Content Packs

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Nightlife Remastered by Clash Crew member MoosePacks!

Content packs are files that players can install to use customized visual and audio elements in Toontown: Corporate Clash. These changes can range from something simple, such as changing the glove color to black, to a full fledged content pack that fully alters every textures appearance. In addition to textures, audio files, cursors, and fonts can also be altered.

NOTE: Do not alter any of the .mf files in the default folder, i.e. renaming them. This will cause issues to your game such as causing it to not launch.

How to Install a Content Pack

Public content packs can be viewed and downloaded at, which is a website partnered with Corporate Clash. After downloading your chosen content pack, there should be a folder containing an ".mf" file. This file is what the Corporate Clash launcher reads to know to use the altered files. Navigate to the Corporate Clash folder by opening your launcher, selecting an account, and clicking on the gear icon near the social media icons. Next, click on “Show/open game directory folder” and open the folder labelled "resources". In this folder, there will be another folder inside named "contentpacks". Paste the .mf file from the downloaded content pack into that folder and you're done! Once you launch the game the content pack should immediately be applied.

Content Pack Creation

In order to create your own content pack, the game engine for Corporate Clash must be installed. This engine allows the user to directly extract and open the various files used to run the game. This engine is called Panda3D. To install this program, visit its official website and choose the download suitable for your device. After installing, to view the necessary files for a content pack, navigate to the "resources" folder located in the Corporate Clash file directory. Open the "default" folder and inside will be the various "phase" files that Corporate Clash uses to categorize the different sections of the game. These phases range from phase 3 up to phase 14. The only phase files that should be interacted with are the files ending in ".map" and ."audio" as the other files are not relevant in content pack creation. For example, character models can be viewed using Panda3D, but cannot be altered with the use of content packs.

Types of Phase Files

In order to alter the textures or audio of your choice, it is important to understand how each file is organized and where different parts are located. Each file located in the Corporate Clash directory is labelled as "" (i.e. "") with .mf being the file format for Panda3D. Each phase number refers to a specific part of the game, while the end part refers to what types of files are contained in the compressed file.

Parts ‎
  • Textures
  • Audio
  • Models (cannot be altered)
  • Street layouts (cannot be altered)
  • Cutscenes (cannot be altered)
  • Cannot be altered
  • Fonts
  • Cannot be altered
  • Cannot be altered
  • Cursor, client icon
  • Cannot be altered
General Location of Content
Phase 3
  • Achievement icons
  • Make A Toon textures
  • Shadows/effects
  • Default shirt/shorts
  • Gui
  • Toons
  • Cog Department Insignias
  • Dialogue box
Phase 3.5
  • Activities Page
  • Toon Profile Backgrounds
  • Battle GUI
  • Booster icons
  • Chat UI
  • Clothing Page
  • Club UI
  • Daily Task UI
  • Cog Disguise Page
  • G.U.M.B.A.L.L. Machine UI
  • Kudos UI
  • Top Toons Leaderboard badges
  • Loading screens
  • Toon Nameplates
  • Notifications UI
  • Options Page
  • Props
  • ToonTasks
  • Restoration Station
  • Toontown Central Schoolhouse
    • Desk Jockey Textures
    • Prethinker Basement
  • Social Panel UI
  • Stickers
  • Toon HQ
  • Toontown Central
    • Derrick Man Building
  • Cog Suits
  • Toon Laff Meters
  • Gags
  • Toontown map
  • Sidewalks & Streets
  • Sky texture
  • Tunnel Entrance (front)
  • Misc. buildings
Phase 4
  • Almost every accessory/clothing
  • Fish
  • Kudos Boards
  • Cog Building
  • Trolley Games
  • Knock Knock Doors
  • Pet Shop
  • Street Maps
  • Street Playground Signs
  • Gag Shop
  • Tunnel Entrance (side)
  • Misc. Toontown Central
    • Gazebo
    • Bank
    • Library
    • Statues
  • Misc. Daffodil Gardens
  • Misc. Brrrgh
  • Misc. Cog HQ
  • Misc. Buildings
Phase 5
  • Battle UI
  • Acorn Acres Gag Shop
  • Gag Models
  • More Cog Buildings
  • Skelecogs
  • Misc. Buildings
  • LAA Building
  • Tunnel Exits
  • Props
Phase 5.5
  • Estates
  • Cattlelog
Phase 6
  • Acorn Acres
    • Chainsaw Consultant Building
  • Barnacle Boatyard
    • Rainmaker Pier
  • Mezzo Melodyland
    • Major Player Building
  • Roadster Raceway
  • Minigames Area
  • Golf
  • Race Karts
  • Picnic Games UI
Phase 7
  • Ye Olde Toontowne
    • The Dungeon
  • Cog Building Interiors
Phase 8
  • Daffodil Gardens
  • The Brrrgh
    • Plutocrat Building
  • Drowsy Dreamland
    • Pacesetter Building
Phase 9
  • Sellbot HQ
    • Multislacker Building
  • VP Head & Suit
  • Sellbot Heads
  • Sellbot Manager Suits (Street & Kudos Only)
Phase 10
  • Cashbot HQ
  • CFO Head & Suit
  • Cashbot Heads
  • Cashbot Manager Suits (Street & Kudos Only)
Phase 11
  • Lawbot HQ
  • CLO Head & Suit
  • Lawbot Heads
  • Lawbot Manager Suits (Street & Kudos Only)
Phase 12
  • Bossbot HQ
  • CEO Head & Suit
  • Bossbot Heads
  • Bossbot Manager Suits (Street & Kudos Only)
  • High Roller Head and Suit
Phase 13
  • Events
    • Event Clothing & Accessories
Phase 14
  • Boardbot Heads
  • Boardbot Manager Suits (Street & Kudos Only)

