Chief Financial Officer

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The Chief Financial Officer (or C.F.O. for short) is the Cashbot Boss found in Cashbot Headquarters and is available to fight once Toons have fully completed their Cashbot disguise by infiltrating the Cashbot Mint.

The exclusive reward for defeating the C.F.O. are Counterfeits. This starts with a base of 16, but can be increased by +4 by the Level 30 department boost, Boosters, and Surplus Sunday. The C.F.O. will also reward 2 Unites that can only be increased by +1 with the Surplus Sunday bonus.

After defeating the C.F.O. Toons will also be promoted to the next Cashbot Suit and will need to gain a certain amount of Cogbucks to fight the boss again.

Content Sync

Toons fighting against the C.F.O. will have Content Sync applied to them. They will be synced down to the following stats:

  • 85 Laff Soft Cap (114 Max)
  • Up to Level 7 Gags permitted
  • All rewards permitted

Cog Information

First Cog Round Starting Cog Cog Levels Cog Level Pool Cog Amount
Level 15 7-15.exe ~200 ~20 Cogs
Skelecog Round Starting Cog Cog Levels Cog Level Pool Cog Amount
Level 15 9-15.exe ~300 ~27 Cogs

*The Cog Level Pool is the cumulative number of Cog Levels within the entirety of the battle, being split between both sides.
Starting Cogs do not count towards the Cog Level Pool.

The Cog Round


The boss battle begins with a cutscene showing Mata Hairy, wearing a random Cashbot disguise, telling the Toons to quickly sneak into the Cashbot Vault before they are caught. As she makes her way over, the C.F.O. appears and causes Mata and the Toons to remove their Cashbot Cog Disguises. Mata continues into the vault to prepare a trap while the Toons stay with the C.F.O.


Toons will then be split into two battles (or one if there are 4 or less Toons). Cogs will spawn out of the C.F.O.'s undercarriage ranging from Level 7-15 with one of the starting Cogs being a guaranteed Level 15. The next round will begin once all Cogs have been defeated.

The Skelecog Round


Once all Cogs have been defeated, the C.F.O. will make his way into the Cashbot Vault. Mata Hairy returns and calls for the Toons to go after the C.F.O. as the doors in the area begin to close.

Toons will then be split into two battles (or one if there are 4 or less Toons). Skelecogs will spawn out of the C.F.O.'s undercarriage ranging from Level 9-15 with one of the starting Skelecogs being a guaranteed Level 15. The next round will begin once all the Skelecogs have been defeated.

The C.F.O. Battle


Once all Skelecogs have been defeated, the final battle against the C.F.O. begins. Mata Hairy tells the Toons how they can attack the C.F.O., however, afterwards she is chased off into another room by a Goon.

The C.F.O. has 1500 health. During the battle, Toons can take on 2 separate roles: stomping Goons or craning.

Cog gallery icon.png C.F.O. Attacks
The C.F.O. has attacks and some defensive strategies he can employ. There is a ~15 second delay between the C.F.O.'s attacks, which decreases down to as far as ~5 seconds later in the fight. A Toon targeted by the C.F.O.'s attacks will have aBoss Attack Warning.pngred exclamation point icon appear above their head.
Note: The C.F.O.'s damage will increase the more damage he takes.

C.F.O. Attacks
Attack Description Damage
Coin Throw The C.F.O. targets a Toon and throws a line of coins at them. 15-25
Collision Colliding with the C.F.O. will damage Toons. 2-?
Swipe The C.F.O. will swipe at the Toon if they collide with him. 10-?

Other abilities the C.F.O. has are:

  • Spawning Goons: The C.F.O. will spawn Goons throughout the battle. These Goons will become stronger over time/as the C.F.O. loses health.
  • Safe-ty Helmet: Occasionally, the C.F.O. will gain a safe helmet, preventing him from being damaged. This will occur more frequently later into the fight, starting at 60 seconds and at the end occurring as frequently as 15 seconds. Throwing a safe at him will remove the helmet. Note that throwing a safe at him while he is not stunned nor has a safe-ty helmet will enable this state.

Goon Icon.png Goon Stomping


Stomping refers to stomping Goons that the C.F.O. spawns. Initially, the C.F.O. will spawn small Goons with yellow helmets that deal minimal damage. As time progresses and the C.F.O. loses health, bigger Goons will spawn with orange and later red helmets, dealing large amounts of damage. After 30 minutes have passed in the fight, the C.F.O. will start spawning purple helmet Goons.

