Rocky (Resistance Ranger)

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Rocky is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in the Toon HQ located in The Brrrgh playground. Additionally, during the Break The Law event Rocky could be found in Resistance Outpost located in Open Fire Chestnut Roasting on Polar Place.


Rocky is a citrine dog who wears the Lawbot Resistance Ranger outfit.

Story Appearances

The Brrrgh - In The Brrrgh's taskline Rocky appears in the following tasks: Rocky Joins The Battle, Ye Olde Wizarde, Home's Where The Wizard's At?, Helping Rocky, Actually Help Rocky, and Topple The Law. His dialogue during these tasks is as follows:

Rocky Join The Battle

"[Toon Name], great, you've arrived."
"Let me cut to the chase."
"We need your help."
"Lawbots have been swarming our playground, and despite our best efforts, we haven't been able to keep their numbers down..."
"We think it's the climate. The Lawbots seem so attracted to the cold."
"Our freezing temperatures make for the perfect storm for the Cogs that love the cold hard truth of the law..."
"Making it the ideal place for them to settle."
"Now naturally, we'd go to the one Toon that's guided us the most since we've all arrived..."
"But he's been missing ever since the Lawbot Headquarters sprung up."
"And he's the Toon that started this eternal blizzard, we think he would be powerful in helping us through this fight."
"We think he may have fled and found shelter back in his homeplace in Ye Olde Toontowne."
"We need you to go there, find him, and bring him back. We need him to guide us through this battle, to take down these Lawbots."
"Go, ask them where he is, find us The Blizzard Wizzard."

Ye Olde Wizarde

"Not there??"
"This isn't good. We NEED him."
"Please, go check his shop, this is vital."
"Even try defeating Cogs nearby, maybe he'll be inspired to join the battle... do anything you can."
"Report back if you find him."

Home's Where The Wizard's At?

"He's not in his shop?"
"Not even battling lured him out?"
"Expected, unfortunately..."
"This isn't good..."
"We need him, his experience, his smarts... We need Lil' Oldman..."
"Okay, here's what we'll do."
"Having been in The Brrrgh for some time has put me through a lot of situations."
"Each of those times I've gone to Hysterical Harry repeatedly to help me manage these things."
"Go visit him at this shop "Snow Big Deal! Crisis Management" on Walrus Way."
"He'll figure something out for us, I just know it."
"Find Lil' Oldman, and find me once you do."

Helping Rocky

"You found him! Great!"
"We need his expertise to properly infiltrate and take down the Lawbot Headquarters on Polar Place."
"This is critical, [Toon Name]."
"I want you to work closely with Lil' Oldman, don't let that wizard out of your sight."
"Work with him, and build a disguise just like the other headquarters you're notable for having researched."
"Come back to me once this is accomplished. We'll go from there."
"Good luck, and I'll forward the great news to Hysterical Harry. He'll be thrilled."

Actually Help Rocky

"Excellent, you're back. Where's The Wizard?"
"...Not coming?"
"Fine, well, I need you to run over to Toontown Central."
"Bumpy Bumblebehr has informed me of his plans to move forward with an attack on the Lawbots."
"Move quick, before he's already gone off inside Lawbot HQ."
"Come back once you've infiltrated and found the way to take these Cogs down once and for all."

Topple The Law

"You did it! You helped defeat the C.L.O.!"
"Good work, [Toon Name]."
"You also happened to save Bumpy's rear, from what I heard."
"I also heard Lauren Ordier's going to get a bit of a talking to. Something about a backbone?"
"Either way, let me tell ya, I love that goofball, but he sure gets himself in predicaments easily."
"I doubt this will be the end of those Lawbots, however."
"So, if you ever have the time, head back in. I'm sure Bumpy will catch Lauren trying to sneak in again, and I'm sure they'll need your help again."
"Also, I have urgent news from you."
"While you were busy defeating the C.L.O., a little birdie dropped by."
"They left a message that Flippy needs to see you. Right away, as well."
"Before you go, I just want to thank you for going out of your way to find Lil' Oldman."
"He'll be useful as we aim to train more Toons to take these Lawbots down for good."
"Good luck to you out there, [Toon Name]. And just remember that you've always got a place to stay in The Brrrgh if you ever need it."

Lawbot HQ - In the Lawbot HQ directives Rocky appears in the following directive: Docket Dilemma.

Docket Dilemma

"Hey, [Toon Name]! What can I do for you?"
"Dockets? Don't be silly! We don't do that stuff anymore since... Well..."
"You know..."
"But if you are in desperate need of them, I suggest you go find Webster. He might have what you are looking for."

Event Tasks - Rocky appears in the April Toons 2020 task: Vampire Strikes Back, the April Toons 2021 task: Ranger Giveaway!, and several tasks during the Break The Law event. His dialogue during some of these tasks is as follows:

Ranger Giveaway!

