Toontown Central Tasks/Task Script

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Current Task Script

Welcome to Toontown!

"Say, I heard you graduated training! Con-grad-ulations!"
"Welcome to Toontown Central, let me show you around some of the most important landmarks."
"This is a Toon Headquarters, or Toon HQ. Outposts like these are set up all over Toontown!"
"Each one has HQ Officers inside to help Toons. This one happens to be where some of our best Resistance Rangers are stationed, like Lord Lowden Clear!"
"You'll visit the Rangers soon, so let's move on."
"Here's Toontown Central's Gag Shop! You can buy Gags inside, but that requires Jellybeans!"
"You can earn Jellybeans through battles, completing quests, fishing, playing table games, and trolley games!"
"Speaking of which..."
"The trolley! Hop on with some Toons or by yourself to play some Toontastic minigames while earning Jellybeans!"
"Now, I think those are the most important playground buildings..."
"Oh yes! How could I forget!"
"I'm here in Toon Hall! Please, come inside so I can give you a proper Toontown welcome!"

Time for First Impressions

"Hey again, [Toon Name]! Glad to see you're getting settled in nicely."
"With how well you did in training, I'd say you'll be ready for some real tasking in no time."
"But first, a formal welcome to the team."
"As you know, I'm Lord Lowden Clear - head of the Toon Resistance."
"We're the top-of-the-line team that's been established to strategize and fight against the Cogs."
"Here stands some of the most experienced and trusted Resistance members in all of Toontown."
"Mata Hairy - Head of strategy and banana collection."
"Bumpy Bumblebehr - Head of stealth tactics and round objects alike."
"Good ol' Gil Giggles - Head of disguises and ordering our catering."
"And me, leader of the Toon Resistance itself."
"When the Cogs first invaded, Toontown needed someone to help organize our retaliation. That's where I came in."
"Since then, we've had all kinds of Toons come in and rise through the ranks, eventually becoming Resistance Rangers."
"There's dozens of us in Toontown now, and we're hoping you'll join those numbers someday."
"We need as many Resistance Rangers as we can get taking down these Cogs and taking back Toontown, once and for all."
"We'll start you out simple, don't you worry, [Toon Name]."
"First things first, you'll need some Gags. And that means earning some Jellybeans to buy them!"
"There's a few ways to earn some around town, one of them is riding the Trolley and playing some games."
"Hop on there on your own, or with up to 3 friends!"
"The Trolley takes you to the Gag Shop after each game, so make sure you stock up before heading back."
"Go on, give it a try!"

"Great job! Now that you're all stocked up, you're ready to take down some Cogs."
"We've managed to keep the playgrounds safe for now, but you can still find Cogs roaming the streets."
"You can go through any of the tunnels in the playground to reach the streets. Try not to wander too far, as streets beyond Toontown Central's harbor more dangerous Cogs!"
"Defeat 2 Cogs, then come back to let me know you're finished. Stay safe out there."

"Nice work on taking down those Cogs!"
"As you may have noticed, Cogs come in all different shapes, suits, and sizes."
"Each Cog comes from a specific department. From what we know, there are five departments: Sellbot, Cashbot, Lawbot, Bossbot, and Boardbot."
"You'll learn more about this as you train more and become stronger."
"You may even want to check out the Cog Gallery page in your Shtickerbook from time to time, if you're curious!"
"Now, let's try defeating Cogs from a specific department. Check your ToonTasks, and follow what it says."

"Back already?"
"With turnaround times like that, I think you're ready to take on some real Resistance work."
"Go ahead and talk to my colleague next to me, Mata Hairy, for some more assignments!"
"And, once again, welcome! At this pace, I'm sure you'll become a Resistance Ranger in no time!"

"Welcome to the Toon Resistance, [Toon Name]! I'm glad to see you start out on your very own journey alongside us."
"Alright, let's get started. You'll find that each of us are tackling our own issues at the moment. That's where you come in. As part of the Resistance, you'll be aiding us in solving these problems."
"Right now, we're making an effort to set up an efficient system to train Toons just like you."
"Franz Neckvein is our resident gym coach. Unfortunately, he's run into problems of his own lately, and as such, we need you to assist him."
"Help him in getting his gym back in order so we can get new Toon recruits in here, pronto!"
"You'll find Franz in the Punch Line Gym on Punchline Place. Remember to use your street map right above the Shtickerbook if you need directions. We're counting on you, [Toon Name]. Prove us right!"