To stomp a Goon, a Toon must jump on top of it. By stomping Goons, the Goon will be disabled and will not move for a period of time, with this time decreasing with stronger Goons. Disabling Goons stops them from being able to attack Toons, and prevents them from detaching off of corner cranes while in this state. Disabling a Goon will also make them drop a Ice Cream.png treasure which Toons can use to heal themselves. Only 25 treasures can be in the battle arena at any given time.

C.F.O. Goons
Goon Damage Disabled Duration Treasure Heal
Yellow (Small) 8 ~30 seconds +4
Yellow 10-14 ~30-25 seconds +8
Orange 17-19 ~25 seconds +12
Red 20-37 ~25-10 seconds +12
Purple 38 ~5 seconds +12

Big Magnet.png Craning
Six cranes are available to use with four of them being located in each corner of the room and two being located directly beside the vault doors.

  • Big Magnet.png The four Corner Cranes are strong and are able to lift up safes and Goons.
  • Small Magnet.png The two Side Cranes are weaker and can only push safes, unable to pick them up. Side Cranes have a very high chance to stun the C.F.O. when throwing Goons. However, picking up a Goon will reenable it, causing it to detach after a few seconds.

Cranes are used to deal damage towards and stun the C.F.O. Only attacks landing on his upper body or head will register. Toons can throw either Goons or safes at the C.F.O.:

  • Goon Icon.png Throwing Goons: Throwing Goons at the C.F.O. will hurt him for small to medium amounts of damage. Damaging the C.F.O. with a Goon has a chance to Dazed.png stun him. The more dangerous Goons will deal more damage and have a higher chance to stun him. While stunned, the C.F.O. will be unable to attack and can receive damage from safes. At the beginning of the fight, the C.F.O. will stay stunned for ~20 seconds, decreasing to as low as ~5 seconds later into the fight.
  • Safe.png Throwing Safes: Safes can deal more damage than Goons, but can only deal damage while the C.F.O. is stunned. Throwing a safe while he is not stunned will activate his "safe-ty helmet," preventing him from taking damage. Another safe can be thrown to remove his safety helmet. Safes can deal anywhere from 5 to 50 damage to the C.F.O., depending on the velocity of your safe throw.

Cranes are controlled using the movement keys, moving only in a limited vertical and horizontal range. Cranes will carry momentum in the direction you move it, causing it to swing. The longer you move the crane in a direction, the stronger the swing will be. Moving the crane in multiple vertical and horizontal directions in short succession will cause the crane to start spinning in circles, a disadvantageous situation that typically leaves it uncontrollable. It's recommended to exit the crane and reenter to reset its momentum. Note that picking up a Goon or Safe gives the item great upwards momentum.

Damage Reduction.png Desperation
After 30 minutes have passed in the battle, the C.F.O. will enter his desperation mode. At this point, he'll start spawning purple helmet Goons that move faster, have a larger beam, stay disabled for ~5 seconds, and deal 38 damage. There will now only be a ~5 second cooldown between his attacks, and the C.F.O. will equip himself with a safe-ty helmet roughly every 15 seconds. The C.F.O. will only stay stunned for ~5 seconds while in desperation.


  • General: It is recommended that 4 Toons utilize each corner crane with the others choosing to either use the side cranes or stomp Goons. Stomping Goons is not a difficult task, so utilizing the side cranes when possible can help the battle go quickly. It's very encouraged to use side cranes at the beginning of the battle, as the corner cranes have a low chance to stun at this point. Please help your side craners by throwing Goons to them to set up stuns, do not steal their Goons. Once stronger Goons (such as ones with red helmets) begin spawning in quick succession, all 4 players not on corner cranes should focus on stomping Goons in order to not overwhelm the group.
  • Side Craning: When side craning, the easiest way to land your Goon throws is to have the Goon positioned in the front center from the lever. From the resting position, pull the crane all the way backwards then forwards and pick up the goon. Right as your crane enters its upward swing, release the Goon as to not overshoot it.
  • Safe Damage: A commonly used strategy when craning is to leave safes near the corners of the C.F.O.'s tank treads, putting them in position for when he gets stunned. Once stunned, swing the crane forwards and quickly grab the safe then immediately let go of it. This carries the strong upwards momentum from when the safe was picked up and will consistently deal 50 damage.
  • Safe Positioning: It is important to pay attention as to where the safes end up after being thrown at the C.F.O. Make sure each Toon can reach a safe and that none are blocking the C.F.O.'s undercarriage. If this happens, Goons that spawn will immediately explode. However, this can be advantageous as the fight progresses if there are too many dangerous Goons at one time to prevent more from spawning.

