Shady Sadie

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Shady Sadie is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Used Groundhog Shadows located on Polar Place in The Brrrgh.


Shady Sadie is a coral dog who wears a lavender Plain shirt and the Rainbow skirt.

Story Appearances

The Brrrgh - Shady Sadie appears in the Joining The System Kudos Board Rank-Up Task. Their dialogue during this task is as follows:

Joining The System

"Were you sent by Rocky?!"
"Nevermind, Toon HQ doesn't have a secret code."
"Okay, so I was visited by three Skelecogs, as well as a strange tiny Cog."
"The Skelecogs were fat, skinny, and buff Cogs, the bunch of them."
"The tiny one had a round head and a monocle. He referred to one of the Skelecogs as "Sticks.""
"They all threatened to take over my shop unless I paid them!"
"The little guy mentioned something about joining a system, or else... anyway."
"Then they took all of my Gags and said they'd be back in three days!"
"I can't hold out until then!"
"Tell Rocky or whoever it is over there that they have to take these Cogs down and fast!"