Franz Neckvein

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Franz Neckvein is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in The Punch Line Gym located on Punchline Place in Toontown Central.


Franz Neckvein is a tan mouse wearing a maroon Plain shirt, sea green High Pockets shorts, the Anvil Hat, and Black Athletic Shoes.


Franz Neckvein can be given out by Rain as a 2 Gag IOU from the V.P. boss battle. He boosts the power the next two Drop Gags used by 45 damage.

Story Appearances

Toontown Central - In Toontown Central's taskline Franz Neckvein appears in the following task: Zit's Time to Pump Iron. His dialogue during this task is as follows:

Zit's Time to Pump Iron

"Oh, are you zat new Resistance recruit? Velcome to my gym. I train all Toons to grow big, strong muscles."
"Zat iz, if I had my equipment. I have a bit of a problem, you zee."
"My squat racks and heavy weights have been lifted by ze Cogs."
"I need you to go find zem and bring zem back to me so I can continue training Toons."
"And try not to struggle too much lifting zem with your leetle scrawny muscles. Remember to use ze legs, not ze back."

After recovering some exercise supplies

"Ah, perfect! Zese supplies look as immaculate as my form when squatting a zouzand pound weight."
"I zank you for returning zese, but I zink you vill need more training. Go find three Cogs and terminate them. I am sure you vill be back in no time."

After defeating 3 Cogs

"Bravo! You are a truly zpecial zpecimen."
"You must ztop by again to train with me even more. Your form was impeccable."
"You are free to go leetle toon, zank you for your azziztance."
"Run! Go! Get to the Toon Headquartahs!"

Unique Interaction Dialogue

Franz Neckvein has unique dialogue when attemtping to interact with him. This dialogue is as follows:

  • "Hello, leetle Toon."
  • "Velcome to my gym."
  • "Remember to use ze legs, not ze back."


  • Prior to the v1.2.0 update, when called using an SOS card in battle, Franz Neckvein would use Drop on all Cogs in battle dealing 180 damage to each using Boulders.
  • Prior to the v1.3.0 update, Franz Neckvein was a 4-Star SOS Card who boosted the power of Drop Gags by 15% for the next 3 turns when called.
