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Pierce is an NPC Toon who cannot be found anywhere in the game. His sole purpose is to be the 5-star Throw SOS Card.


Pierce is a citrine dog with lime arms who wears a red Plain shirt and sea green High Pockets shorts.


Pierce can be given out by Rain as a 1 Gag IOU from the V.P. boss battle. He boosts the power of the next used Throw Gag by 70 damage.


  • In Toontown Online, Pierce was a Party Planner who could be found in what is now Daffodil Gardens. Due to parties not existing in Corporate Clash, Pierce can no longer be found anywhere in the game.
  • Prior to the v1.2.0 Update, when called using an SOS card in battle, Pierce would use Throw on all Cogs in battle dealing 145 damage to each using a Wedding Cake. Prior to v1.3.0 Pierce would boost the power of all Throw Gags by 20% for 3 Rounds.
    • Due to SOS cards hitting all Cogs prior to this update, Pierce was the only Toon in the game to make use of the Wedding Cake's feature that allows it's individual sections to split up when thrown.