Once the C.F.O. reaches 0 HP, he will attempt to leave the area. As he exits, he is hit by one of the Cashbot HQ trains and is flattened. This trap was set up by Mata Hairy while the Toons fought the C.F.O. After this cutscene, all Toons who survived until the end will do the battle victory dance and receive their Counterfeit and Unite rewards.


Defeating the C.F.O. will reward Toons with the following:



Opening Cutscene

Mata Hairy: "Hey, you made it! Follow me to the main vault before the C.F.O. finds us!"

Mata Hairy makes her way to the main vault when the C.F.O. enters the room

Mata Hairy: "Blast it! We're too late!"

C.F.O.: "Ah-HAH!"
"I thought I smelled something a little toony in here! Imposters!"

Mata Hairy: "Keep him busy! I'm going to set a trap!"

C.F.O.: "Get them!!!"

Second Cutscene

The C.F.O. enters the vault room

Mata Hairy: "Come on Toons! Follow that bag of bolts!"

C.F.O.: "I've got you right where I want you now, Toons."
"Get them!!!"
"Err, again..."

Third Cutscene

Camera pans over to Mata Hairy operating a crane

Mata Hairy: "Control a magnet by stepping up to a podium."
"Use the movement keys to move the crane, and press your [Jump Bind] key to grab an object."
"Grab a safe with a magnet and knock the C.F.O.'s safe-ty helmet off."
"Once his helmet is gone, grab a disabled goon and hit him in the head!"

A goon wakes up and chases Mata Hairy out of the vault room

Mata Hairy: "Eek! Gotta run!"

Ending Cutscene

C.F.O.: "That's it. I've had enough of these pesky Toons!"
"I've got a train to catch!"

The C.F.O. exits the vault room and gets flattened by a train.


Coin Throw
  • "Budget this!"
  • "This isn't legal tender!"
  • "Cha-ching!"
  • "I suppose they are going to cash in on this opportunity..."
  • "I did not account for this"
  • "Crashed by cash... unbelievable"


Surrender Taunt
  • "And here's an overdraft fee for you now. Start paying it off."
Unique Friend Request Denials
  • The C. F. O. says, "No diamond ring? Forget it!"
  • The C. F. O. says, "You don't fit the bill, Toon."
  • The C. F. O. says, "Apologies, Toon. I am married to my money."
  • The C. F. O. says, "Surely you must be after my money!"


Theme Audio File
Elevator Theme
Opening Cutscene Theme
Round One Cog Battle Theme
Round Two Cutscene Theme
Round Two Skelecog Battle Theme
Crane Round Cutscene Theme
Crane Round Theme (Base)
Crane Round Theme (Stunned)
Ending Cutscene Theme
Victory Theme
Epilogue Theme

