Who Is?

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Note: With the release of this Blog Post, any information shared in podcasts are no longer deemed canon.

Who Is? is an official Toontown: Corporate Clash podcast uploaded on the Corporate Clash Youtube Channel. The podcast covers the background and other lore elements of characters within Corporate Clash's story, the development of these characters, and answers questions about these characters submitted directly by the community. As of now, there are two episodes of the podcast.

Episode 1: Atticus Wing


The first episode of Who Is? features Atticus Wing. The episode was released on March 6th, 2022. The episode discusses his early life, how he met Redd 'Heir' Wing, how the Break The Law event impacted him, and other topics related to his character.

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Toonsies: Hello Toons of the Tooniverse! Thank you for tuning in to our first episode of "Who Is?"! My name is Toonsie/Daffy or Daffodil Bud, Anything works, and I am a Game Design Lead Assistant alongside a semi-lore lead with obviously uh lovely CheezedFish or Tubby and joining me today in this episode is Turkeybone. Take it away, Turkey!

Turkeybone: Hello, uh my name is Turkey, some people in the community call me Alex either or is fine with me. I'm the lead of the game design department on the Clash Crew and I am excited to be here.

Toonsies: Thanks for joining us Turkey, uh why don't you tell the listeners about what the series is all about?

Turkeybone: "Who is?" is a podcast series that dives into the lore of all your favorite characters from Toontown: Corporate Clash. Here we will discuss the backstory, other lore elements, some development backgrounds, and some other fun facts you may have not have known before. Furthermore, in the end we will answer some questions that you may have about.. who we're...um...discussing today.

Toonsies: You good? [Laughs] We all have that kind of stuff man, don't worry. It's always the first episode jitters. But...

Turkeybone: Always.

Toonsies: Of course, what no better way to start the series than most, well the most talked about character: Atticus. I know you and me, Atticus, goes way back when I first joined the team.

Turkeybone: Oh yeah.

Toonsies: Yeah, I mean I know Break the Law was one of my biggest things alongside you. I wasn't here before the prep for Break the Law, but I know I was kind of more of a major part of Break the Law alongside you. With kind of the ARG stuff and just amongst many things, and I know you and I mainly wrote Atticus itself.

Turkeybone: Yes.

Toonsies: Yes. I mean that was the... I gotta say that's probably one of the biggest moments in probably... we've had since knowing each other for who knows how long.

Turkeybone: Six? Almost seven years at this point.

Toonsies: Noo... It's gotta be 9-10.

Turkeybone: No, it's not been that long, but-

Toonsies: Are you sure?

Turkeybone: Hey, it's been close.

Toonsies: Alright, fair enough. So... where do I begin with Atticus? [Laughs] I-I mean, you know I know his lore pretty darn well. Eh... Hmmm... Let's-

Turkeybone: Uhh.. A good place to start might be uh, about that Twitter post that we made a few days ago on not- not the Q&A post, the one prior. Uh a lot of people had questions about uh why was he not a Skelecog in that.

Toonsies: Yeah, yeah that's- oh yeah that's a good point. Um, I guess we can start during his kind of college years and all that kind of stuff. Um, but yeah, kind of before Atticus was the Atticus y'all know today, he actually went by Atticus Wiggwurt, uh surprise surprise. Um... and we'll explain why he went from Wiggwurt to Wing, must be obvious, but we'll get there when we get there. Um... but yeah he kind of had the college life here in Wisgonesin, um... what the Atticus was previously is not what you expected. He was more... kind of... entitled? I would say, kind of more of like, he- he thought he was like the top dog in his college life. Um, he always got kind of like best grades and all that kind of stuff. He was... what are they calling that uh college like valedictorians or something? I know it's like-

Turkeybone: Yeah, like top of the class.

Toonsies: Yeah, he's top of the class and all that kind of stuff.

Turkeybone: And then like second is like salutatorian.

Toonsies: Yeah, yeah, yeah. He was the biggest guy ever like he never really kind of went to anyone for help, he didn't really offer help, until kind of one day. Um, he was assigned kind of a Cog to tutor, and this kind of started changing him of how he felt towards kind of just other Cogs and just general I should say. Um, just kind of that slowly kind of bonding with this certain Suit, um just really got him to that edge of what he like- what he knows now. He's still not there yet, he's still not empathetic, of what he was today. Uh, he's still just getting there. It was kind of during that time where he saved kind of like a Legal Eagle from falling debris in a wreckage in Wisgonesin. Did he had- kind of have that change of heart, um... I think it was like, I kind of see this as like um... what he is now as a Skelecog is kind of just like what he wants/prefers to be. Someone kind, rather than someone I don't know like what he was previously.