A Hairy Introduction

"Oh, are you zat new Resistance recruit? Velcome to my gym. I train all Toons to grow big, strong muscles."
"Zat iz, if I had my equipment. I have a bit of a problem, you zee."
"My squat racks and heavy weights have been lifted by ze Cogs."
"I need you to go find zem and bring zem back to me so I can continue training Toons."
"And try not to struggle too much lifting zem with your leetle scrawny muscles. Remember to use ze legs, not ze back."

Zit's Time to Pump Iron

"Ah, perfect! Zese supplies look as immaculate as my form when squatting a zouzand pound weight."
"I zank you for returning zese, but I zink you vill need more training. Go find three Cogs and terminate them. I am sure you vill be back in no time."

"Bravo! You are a truly zpecial zpecimen."
"You must ztop by again to train with me even more. Your form was impeccable."
"You are free to go leetle toon, zank you for your azziztance."
"Run! Go! Get to the Toon Headquartahs!"

"Wow! Look at the muscles on you, [Toon Name]!"
"No, really! I'm not joking... a whole lot."
"Either way, thank you for helping us get our gym in order. Toons everywhere will now be able to get in shape to handle tossing all those pies!"
"Now, onto your next task."
"Professor Guffaw has been working tirelessly to teach Toons how to laugh effectively, causing the Cogs to laugh as well."
"Cogs simply cannot take a joke!"
"However, her jokes and lessons have been spiraling downwards lately, as her material is running thin."
"You will be assigned to this task to see if you have what it takes to get her classes back in order!"
"Head on over to Professor Guffaw at Laughing Lessons on Silly Street and see what you can do to help."
"Good luck, I know you can do it!"

Jokey Jam

"Ah yes, welcome!"
"I presume you're here to learn how to laugh properly, correct?"
"Oh, hush hush, let me jump right into it. I am a professional, after all."
"It starts from the diaphragm. First, you breathe in deeply. Then, upon hearing the funniest joke, you bellow out in laughter!"
"Let's put it into practice."
"Why did the chicken cross the road?"
"Because the road was too long to go around!"
"Haha! ..."
"You... you didn't laugh."
"I guess it really is true, the quality of my jokes has really been dropping lately..."
"But! There IS one way to make them better again!"
"Laughing gas!"
"Yes, we'll supply every Toon with laughing gas so that every joke will be funny! It's foolproof."
"There's a small issue though. I'm all out of laughing gas!"
"Some Cogs came in and stole it while I was practicing my latest knee-slapper!"
"They didn't even laugh..."
"You don't think they were deaf, do you?"
"You're not surprised, you say?"
"Well, anyway! Could you go and see if you can recover my laughing gas for me? Please?"

"Awesome! You got the tanks of laughing gas back!"
"But... there's hardly any left!"
"How will I ever manage to get this place back in order..."
"Joy buzzers? No... too shocking."
"One-liners? No, they're even shorter lived..."
"Ah-hah! I've got just the thing in mind."
"There just might be one Toon out there that could help me fix my problems!"
"I need you to run over to Jesse right away!"
"His shop's here on Silly Street as well! It's called Jesse's Joke Repair!"
"Please hurry! I have a class coming in a few hours, and they're all as funny as a pie gone cold!"

"Welcome, young grasshopper."
"I assume you are here to learn the ancient ways of mending jokes, forgotten by most of toonkind."
"I do indeed have the tools you seek."
"Or, at least, had the tools."
"Now the Cogs have the tools."
"Regardless, there are tools."
"And this punchline to this is that the Cogs have taken the tools."
"What I'm trying to say is that, if you want my assistance in repairing jokes..."
"All you need to do is find these tools and use them to your advantage."
"The Cogs may have taken them, but you possess the ability to create laughter. Laughter that can overtake those who themselves have taken."
"May you be strong in your journey, young Toon."
"I will guide you from this desk that I stand behind, while you do all of the work."
"Good luck, [Toon Name]."

"Exactly as I expected. You have risen above and beyond and found my tools."
"But here's the punchline."
"YOU are the tools."
"It's been within you all along. You have the ability to fix any joke you desire."
"...Just kidding! In all honesty, these are actual joke repair tools."
"Though, I did have them all along. I just wanted you to bring back my toilet plunger and my back scratcher."
"It just wasn't the same, living without those two."
"I will now entrust you with these tools. Onwards, grasshopper! Fix the jokes, bring out the laughter, take down the Cogs."
"I will be here if you ever need more assistance."
"I bid you well, [Toon Name]."
Until next time.

