Boss Tiers

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Boss Tiers were a system put in place to scale the difficulty of Cog Boss Fights for groups of Toons that had progressed to higher suits levels. There would be 3 difficulty tiers per Boss. The Boss Tier system was removed in v1.3.0 in favor of Content Sync.

Boss Tiers affected many aspects of Boss fights, such as Boss health, Cog level range, amount of rewards gained, and Boss specific mechanics.

Calculating Boss Tiers

Boss Tiers were calculated by taking the average of the Cog Suit tiers present in the group. Cog Suit tiers refer to the Cog's ranking in the Corporate Ladder (e.g. a Flunky suit would be Tier 1, and a Big Cheese suit would be Tier 8). In the case of calculating Executive disguises (exclusive to the Overclocked Chief Legal Officer in the mechanic's lifespan), the suit would always be classified as Tier 8. When calculating the suit average, the result would always round up to the nearest integer.

Each Boss Tier would require a specific range of Suit tier average:

Boss Tier Suit Tier Average
1 1-3
2 4-6
3 7-8

Boss Tier Effects

Senior Vice President

Boss Tier V.P. Health Max Cog Level Pie Carry Limit
(Final Round)
SOS Cards
1 100 HP Level 11 60 2
2 Level 12 45 3
3 Level 13 30 4

Chief Financial Officer

Boss Tier C.F.O. Health Max Cog Level Treasure Spawn Limit
(Final Round)
1 500 HP Level 13 35 1
2 1000 HP Level 14 30 2
3 1500 HP Level 15 25 3

Chief Legal Officer

Boss Tier C.L.O. Health Max Cog Level Sound Carry Limit
(Final Round)
Max Lawyer Level
(Final Round)
1 1000 HP Level 15 40 8 4
2 1250 HP Level 16 35 9 6
3 1500 HP Level 17 30 10 9

Chief Executive Officer

Boss Tier C.E.O. Health Max Cog Level Banquet Cog Levels Pink Slips
1 600 HP Level 17 Level 10 v2.0 7
2 800 HP Level 18 Level 12 v2.0 9
3 1000 HP Level 19 Level 14 v2.0 11

Version History

v1.3.0 BETA
  • Info/Miscellaneous Added the Content Sync system.
    • Rebalance Content Sync completely replaces the Department Boss Tiers system.
      • All Department Bosses now have only one tier. Generally, they are balanced around Tier 2 for Cog rounds and Tier 3 for active rounds. Rewards are equal to those of Tier 2.
v1.2.6.1 BETA
  • Bugfix Fixed a long-standing oversight where the first battle round of a Tier 2 CEO had 50% more cogs than either Tier 1 or Tier 3.
v1.2.5 BETA
  • Rebalance (Cogs) The C.E.O.'s max speed now scales to his tier.
v1.2.0 BETA
  • Undocumented Change [undocumented] Executive disguises, achieved from the O.C.L.O fight, have been added to the game. They are always calculated as a Tier 8 Cog regardless of its appearance.
v1.1.4.1 BETA
  • Info/Miscellaneous Increased the Fire rewards from the CEO boss battle by +2 for all tiers.
v1.1.0.3 BETA
  • Buff (Cogs) Damage taken in the C.L.O. battle now has a small damage multiplier (up to 30%) depending on the tier of the boss.
  • Rebalance (Cogs) The Level 18.exe v2.0 Cog found in the second Cog Round can now be level 17 or level 19 depending on the tier.
v1.1.0.2 BETA
  • Rebalance (Cogs) The C.E.O. battle now has only 3 tiers. The requirements for each tier are Flunky, Micromanager, and Corporate Raider average suit for the group.
    • Tier 1 has level 17 Cogs in the first Cog round, level 10 v2.0 tier 6 Cogs in the second Cog round, 600 HP, and awards 5 Pink Slips.
    • Tier 2 has level 18 Cogs in the first Cog round, level 12 v2.0 tier 7 Cogs in the second Cog round, 800 HP, and awards 7 Pink Slips.
    • Tier 3 has level 19 Cogs in the first Cog Round, level 14 v2.0 tier 8 Cogs in the second Cog round, 1,000 HP and awards 9 Pink Slips.
    • These tier changes were made to keep the C.E.O. consistent with all other boss battles in the game.
v1.1.0.1 BETA
  • Info/Miscellaneous C.E.O. Fires awarded per tier are now 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.
  • Bugfix Fixed an issue where the V.P. boss battle wouldn’t use the proper tier calculation.
v1.1.0 BETA
  • Buff (Cogs) The CFO now has a max treasure spawn limit depending on the tier. It can be either 35, 30, or 25.
  • Rebalance (Cogs) The Sellbot VP boss battle now only has 3 tiers.
    • Tier one has a max cog level of 11, awards one SOS card, and gives 60 pies per restock.
    • Tier two has a max cog level of 12, awards two SOS cards, and gives 45 pies per restock.
    • Tier three has a max cog level of 13, awards three SOS cards, and gives 30 pies per restock.
  • Info/Miscellaneous Cog bosses will now round up when calculating the group's average suit tier. (This includes the Count Erclaim instance!)
v1.0.9 BETA
  • Bugfix Fixed levels in certain V.P./C.F.O. difficulty tiers
V1.0.4 BETA
  • Buff (Cogs) The C.E.O.'s max health has been increased, starting at 600 for tier 1, going up to 1000 at tier 5.
V1.0.3 BETA
  • Rebalance (Cogs) CEO Banquet Cogs now scale according to the tier.
V1.0.2 BETA
  • Rebalance (Cogs) Tier 1 VP has been rebalanced.
    • Buff Pies will now heal 3 laff at tier 1.
    • Nerf (Cogs) The maximum level for the VP in tier 1 is now 11.
  • Rebalance (Cogs) VP Skelecog level minimums are now 5 + the tier. For example, a tier 1 VP would have level 6 skelecogs at minimum, while a tier 4 would have level 9s.
  • Info/Miscellaneous Implemented CJ bonus weight for lower tier CJ fights.
    • The weight is calculated as seats - 2, or 0, whichever is higher.
V1.0.1 BETA Patch 3
  • Info/Miscellaneous Bonus weight has been implemented into lower tier CJ fights. The weight is 2 less than the number of seats.
V1.0.0 BETA [Game Release]
  • Info/Miscellaneous All Bosses have tier systems by calculating the group's suit average. The higher the average Cog disguise of the group, the harder the Boss will be and the more rewards you will gain at the end.


  • Some Bosses could have up to 5 tiers, but this was standardized to 3 tiers per Boss in v1.1.0.2.
    • Specifically, the C.E.O. had 5 tiers and the V.P. had 4 tiers (changed in v1.1.0).
  • The C.E.O.'s max speed would scale with the Boss Tier.