy to say the following to the player:
Judy's Story |
"Club? What club?" |
Judy in the comic "Lawfice Space"
Judy in the comic "Hired Help"