"Joke repair tools?"
"Why, I can feel them working already!"
"In fact, let's give it another shot."
"What does a clock do when it's hungry?"
"It goes back four seconds!"
"Isn't that hilarious?"
"This is perfect! Thank you, [Toon Name]!"
"I'll let you head back to the Toon Headquarters now. You've helped me out so much, I'll be sure to put in a good word for you with Lowden."
"Now my students will be able to spread laughter far and wide!"
"I can picture it now, groups of Toons hanging around in the Toontown Central playground..."
"All of them so funny, enjoying each other's presence and jokes!"
"Thanks again, [Toon Name]."

"Wonderful! That's my big issues managed. Thank you, [Toon Name]."
"Now I just have to deal with the small things like getting back all my darn bananas. Those Cogs seem to like swiping them left and right for some reason."
"For now, I think that's all you can help me with, but these other resistance members surely could use your help."
"Why not try talking to Bumpy Bumblebehr and see what he needs assistance with?"

Big Bumpin'

"Hiya, [Toon Name]! I'm glad to see you!"
"Welcome to the team! I'm Bumpy."
"I'm always happy to see new recruited Toons, especially ones so eager to help out."
"So, I'm really just a big round happy bear seeing you run around here!"
"I do have a few issues that are rather pressing that I can't handle here from the base of operations."
"So, I need you to head out to these places and assist these Toons for me."
"Nurse Nancy is the most important one that I can think of, for right now."
"She's taking care of all the injured and sickly Toons of the resistance, so it's our duty to help!"
"She's tried a number of creative boo-boo solutions, but she's confident in glue, for some reason."
"So glue it is! Head on over to Sticky Lou at Blue Glue Direct 2 You. It's on Loopy Lane."
"Make sure you get the really pretty stuff. When you're injured and need medical assistance, some colorful glue will surely cheer you up!"

Sticky Situation

"Ha ha, hey there buddy."
"You uh, wanting something?"
"Oh yeah, glue huh?"
"That's great. I'd be glad to help you out."
"But uh, I'mma be honest with you."
"I'm literally stuck to the floor."
"Yep, nope, just spilled all my glue right onto my feet."
"You might ask why I didn't just react right away and move them, and while that's a valid question, I started daydreaming."
"Now you might ask what daydream could've possibly have been so good that I didn't notice my dire circumstance."
"This is awkward but, since you're stuck here with me for now, I guess I'll come clean."
"I've always wanted to be a mime."
"Yes, that's right.. a mime."
"I just kind of get lost daydreaming about it often, and I'd be lying if I didn't say I ended up in this sticky situation a time or two about once a week."
"I'll make a deal with you..."
"If you can get me a reservation for The Merry Mimes on Silly Street, I'll personally give you all this glue that's currently stuck to me, for free."

Silent Simone waves.
Silent Simone pushes an invisible object forward
Silent Simone swims upwards

Player's Toon: "Ok."

Silent Simone picks something up
Silent Simone climbs into the roof

"Wow! That's amazing!"
"And it seemed so much easier than I thought it'd be."
"But I kind of ended up in a little bit more of a pickle since you were gone."
"I went straight to work trying to unstick this glue from me, and unstick me from this glue..."
"It turns out my hands aren't exactly the right tool for this, and I'm kiiiind of stuck even more."
"If you can find maybe like a spatula, or a uh... stick, or something we can use that to unstick me and you can take all this glue for free."

"Let me just pry it off here now!"
"I got a lot of practicing to do before mime class apparently."
"Well uh, it's all yours, ha ha."
"Just tell them to ignore any colorful hairs, it's... decorative glue."
"Thanks for helping me out!"

"Wow! You sure seemed to solve that quick!"
"What are these hairs..."
"Decorative glue?"
"I'm no simpletoon, [Toon Name]. I'm beary smart. I know mouse hairs when I see them!"
"This just clearly won't cut it. We can't be unsanitary."
"Go back and get some fresh and preferably unused glue, please!"

"Well, alright. I suppose I could give you some of my patented Fresh Glue."
"But there's a bit of a problem. Actually... two problems."
"I may or may not be stuck once again... Ha ha?"
"I was starting my miming practice and got REALLY into pretending that I'm in an invisible box..."
"It was great! Until I swooped my arm one last time and knocked all my glue jars right onto my feet again..."
"I can't begin to explain to you the feeling of shame I am experiencing right now..."
"If you can get me a Glass Jar, I'll get to unsticking myself and give you some fresh glue from the back."

"Nice job! Just gonna fill up the jar."
"At least my paws are getting better air cooling... That's a plus right?"
"Oh, don't answer that. The jar's all full. Here you go! Some Fresh Glue."
"Next time I will make sure I'm at least two arms length away before practicing..."
"Good luck with the glue!"