*Note: Certain files are not in their "typical" location, so depending on what you are looking for it may be in an alternate phase. See: Textures Directory

Suit Voices & Names

In the v1.2.7 patch notes, Corporate Clash released a detailed document covering the locations of each Suit voice as well as the abbreviations for each Cog. In this document is a guide on how to create custom voices for each Cog featured in the game. However, as the game updates, more Cogs are being added that are not currently listed in the document. The following table will provide updated abbreviations for the current Cogs in game:

Cog Voice Abbreviations ‎
Cog Abbreviation
Cold Caller cc
Telemarketer tm
Name Dropper nd
Glad Hander gh
Mover & Shaker ms
Two-Face tf
Mingler mi
Mr. Hollywood mh
Factory Foreman foreman
Public Relations Representative dopr
Director of Public Affairs dopa
Bellringer bellring
Prethinker prethink
Multislacker mslacker
Pacesetter psetter
Cog Abbreviation
Short Change sc
Penny Pincher pp
Tightwad tw
Bean Counter bc
Number Cruncher nc
Money Bags mb
Loan Shark ls
Robber Baron rb
Mint Supervisor supervis
Duck Shuffler duckshfl
Treekiller treek
Plutocrat pcrat
Charon charon
Kerberos kerberos
Nix nix
Hydra hydra
Styx styx
Count Erfit erfit
High Roller hroller
High Roller Silhouettes hrollerc
Cog Abbreviation
Bottom Feeder bf
Bloodsucker b
Pettifogger pf
Double Talker dt
Needlenose nn
Ambulance Chaser ac
Conveyancer cv
Back Stabber bs
Advocate ad
Spin Doctor sd
Shyster sh
Legal Eagle le
Barrister br
Big Wig bw
Head Attorney clerk
Mouthpiece mouthp
Rainmaker rainmake
Witch Hunter whunter
Count Erclaim count
Judy judy
Litigator lgator
Stenographer stenog
Case Manager caseman
Scapegoat sgoat
Cog Abbreviation
Flunky f
Pencil Pusher p
Yesman ym
Micromanager mm
Downsizer ds
Head Hunter hh
Corporate Raider cr
Big Cheese tbc
Autocaddie autocad
Club President clubpres
Derrick Man derrman
Derrick Hand derrhand
Firestarter fires
Featherbedder fbed
Major Player mplayer
Chainsaw Consultant chainsaw*
*Note: For override mode, put "or" where "skel" would be
Cog Abbreviation
Bagholder bgh
Paper Hands pph
Insider ins
Circuit Breaker cbr
Deadlock dl
Shark Watcher shw
Magnate mg
Head Honcho hho
Land Acquisition Architect dlao
Director of Land Development dold
Deep Diver ddiver
Gatekeeper gatekeep
The Chairman chairman
Chief Operating Officer ottoman
Cog Abbreviation
Desk Jockey (Toontorial) djockey
Desk Jockey (Prethinker) ptjockey

