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Gag Tracks
Make A Toon- Gag Tracks.png

Gags are jokes used by the Toons to defeat the Cogs. There are eight different types, or "Tracks," of Gags, with each Track having Gags that can increase from Level 1 to Level 8. When starting the game, Toons can select any two Gag Tracks to start with. As Toons progress through the game, they will earn Training Points which can be used to unlock more Gag Tracks or Prestige their existing ones. A Prestige is an upgrade to a Gag Track, giving it additional use or strength.

Purchasing Gags

Each Gag is consumed once it is used in battle. Toons can either visit Gag Shops at each of the Playgrounds or a Gag N' Go on every street, where they can buy their Gags back by using Jellybeans. Each Gag costs a number of Jellybeans equal to its level, or double their level at a Gag N' Go. If a Toon progresses through the Kudos Board at a Playground, the cost of Gags at both of these locations decrease by 15%, 30%, or 50%, at Kudos Rank 3, 6, and 9 respectively.

When Gags are purchased, it will display the amount held on the Gag's icon and the total on the Gag display to the right. Only a maximum of 100 Gags can be held after maxing out your Gag Pouch. This amount starts at 20 Gags and can increase through increasing your Toon Level. However, even with this limit, only a certain amount of each level of Gag can be held. The following is a table showing how many of each Gag level can be held:

Gag Carry Capacity ‎
"Gag Unlocked" refers to the highest level Gag currently unlocked in that Track
Level 1 Gag Unlocked
Gag Level: Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8
Carry Amount: 10 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Level 2 Gag Unlocked
Gag Level: Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8
Carry Amount: 10 5 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Level 3 Gag Unlocked
Gag Level: Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8
Carry Amount: 15 10 5 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Level 4 Gag Unlocked
Gag Level: Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8
Carry Amount: 20 15 10 5 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Level 5 Gag Unlocked
Gag Level: Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8
Carry Amount: 25 20 15 10 3 N/A N/A N/A
Level 6 Gag Unlocked
Gag Level: Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8
Carry Amount: 30 25 20 15 7 3 N/A N/A
Level 7 Gag Unlocked
Gag Level: Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8
Carry Amount: 30 25 20 15 7 3 2 N/A
Level 8 Gag Unlocked
Gag Level: Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8
Carry Amount: 30 25 20 15 7 3 2 1

Gag XP

Toons earn experience in their Gag Tracks when they use their Gags in battle. When a Gag hits, it awards the Toon with an amount of Gag experience in the Gag's Track equal to its level (except for Toon-Up, which awards double the level). This experience can be multiplied in several different ways. When battling, if the Gag used is a higher level than the Cog present in battle, the Gag will award 0 XP. This is indicated by the Gag icon's background turning a duller color and hovering over the Gag will show that it will award 0 XP.

A full guide to Gag training and XP multipliers can be found here.

After gaining a certain amount of accumulative Gag XP for a Track it will increase in level.

Level 1 → 2 2 → 3 3 → 4 4 → 5 5 → 6 6 → 7 7 → 8 8 → MAX
Total Gag XP 20 100 500 2,000 5,000 9,000 14,000 20,000

Once a Gag has reached a new level it will deal the minimum amount of damage for that Gag which will then increase as more XP is gained in that Track. When the Gag reaches the next level (or the Maxed status) it will deal its maximum amount of damage.

Gag Accuracy

Gag Accuracy and Cog Defense
The Toontown Corporate Clash Wiki has a separate article for Gag Accuracy and Cog Defense.

Gag Tracks

The eight Gag Tracks are:

Toon-Up Description
Juggling Cubes.png

Toon-Up Gags are Support Gags used to heal other Toons in battle as well as the user. Toon-Up can be vital for keeping your team alive in some cases, though its inability to deal damage can slow battles down.

Toon-Up has self heal, which will heal the user for 25% of the Gag's healing output. Odd numbered Toon-Up Gags affect only one Toon, while even numbered Gags will heal all other Toons in the battle. Toon-Up Gags cannot be used unless there is more than one Toon present in a Cog battle. Experience is only gained if either the user or recipients were healed by the Gag (i.e. if all Toons are at full Laff, Toon-Up can be used but will not gain Experience). Toons healed by Toon-Up will gain the Cheer buff, which increases their Gag accuracy during the next round.