"Ah Finally, some decent Glue. I'll get this over to Nurse Nancy right away."
"This is gonna do wonders for the injured Toons. You've done us a big solid and I'm incredibly grateful."
"I can already see your trust growing higher and higher and honestly, I see nothing short of a bright future for you!"
"Go on over to Good ol' Gil Giggles now and see what you can do for him."
"Thanks a ton, [Toon Name]!"

The Numbers Mason...

"Hey there, [Toon Name]! Glad to finally speak to you!"
"I've been hearing reports from Toons all over about what a great job you've done."
"Especially from Franz Neckvein. We've never seen him so pumped up lately! Even if we get a little confused on what he's "vaying"."
"So, let's see if your hot streak continues, cause boy do I got a few tasks that'd be incredibly nice to have taken off my hooves."
"So, we've been talking to Banker Bob about handling jellybeans and holding them for Toons, but it turns out he's in a situation himself."
"Head on over to Banker Bob here in the Bank in the playground and help him figure it out."
"It'll be key to helping our tasty economy stay afloat!"

"Hey there! Are you here to help me out?"
"I've been trying to stay in contact with the Toon Resistance as much as possible, as I'm experiencing quite an issue."
"Ever since the big switch to jellybeans as our currency, it's been a nightmare for me to keep track of things."
"My job is incredibly important, mind you. I'm not here for storage, no no, I keep track of a lot of stuff."
"I track inflation, influx, spending, and all kinds of numbers that'd make your eyes twirl around trying to keep track of."
"The fact of the matter here is I need to get my adding machine back to add up things properly."
"Only if one of those money-grubbing Penny Pinchers hadn't taken my only one, that is..."
"If you can find the Penny Pincher that took my adding machine I'd be so entirely grateful to you."

"Yes! This sure looks like the right adding machine. Catsio model number 70-0N. Just the thing!"
"One minor problem, however."
"It's broken."
"Whichever Penny Pincher you got this back from really did a LOT of pinching."
"The buttons are all smashed in and there are a few loose springs, let alone what else that may be wrong with it..."
"But that's alright, as I know just the Toon who will be able to fix it!"
"She's quite possibly the most intellectual Toon in all of Toontown Central, and that's saying a lot coming from the likes of me."
"Go and see P.I. Multiply. She runs her shop Pies Are Squared down on Wacky Way."
"Find her, present her with this, and I'm sure she'll have it fixed in no time."

"Why hello there. Are you in need of any assistance?"
"Oh no! Your adding machine!"
"Don't you worry, I'll get this machine fixed and working better than it did before it was broken!"
"I just need a few parts. If you can gather up springs, a gear, and a paperclip I can surely fix this thing in no time."
"In fact, I think you can get those things really easily from the Cogs!"
"Just knock a few around with your pies and I bet you'll find all the parts in no time."
"I'm always here so there's no need to rush! Good luck!"

"Absolutely splendid. Now let me just do my thing!"
"I just gotta use the paperclip to pop it open here..."
"Replace a spring here, a sprocket there..."
"Pop in some new gears, aaaaand voila!"
"Good as new!"
"All the functions work perfectly, the paper lift lifts, the total button buttons, everything's wonderfully functional!"
"Make sure to take better care of it in the future. It looked like you got a little frustrated with calculus homework!"
"See you around!"

"Why thank you! This is gonna be so handy!"
"It's a big job to help in handling the switch but it'll be much easier now."
"And who knows, maybe all this will allow for me to create new extra goodies for Toons!"
"Thank you so much, [Toon Name]."
"You can head on back to the Toon Headquarters now. I've got a lot of numbers to track."
"Good luck!"

"Excellent! You're really winning me over, I gotta tell you. There's not many Toons that accomplish so much in that amount of time."
"So, you solved the issue with the bank, but we still have another sector that's facing issues."
"One of the biggest issues we're dealing with currently is our postal system."
"With tons of Toons coming from all around and the Cogs invading, there have been tons of letters coming in and out of the mail."
"Postmaster Pete has reported to us that he's absolutely backed up with letters -- almost to the point that he's swimming in them!"
"I'm sending you over to show us you got what it takes."
"Don't let us down, [Toon Name]!"

Letter Rip!

"Oh no, please, no more letters..."
"Please don't tell me you're here with another one..."
"I can't take it anymore! There are letters piled up to my muzzle!"
"I take absolute pride in being the finest postmaster in Toontown, but at this rate, I don't know if I can keep it up."
"And that's concerning, I don't want my 5-star rating on Howl to drop!"
"Please, first, I need better gloves before I begin to touch the massive pile of envelopes I have in the back."
"I'm concerned that my door will burst open, spewing letters everywhere at this rate, and paper cuts are a real concern."
"Could you please get me some papercut-proof gloves? Cold Callers have some that'd be great for this!"
"They're constantly freezing, so they wear gloves to offset that."
"They're also papercut-proof to prevent the cuts that come from handling a bursting rolodex."
"If you could get a few pairs, that'd be amazing. Once the first pair wears out, I'll need to get more!"
"Thank you so much."