Sound Effects



Version History

v1.9.0 BETA
  • Visual Change Gave the C.F.O.'s head a makeover.
    • Wiki Note The C.F.O.'s head is now animated.
  • Info/Miscellaneous Changed an unflattering angle in the C.F.O.'s intro cutscene.
  • Info/Miscellaneous Added an attack indicator for targeted boss attacks, similar to the boss jumping indicator.
  • Info/Miscellaneous Changed the Cog boss avatar panel to show the frame of animation that was playing when you clicked, to match how non-boss Cog avatars function.
v1.7.0 BETA
  • Visual Change The C.F.O. now throws gold coins at Toons instead of gears.
  • Bugfix Fixed a minor memory leak in the C.F.O. battle.
  • Bugfix Fixed a goon disappearing early in the C.F.O.'s introduction cutscene.
v1.6.5 BETA
  • Bugfix Fixed a crash that occurred during the second cutscene of the C.F.O. battle.
v1.6.4 BETA
  • Bugfix Fixed a crash for Mac users that occurs when using a crane during the C.F.O.
v1.4.2 BETA
  • Buff Counterfeit rewards from the C.F.O. battle have been increased from 12 base to 16 base.
  • Buff C.F.O. reward boosters now give +4 more Counterfeits each instead of +3.
v1.4.0 BETA
  • Buff Unites are now awarded from all bosses in addition to their exclusive reward. Unite rewards are as follows:
    • C.F.O.: 2 Unites
  • Info/Miscellaneous For the C.F.O., a new boss reward has been added: Counterfeits!
v1.3.2.5 BETA
  • Bugfix Fixed various actions that could trigger unintentionally while typing in the chat box while golfing and in the C.F.O. and C.E.O. battles.
v1.3.1.3 BETA
  • Buff Gag accuracy no longer has a lower cap in the V.P. and C.F.O. battles due to Content Sync.
  • Buff (Cogs) The level range for Cogs in department boss battles has been increased across the board:
    • C.F.O. Round 1: Level 6-14 -> 7-15
    • C.F.O. Round 2: Level 8-14 -> 9-15
v1.3.1.2 BETA
  • Bugfix Fix an issue causing Mata Hairy to say the wrong Gag-Up unites after the CFO battle.
v1.3.0.8 BETA
  • Bugfix Fixed an issue where the C.F.O. would give out incorrect Gag-Up unites.
v1.3.0 BETA
  • Buff The drop rate of Toon-Up Unites from the C.F.O. are unchanged, meaning that you are more likely to receive more useful unites overall.
  • Rebalance Content Sync completely replaces the Department Boss Tiers system.
    • All Department Bosses now have only one tier. Generally, they are balanced around Tier 2 for Cog rounds and Tier 3 for active rounds. Rewards are equal to those of Tier 2.
v1.2.8.2 BETA
  • Info/Miscellaneous Adjusted parameters in the C.F.O. boss battle to make removing safes off the C.F.O.'s head easier.
v1.2.8.1 BETA
  • Rebalance (Cogs) Adjusted damage calculations for the C.F.O battle
v1.2.8 BETA
  • Info/Miscellaneous Changed the collision model of magnets to make picking up Goons and Safes easier.
  • Rebalance (Cogs) Tweaked how crane damaged is calculated based on recent impact velocity instead of merely the speed of the object.
  • Nerf (Cogs) This means Goons and Safes should now consistently damage the C.F.O. without some damages dropping into the single digits.
v1.2.7.1 BETA
  • Bugfix Potentially fixed a crash that could occur after completing a C.F.O.
v1.2.6.5 BETA
  • Bugfix The C.F.O. will no longer unstun if a Toon walks into him when he is stunned.
  • Bugfix Fixed an issue where the V.P., C.F.O. and C.E.O. weren't awarding department experience from defeating the boss.
  • Bugfix Fixed an issue in the C.F.O. battle where the C.F.O. held onto safes instead of being damaged by them when stunned.
v1.2.6.3 BETA
  • Bugfix Potentially fixed crane jolting upon a keypress.
v1.2.5 BETA
  • Info/Miscellaneous Mata Hairy now tells Toons every Unite they earned in the C.F.O battle.
v1.2.4 BETA
  • Bugfix Fixed C.F.O. cranes moving sporadically in certain situations.
v1.2.3.1 BETA
  • Bugfix Fixed cranes in the final round of the C.F.O. not properly being smoothed.
  • Bugfix Fixed the C.F.O. ending cutscene.
v1.2.0 BETA
  • Bugfix Red magnets in the C.F.O. battle now play the correct noise while active.
v1.1.6 BETA
  • Bugfix Fixed a bug that would cause the CFO’s head to be on backwards in the final cutscene of his boss battle.
v1.1.4.3 BETA
  • Bugfix Fixed the CFO Intro cutting off Mata Hairy’s dialogue if she was in a tall Cog disguise.
v1.1.0.13 BETA
  • Bugfix Fixed a rare crash affecting all Toons in the CFO when one Toon was lagging too far behind during the Crane round.
v1.1.0.11 BETA
  • Info/Miscellaneous Added a counter for the number of goons stomped in the CFO.
v1.1.0.1 BETA
  • Bugfix Fixed an oversight that would allow players to gain way more unites than intended in the C.F.O. boss battle.
v1.1.0 BETA
  • Info/Miscellaneous Acorn Acres Minigames and Roadster Raceway now have their own treasures.
    • These treasures have also been added to the CFO fight.
  • Buff (Cogs) The CFO now has a max treasure spawn limit depending on the tier. It can be either 35, 30, or 25.
  • Bugfix Potentially fixed objects teleporting in the CFO crane round.
v1.0.17 BETA
  • Info/Miscellaneous AA and YOTT treasures are now present in the CFO fight.
  • Bugfix Mata Hairy no longer phases through doors in the CFO fight!
v7.7.7 BETA (April Fools)
  • Info/Miscellaneous the c.f.o. took a well deserved vacation after dealing with john robolt's departure. the chief of dollars is filling in for him instead.
    • Wiki Note The Chief of Dollars replaced the C.F.O. during the April Toons 2020 event.
v1.0.13 BETA
  • Info/Miscellaneous The pace of the taskline has been modified in Mezzo Melodyland. The CFO ToonTask is now at the end of the playground.
v1.0.9 BETA
  • Info/Miscellaneous Removed camera collisions on C.F.O. objects.
    • This is especially useful for Toons that are stunning Goons. Their camera will no longer adjust against them!
  • Bugfix Fixed levels in certain V.P./C.F.O. difficulty tiers
v1.0.8.7 BETA
  • Bugfix Fix the cog levels in VP/CFO.
  • Bugfix Fix a crash related to CFO cutscenes.
v1.0.8 BETA
  • Rebalance (Cogs) Tweaked the CFO Side Crane Mechanics.
    • Any goons thrown from a side crane will stun the CFO if the hit has a high impact! However, in order to pay the price for such power, they now enable goons instead of disable them.
v1.0.6 BETA
  • Bugfix Fixed an issue where two cranes could attempt to grab the same object in the C.F.O.
  • Info/Miscellaneous The C.F.O. has become a bit less chatty in the final round.
  • Info/Miscellaneous Some crane mechanics have changed in the C.F.O. final round:
    • Visual Change The corner cranes now use a blue magnet model. They act the same as before.
    • Rebalance (Cogs) The side cranes have had a massive overhaul:
      • Nerf (Cogs) Side cranes now move 50% faster than corner cranes
      • Rebalance (Cogs) Side cranes rotational range is lower, but to compensate, their extension range is much further.
      • Nerf (Cogs) Side cranes will automatically stun any goons they pick up.
      • Buff (Cogs) Loony Labs scientists have figured that due to their polarity, they repel safes away from them, sliding them across the vault!
v1.0.0 BETA [Game Release]
  • Info/Miscellaneous Jellybean Unites have been removed as a reward from the C.F.O.
  • Wiki Note The C.F.O. is added to the game.


