Looming Lawbot/Task Script

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Current Task Script

Looming Lawbot

"Welcome back once again, [Toon Name]."
"We are in need of your assistance once more."
"Merlin Ambrice tells us those dastardly Lawbots are giving him trouble, stealing his supplies!"
"See if you might be able to get to the bottom of this. He is located on Wizard Way."
"Best of luck in the trials ahead."

"Greetings, young grasshopper. Art thou a new student?"
"Ah, thou possesseth that determined sparkle in thine eye. Thou musteth be mine own helper senteth by Ye Olde Elders!"
"Things hath beeneth quite a mess arounde here, in this moment."
"Mine own worry lieth in that there may beeth trouble afoot! Recently, those Lawbots haveth been rather aggressive."
"Moresoeth than usual!"
"They hath paideth mine own school many a hostile visit, ransacking mine own humbleth school for all the supplies they can findeth."
"Ink, quills, parchment, everything!"
"What couldeth those machines most fiendish possibly needeth a supply so large of scribing supplies for?!"
"I knoweth those pesky Lawbots loveth legal writings, but this beeth pure insanity!"
"I begeth of thee... taketh down some of those colossal gray eyesores. Surely they are buildingeth a stockpile of mine own belongings within by now."

"Thou art backeth! How did it goeth?"
"Mine own beloved scribing supplies! So they did indeed hoardeth them within."
"But for what, I wondereth?"
"Ah, it seems one of those foul beasts lefteth a note within."
"A very, very long note."
"I can't readeth this."
"This language is nigh indecipherableth."
"However, I doth knoweth of one who may indeed be able to deciphereth it."
"Doth payeth a visit to Mad Ernage. His shop is Brain over Bronze - Metalworkers, downeth the street."
"That fellow would be ableth to geteth to the bottom of this if anyone, mad as he is."
"Maketh haste, and good luck!"

"Salutations, whippersnapper! What can I do for you on this fine day?"
"Help translating a memo? You do know this is a metalworking shop and not a library, correct?"
"I'd pay Webster a visit, he's over on Noble Nook."
"Merlin requested you expatiate with me specifically?"
"I am in utter stupefaction; the neighboring shopkeepers are not fond of my intricate lexicon and dialect!"
"Seriously, the nerve! Calling me "barking mad" and all! No appreciation for the most profound of linguistics."
"Alright, fine. Let's see that memo."
"A memo is defined by its brevity. This is more akin to a novel."
"I'm going to need a trice to read through this."
"How about annihilating some of those malevolent machines in the meantime?"
"Their incessant cacophany makes it hard to focus."

"You've returned, and just in time."
"No wonder those scoundrels needed so much parchment, the author is a true rival to my own verbosity."
"Here's what I've surmized from this essay of a "memo.""
"It's urgent. The Cogs in this locale are assembling, and their stratagem is underway."
"They're looking to bring freedom to that Cog sealed in the dungeon."
"I'm afraid you must act quickly-they've already set up an outpost on one of the towers bordering the Playground!"
"What are you still standing here for? Visit Al Bumbledorf, posthaste!"

"Oh dear, the look on your face spells disaster. What is it, [Toon Name]?"
"Long memo? A Cog in the Playground?!"
"And you know where it's hiding?"
"This is truly terrible news... We must act quickly."
"With all your experience, having proven your mettle against those Cogs again and again..."
"We've asked so much of you already, but we must humbly request this one last favor."
"Remove this strange Cog looming above the Playground!"
"Keep your wits about you, and good luck up there."
"I sense you'll need it."

"You've returned! And in once piece, at that!"
"Not that I had any doubts, given the trials and tribulations you have undergone during your time with us."
"He was summoned away? Then he may yet return..."
"In any case, the threat is no longer imminent... for now."
"We'll be keeping an eye on things in the meantime, but don't hesitate to visit us in the future."
"Hopefully this reward will make the scuffle worth your while, as a simple thanks will not suffice!"
"Even so, on behalf of myself and the other Elders..."
"Thank you for all your help, [Toon Name]."