"Now I just have to sort through all this stuff and get it out to the Toons is belongs to."
"It's crazy, I'll tell ya..."
"It's like people think it's acceptable to send more mail every week thinking their last one didn't get through or something."
"We seem to get TONS of the stuff every single day..."
"I mean granted, we indeed haven't gotten around to sending them through to be read, but still..."
"When I sorted the mail, I was being a bit lazy and tossing a few things here and there. Sometimes chaos is the recipe for success, you know?"
"Anyways, while I had a bunch of letters and boxes spewed about the floor of my shop, a Pencil Pusher sneaked in and snatched up a box."
"I can't let this slip out, it's crucial that my reputation stay as high as it can. I need to keep my dignity!"
"Please, [Toon Name]. Please go out and find the Pencil Pusher that took this box and bring it back before I have to explain away more missing mail."
"I already do that too much as it is!"

"I was really worried there, I could see my Postmaster title flashing before my eyes."
"What am I without being a postmaster??"
"I'm just Pete!"
"I can't be JUST Pete!"
"Thank you for your help. I even got the time to drop by Patty Papercut while you were out."
"She helped me devise a new way of delivering letters. The "Paper Airplane."
"They're excellent by the way. They almost seemed to have a mind of their own as they soared off to their respective owners."
"Patty Papercut is kinda an oddball though. She liked to call the airplanes, "her babies."
"Don't ask me why..."
"I just have a few items left now to deliver. Let me take a look."
"Oh, huh. It actually turns out the rest is all for one Toon apparently."
"They're all for Loony Louis, down on Silly Street at his shop Used Clown Cars."
"I wonder what they could be..."
"Here, just take the rest down to him. AND BE CAREFUL!"
"After that we're all sorted!"

"Finally! Those are my packages right?"
"Wanna know what's inside?"
"Most people do."
"I'll let you in on the secret, if you fish me up a few more clown tires for this fixer upper I'm working on in the back."
"It can fit up to 12 clowns, but I bet you could even fit 16 if you really packed them in hard enough!"
"Oh, boy do I love clown cars!"
"What's that?"
"Toons in this town have weird fascinations?"
"How dare you!"
"I'll have you know I have only the finest of taste in clown cars."
"Now unless you want to lose your chance to find out what's inside these boxes, you better get to fishing!"

"Alright, I'll tell you!"
"Isn't it fantastic!"
"Wait, where are you goi-"

"Splendid! Really a great job has been done all-around by you, [Toon Name]."
"I've gotta say, I really feel like you're on my side. I got some serious trust in you now."
"I'm gonna give you the thumbs up from me and I'm gonna move you up to the Toon himself, Lord Lowden Clear."
"He's always up to something so I'm sure he could use your help.

A Taste Of Toontown

"Hey there, [Toon Name]! Ready for more, huh?"
"I've got to be honest with you. When we first initiated you our expectations were low."
"But since then you've proved to us that you're not only capable, but eager and motivated. You stand out from the bunch, [Toon Name]."
"I'm going to give you two tasks of mine that I hold in high regard. I wouldn't have been solving them myself if they weren't!"
"First thing I've had on my list is to set up food resources for all the Toons working hard here in Toontown."
"We can't always be eating pies, after all!"
"We recently had a new chef brought on to help set the situation up."
"In fact, he was just like you! He worked his way up and with our trust -- and a love for food, he was our new head chef!"
"We set him up with his own diner on Punchline Place, it's called the Toontown Mess Hall."
"Go on ahead and drop by and see about getting a food distribution set up!"
"And watch the door, it's a spacey entrance to the right of the window booth."
"Oh, and his name? It's Chef E.Z. Bake."
"Now hurry on up and keep making us proud!"

"Oh, hey there. Sorry, we're not quite open yet."
"What's that? Oh, you're here to help me out?"
"That's great actually, I could really use the help."
"Basically, I was put in charge of this, and as much as I love food, I don't actually have any strategy on how to exactly run a mess hall."
"But I got an idea..."
"Basically, we want to get distribution from local shops here in Toontown Central."
"We can serve that food to any hungry resistance member that strolls by!"
"I may not know how to run a business, but I sure know food."
"Boy, do I loooove food!"
"So, we want to be smart with our food choices, so I figure we need to get all three food groups."
"Chicken sandwiches, desserts, and meat -- preferably in the round shape!"
"So Lord Lowden Clear gave me this list of all the restaurants in Toontown..."
"It says here that Chewy Morsel runs a chicken sandwich shop right here on Punchline Place."
"Can you run down to him and see about getting his chicken sandwiches distributed to this location?"