Turkeybone: Yes.

Toonsies: Yeah. Um... when it comes to Redd though, Redd is a... interesting/fun story actually. I know everyone wants to know about how "ooh ooh how did Redd and Atticus come to be ooh". It's a whole story. Um, essentially what happened with Atticus um I'd say before we get to Redd is Atticus did eventually get married. Um and he changed his last name to Wing. And during kind of like this, uh, after marrying and all that kind of stuff, he, a Cog at this time, was kind of like introduced and this was Redd 'Heir' Wing. At the time he was not what like what he is now. He was originally a Skelecog and um kind of working in kind of that same element of corporate law and he was kind of young at the time and Atticus kind of had this very fatherly instinct to take him in and tutor him like he did for another Suit. And that was when kind of Redd was like a bit... uh... he kind of... he didn't really like Atticus. Um, he kind of liked someone else at this point but he didn't like Atticus kind of like as a father figure. He kind of saw him more as just of like some Cog I should say. It's when like Atticus started to care for Redd because Redd never had this kind of um... caring element and that's a whole different story we'll get into perhaps in the future, but it was when Redd saw how much Atticus cared for him that he started to kind of lighten up and actually... really just warmed up to Atticus overall and it was- it was like during the- it was the moment when at first kind of like... uh what should I say... it was like, it was like when Redd gave Atticus the number one dad mug that really solidified like okay um alright I'll probably accept this whole father thing and adoption papers went through and Redd 'Heir' Wing as you all know today.

Turkeybone: Yes.

Toonsies: I'll say as a little fun fact of the "heir" part, um Atticus did spoil Redd without a doubt, so there's a little fun fact for you all out there. So, after the whole kind of raising Redd to be this smart, kind of boy that he is, um... Atticus graduated Wisgonesin, from Wisgonesin university and [laughs] and.. as all college students are when they first graduate they're in debt. And Atticus had a family to raise, obviously, and a family to kind of just offer money to a house/home and everything so it was around that point that C.O.G.S. Incorporated kind of reached out 'cause this was during the time where C.J. left and they needed kind of quote-unquote replacement or just a substitute for the time being before they found a replacement. And this is when Atticus stepped in to take the job as what mostly now people know him as the Witness Stand-In.

Turkeybone: Yes.

Toonsies: Yeah. Um, BTL, whoo [laughs]! BTL it was probably one of the most biggest moments of Atticus history ever in- within his life. Um, BTL was a... spiral. It was a snowball for him.

Turkeybone: Yeah.

Toonsies: Yeah... [Laughs].

Turkeybone: It um, it.. this can be shown through like the duration of Break the Law where we had several comics kind of uh displaying his like reaction to Toons attacking uh Lawbot HQ through uh- during the duration of Break the Law as well as like throughout updates- throughout patches and updates during Break the Law we would uh tweak his dialogue to kind of represent that uh spiral of into uh like uh mental sadness or whatever.

Toonsies: Yeah.

Turkeybone: Depression and all that.

Toonsies: I mean, some events kind of led to that where it was, um, just like, I mean obviously the Resistance Rangers were starting to get the upper hand and Atticus having kind of just this strong loyalty of his position he did not want that to happen. And um, it was actually Redd who kind of stepped in trying to help his father, because Redd hated seeing his father with him in this devastated state. He wanted to do something to make up to his father and like just almost like defend him in a way or just help him, but that kind of ended up going against him and Redd kind of got badly damaged in the process which just... woo... which ended up causing Atticus to go even more deeper and deeper into just this spiral until he just kind of finally snapped in Phase 3 in which you all know as the kind of Witness Stand-In fight.

Turkeybone: Yeah.

Toonsies: Speaking of... um, speaking of the Witness Stand-In fight, I know that you amongst other were kind of part of that battle how like- what was the thought process behind that?

Turkeybone: Okay, so initially it was uh we were developing this miniboss fight for the Witness Stand-In as kind of like another fun thing to do in Phase 3 because as many players know as one of thing of BTL was it didn't have a whole lot of new gameplay with it. So it was initially designed just like as this fun optional way to finish the C.J. fight, or what would be C.J.'s at the time, but would be the Wintess Stand-In. But it ended up developing into something 'cause we didn't get it in for the release of Phase 3, so we ended up developing it into what it was, which was the result of finishing the final ARG for Phase 3 of BTL. In which were four Toons at the um... can they- can they all fill the entire jury, he would snap and that's when that results in the miniboss fight that everybody uh endured.