Changing Cog Suit Textures

As of v1.9.0, it is now possible to change the individual suit textures of Cogs that share a singular suit texture with other Cogs (e.g. Standard Cogs). A document was released by the Corporate Clash team detailing this change. This functions similarly to changing generic Cog voice lines, seen above.

In order for the game to recognize a custom suit texture, the file needs follow this naming convention: ttcc_ene_suittex_{suitabbreviation}.png. Appending _e to the end of the filename will replace the Cog's Executive suit texture.

For Skelecogs, it must be named ttcc_ene_skelecog_{suitabbreviation}.png, with _exe added to the end for Executive Skelecogs.

It must also be placed in the phase file associated with the Cog's department.

  • Custom Sellbot suit textures go in phase 9.
  • Custom Cashbot suit textures go in phase 10.
  • Custom Lawbot suit textures go in phase 11.
  • Custom Bossbot suit textures go in phase 12.
  • Custom Boardbot suit textures go in phase 14.

The following is a list of all suit filenames (Cogs with existing custom suit textures are not listed):

Cog Suit Abbreviations ‎
Cog Abbr
Cold Caller cc
Telemarketer tm
Name Dropper nd
Glad Hander gh
Mover & Shaker ms
Two-Face tf
Mingler mi
Mr. Hollywood mh
Cog Abbr
Short Change sc
Penny Pincher pp
Tightwad tw
Bean Counter bc
Number Cruncher nc
Money Bags mb
Loan Shark ls
Robber Baron rb
Cog Abbr
Bottom Feeder bf
Bloodsucker b
Pettifogger pf
Double Talker dt
Needlenose nn
Ambulance Chaser ac
Conveyancer cv
Back Stabber bs
Advocate ad
Spin Doctor sd
Shyster sh
Legal Eagle le
Barrister br
Big Wig bw
Judy judy
Litigator lgator
Stenographer stenog
Case Manager caseman
Scapegoat sgoat
Cog Abbr
Flunky f
Pencil Pusher p
Yesman ym
Micromanager mm
Downsizer ds
Head Hunter hh
Corporate Raider cr
Big Cheese tbc
Club President clubpres
Derrick Man derrman
Derrick Hand derrhand
Cog Abbr
Bagholder bgh
Paper Hands pph
Insider ins
Circuit Breaker cbr
Deadlock dl
Shark Watcher shw
Magnate mg
Head Honcho hho
Land Acquisition Architect dlao
Director of Land Development dold
Chief Operating Officer ottoman
The Chairman chairman
Custom Skelecog Abbreviations ‎
Cog Abbr
P.R.R. dopr
D.O.P.A. dopa
Factory Foreman foreman
Factory Foreman (Multislacker) msfore
FTF Factory Foreman ftf_s
Burning Factory Foreman ftf_s_br
Red Tape Factory Foreman ftf_s_rt
Cog Abbr
Charon charon
Nix nix
Hydra hydra
Styx styx
Kerberos kerberos
Mint Supervisor supervis
FTF Mint Supervisor ftf_m
Confused Mint Supervisor ftf_m_cf
Cog Abbr
Head Attorney clerk
FTF Head Attorney ftf_l
Cog Abbr
Autocaddie autocad
FTF Club President ftf_c
Ancient Club President ftf_c_ac


  • The custom suit texture must be a png file for the game to recognize it.
  • For the purpose of content packs, Manager Cogs are not considered as Executives. Any Manager Cogs using executive suit textures must not have _e added to the end of the custom suit texture's filename.
  • It is currently impossible to create custom individual suit textures for unemployed Cogs and waiter Cogs.