"Welcome to the prestigious home for rubber chicken sandwiches!"
"I'm your chef today, Chewy Morsel!"
"We prepare, serve, and deliver the finest and freshest rubber chicken sandwiches in town!"
"Well, we're still working on the delivery part, but my statement stands."
"Before you ask, yet, these are 100% vegan, and yes, all the rubber used was treated fairly before preparation. The tread was lightly used!"
"We also have many options on the menu."
"We have the top seller being our rubber chicken sandwiches."
"As well as our fried rubber chicken sandwiches and our soupe de jour -- rubber chicken sandwiches!"
"So, how may we serve you today?"
"You want distribution huh?"
"Well, I will have to think about that one..."
"I'm going to be honest with you, [Toon Name]."
"Not a whole lot of Toons stop in for some reason..."
"I'm beginning to think it's because of our limited menu, but I can't quite put my glove on just what it could be."
"I drew a couple flyers up myself though, and I was planning to hang them up all around town. That'd jumpstart the crowd!"
"Maybe you could take them for me and hang them up, and in return, I'll distribute the finest rubber chicken sandwiches to the mess hall."
"In fact, if you could clear a few of the Cogs while you're at it, it'd also probably help this shop get business it deserves. Sound good?"
"Fantastic, I'll see you once you're done!"

"Wonderful! I can already see the crowd lining up!"
"Well, I can imagine it anyways. But I'm sure they're coming!"
"I just added the new double rubber chicken sandwich to the menu for this momentous occasion!"
"Thanks a lot, [Toon Name]. Let Chef E.Z. Bake know that the first shipment will be coming real soon!"

"Uh, I guess it'll work. One food group down. I think..."
"Now we need desserts, and the list says the closest place in the dessert section is Sundae Funnies Ice Cream, on this street as well."
"Can you run down to Cindy Sprinkles' shop and get that set up for me? Thank you!"

"Are you like, here for the cardio?"
"Oh! Like, you're actually here for something? Totally awesome!"
"Usually Toons come by cause like, Franz Neckvein or whatever tells them to for like, fun or something..."
"But um, I think I'd totally be down to help out Chef E.Z. Bake and Toons in the resistance. They're totally cool and all for helping out."
"But like, I was chatting up my friend and like, a few Paper Hands Cogs came in and totally took all of my ice creams...
"I was like "That's totally rude!" But they totally didn't listen."
"If you can like, go and get them back, I'll totally help you guys out!"

"Oh... My... green tea ice cream!! You're so rad, [Toon Name]!"
"I'll totally send over some ice cream as soon as I can make it."
"Total thanks again, [Toon Name]."

"You really are good at this, you know that right?"
"So the last thing we'd want seems to be cylindrical meat of sorts."
"Meat rounds? Meat circles?"
"What's that?"
"Oh yes! Meatballs!"
"Let's check this register and see what it says for the best meatballs in all of Toontown..."
"Oh yes!"
"Just who I had thought of as well."
"It was pretty obvious anyway, who else even sells meatballs in Toontown."
"It's Chef Knucklehead!"
"His shop is Spaghetti and Goofballs over on Loopy Lane. Go head on over and work your magic. I expect meatballs on your way back!"

"Hey there, [Toon Name]!"
"Welcome to my shop!"
"You're wanting meatballs, right?"
"Yeah, me too..."
"I'm not sure when, but it seems that when I wasn't looking, my supply of meatball product seemed to disappear."
"I'm not really sure when or why, but they're definitely gone."
"Until I can get more ready, I'm gonna have to work with you to figure this out."
"But I do have a plan!"
"There's absolutely no way that there are any other meatball shops in Toontown. No siree."
"So I'll just whip some more meatball product up!"
"I was just working on my cookbook in the meantime."
"It's entitled "The entire taskline to cooking meatballs.""
"If you ever read it, I sure do appreciate it!"
"Anyways, go head out and clean up this street from Cogs. I'll get it ready for you."

"Thank you for keeping my street nice and safe."
"Here's a box of meatball product. I hope it helps!"
"Let Chef E.Z. Bake know that I'll keep them coming in the future too."

"Oh, perfect!"
"These look like they'll be amazing once we cook them up."
"Just imagine all these Toons feasting away on rubber chicken sandwiches, green tea ice cream, and meatballs."
"They'll all be looking like Franz Neckvein in no time at all!"
"Thank you very much, [Toon Name]. Let Lord Lowden Clear know that you've done an absolutely stellar job!"