Toon-Up Gags are the first Gag Track in the Gag battle order and have perfect accuracy.

Prestige Toon-Up increases self heal from 25% to 40% of the base Toon-Ups heal and makes Cheer last 2 turns instead of 1.
Trap Description

Trap Gags are Power Gags that deal massive single target damage. Trap specializes greatly in dealing a large amount of damage to a Cog in a single attack.

Traps are placed in front of the Cog and require the Cog to be lured into it with a Lure Gag. If a Cog is already lured, a Trap is unable to be placed. Executive Cogs take 30% more damage from Trap Gags. Cogs hit by a Trap are afflicted with the Dazed debuff for two turns, which decreases the Cog's dodge rate by 10%.

Trap Gags are the second Gag Track in the Gag battle order and have perfect accuracy. Though, if two or more Toons attempt to use a Trap Gag on the same Cog at the same time, only the highest damage Trap Gag will remain. If the Trap Gags do the same damage, it will take the Trap from the rightmost Toon.

Prestige Trap increases its damage by another 20%, multiplicative with the Executive bonus.
Lure Description

Lure Gags are Support Gags used to stun Cogs, preventing them from attacking for multiple turns. Lure is great for mitigating damage dealt from Cogs and can allow Toons time to strategize and focus dangerous Cogs.

Lure Gags are required to activate Trap Gags. Using Lure on a Trapped Cog will increase its accuracy as well as stun the Cog twice. Additionally, Throw and Squirt Gags gain a flat bonus damage dependent on the Lure used, known as Knockback. Zap and Sound Gags don't receive any damage bonus on Lured Cogs and will wake them up, which is why it is advised not to use them on lured Cogs. Any Unsoaked Zap or Drop Gag used on lured Cogs will miss, with Unsoaked Zap waking the Cog it was used on as well.

Lure Gags are the third Gag Track in the Gag battle order and have medium accuracy, ranging from 75% to 85% depending on the Lure Gag.

Prestige Lure increases the Knockback by a further 25% if it is group Lure, or 15% if it is single Lure.
Throw Description
Whole Cream Pie.png

Throw Gags are Power Gags that deal a decent amount of damage. Throw provides strong single target damage when used with multiple other Throw Gags and its effectiveness can be boosted greatly when used in conjunction with Lure's Knockback bonus.

Using multiple Throw Gags on the same Cog in a round will give Combo damage, which deals an additional 20% of the total damage done. Throw also applies the Marked For Laugh debuff, causing the Cog to take 10% more damage from the following Gags within that round. Using Throw on a lured Cog will apply Knockback damage to that Cog for each Throw Gag used.

Throw Gags are the fourth Gag Track in the Gag battle order and have medium accuracy (75%).

Prestige Throw heals Toons for 20% of the base damage done by the Throw Gag.
Squirt Description
Fire Hose.png

Squirt Gags are Support Gags that deal moderate damage to Cogs, can hit multiple Cogs, and can inflict them with the Soaked debuff. This debuff reduces a Cog's dodge chance which can be useful in conjunction with other Gags, especially Zap, which requires the debuff to function.

Squirt has Splash damage which deals 25% the Gag's base damage to adjacent Cogs. Splash damage does not wake up lured Cogs. Squirt also applies the Soaked debuff to all Cogs hit by both its direct attack and Splash damage. Soaked reduces Cog defense by 10 and gives Zap Gags perfect accuracy on that Cog. Soaked lasts for 3-4 rounds depending on the Gag level and is removed the following round if Zap was used. Using multiple Squirt Gags on the same Cog in a round will give Combo damage, which deals an additional 20% of the total damage done. Using Squirt on a lured Cog will apply Knockback damage to that Cog for each Squirt used.

Squirt Gags are the fifth Gag Track in the Gag battle order and have high accuracy (95%).

Prestige Squirt increases Splash damage from 25% to 50%.
Zap Description

Zap Gags are Power Gags which deal great group target damage. Zap specializes greatly in taking out groups of Cogs at once and requires strategy and coordination amongst teammates. Its damage can be divided up in a multitude of ways especially when using multiple Zap Gags, and is most commonly used to take out 2-3 Cogs at once. However, Zap requires a Cog to be Soaked for it to hit, which can only be applied by using Squirt Gags.