  • To replace the suit texture of a Flunky, name your new texture ttcc_ene_suittex_f.png and place it in phase_12/maps/.
  • To replace the suit texture of an executive Mr. Hollywood, name your new texture ttcc_ene_suittex_mh_e.png and place it in phase_9/maps/.
  • To replace the suit texture of the Litigator, name your new texture ttcc_ene_suittex_lgator.png and place it in phase_11/maps/.
  • To replace the skelecog texture of the Mint Supervisor, name your new texture ttcc_ene_skelecog_supervis.png and place it in phase_10/maps/.

Limitations of Content Packs

It's important to be wary of the limitations of content packs, you may not always be able to achieve the desired result. Some textures get reused in multiple areas of the game, and as such any change made to the texture would be seen across all areas it's used in. A notable example would be the tunnel entrances, being used in most every Playground. The one exception to this are Cog suit textures, which can have their own unique textures created for them and recognized by the game (read the above section for more info). Some textures get color coded in-game, meaning their color is assigned not by the texture, but rather the server. Examples of this include windows, Toons, and Cog hands. While these textures still can be recolored, know that the color code will still be applied afterwards. Some objects may not even have textures at all, making them impossible to edit, and filters which can drastically change the look of certain areas in the game (e.g. the fog in Barnacle Boatyard).

There are also limitations for some sounds. In Cog Battles, custom sounds can delay the Toon/Cog rounds past their intended runtime, but this has a maximum cap of 20 seconds before the game is forced to continue.

Keeping these limitations in mind is important when making a content pack.


The music.json is a file used to determine what music tracks play in specific areas of the game. Content pack creators can change the directory for areas in the game to play different tracks.

The Toontown Corporate Clash Wiki has a separate article for Music.json.

Extracting & Installing

After locating the phase file(s) that you want to modify, right click on the .mf files and click "extract" from the pop-up menu. After doing so, a folder will be created containing the content of the phase #. The files inside this folder can now be easily viewed and modified to your liking. It is recommended that you copy and paste these files into a different folder (outside of the resources folder) so that your workspace does not feel cluttered. Leaving this folder inside the directory will have no impact on game itself. Do not rename any of the files you wish to modify as the game will not be able to read and tie them to the correct parts.

Once you’re done modifying the files you will now need to repack them to reflect the changes you've made. In order to this, click the address bar where the folder is located (for example: C:\Users\MyName\Desktop\MyFolder) to highlight the file hierarchy, then write cmd and press enter. This should open a command prompt within the folder. Afterwards, write this in the command prompt and press enter:

multify -c -f phase_#

With "contentpackname" being your chosen name for your content pack, and "#" being the phase number you worked with. If there were multiple phases modified add and additional phases by putting a space and listing the additional phases. For example, to repack phases 3.5-6 enter:

multify -c -f phase_3.5 phase_4 phase_5 phase_6

After repacking the phase files, copy and paste the new .mf file to your "contentpack" folder inside the "resources" folder of the Corporate Clash file directory. Once you launch the game the content pack should immediately be applied.


Content Packs/Models
The Toontown Corporate Clash Wiki has a separate article for Content Packs/Models.


  • Name abbreviations of the L.A.A. and the P.R.R. use the abbreviations of their older counterparts (being the D.O.L.A. and the D.O.P.R. respectively).
    • What is more interesting is the blatant typo, "dlao". This is, however, intentional due to the usage of "dola" already in the game's coding.
  • As of v1.7.0, certain Cogs can be set to load different head textures if they are Executives. Currently, this only applies to Bagholders, Insiders, and Head Honchos.