Toonsies: I know this is... I don't know if this is just me, my standpoint, I know Redd, I think it was Redd that kind of had that uh first introduction to uh... what you all know as like cheats. I know was like Atticus kind of that second introduction as well?

Turkeybone: Um, I would say so. I mean if we really want to be honest I mean we would say like Sads would be the first Cog that had quote-unquote cheats because of his damage over time in his first introduction back in uh 2019 of Halloween. But then, obviously for April Toons of 2020, we introduced Redd, instead of bringing Count Erclaim back. And yeah he had his own little set of cheats uh in which in hindsight aren't nearly as complex as ones we come with now and there's uh technical reasons for that, um but yeah he was the first- I would say he's the first fight with like, genuine cheats, that like changed how you might consider how you fight him.

Toonsies: Yeah. I would say its just kind of- its just the Wing family overall is kind of that introduction of it which I think is amazing and phenominal. I think that BTL Phase 3 was kind of just that like final introduction into what would be kind of like um the standpoint for now on Corporate Clash and its just functionality and all that kind of stuff which I think is really really cool.

Turkeybone: Yeah.

Toonsies: Umm... let's see... what else can I talk about? I mean I guess now everyone knows how the Last Stand went off. Um, obviously Resistance Rangers think they get the upper hand, uh Atticus ends up pushing him back 'cause the final C.L.O. has been finally um been hired. It's just Atticus in this kind of final showdown, but ends up kind of when he thought he was able to kind of fend off the Resistance Rangers. Elvis is the final one to kind of take the blow of what Atticus is and end up killing him. Which does end up kind of just like causing Redd to be a trillionaire and end up going somewhere which who knows where he might be right now.

Turkeybone: Yeah, of course. Um well, its like with the Last Stand even like a lot of uh BTL stuff one thing I definitely recall and enjoyed doing a lot was writing a lot of Atticus' dialogue for both the Last Stand and in-game.

Toonsies: Oh yeah, that was- that was a great tag team that we had there for an hot minute not gonna lie. Alright.

Turkeybone: It was a lot of co-operation in that regard.

Toonsies: Yes, oh my goodness. Um, I remember... I know we were just sitting in we're like you know what let's- let's just do this dialogue I know you did a lot, you did majority of it, if anything and I know I just pitched ideas and you were like wait, wait, wait what if. Which was pretty fun.

Turkeybone: Yes, it was very enjoyable, probably one of my uh favorite moments of working on Break the Law.

Toonsies: Oh yeah, absolutely. I- I think just me working with kind of the Atticus art overall was I think one of my favorites as well.

Turkeybone: I agree.

Toonsies: Yes.

Turkeybone: Alright.

Toonsies: I guess we will go straight to our Q&A that we have put a Tweet out for. Um, let's start with the first question from Duckington Finch: "The question I'd like answered is who is the artist behind this image?".

Turkeybone: Well okay, the person who did the art behind our wonderful art here on the Twitter post is actually Mailman from the Corporate Clash Crew. He is one of our Creative Lead Assistants.

Toonsies: Woo, Mailman! Shoutout to Mailman! I think. They're- they're- dude Mailman is the best. We love you Mailman! Please, if you ever see Mailman around by the way guys, give them some love they are- they're fantastic. Alright.

Turkeybone: Yeah.

Toonsies: What's our next question?

Turkeybone: Next question, from the EmeraldTwooter or Fetchswan: "Are there any other Cogs that are part of the Wing family outside of Atticus and Redd?".

Toonsies: Yes, actually, as obviously Atticus is married so that would be his spouse.

Turkeybone: Yeah. Then that's the... moving on to our next question from Chocodile or @ chocolatecpu: "Why is Atticus (or any Cogs for that matter) a Lawbot? Did they choose that branch or was it chosen for them? Can they switch branches or do they feel no desire to?".

Toonsies: Um, I guess I'll start answering this in just parts. Atticus is a Lawbot because obviously he was built and constructed that way. He was assigned to that. Um, it was kind of chosen for him and um he really did not want to switch because he- he kind of felt he was destined for him and he felt kind of- he just felt being in there and it was right for him. Pretty much.

Turkeybone: Yeah.

Toonsies: Alright, uh let's go on to the next question by juniortheEPIC or Googlecorn: "How did he feel know that the department he tried to keep intact was falling apart (fast)?".