"I have all these leftover ranger shirts, and yes, I'm giving them away. Want one?"
"I'll need you to share, share, share them though. I can't give you all of them!"
"Go hand these out for me, [Toon Name], and then I can give you one of your own!"
"Hysterical Harry has been acting very suspicious, I think this could calm his nerves."
"I'd make that the first one you hand out."
"Lounge Lassard helped me relax after Break the Law, he definitely deserves one."
"Give one out to those two Toons, and you can have one for yourself!"

After returning from Lounge Lassard

"Good work handing those out! Saved me plenty of time."
"I had yours ready, custom fit, but a giant Cog stole it."
"I tried to block the attacks, but he was already a block, it did no good!"
"I need you to go get it back! From those rectangular prisms of evil!"

After recovering the Volunteer Ranger Shirt from Barristers

"Good work taking down that Cog! I have not seen fighting like that in 2 years!"
"I just need one more thing."
"We got another request for one, I don't want to put you through more tasks."
"This one has been long enough as is!"
"I just need some beans to pay for shipping."

After giving Rocky 19 Jellybeans

"Thank you for that! It just did not fit in the budget."
"Enjoy your shirt, you earned it!"


"I'm Resistance Leader Rocky, the lead of this whole operation."
"This is the resistance outpost, if the signs outside weren't obvious enough."
"Here is where you will come for both mission briefing and to trade the Dockets you'll receive throughout the operation."
"What are Dockets you ask?"
"Well, they are the documents you will retrieve from Lawbots during the operation."
"Those of which you can trade with Webster across the room."
"I'm sure you've been rearing to get involved, so here's your first assignment [Toon Name]!"
"Elphabat has returned this year to assist with the operation and brought her sister, Hexa Decimal, along to assist."
"I was informed Hexa has the ability to make it easier to acquire those materials Toons worked their shoulders off for last year."
"Ask Hexa Decimal inside Lawbot HQ about this ability, tell her I sent you and I'm sure she'll be willing to teach it!"

Locked up Claims

Back already [Toon Name]?
That's great, I've got your first real assignment ready!
As you've likely noticed when talking to Hexa Decimal, there's something…
Out of place...
The building standing in the middle of the headquarters.
That is Count Erclaim's abode.
Us Toons thought he was taken care of for sure during his return during April Toons.
However, now he's back to stop our operation!
First [Toon Name], I want you to acquire a Skelepire Key.
Skelepire Keys will increase the effect of storming Count Erclaim's office once you take care of him!
They are commonly found from the DA's Office.
Take one out and see if you recover a key!

After defeating a DA's Office

"Ah, [Toon Name], I see why the resistance brought you in!"
"You took out that office no sweat!"
"And you earned a Skelepire Key as well!"
"Now, it's time for you to face Count Erclaim himself!"
"He's stronger than any normal cog you've likely faced, so be sure to bring friends along for your battle."
"Good luck, and return safely!"

"You made it [Toon Name]!"
"Count Erclaim isn't gone for good though..."
"The Chairman is likely sending another cog to take his place as we speak."
"Be sure to check in his office time to time, even if you don't have a key."
"Here's 20 Dockets for your troubles."
"Enjoy Operation: Break the Law!"

The Comics - Rocky appears in the following Corporate Clash Comics:

Misc. Appearances

Unique Interaction Dialogue

Rocky has unique dialogue when attempting to interact with him. This dialogue is as follows:

  • "Thanks for keeping those Lawbots off my tail."
  • "The cold weather isn't that bad once you get used to it."
  • "Got any Jellyfish sandwiches?"
  • "I think I should just take a month's vacation during Halloween..."


  • Prior to the v1.2.5 update Rocky wore the standard Resistance Ranger outfit instead of the Lawbot one.
    • However, during Break The Law he instead wore the Lawbot Resistance Ranger outfit only while inside the Resistance Outpost.
  • Rocky's last name is Rhode.
  • During the April Toons 2022 event, Rocky gained additional lines of interaction dialogue for the duration of the event. These lines are as follows:
    • "We managed to sabotage Lawbot HQ, but I can't even eject a single vampire from my own house..."
    • "That purple building at Polar Place looks real suspicious, don'tcha think?"
    • "When I get off my shift, I'm going to vent to Dr. Easy over some Hambrrrgers."
    • "Do you think there are any vampires among us, [Toon Name]?"
    • "I'm calling an emergency meeting with Flippy soon, this vampire situation is getting ridiculous!"
    • "Vampires. All. Stink."
    • "I fear no Cog. But..."
  • As part of an official Q&A for the Break The Law event, Rocky along with several other Resistance Rangers had a Discord account for the event that appeared in the Corporate Clash Discord Server. All of the Rangers' Discord accounts have since been deleted.
    • His Discord tag was Rockster#4065.