"You really seem special. I was going to sit on that job for at least a few weeks more, but you got it done so fast!"
"Okay, you know what, I'm gonna send you right to the top of my personal list."
"We need to gather and unite some of the potential gag suppliers to allow for a more uniform and easy process of stocking Gag Shops."
"What? Did you think Gag Shops just magically made all these Gags for Toons?
"The Cogs' increase in numbers lately has really put a strain on the Gag Shop. Prices are through the roof!"
"You may be a real pro at getting tasks done, but you've got a lot to learn, [Toon Name]."
"Start by going to Slip and Slide - Used Banana Peels over on Wacky Way."
"Rancid Robert seems to be a perfect candidate to provide the Gag Shop with banana peels."
"Your mission, shall you choose to accept it, is to convince him to supply banana peels for the Gag Shops."
"And you don't have a choice BUT to accept it."
"Be swift and smart! You have my trust."

Gathering Gags

"How ya doin'!"
"Welcome to my used banana peel emporium."
"I have every range of banana peel, from lime green to practical ashes."
"From stepped on, to gracefully aged past expiration."
"How may I help you?"
"Supplying the gag shops, eh?"
"I do like the sound of Rancid Robert's banana peels in the hands of all the Toons in Toontown..."
"Sure, I'll do it. Under one condition."
"I've not been secretive about battling Cogs myself."
"In fact, I've thrown some of my banana peels around Wacky Way a time or two to make the Cogs slip up."
"I'll agree to supply the gag shops with my banana peels..."
"If you prove to me that it'll go in good hands, by defeating a few Cogs outside of my shop for me."
"Good luck!"

"Fair enough, I'm a man of my word."
"You can tell Lord Lowden Clear that gag shops all around Toontown will now be supplied with Rancid Robert's famous banana peels!"
"Good luck to you guys on the Toon Resistance!"
"If you ever need a hand, I always got a spare peel or two to toss around."
"See you around!"

"Excellent. Now we just need a few more to sign on and we're just about set."
"We definitely don't want the gag shop running low."
"One of the most widely used gags is pies."
"It's vital we keep these stocked in mass supply. You'd be surprised at just how many of them fly off the shelves!"
"Can you run over to Ma Putrid at the House of Bad Pies over on Silly Street and get her to sign on?"
"Thank you for all your hard work, [Toon Name]!"

"Hi there, [Toon Name]! Sorry, we're open!"
"Why am I sorry? Oh... I'm sorry, I'm just an apologetic person!"
"Plus I'm just simply so sorry that our pies are so sorry."
"So, on behalf of everything that you see, I apologize."
"What would you like today?"
"Supplying the gag shops? With MY pies? I'm sorry, but that sounds fantastic!"
"In fact, I'll whip a batch up right now!"
"Oh, I'm sorry."
"One of the reasons my pies are so bad is because I use pencil shavings from Pencil Pushers to add a lot of substance to my pies. I'm sorry."
"So... I'm sorry, but could you go out and collect a few for this new batch I'm working on?"
"Everything should be nice and ready for when you get back, I apologize."
"I'm sorry! Good luck!"

"Wow, I'm so sorry, but these are perfect!"
"I'm going to, unfortunately, add these right away to my batch of pies."
"I'm sorry, but these pies will be in just about every gag shop in town."
"Let Lord Lowden Clear know that I'm on board -- and that I'm sorry!"

"She's sorry? Sorry for what?"
"You've done a great job, [Toon Name]."
"So let's see here..."
"One more stop!"
"I need you to go to Sid Seltzer at Seltzer Bottles and Cans on Loopy Lane."
"We just really need his potential supply of bubbly delicious drinks for us to use in the fight, and sometimes when we're just thirsty!"
"I'm trusting you, [Toon Name]. Impress me again and we'll see about getting an even more important role in the Toon Resistance for you."

"Sid Seltzer at your fizzy service!"
"Bubbles? Lame. Bubbly water? Great. Bubbly water in a bottle? Absolutely. Amazing."
"I'm assuming you're here to get your hands on my seltzer, right?"
"One of the most exciting, exclusive, and wonderfully amazing tasting bottles of seltzer in all of Toontown, correct?"
"You want ME to put the bottles of seltzer in OTHER toon's hands?"
"Well, when you put it that way, I do like the picture of it."
"Toons everywhere with MY seltzer bottles at the ready."
"But to do such a service would require an expansion of my production cycle."
"If you could get me more springs from the Cogs, I could do that exact thing, in fact!"
"I used the springs to bounce my water at the perfect pace and repetition, eventually turning it into seltzer perfection."
"Fetch them for me, and I'll absolutely help in equipping Toons everywhere with my seltzer bottles!"