Turkeybone: Okay, so like as we described up above earlier, we- he had a lot of mental down spirals during the duration of BTL with the like, uh, with Redd being bullied during April Toons (Toonsies laughs) along with like just the Lawbot Department just falling apart. He uh just eventually had this mental down-spiral which led to the peak of both his miniboss fight and the Last Stand.

Toonsies: Mhm. I agree. I mean its just that overall... its just again just that spiral its- it really had the most heaviest toll on him throughout his time working in C.O.G.S. Incorporated. Alright.

Turkeybone: Moving on, um from Jaxon or @marinetoon: "How did he feel losing his Big Wig shell?".

Toonsies: Um, I know obviously at first he kind of just felt weird 'cause since he was a Version 2.0, but after a- he kind of accepted it 'cause he kind of saw it as something that- thats his Big Wig shell. Um... he kind of really liked his new self because this was himself now being kind of like empathetic. Um... in his old (shell) he wanted to kind of just push the old life behind and kind of accept this new version of him. So more... kind of just... to sum it all up accepting.

Turkeybone: Yes. Next question, Lewis Rhys or @dungeon_raided: "What's his favorite memory of spending time with Redd, important question for my soul?" with a little heart emoji.

Toonsies: That's really cute. Okay, that's a really good question. Umm... hmm... Let me see my vault of memories here. Um, I know I mentioned before that um the receiving of the mug from Redd is one part of it, but I'll give probably another thing. I mean usually there's study times together. They usually bond over a lot, just kind of Atticus teaching corporate law to Redd and that's usually how they kind of bond the most. I would say anything regarding just teaching overall is kind of just their biggest moments together because it was just that time where they both could just like be father and son.

Turkeybone: I'll actually take this next question if you want to go and ask.

Toonsies: Yeah, sure. Um, this one's by Miss Burpee or, sorry if I butcher this, Aria uh heart: "What's his importance for new players?".

Turkybone: Alright, for in game, like play style, there is nothing too like direct in terms of uh needing to know who he is, but if you want to like really develop the lore, especially in the development of the Lawbot Department, it's very important to know about Atticus because he played a pretty big role in terms of the transition between the C.J. and the C.L.O. being introduced into the game. So in hindsight, it's- hes important if you want to know the story, and it's good to know it because it might come up again in the future.

Toonsies: Yes, I would certainly say for sure he's brought a lot, especially with the Stenographer and Case Manager since they too were impacted by kind of just Atticus' death overall.

Turkeybone: Yes.

Toonsies: Alright. Next question if you will.

Turkeybone: Next question from Lil' Oldman or @Lil_Oldman...

Toonsies: Yo? Lil' Oldman?

Turkeybone: "What were the opinions of the other department bosses about who he was?".

Toonsies: [Laughs] Okay, this is a fun one. So, alright. So here's a little lore for you guys. Usually when you're with your co-workers, or the bosses I should say since they're all coworkers with one another, you usually are focused in your own department. So, they really did not care of what was happening with Atticus and all. I mean they were kind of more worried about their own departments. I mean obviously they were impacted by kind of like this dent in the Lawbot kind of just Headquarters area overall, but um I would just say overall that V.P. was worried within his own, uh, kind of his own Headquarters. Same thing with the C.F.O., C.J. was gone [laughs] out taking his vacation and C.E.O. I guess there just a little hint of worry, but it was not that bad. It- again they were all worried about their own departments rather than worried about Atticus.

Turkeybones: Yeah, they were less worried about uh, Atticus himself, and more about this uh the domino effect of the Lawbot Department.

Toonsies: Yes, absolutely. I mean, if Atticus were to do something bad, I think he would get the one- he would get the finger pointed on him. So it- its kind of that deal if- if he didn't bring up his weight obviously the bosses were gonna probably uh notice.

Turkeybone: The bosses were much more self centered about the whole situation.

Toonsies: Mhm, absolutely. Alright, final question from Mildly Interesting Toontown Facts or @tewtowfacts, that's a funny name.

Turkeybone: Great- a great handle by the way.

Toonsies: Yes, absolutely. Absolutely stunning handle. Um, "If Atticus was a 2.0 Big Wig how was Redd 'Heir' Wing in any way related besides his last name?".

Turkeybone: So, in the- in the- at the end of the day that is like the main way they are related 'cause, as we discussed previously, um Redd was adopted by Atticus. So they- their relations do end, uh, past last name but they have this- they still have this really strong father-son bond or did have this really strong father-son bond.

