Toontown Central

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Toontown Central is the first Neighborhood in the Main Taskline, and is located between Barnacle Boatyard, Ye Olde Toontowne, Daffodil Gardens, and Mezzo Melodyland. Toontown Central is the heart of Toontown, featuring stylized, cartoonish buildings sporting a bright colorful palette. This Neighborhood is completely immune to Cog Invasions.


The Toontown Central Playground is home to many landmark buildings and useful locations for Toons to interact with. These buildings are the Gag Shop, Trolley, Pet Shop, Clothing Shop, Toon HQ, Fishing docks, and Kudos Board. There are buildings completely unique to this playground, being the Toon Hall, Toontown School House Toontown Library, Toontown Bank, and the Restoration Station. It also has many NPCs listed below:

The Toontown Central playground is a town square, featuring grassy fields, picket fences, colorful buildings, and large mountains off in the distance. Statues, hedges, and flower planters can be found throughout, with a gazebo at the heart of the playground. A unique feature of this playground are the butterflies that can be found fluttering about.

Many of the landmarks here are extremely important. The Tutorial takes place in the Toontown School House, where Toons will learn the ins and outs of Toontown and its Cog Battles. On the outside lies the entrance to the School House basement, where Toons will face off against the Prethinker when they've gained access to that area.

The Toon Hall is where Toons will report to Flippy, who will aid them throughout the Main Taskline. It also houses the Club Creation Center and Club Shop, allowing Toons to create Clubs and obtain exclusive rewards.

The Restoration Station is a handy tool for Toons looking to change up their style, allowing them to redraw and rename themselves. If the Toon is an Uber (legacy content), they'll have the option to respec their Laff, reverting the Laff restriction.

Scattered about the Playground are ice cream treasures which Toons can pick up to regain Laff. Toons will also passively heal every 30 seconds while in the Playground. Knock Knock doors located on the Streets will heal for the same amount as treasures.

Ice Cream.png Default Heal Kudos Rank 5+ Kudos Rank 8+
Treasure +2 Laff +8 Laff +14 Laff
Passive +1 Laff +7 Laff +13 Laff


Streets Destination Cog Levels .exe Sellbotemblem.png Cashbotemblem.png Lawbotemblem.png Bossbotemblem.png Boardbotemblem.png
Loopy Lane Alto Avenue 1 - 4 5% 5% 5% 40% 30% 20%
Punchline Place Buccaneer Boulevard 1 - 4 5% 40% 40% 5% 5% 10%
Silly Street Noble Nook 1 - 3 10% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20%
Wacky Way Daisy Drive 1 - 4 5% 5% 5% 20% 30% 40%


The Toontown Central Taskline is the beginning of the Main Taskline and precedes the Barnacle Boatyard Taskline. The taskline begins immediately after finishing the Toontorial, where Toons will be introduced to the town's mayor, Flippy, who will help guide and teach them about Toontown. Afterwards, they'll meet up with Lord Lowden Clear and get their first ToonTask requiring them to defeat the Cogs. Afterwards, the Toon will get acquainted with Toontown Central's townsfolk, aiding them in their troubles. Finally, the Toon will uncover the mystery of the missing Resistance Ranger Rain by investing Gagsoline Oil Refineries and take down the Derrick Man, completing this Neighborhood's Taskline.


Toons will immediately have access to Toontown Central's Sidetasks. These tasks are optional, and give out unique rewards for completing them. Toons can obtain these tasks by speaking to specific shopkeepers in Toontown Central, both in the playground and on its streets. Yellow exclamation points on the street map indicate where a sidetask can be obtained.

