Professor Loosescrew

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Professor Loosescrew is an NPC Toon who could be found during the Mayday and Break The Law events. During Mayday he could be found in the Minigames Area helping to fix Doe Vinci's plane. During Break The Law he could be seen inspecting the entrance to Count Erclaim's Abode.


Professor Loosescrew is a pink Raccoon who wears a Scientist Outfit.

Story Appearances

Event Tasks - Professor Loosescrew appears in an April Toons 2019 ToonTask which allowed players to access Sky Clan. His dialogue during this task is as follows:

April Toons 2019 ToonTask

"You happened to arrive just in time to witness a true marvel!"
"Well, if we can get a few last things in order, that is!"
"As you can see, we are in the final stages of reconstructing this plane!"
"We'll be able to fly!"
"Where to? Who knows!"
"Hey! Perhaps you could come along and be the first to figure it out!"
"You don't happen to know how to fly a plane, do you?"
"No prior knowledge, you say...?"
"Close enough!"
"The first thing we need to get this puppy off the ground is some plane fuel."
"I hear the cogs are in need of an oil change."
"Why not make their jobs easier and take it for us instead?"

After recovering some plane fuel

"Welcome back!"
"That sure was slick, just like this fuel will be!"
"You might want to throw those gloves in the wash, by thr way. That oil sets in quickly!"
"Oh, by the way, I forgot to mention..."
"The second thing we'll need are some loose screws!"
"My hypothesis states that during the initial crash of this plane, the screws were sent flying allllll over Toontown."
"We tracked quite a few down, but we're sitll missing several."
"It seems fitting to me, as you can't be Professor Loosescrew without losing a few!"
"If you could, please find them and bring them right here!"

After finding some Screws

"Gotta give you your dues and good news! Looks like you'll be able to cruise after finding all those screws!"
"Oh, and don't worry, I'll triple-check to make sure every single loose screw is screwed on tightly to the plane."
"In fact, I'll EVEN quadruple-check. Just for you!"
"There is one last problem that we have to realistically face, however."
"We need a pilot!"
"Although you demonstrated your extreme skill, and us scientists sure are smart, we are both frankly not masters in aviation."
"Perhaps, however, Webster over in Ye Olde Toontowne knows a thing or two."
"He's a real modern-day Einstoon!"
"He has nearly every book on just about anything in Toontown."
"Especially about flying, hopefully!" "If not, we'll just have to get him flapping his wings to take this plane off!"
"Only kidding... Slightly."
"His shop is Webster's Olde Dictionaries over on Noble Nook."

After returning from Doe Vinci

"What took you so long?"
"Doe Vinci here ran ahead and told me everything!"
"I knew we could count on you, [Toon Name]!"
"According to my calculations, Doe Vinci is indeed the pilot of this here plane."
"You better strap in your seatbelts, and don't mind the bars of soap, because we're ready for takeoff!"
"You better speak to Doe Vinci quick before you go." "She'll be piloting you to new land!"

When leaving for Sky Clan

"Everything looks good to me!"

Misc. Appearances

Other Dialogue

Professor Loosescrew had additional dialogue during Mayday that he would say while Toons were in the area that would change as the event progressed. Some of this dialogue is as follows:

  • "I think if we just loosen some of the screws from the statue topper..."
  • "Perhaps those screws were a liiiittle more important than previously thought..."
  • "Make sure you're using your legs, not your back! We've got quite a few pieces left!"
  • "I think we're missing a few steps here guys..."


  • Due to a bug, during his Break The Law appearance Professor Loosescrew could be cloned by leaving and entering the area repeatedly.