Along with Zap's direct damage, it can deal Jump Damage which will affect up to 2 other Soaked Cogs in a row. Zap Jumps will prioritize moving to the left, only moving right if going left is not possible. Zap's Jump damage functions as a damage pool, with the total damage pool being 90% of Zap's base damage. If Zap jumps twice, it will use half of this pool damage for each jump (45% base damage per jump).

Zap Gags are the sixth Gag Track in the Gag battle order and have perfect accuracy only when used on a Soaked Cog, otherwise it will always miss.

Prestige Zap increases the Jump's Pool Damage from 90% to 110%.
Sound Description
Elephant Trunk.png

Sound Gags are Support Gags that deal low damage affecting all Cogs present in battle. Sound can be used to deal with large groups of Cogs with a relative amount of HP. It can also be used for its Encore effect to boost the damage of Gags the following round.

Using a Sound Gag gives Encore, which gives an 8% damage bonus to the user's Gag on the next turn, including Sound itself. Although, using Sound again while the Encore bonus is active inflicts the user with the Winded debuff, making Sound deal 50% less damage for the next 2 turns.

Sound Gags are the seventh Gag Track in the Gag battle order and have high accuracy (95%).

Prestige Sound increases the Encore bonus to 16%.
Drop Description

Drop Gags are Power Gags that deal heavy single target damage to Cogs. Drop Gags can be used in a variety of ways, to either finish off a Cog, one shot a Cog, or used in conjunction with other Drop Gags to deal a tremendous amount of damage in a single turn. However, due to their low accuracy it is recommended to use other Gags beforehand to Stun the Cog and preferably inflict them with a debuff that decreases their dodge chance, such as Dazed or Soaked.

Using multiple Drop Gags on the same Cog in a round will give Combo damage, which increases the total damage by 30%. Drop's combo damage is naturally higher than Throw and Squirt's, making it exceptionally strong (yet risky due to its low accuracy) to use multiple Drop Gags at once.

Drop Gags are the eighth and final Gag Track in the Gag battle order and have low accuracy (60%). Drop Gags roll their accuracy individually, meaning Drop Gags are not guaranteed to either all hit or miss in a single turn.

Prestige Drop increases the base damage of Drop gags by 10% if the Cog is afflicted by a debuff, with this bonus increasing by 5% for each additional debuff.

Refunding Tracks

Each Gag Track costs 2 Training Points in order to obtain it. Additionally, it takes 1 Training Point to Prestige a Gag Track. If a Toon is unhappy with a Gag Track, or a Prestige that they have, they can refund the Track or Prestige at anytime for free in their Gag Training page of their Shtickerbook. The points are then given back to use on another Track or Prestige that the Toon wants. If a Toon decides to unlock a Gag Track that they have previously refunded, then the Gag Track will be unlocked with the same amount of experience points earned by the Toon prior to them refunding it. It is ideal to level up every Gag Track and then choose to refund/swap a Track depending on the instance.



In a Toon's Shtickerbook they have access to a page to view their Gags and Training Points (Gag Training). On the Gags page, they can see all of their current Gag Tracks as well as which ones are Prestige. Prestiged Gags will have a darker blue background and a filled in star on the Gag Track. Below the list is a trash can icon for removing any purchased Gags in order to clear up inventory space. The total Gag amount can be seen in addition to the amount of Boss Rewards that are currently on hand. Hovering over a Gag will replace this information with information about that specific Gag.

Toons can also see the amount of Suit Parts they have, or if the Suit is maxed, it will say maxed. It will also list the amount of Merits needed for a Promotion, or if a Promotion is ready, it will say Ready For Promotion. Additionally, a Toon's Jellybean Bank and pocket amount can be visible from this page. The larger number on the Jellybean Jar is the pocket amount, while the smaller is the Jellybean Bank amount. Toons can also see their current Gumball amount and Batcoin amount (if an event such as Halloween is ongoing).

