Restoration Station

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The Restoration Station is a stand located in the Toontown Central Playground. This stand is operated by Paletti Swatch. By visiting the Restoration Station, Toons can choose to purchase a Redraw, Rename, or Respec. Redrawing and Renaming both have a specific cooldown, which can be seen on the Calendar page of their Shtickerbook. Additionally, Ubers can choose to Respec their Toon, removing their status as an Uber.



Redraw neutral.png

Redraws allow a Toon to change their colors and species by taking them to the Make A Toon menu. This menu will share all of the original options as if the player was creating a new Toon, with the exception of the outfit selector. Until the redraw has been finalized, Toons are able to back out of a redraw at any time and can freely experiment to their heart's content. Jellybeans will not be spent until the Redraw has been completed.

Redraws can be purchased for 10,000 Jellybeans and cannot be bought for another 7 days after the Redraw is complete. Toons can Redraw themselves for free once before they have to start paying for Redraws.


Rename neutral.png

Renames allow a Toon to change their name to a new one in a similar manner to the initial naming process seen in the Make A Toon menu. Much like Redraws, they will not go through until the process has completed and Jellybeans will not be spent until this point, meaning a Toon can freely choose to back out if they decide they don't want to Rename themselves. Once the process has been finished, the Toon will retain their current name until their new name has been approved by the Corporate Clash Moderators.

Renames can be purchased for 10,000 Jellybeans and cannot be bought for another 30 days after the Rename has been submitted. Toons can Rename themselves for free once before they have to start paying for Renames.



Respec allows for Ubers to remove their status as an Uber and restore their Laff Points to that of a normal Toon, matching their current progress in game. Respecs are permanent, so once an Uber has chosen to respec, they will not be able to turn back into one. Respecs will always be free.


  • Occasionally, Redraws have been given away for free.
    • This usually happens in the event of Make A Toon changes, such as the clothing changes in v1.2.5 and the eyelash changes in v1.3.0.
  • The formula for Cog health can be seen on the Respec icon's blueprints.