Caroling is an activity Toons can participate in during Toonsmas events. Toons will go around each and use one of the "winter" SpeedChat phrases to specific Toon Shopkeepers. Doing so will award Toons with +100 Jellybeans . Once Toons have done their caroling to all 8 Playground locations, a snowman head Cheesy Effect will be rewarded.
Typically, each year will have new caroling locations for Toons to visit. Toons can visit the caroling locations in any order, though the hints are given out in the standard Playground progression, with Drowsy Dreamland's riddle looping back to Toontown Central. Additionally, the SpeedChat phrases are ordered the same way, with the Toontown Central location requiring the first SpeedChat phrase.
Once Toons have done their caroling to all 8 Playground locations, a snowman head Cheesy Effect will be rewarded.
There are 8 different carols on the SpeedChat list during Toonsmas to match the 8 different Playgrounds. When the correct phrase is used in the correct Building, your Toon will sing the full song. The song can be replayed by using the SpeedChat phrase again, but will not give any reward. If the incorrect song is chosen at a caroling location, the Shopkeeper will ask the Toon to sing a different song.
We wish you a merry Toonsmas...
We wish you a Merry Toonsmas!
We wish you a Merry Toonsmas!
We wish you a Merry Toonsmas and a Happy Toon Year!
Deck the halls with seltzer spray...
Deck the halls with seltzer spray!
Have a Merry Toonsmas Holiday!
Zing-le bells...
Zapping through the Cogs,
With a hundred radios!
Through their CPUs.
Charring up their clothes!
And while we are playing...
And while we are playing,
A late night game of Toono,
Laughter abound, with friends all around,
To remind us of games long ago.
Up on the housetop...
Up on the housetop, to applause,
Down jumps good old Santa Paws,
Slides through the chimney with gags and toys,
Something for everyone, Toonsmas joys!
Eight gag tracks to use each day...
Eight gag tracks to use each day,
We don't do much work, just play!
Live and laugh in harmony,
I'll do for you, you'll do for me!
I have a little dreidel...
I have a little dreidel, t'was made from crumbs of pie.
It doesn't really spin well, but it was worth a try!
Oh, dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, t'was made from crumbs of pie.
And when those foul Cogs show up, I think I'll let it fly!
Out on the ice...
Out on the ice,
Fishing tonight.
All is calm, snow so white.
Toonsmas 2018
The following are the caroling locations for Toonsmas 2018:
Toon Shop | Location | Carol |
Soup and Crack Ups | Loopy Lane, TTC | We wish you a merry Toonsmas... |
Root Beer Afloats | Seaweed Street, BB | Deck the halls... |
Bonbon Ballistae | Noble Nook, YOTT | Zing-le bells... |
Dew Drop Inn | Petunia Place, DG | Al Bumbledorf... |
I Can Handel It! | Baritone Boulevard, MML | Stephen the Snowman... |
Heat-Get It While It's Hot | Sleet Street, The Brrrgh | Rocking around... |
Acre for Sickness Medical Center | Peanut Place, AA | Let it throw... |
Snuggle Inn | Lullaby Lane, DDL | Most wonderful time... |
Toonsmas 2019
The following are the caroling locations for Toonsmas 2019:
Toon Shop | Location | Carol |
Laughing Lessons | Silly Street, TTC | We wish you a merry Toonsmas... |
Piano Tuna Works for Scale | Buccaneer Boulevard, BB | Deck the halls... |
Draw-Bridge Art Academy | Noble Nook, YOTT | Zing-le bells... |
April's Showers and Tubs | Tulip Terrace, DG | Al Bumbledorf... |
Yuki's Ukeleles | Tenor Terrace, MML | Stephen the Snowman... |
Aunt Arctic's Soup Shop | Sleet Street, The Brrrgh | Rocking around... |
Acorn Fields Farming Supplies | Peanut Place, AA | Let it throw... |
Sleeping Beauty Parlor | Pajama Place, DDL | Most wonderful time... |
Toonsmas 2020
The following are the caroling locations for Toonsmas 2020:
Toon Shop | Location | Carol |
Mary's Go Around Travel Company | Silly Street, TTC | We wish you a merry Toonsmas... |
Burger King Crabs | Anchor Avenue, BB | Deck the halls... |
Critical Roles: Job Finding | Wizard Way, YOTT | Zing-le bells... |
Flower Bed and Breakfast | Tulip Terrace, DG | Al Bumbledorf... |
Schumann's Shoes for Men | Tenor Terrace, MML | Stephen the Snowman... |
Mr. Cow's Snow Plows | Walrus Way, The Brrrgh | Rocking around... |
Hivemind Bee Keeper Academy | Legume Lane, AA | Let it throw... |
Waltzing Matilda's Dance School | Pajama Place, DDL | Most wonderful time... |
Toonsmas 2021
The following are the caroling locations for Toonsmas 2021:
Toon Shop | Location | Carol |
The Kaboomery | Loopy Lane, TTC | We wish you a merry Toonsmas... |
Yacht's All, Folks! | Buccaneer Boulevard, BB | Deck the halls... |
MacBreath Mints | Wizard Way, YOTT | Zing-le bells... |
The Salad Bar | Tulip Terrace, DG | Al Bumbledorf... |
Gift Wrapping | Soprano Street, MML | Stephen the Snowman... |
Northern Lights Electric Company | Walrus Way, The Brrrgh | Rocking around... |
Tree Rings Jewelry | Peanut Place, AA | Let it throw... |
Sleep Walkers Retirement Home | Twilight Terrace, DDL | Most wonderful time... |
Spooky Toonsmas 2022/Toonsmas 2023
The following are the caroling locations for Spooky Toonsmas 2022 and Toonsmas 2023:
Toon Shop | Location | Carol |
Topsy Turvey Tailors | Wacky Way, TTC | We wish you a merry Toonsmas... |
Knots So Fast | Lighthouse Lane, BB | Deck the halls with seltzer spray... |
The Holy Grail & Other Useless Dinnerware | Knight Knoll, YOTT | Zing-le bells... |
Photo Cynthia's Camera Store | Daisy Drive, DG | And while we are playing... |
Jingle Bell Ringtones | Soprano Street, MML | Up on the housetop... |
Winter Storage | Sleet Street, The Brrrgh | Eight gag tracks to use each day... |
Humid Henry's Humming Humidifiers | Almond Avenue, AA | I have a little dreidel... |
Call It A Day Calendars | Lullaby Lane, DDL | Out on the ice... |
Removed Carols
These carols were listed in the SpeedChat menu until Spooky Toonsmas 2022.
Bumbledorf the red nosed reindeer...
Bumbledorf the Red-Nosed Reindeer,
Had a very shiny nose.
And if you ever saw it,
You would even say it glows!
Stephen The Snowman...
Stephen the Snowman,
Was a jolly, happy soul!
With a turqouise cap and a carrot nose,
And his eyes made out of coal!
Rocking around the Toonsmas tree...
Rockin' around the Toonsmas tree,
Training up that petty Drop.
Bowling Balls hung where you can see,
Every Cog fails to look up!
Let it Throw...
Oh the weather outside is frightful,
But the scent of pie is delightful.
And since we've no place to go.
Let It Throw! Let It Throw! Let It Throw!
It's the most wonderful time...
It's the most wonderful time,
It's the most wonderful time of the year!
- Each of the carols is a reference to a real song:
- "We wish you a merry Toonsmas" = "We Wish You a Merry Christmas"
- "Deck the halls with seltzer spray" = "Deck the Halls"
- "Zing-le bells" = "Jingle Bells"
- "And while we are playing" = "Oh Hanukkah, Oh Hanukkah"
- "Up on the housetop" is the same name as the original song.
- "Eight gag tracks to use each day" = "Oh Happy Kwanzaa"
- "I have a little dreidel" is the same name as the original song.
- "Out on the ice" = "Silent Night"
- "Al Bumbledorf" = "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer"
- "Stephen the Snowman" = "Frosty the Snowman"
- "Rocking around" = "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree"
- "Let it throw" = "Let it Snow"
- "Most wonderful time" = "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year"
- Prior to Spooky Toonsmas 2022, "Zing-le bells" lyrics were as follows:
- "Zapping through the Cogs, With a hundred volt balloon! Through their CPUs. Watch them all go boom!"
A video demonstrating caroling