Lil Oldman

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Lil Oldman is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Lil Oldman's Hideout located on Walrus Way in The Brrrgh.


Lil Oldman is a slate blue rabbit who wears a lime Bottom Stripe shirt, blue Shorts with Belt, and the Witch Hat.


Lil Oldman can be given out by Rain as a 1 Gag IOU from the V.P. boss battle. He boosts the knockback of the next used Lure Gag by 35 damage.

Story Appearances

The Brrrgh - In The Brrrgh's taskline Lil Oldman appears in the following tasks: FIND THE OLDMAN!, Mingle The Mingler, Destroy The Mingler, Really Destroy The Mingler, Please the Oldman, Look Good, Feel Good, Lil' Old Eyes, Sweet Buck Tooth, Blast From The Past!, Blast From The Past Pt. 2!, Nevermind, Helping Oldman, Is This Malpractice?, Cog Suit Architect, and Just Another Day At The Office. His dialogue during these tasks is as follows:


"Ah, yes. [Toon Name]. I have been expecting you."
"Okay, I wasn't. But it wouldn't have been a shock if I had said that."
"What do you say?"
"Hiding out?"
"The Wizard does not hide out."
"The Wizard merely takes time to himself, coincidentally at the exact time of a Lawbot breakout."
"Many Toons come to The Wizard for my powerful wizard training."
"Many Toons say stinky things about The Wizard."
"The Wizard does not like this."
"And so, YOU have come to The Wizard..."
"... to help The Wizard."
"As The Wizard, I live in solitude."
"Perhaps a side effect, but I now find myself fancying the finest of Cogs after all these years alone."
"You must ask a Mingler to befriend me."
"Now go."

Mingle The Mingler

"They said no?"
"Destroy them."

Destroy The Mingler

"My heart, [Toon Name]."
"It is shattered."
"I now lose a piece of me with every Sellbot building I see."
"Destroy them."

Really Destroy The Mingler

"You must be tired from all the destroying."
"Bring me more gags to replenish my strength."

Please the Oldman

"These will do, but these are little gags."
"Show The Wizard your strength."
"This is the only time The Wizard will allow you to flex on him."

After delivering a Level 7 Gag

"You have proven yourself."
"Now that we both are proven to be strong muscley Toons, we must dress for the occasion."
"Fetch me a tie. I require a specific one."
"Only from Head Honchos."
"Only those ties will allow me to dress to impress Minglers."
"Oh how I want to be friends with Minglers."

Look Good, Feel Good

"What is this that you bring The Wizard?"
"This is not six ties."
"Wait a minute..."
"Hold up six fingers on one of your hands."
"You must repair The Wizard's eyesight!"
"Bring me the glasses from those nerdy Cogs."
"Or else I will destroy you, with my magic."

Lil' Old Eyes

"Ah, just what I expected!"
"Bring me the monocle from the Shark Watchers."
"They have class, much like The Wizard."
"I sure hope the Minglers think so..."

After recovering a monocle

"These are wonderful."
"For just one eye."
"I cannot afford to set only my good eye upon the pink hair of a Mingler."
"You must bring me frames with two lenses."
"Bring me the shades of a Hollywood."
"These will certainly impress the Minglers."
"The Wizard hopes..."

After recovering some shades

"Perfect. In every way."
"The Wizard is now The Desirable Wizard."
"The Desirable Wizard is also now The Wizard who is able to see things."
"The Minglers will be unable to avoid me whe-"
"They popped from the frames!"
"The Wizard is sad!"
"You must fix these."
"Along with my heart."
"Take them to Dr. Ivanna Cee at Icy Fine, Do You? Optometrist on Sleet Street."
"I demand you bring them back repaired."

After returning from Dr. Ivanna Cee

"My attire is assembled. The Wizard is ready."
"What's that?"
"They say it is too hot in here now, for my shades radiate the heat of a thousand suns."
"They demand popsicles."
"The Wizard also demands popsicles."
"Now go."

Sweet Buck Tooth

"Delicious. The talking toads and The Wizard thank you."
"But popsicle time is over. And The Wizard's tongue is left with an aftertaste."
"The Wizard now requires mints of the finest flavor, one that everyone loves dearly."
"Coin flavor."
"Fetch me a coin-flavored breath mint from the Mint Supervisor."

After recovering a coin-flavored breath mint

"Now, you have sufficiently helped The Wizard."
"So now, you seek The Wizard's help, I can see."
"But you must be trained to the degree that The Wizard sees fit before you receive my help."
"But do not worry."
"In my time training the Toons of Toontown I have learned that many have hated how hard I train them."
"But I am a changed Wizard."
"You are lucky, for you will not have to experience training to the harsh degree that has befallen those before you."
"Now go, train for me while I sit here and hope that those Toons forgive me for what training I have put them through."

Blast From The Past!

"You have trained well, [Toon Name]."
"I must consult my advisor to see if you have accomplished the training goal."
"What do you think?"
"Hmm... Yes, I agree."
"THE TOADS HAVE SPOKEN!" "You must do one last task for me."
"Defeat a single five story building."
"Then you will earn my assistance."
"Now go, before the toads change their minds!"

Blast From The Past Pt. 2!