Toonsies: I mean, in overall, its just Atticus taking Redd into the family and Redd adopting that last name because he feels like he belongs in the Wing family. That he- I mean he loves his father, all things considered, and Atticus loves his son and like the same way its just- again its just that idea of adoption and just wanting to be a part of this big great family.

Turkeybone: Yes.

Toonsies: Yes. Well, I think that's probably all of the question that we have. Yes, there is. Um, well, Turkey thank you so much for joining me talking about Atticus. I think this is the most funnest thing that I've ever done with you man.

Turkeybone: I, uh, don't know how to respond to that because we've had a lot of good times together, but um yes I had a great time today. I was- I have been looking forward to doing this, so I was very glad to be here.

Toonsies: Yeah, of course of course. Um so, guys, let us know what character you should- that should be talked about next here and if the next "What Is?" podcast, or "Who Is?" podcast I should say, and thank you for tuning in, hope you all have a great day!

Turkeybone: Alright, you guys have an awesome day.

Toonsies: Woohoo! See you in the Tooniverse!

Episode 2: Thomas Saggs


The second episode of Who Is? features Thomas Saggs. The episode was released on July 2nd, 2022. The episode discusses who Thomas is, why he was written to be the Chairman's brother, his backstory, and why he is included in April Toons events.

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Toonsies: Welcome back, Toons of the Tooniverse. Thank you for tuning in to our second episode of "Who Is?". My name is Toonsies, your podcast host, and joining me here today is CheezedFish and Timer!

CheezedFish: Hi, I'm CheezedFish. I am a Game Designer and a Game Developer here at Corporate Clash. I also do writing, and I am the guy that's responsible for implementing the Ottoman, also the Chief Operating Officer, into April Toons every year.

Timer: Hi, I'm Timer, I am a Moderation Lead Assistant and also a Lore Writer. Um, I don't do much things on the technical side, but, uh, I'm in charge of a lot of the, uh, fancy life details that goes into writing the Ottoman.

Toonsies: Thanks for joining us, both of you. And, for those who are first-time listeners and haven't heard our last episode of "Who Is?": "Who Is?" is a podcast series that dives deep into the lore of all your favorite characters from Toontown: Corporate Clash. Here, we'll discuss backstory, other lore elements, and some development background and other fun facts you may have not known before! Furthermore, at the end we'll answer questions that you may have from our Twitter that you may have saw earlier. So, uh, from our last video, a good amount of our community has asked us to cover the beloved rambler, uh, the Chief Operating Officer, otherwise known as Ottoman, otherwise known as Thomas Saggs. So, and a lot of people are wondering, who is this guy? Why do we come and visit him every April Toons? What's more about him? And, generally, just his general backstory. Uh, first most is I would say his personality that a lot of people know him to be, the rambler, uh, and all the like. Uh, Timer, you want to kind of talk about that? Of just his personality, and all that kind of stuff?

Timer: Uh, sure! So, there's a couple of things that go into Ottoman's personality as a whole. But if you had to just had to, like, condense it down into a couple of words, I would probably just say that he's very laid back and chill, and not very... [laughs]. He's not much of a go-getter, he just kind of follows people around. Um... but he's a different personality whenever you compare him to, like, other types of Cogs, especially, because, uh, he is obviously a lot more kind [laughs] to Toons and things like that. Uh, and um he's technically- he's obviously a lot less aggressive, and he has a huge fixation on gardening as a hobby. Which is something that we haven't really seen before considering, uh, our Cogs are typically very... discriminatory of nature. They don't like it very much. But, uh, he loves gardening. He's got a whole bunch of plants. He's got Bubby, who we all know and love. And he's very passive- despite being the oldest brother- he's actually more passive as compared to, uh, Robert, his younger brother, actually. So, you would expect him to take on more of a leading role, being the older one, but he's quite the opposite.

Toonsies: Yeah, yeah! Um, and I actually want to go back there. You mentioned his younger brother, uh, the Chairman, which other people know as Robert. Uh, can you talk about, like, why we decided to, uh, give Ottoman- not Ottoman, excuse me, Robert- a, uh, brother, who is obviously the Ottoman.

CheezedFish: Well, the reason we gave Robert, uh, Thomas as a brother is because it helps to humanize him and ground him as a villain. Because when you have something that you can relate to, it helps to kind of bridge that gap that is kind of missing, where you have this big bad that everybody sees as a “final goal”, but instead you can kind of see it more on your own level.

Toonsies: Yeah, yeah, and, um, obviously with these two being brothers, obviously you see, uh, see some kind of, uh, connections or something between them kind of, um, going on. What's the relationship between them?