  • A chief financial officer is a person at a firm who is responsible for handling the financial affairs of a company.
  • The C.F.O.'s real name is a pun on the term "Crisp Dollar", a fancy way of saying new money.
  • The C.F.O. and the Senior Vice President share the same voice clips.
  • During the April Toons 2020 event, the C.F.O. was replaced with a reskinned fight called the Chief of Dollars.


The Cogs
Employees Sellbots Cold CallerTelemarketerName DropperGlad HanderMover & ShakerTwo-FaceMinglerMr. Hollywood
Cashbots Short ChangePenny PincherTightwadBean CounterNumber CruncherMoney BagsLoan SharkRobber Baron
Lawbots Bottom FeederBloodsuckerDouble TalkerAmbulance ChaserBack StabberSpin DoctorLegal EagleBig Wig
Bossbots FlunkyPencil PusherYesmanMicromanagerDownsizerHead HunterCorporate RaiderBig CheeseAutocaddie
Boardbots BagholderPaper HandsInsiderCircuit BreakerDeadlockShark WatcherMagnateHead Honcho
Specialist Cogs Field Specialists NeedlenoseShysterBarrister
Operations Analysts PettifoggerConveyancerAdvocate
Manager Bosses Facility Managers Factory ForemanMint SupervisorHead AttorneyClub PresidentUnstable Cogs
Taskline Managers Derrick ManLand Acquisition ArchitectPublic Relations RepresentativeDerrick HandDirector of Land DevelopmentDirector of Public Affairs
Street Managers Duck ShufflerDeep DiverGatekeeperBellringerMouthpieceFirestarterTreekillerFeatherbedder
Kudos Managers PrethinkerRainmakerWitch HunterMultislackerMajor PlayerPlutocratSatellite InvestorsChainsaw ConsultantPacesetter
The Litigation Team LitigatorStenographerCase ManagerScapegoat
Contractors Count ErclaimCount ErfitHigh Roller
Secretaries JudyJasonJennifer
Cog Bosses Senior Vice PresidentChief Financial OfficerChief Legal OfficerChief Executive OfficerChief Operating OfficerThe Chairman
Overclocked Bosses Overclocked Chief Legal Officer
Removed Cogs ClerkChief JusticeChief of DollarsCount Erclaim (Pre-Redesign)Sads the SkelecogRedd 'Heir' WingWitness Stand-InDirector of Land AcquisitionDirector of Public RelationsCon ArtistConnoisseurSwindlerMiddlemanToxic ManagerBig Fish