Gag Builds

Gag Builds are the ratio of Gag tracks to Prestige Gags you have (for example, 6/3 would indicate your build is 6 Gag Tracks, 3 Prestiges). In total, the 6 builds a Toon may build into using all Training Points are:

  • Gag setups with 11 training points:
    • 5 Gag Tracks, 5 Prestiges (5/5)
    • 6 Gag Tracks, 3 Prestiges (6/3)
    • 7 Gag Tracks, 1 Prestige (7/1)
  • Gag setups with all 12 training points:
    • 6 Gag Tracks, 4 Prestiges (6/4)
    • 7 Gag Tracks, 2 Prestiges (7/2)
    • 8 Gag Tracks, 0 Prestiges (8/0)

Version History

v1.4.0 BETA
  • Gag accuracy now works off of a soft cap system.
    • Accuracy will soft cap at 95% (except Drop, which still soft caps at 96%.)
    • After the soft cap, accuracy bonuses will still add towards your final accuracy, but at 1/10th effectiveness.
      • For example, a Throw Gag with an overall accuracy of 100% will result in a final accuracy of 95.5%.
    • Accuracy will hard cap at 99%. This value can be reached at 135% overall accuracy for most Gags, and 126% overall accuracy for Drop Gags.
v1.3.0.4 BETA
  • Fixed an issue where a Gag without targets would still be consumed.
v1.3.0 BETA
  • The Gag EXP requirements have been adjusted across the board, the requirements below reflect all requirements from getting to Level 2 to maxing your Gag Tracks.
    • 20/100/500/2000/5000/9000/14000/20000
      • The original values were: 20/100/500/2,000/6,000/10,000/15,000/20,000.
v1.2.7.4 BETA
  • Repalletized gag icons (including racing gags) for a smoother appearance and improved performance.
v1.2.6.1 BETA
  • Made some visual changes to the gag display to improve readability.
    • Gags have a soft shadow to make them stand out on backgrounds more.
    • The prestige color tint effect is now replaced with a starry background
v1.2.5 BETA
  • Added back the rollover on the Gag UI that tells you how much experience is required to unlock the next gag.
v1.1.0 BETA
  • Prestige gags now show up as a darker blue color in your gag inventory!
  • Remove some remnants of the “New Gag GUI”.
v1.0.17 BETA
  • [undocumented] All changes made during the previous April Fools update were reverted.
v7.7.7.7 BETA (April Fools)
  • gags are no longer reversed, cause people don't like fun.
v7.7.7 BETA (April Fools)
  • gags are N O T A E T H S T E T I C, but they are reversed.
    • The level order of Gags is visually reversed.
      • For example, Opera is in the level 1 slot while Bikehorn is in the level 8 slot (they still do their set damages and order).
  • various gags have gotten reskins or renames in the spirit of april toons.
    • Toon-Up -> Useless?
    • Trap -> AAAAA
    • Lure -> Stunlock
    • Sound -> Spam
    • Squirt -> Wet
    • Zap -> Pew Pew
    • Throw -> Yeet
    • Drop -> Wheeee
  • new gag gui is gone. :crab:
v1.0.11.1 BETA
  • Fixed a crash with players using the new Gag GUI.
v1.0.6 BETA
  • All gag prestige bonuses that would have resulted in decimal numbers now round up instead of down.
v1.0.4 BETA
  • Cog Suit and Merit progress will now show on your Gag Inventory page.
v1.0.0 [Game Release]
  • Gag tracks have been reordered! Throw now comes after Squirt and Zap.
    • This makes the order from top to bottom: Toon-Up, Trap, Lure, Sound, Squirt, Zap, Throw, Drop.
  • Each gag track has at least one new gag, bringing each track to 8 gags total!
  • Experience to get each gag has been tweaked, with the maximum gag experience being 20,000. Level 8 gags are earned at 15,000 and maxed at 20,000.
    • Every gag track now requires the same amount of experience to get to each level.
      • This makes the XP for each level: 20/100/500/2,000/6,000/10,000/15,000/20,000
  • ALL gags now target one Toon or Cog, excluding the entirety of Sound, and every other Toon-up and Lure gag.
    • With this, the "500 to go" feature has been removed, allowing you to buy any gag in the gag shop at any time after they are unlocked.
  • Every gag has been remodelled or retextured!
  • You can now pick any two gag tracks to start with from Make-A-Toon. Tasks asking for gags will ask only from your 2 starting gag tracks.
    • A warning has been implemented if you try to pick Toon-Up and Lure. Be careful!