CheezedFish: You see it a lot in video games. You have Mario and Luigi, uh, more recently of Sans and Papyrus. It happens a lot where you see this dynamic of an older brother and a younger brother, and it's almost like an unbreakable bond that they come as a two-for-one package. Uh, we designed the, uh, Ottoman, Thomas, as more of the "Luigi" of the partners, where he's kind of in the background not really as prominent. But, for whatever reason, he becomes a fan favorite because of that. Because of that scarcity of presence in the game.

Toonsies: Mhm, yeah. And, um, obviously with, uh, relationships you- uh, I mean, you just got his- your- you all know is that he has a brother, and then you have Bubby. And, um, very people little know about, like, Bubby's, uh, relationship with, uh, Thomas. Want to go into a little detail about that as well?

CheezedFish: I'm gonna be completely honest about Bubby. Bubby was a completely last-minute addition because I thought the room was too gray and square, so I put in one plant to make the lobby area not as boring.

Toonsies: [Laughs] Yeah! And I know, um, from watching, that we've kind of decided to play along with that, and then that kind of grew more into a, um, kind of, uh, his gardening fixation, of that like. And-

CheezedFish: It became a running joke, yeah.

Toonsies: Yeah.

CheezedFish: Because- because with Bubby, uh, I don't think we had a name for Bubby for the longest time, but we started running out of dialogue to fill in the 20 minutes back in 2020. So, in that regard, we just had to start coming up with stuff about what the plant in the lobby was called. Give some backstory to that almost as like a meta joke.

Toonsies: And obviously, that grew into more of his personality and then became what he is now that people know and love. Um, I've seen this, actually, uh- kind of going on a tangent here- I've seen this question being thrown around a lot lately of, um, where- like, where has Ottoman come from? Where has these two brothers come from? What got him into the position of C.O.G.S. Incorporated?

Timer: So, that one goes back quite a bit into, uh, sort of Ottoman's backstory, which is that, uh, he and Robert initially worked for their parents, um, in their parents' company. Um, and, being the older brother, Thomas was initially supposed to take over his parents' company. He was the designated heir. Um, and their relationship with their parents wasn't really, like, the greatest. Um, there were a lot of expectations placed on Thomas, and, like- like I mentioned before, he's a very passive personality, so seeing him in a leader-ly position just isn't- it's not like him. And being told, uh, or being designated as the one to be in that leader-ly position was just- it wasn't something that he enjoyed. It wasn't something that he saw for himself. Um, he did it begrudgingly because I'm sure many of you can relate to the feeling of feeling obligated to your parents. Um, but he- at the end of the day, he didn't really- it caused him a lot of dread because it's not the life that he saw nor wanted for himself. Um, on the other hand, they, uh, with his- in regard to, like, his relationship with Robert, specifically, they were not, like, the nicest to Robert just because he was the younger brother. Um, and so, a lot of it was, like, "Why can't you be more like Thomas?" And so, naturally, Robert struck out on his own. And, uh, Thomas immediately saw this as a position, like, "Okay, well, if he can leave, then I can leave, right? Like, he's done it first, so this gives me an opportunity to follow him." And he still loves his parents, uh, he's- he still, like, cares a lot for them, and I think he probably still feels bad about leaving them to this day. But following Robert and joining and creating C.O.G.S. with him was just, like, the most freeing experience ever, and he would- at the end of day, he would follow his brother to the ends of the Earth, because that was one of the best decisions that he's ever made, probably. And, uh, that's how he ended up as the Chief Operating Officer of C.O.G.S., is that he left with his brother. He abandoned his entire life- he left his entire life behind, essentially, just so that he could make this start up, this random start-up company, with his brother.

Toonsies: So, could you say in a way that Thomas kind of looked up more to his brother rather than, like, vice versa, obviously, because obviously, you've got Thomas who was the designated heir and did not want that and felt like Robert was more in a position to do so.

Timer: Oh yeah, for sure. So, it's kind of ironic in the sense that, like, you know, Robert is the smaller one and he also, like, stands on top of Thomas and things like that. But, uh, somehow- somehow, Thomas still looks up to him. So, uh, he's very, like- he's not very strong-willed, so he basically just follows his brother around and does whatever his brother wants him to do or tells him to do, but he looks up to him a lot as just, like, a role model and just for having more initiative, um, [laughs]. So, he sees in his brother what he probably wants to be himself, um, but is also just perfectly happy the way he is. So, he's not, like, trying to make any changes, like, to overthrow his brother or anything like that. He's just, like- he's happy to just follow him around.