Sidetask Reward Location
Pete's Apology Teleport Access Professor Pete (Playground)
Trashcat Troubles Trashcat Outfit Travis (Playground)
Cream-Be-Gone Invisible Cheesy Effect Loopy Lane
Fire Safety Firefighter Outfit Loopy Lane
Monkey See Monkey Do Zany Nametag Wacky Way
New Toony Tourist Selfie Profile Pose Tumbles (Playground)
Bugged Out Bughunter Beta Tester Outfit Bay T. Tester (Playground)

Kudos Tasks

Kudos Tasks in Toontown Central

At the start of the game, Toons will have access to Toontown Central's Kudos Board and its Kudos Tasks. There are a wide variety of tasks to choose from scaled to the difficulty of the Neighborhood. As this is the first Neighborhood in the Taskline, its Kudos Task are the easiest in the game, requiring very simple goals like defeating 6-12 Cogs or obtaining 24-58 Gag Experience.

Completing enough Kudos Board Tasks will require you to complete a Rank-Up Task to reach the next Kudos Rank. Kudos Ranks give permanent rewards and boosts while in that Neighborhood. Kudos Ranks 1-5 will be available for Toons to reach by default, with Ranks 6-10 accessible only after completing the Toontown Central Taskline. The following is a list of Toontown Central Rank-Up Tasks:

Rank Task
1→2 Taking Out The Trash
2→3 Panic! At the Discount
3→4 Give and Cake
4→5 The Mysterious Duck
5→6 Easy As Pie In The Sky
6→7 An Oldie but a Goodie
7→8 Double Coil and Trouble
8→9 Scraping News
9→10 Brainiacs in the Basement
10+ +20 Gumballs Gumballs.png


The following is a list of Fish Species that can be caught in Toontown Central:

Toontown Central Fish‎ ‎
Fish Species
Balloon Fish.png
Balloon Fish
Balloon Fish
Hot Air Balloon Fish
Weather Balloon Fish
Water Balloon Fish
Red Balloon Fish
Cat Fish.png
Cat Fish
Cat Fish
Clown Fish.png
Clown Fish
Clown Fish
Sad Clown Fish
Party Clown Fish
Circus Clown Fish
Star Fish.png
Star Fish
Star Fish
Five Star Fish
Rock Star Fish
Shining Star Fish
All Star Fish
Holey Mackerel.png
Holey Mackerel
Holey Mackerel
Dog Fish.png
Dog Fish
Dog Fish
Puppy Dog Fish
Amore Eel.png
Amore Eel
Amore Eel
Nurse Shark.png
Nurse Shark
Nurse Shark
King Crab.png
King Crab
King Crab
Sea Horse.png
Sea Horse
Sea Horse
Rocking Sea Horse
Pool Shark.png
Pool Shark
Pool Shark
Cutthroat Trout.png
Cutthroat Trout
Cutthroat Trout
Piano Tuna.png
Piano Tuna
Piano Tuna
PB&J Fish
PB&J Fish
Grape PB&J Fish
Strawberry PB&J Fish
Devil Ray.png
Devil Ray
Devil Ray


Theme Audio File
Playground Theme
Gag Shop Theme
Street Theme
Gag N' Go Theme
Building Interior Theme
Street Battle Theme
Travis Theme
Playground Theme (Halloween)
Playground Theme (Toonsmas)
Playground Theme (pre v1.3.0)
Gag Shop Theme (pre v1.3.0)


  • Toontown Central has the most unique landmark buildings out of any Playground.
  • There are two hidden nameplates in Toontown Central.
    • The playground nameplate can be acquired by saying "Yeehaw!" (located under the Happy SpeedChat section) near the cowboy statue by the Toontown Library in the playground.
    • You can get the other nameplate by clicking on the banana peel in Toon Hall.
  • Travis has his own unique theme that plays when Toons get near him.


Locations in Toontown
Neighborhoods Toontown CentralBarnacle BoatyardYe Olde ToontowneDaffodil GardensMezzo MelodylandThe BrrrghAcorn AcresDrowsy DreamlandMinigames AreaRoadster RacewayEstates
Cog Headquarters Sellbot HeadquartersCashbot HeadquartersLawbot HeadquartersBossbot HeadquartersBoardbot Headquarters
Events Sky ClanToonseltownBoredbot Headquarters