"Congratulations. You have accomplished your training, and as a result, have earned my assistance."
"Before I help, however, would you like to ask anything of me?"
"You want to know about me becoming The Blizzard Wizard?"
"Let me explain."
"For many many years I was an elder of Ye Olde Toontowne, helping the others for decades, training young Toons in the ways of wizardry."
"But the Cogs came, and I was burdening a heavy load in training the young Toons. It was a burden too much to bear, so I left."
"I sought to find a place remote, a place I could call my own."
"This allowed me to find myself in Drastically Dry Desertland. A very unpopular location in Toontown for obvious reasons."
"From there I set the land into an eternal blizzard. Snow falling, piles of it growing constantly, a true winter wonderland."
"Between you and me though, people think I casted a powerful spell."
"In reality I just broke out my portable super-duper air conditioner and turned it to the "ICE AGE" setting."
"All of a sudden -- POOF! The darned thing started spitting out ice and snow like crazy, and I lost it in the pile of snow..."
"Ever since that day it's been snowing constantly here. And as such, was promptly re-named to The Brrrgh."
"So while I may be the Blizzard Wizzard, it's not quite as magical as you think."
"Anyways, it was a lot for the people of Drastically Dry Desertland to get accustomed to, but it proved to be for the best."
"Ever since I changed the desert landscape to one of constant snow, the area became bustling with Toons moving in to experience the weather!"
"From there I settled into my own shop here as The Blizzard Wizzard. Where I've trained Toons in Cog battling ever since."
"Until those Lawbots came, that is."
"That was the last straw, I couldn't stand me and my toads being harassed into doing so much more work, so I went into hiding."
"So I've been here ever since. If I need to eat I send my toads out, if I need to enjoy something I read my old books."
"It's a sad life."
"Anyways, let's get to it. What do you need from me?"
"Helping Resistance Ranger Rocky in defeating the Lawbots, of course."
"I'll help you and Resistance Ranger Rocky, don't you worry."
"Speak to him again, and I will guide you on what task he needs solved."
"The Wizard never disappoints!"
"Unless it's Minglers..."

Nevermind, Helping Oldman

"Okay, let's begin."
"Lawbot HQ, offices... paperwork... boring...zzz..."
"Okay, we just got to find out what's inside, and then strike it accordingly."
"Very simple."
"Just ask to speak to their manager."
"No, no, that'll never work..."
"Okay, first order from The Wizard."
"Enter that headquarters and find what's inside."
"You can plan for what you see, but planning for what you cannot is impossible."
"That sounds smart, at least."
"Now go."

Is This Malpractice?

"Large, spacious, and filled with Lawbots."
"Sounds... boring."
"The plan is simple."
"The toads tell me to tell you to take the Cog's blue ink."
"If it's a disguise you're looking for, a disguise you'll get."
"Head back inside, and defeat those law-abiding criminals."
"Get a proper reference for a disguise!"

Cog Suit Architect

"Hand over the proper disguise reference, [Toon Name]."
"Yes. The Wizard sees. The Wizard is reading..."
"The Wizard understands not a single thing on this reference."
"This drawing of an item needed for the suit you made looks fun."
"The Wizard does enjoy coloring books on occasion, and it looks just like one."
"Have this thing made. "Temperature Gauge.""
"Professor Flake will make it. I shall cast a spell if he doesn't."

After returning from Professor Flake

"GASP! Is that the cute drawing thingymabob!?"
"So... You're telling me that there's three offices, correct?"
"You shall need to enter each one. Collect an object from each one. I will cast a spell to combine all of these items into a suit."
"Four cartridges of ink for the coloring from the first Lawfice."
"Four supplies of scrap metal for the suit's lining from the second Lawfice."
"And two stacks of paper and binding for the suit filling from the third Lawfice."
"Consider each trip through a collection of a single piece of the disguise."
"You can even reward yourself by thinking about what part you've gotten at the very end."
"Come back to me once you're done and we'll consult the toads."

Just Another Day At The Office

"Why thank you, The Wizard was parched."
"What's that?"
"My toads inform me that you were merely delivering the ink. Good job."
"Excellent. The blue really matches your eyes."
"The Wizard is proud of you, [Toon Name]."
"The toads as well."
"But, I must leave the battle of the Lawbots in your hands, [Toon Name]."
"I'm much too old and worn to continue this journey along with you."
"You must leave me here to purchase a rocking chair, and slowly rock in it while murmuring random things about my non-existent grandchildren."
"Gosh, I hope they visit me one of these days..."
"I beckon you to visit Resistance Ranger Rocky. Work with him to defeat the Lawbots."
"You'll always have my guidance if you seek me, [Toon Name]."
"Good luck to you."

Misc. Appearances

Unique Interaction Dialogue

Lil Oldman has unique dialogue when attempting to interact with him. This dialogue is as follows:

  • "What."
  • "Go away."
  • "Shoo! SHOO! Away with you!"
  • "You do not need my assistance."
  • "I'm in the middle of something."


  • Prior to the v1.2.0 update, when called using an SOS card in battle, Lil Oldman would Lure all Cogs in battle for 6 rounds using a Presentation.
  • Prior to the v1.3.0 update, Lil Oldman was a 5-Star SOS Card who boosted the knockback of Lure Gags by 15% for the next 3 turns when called.