Toonsies: Aww, I really do enjoy that. And, um, obviously with him getting into C.O.G.S. Incorporated, you obviously got more people coming in. Um, do you know, like, any other relations with the other employees at C.O.G.S.? Anyone specific, or no?

Timer: Um, so, he- [laughs] he tends to sort of, like, keep to himself. He's very, uh, quiet in public spaces, and he only really speaks whenever he's spoken to, or whenever someone, like, tries to make conversation with him or shows up to his office. Um, so, I don't- I want to say that he's probably like the- [laughs] kind of like a ghost around the facility in the sense that he doesn't have, like, a lot of relationships with the other employees, just because he doesn't really- uh, he sticks to himself and doesn't really talk to them. Um, but he is- I do know that he has some, like, bordering relationship with, um... the people who are around Chairman quite a lot. So, uh, Chairman's wife, for example, uh, is someone else that he has a relationship with, and he doesn't like her [laughs].

Toonsies: And of course, with him being in C.O.G.S. Incorporated a lot, and- it sounds like that, with him being isolated to himself, he's probably got a lot of, uh, work on his hands. So, you know what kind of stuff that he does, specifically, or...?

Timer: So, he is the Chief Operating Officer, um, which is sort of like... If we break it down into real-life terms, the Chief Operating Officer is sort of like the Chairman's second-hand man. They do a little bit of everything. They stick their fingers into every pie. Uh, whether or not they're necessarily supposed to is another story, but that's usually what they end up doing. Um, so he does a lot of, like, paperwork and glue work that sort of holds the company together. So, Chairman is obviously a busy man, but typically whenever there's, like, more menial tasks or, like, talking to the- like, the C.E.O., C.J., C.F.O., things like that that he doesn't really want to handle, then those responsibilities fall on the C.O.O. to send out memos and things like that, and sort of, like, file any paperwork that needs to be filed. So, he's, like, up to his neck in paperwork because he does all the paperwork that Robert doesn't want to do!

CheezedFish: Uh, C.J. then, now C.L.O,.

Timer: Yeah, thank you for your correction, uh, it was probably the C.J. whenever he was still around, but now it's the C.L.O., so.

Toonsies: I know there's actually one thing I've been meaning- wanting to ask, and obviously this kind of comes up, uh, what was the inspiration for his appearance in April Toons?

CheezedFish: Well, uh, 2020 had come along, and Sky Clan was not a very successful April Toons back in 2019, with MAYDAY and whatnot. So, when 2020 came along, we were in the middle of Break the Law Phase 2. We had Redd ‘Heir’ Wing, and we also had... not much else, really, going on at the time. So, we decided to have, uh, Thomas show up in Boredbots HQ. I know a lot of people think that it's "Boardbot", but it's Boredbots, which plays into the fact that it's just him alone sitting at a desk. That was supposed to be a riff on the idea of us adding in a new boss specifically for April Toons. Uh, the reason that we did that was because we wanted to have an easy way to introduce lore that didn't involve us having to make these grand events. That you're literally just standing in an elevator for 20 minutes while he talks at you. Supposed to be like this subversion of expectations, where you're expecting this big fight, seeing this big elevator, everything going on, but you just have one dude sitting at his desk while eight people sit there talking about playing 52 card pickup.

Toonsies: Mhm. And I know there's a lot of things, too, that came along with it. I know we've been adding- uh, instead of, like, lore hints, we've also been adding, like, uh, radio hints, right?

CheezedFish: Yeah, the radio actually served as a great way for us to introduce new music before you actually hear it in-game. You've seen this with things like Radio 21, which showed up as the, uh, Sellbot building grace theme that plays after you finish a floor, and you've also seen it for some tracks that- I don't know if this is gonna be allowed, but- some tracks are going to be upcoming, obviously, because that's what it's there for.

Toonsies: And I'm sure it must be a real big surprise of how much, like, positive opinion that this has come from, especially just with this, uh, lore, and all this, uh, kind of, uh, sneak peaks of future content that's supposed to come out.

CheezedFish: It's not originally what the intended purpose of him showing up every year in his office is, but we've kind of retooled it into that and it makes a great way to act as a teaser for upcoming content without directly telling you what the content is. It helps the community speculate.

