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Nat is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Don't Let the Bed Bugs Bite located on Pajama Place in Drowsy Dreamland.


Nat is a sienna monkey who wears the Green Stripe shirt and yellow Jeans.


Nat can be given out by Rain as a 1 Gag IOU from the V.P. boss battle. He boosts the power of the next used Zap Gag by 60 damage.

Story Appearances

Drowsy Dreamland - In Drowsy Dreamland's taskline Nat appears in the following task: Zee Exterminatah. His dialogue during this task is as follows:

Zee Exterminatah

"Bed bugs! All over!"
"I need some help right away!"
"What we need to do first is get something to get them all attracted to the same spot!"
"Something smelly, something they'd want to try and chew on!"
"Some stinky cheese from Big Cheeses would work!"
"And hurry back with it, they're sooo itchy!"

After recovering some stinky cheese from a Big Cheese

"Oh, this stinky cheese is great!"
"They're feasting upon it like it's a meal unlike any other!"
"Quick, let me just grab my vacuum here..."
"Oh no."
"My vacuum's busted!"
"Quick! I need some spare parts!"
"We can't let these bed bugs finish up this cheese and scatter around again!"
"I think if you take down one of those really tall Cog buildings you should find just the right stuff, hurry!"

After defeating a six story Cog Building

"This works! Thanks, [Toon Name]!"
"Now, we just have to dispose of these guys..."
"I think I got just the idea!"
"Bed bugs hate the cold."
"How about you take this vacuum bag with you on your way through one of those freezing Lawbot offices?"
"Leave them to scatter around those cabinets and papers."
"If they make it through the cold, then the Lawbots will certainly have a problem to deal with."
"No need to be overly impressed, I know I'm a strategic genius."
"Just don't let any of them out of that bag too early!"
"After that, we're all done here. So give my thanks to you and Dreamy for helping me out!"


  • Prior to the v1.2.0 Update, when called using an SOS card in battle, Nat would use Zap on all Cogs in battle dealing 85 damage to unsoaked Cogs and 255 damage to Soaked Cogs using the Lightning Gag.
  • Prior to the v1.3.0 Update, Nat was a 5-Star SOS Card who boosted the power of Zap Gags by 20% for the next 3 turns when called.