Toonsies: Of course. Alright, um, I feel like it's now- to kind of shift over to our segment over to the Q&A. And surprisingly enough, uh, within the topic of the radio and of the like, um, we have a question here, from darthcrimsonfox- and all these questions are from our Twitter posts that we usually send out kind of, um, more before we start, uh, doing the podcast, all that kind of stuff- um, this question here: "What is Ottoman's favorite type of music?".

Timer: Um, so, his favorite genre of music. It's a little bit all over the place because he tends to just sort of listen to whats ever on the radio, but I will say that he does, like, in terms of his absolute favorite or what he likes to listen to the most, is- he prefers jazz [laughs]. Um-

Toonsies: Really?

Timer: [Laughing] Do not bring up, uh, the "you like jazz?" jokes, but that is in fact his favorite type of music.

Toonsies: [Laughing] Ohh no.

Toonsies: Alright, um, our next question here is from Sn0wStarLe0pard1: "Can you talk to plants like Toons who completed the plant puzzle? Does he enjoy their leafy puns?".

Timer: I mean, I don't think that he necessarily has, like, magical, uh, plant-talking powers, but, um, he can understand, like, their needs. He um can't, like, really hear them, like, telepathically in his head or something like that but he knows enough about plants to, like, know what they need. Like more water, more sunlight, things like that. So, he doesn't, like, have- he probably has conversations with his plants, but it's kind of like talking to himself. Not really expecting them to talk back.

Toonsies: Man, that's cute. That's really nice, too, with him- kind of again, with that fixation, um, just- he just knows everything and obviously he has some kind of understanding of gardening. Um, we have another question from, uh, Koloflame: "Whenever we visit him every April Toons why does he casually lets us relax in his office, expose some high class information and gives us gifts when we leave since that is something no cog would do to Toons?".

CheezedFish: Well, I wouldn't say that he's exposing "high-class information," he's just kind of divulging into, uh, family drama. He might say a few things about what's happening in the company, but by then the Toon Resistance has already got that intel. Like how he talked about the death of Atticus, or how he talks about the Litigation Team and the insurance companies that shut down because of it. But, uh, as for why he lets you just sit around, I guess he just likes the company. He's very much somebody that's behind the scenes, and he knows that there's- that his office is so cluttered that there's no way for you to actually fight him there. Nor would you really have a reason to fight him, because I guess the Toons see it as a way to get some information about the Chairman and his family dealings, 'cause that's stuff that's not really divulged by the Chairman or any of his, uh, any of his department leads that are around him. Having that information, I guess, kind of helps you build a psychological profile on your enemy. But, as for him, he's just kinda, you know, talking about family drama because he's venting. He does paperwork all day. I imagine he's probably pent up. As for the gifts: why does he give out clothing items every year? There is a pretty good reason for that. The first year when he gave out the t-shirts, that was because- that was what the Chairman was going to give out as a reward, uh, assuming that you defeat him in battle. And- he even mentions this, that- he thought these shirts were going to go to waste, because the Chairman assumes that he "always wins." So, every year they come up with something else to give out as a reward, but it's just wasted funds from the company, really. Though, the more recent years, I guess the Ottoman felt an- well, Thomas felt an obligation to, uh, give these out just because of the first year.

Toonsies: Would you say it's more of an obligation, or could you, like, say that this is more of, like, is he trying to create a bond here or is it just again trying to, like, "Oh, I gotta meet up the standards".

CheezedFish: There's no bond here. He doesn't really "like" Toons, per se. He just kind of tolerates them being there. It gives him something to vent towards. Which, I mean, he'd be venting towards plants otherwise. Having somebody that's actually listening? That's kind of nice.

Toonsies: And, um, on the topic of plants, uh, we have- actually, have two questions here, uh, both from CWarmonk. Um, first one that they have, is: "Are all his plants the same type?".

Timer: Uh, yes. They're all the fern known as ficus elastica.

Toonsies: Mhm, and I know he's mentioned this, uh, before in previous dialogue too, so. He's got an abundance [laughs], especially within his office. Uh, second question that they have and our last question here, is: "How does he feel about his job?".

CheezedFish: I feel like he's content with his job. He doesn't have a reason to hate it, and it's something that he absolutely would feel comfortable doing. He doesn't have to interact with people all the time, and he gets to do paperwork behind the scenes. He's not on the, uh, front lines dealing with, uh, company affairs. He just gets to do all the, uh- he just gets to do all the management stuff that's necessary to run the company.

Toonsies: And it seems like that's our last question. Um, CheezedFish, Timer, thank you so much for, uh, joining. And, to all of you listeners out there, let us know what characters should be talked about next! And we'll see you in the next episode of "Who Is?".