"These are exactly the springs I need. Thank you, [Toon Name]."
"Now I'll get to work on my part, you go ahead and go back to yours."
"And just remember, if you get the chance to hold a seltzer bottle in the midst of battle, it just may be one of Sid Seltzer's finest!"
"How cool is that!"
"See you around, [Toon Name]!"

"Yes, yes, yes!"
"You are talented. You got a future in this, I gotta tell you."
"I can see you standing behind this very desk with the rest of us, how cool would that be?"
"If you enjoy paperwork and organizing resistance members, that is."
"You know what..."
"We don't normally do this, but I think you're just the Toon for the job."
"There's a very pressing issue going on. One that Toons like you aren't supposed to be informed about, but this is important."
"You've completed every last thing we've asked you to do, and not only that, but excelled in completing them."
"Toon Resistance! It's time for a vote."
"Who says we allow [Toon Name] here to handle our big task?"

Mata Hairy: "Aye!"

Bumpy Bumblebehr: "Absolutely!"

Good ol' Gil Giggles: "I'm completely on board!"

"And I agree. That settles it, [Toon Name]. You're handling this for us."
"I want you to go to Flippy, tell him you know all about our unification project, and that you're ready for it."
"Let him know everything you've heard here."
"We believe in you, we know you're the Toon for the job! Prove us right!"

Smart Minds Think Unalike

"Oh, hey there, [Toon Name]! How's it going with the Toon Resistance?"
"How did YOU hear about the unification project?"
"Lord Lowden Clear??"
"Why would he tell you? You're not supposed to know about this..."
"Wait, what DO you know?"
"Oh, not much huh? Ha, yeah uh..."
"Our... "unification" project."
"Yeah, ha!"
"It's uh..."
"How do I put this...?"
"Oh, uh, yeah it's a really big deal!"
"Very important!"
"I need you to handle this for me. Just try not to ask too many questions."
"For your own good of course, but nothing bad would happen, either way, I promise."
"That darn Lowden Clear... Of course, he'd do whatever he could to get out of this one."
"We've been trying to talk all the finest doctors and professors we have here in Toontown Central."
"We've gotten every single one on board..."
"Professor Binky, Dr. Foolery, Dr. Euphoric, Professor Wiggles, everyone!"
"Except for a very specific two -- Dr. Pulyurleg, and Dr. Sensitive..."
"Oh, and Professor Guffaw of course. She's too busy making bad puns all the time after all the help you've given her."
"We just need you to help us with Dr. Pulyurleg, and Dr. Sensitive. They're both needed, but they bicker at each other constantly!"
"Prove to me that you're so good that Lowden Clear has such confidence in you, and go get them working back together again."
"This isn't just for public relations mind you, these are the finest doctors and professors, they keep us moving forward and in good toony shape!"
"Like I said though, don't ask them too many questions."
"We don't want you uh... Upsetting them with simple questions!"

"Hi there, [Toon Name]! Come for an adjustment?"
"No? Well, your legs do look mighty stiff, I gotta say."
"JUST KIDDING! Just so you know in advance, I am a jokester of sorts."
"I pride myself on pulling off all kinds of funny little pranks of other Toons."
"In fact, the longest running one was one I had going on Professor Wiggle for years!"
"It all ended unfortunately when I ironically pulled my leg tripping over some of the boxes of ink he had ordered in advance in the back of his shop."
"But boy oh boy, you should've seen his face!"
"There were no giggles going on for weeks!"
"What's that?"
"You're here about that?"
"Well, let me tell you about my problems with another doctor here in town."
"I'm a Toon of many jokes, and nobody's exempt from that."
"I quite frequently like to pull the legs of my colleagues as a result."
"But ever since then I've had a lot of altercations with Dr. Sensitive. She just can't take a joke!"
"She's a great Toon and I do feel bad, but I'm not a Toon that can undo a joke, and I can't face myself to say it to her."
"If you can talk to Dr. Sensitive for me and help me get back in her good graces, then I'll play nice and help my colleagues."

"Welcome to my seminar shop, [Toon Name]! How can I assist you?"
"Dr. Pulyurleg? Yes, a single sour grape amongst the finest vines that you can find."
"I can't take a joke? HA!"
"If there's one thing I can tell you about Dr. Pulyurleg, it's this..."
"It doesn't take a literary and audible genius to understand the connotations behind his jests."
"It is clear as day."
"He has a crush on me."
"Can't you see it?"
"Here's what we'll do."
"Since you've been a big help for us, I'll let you work with him to write a love letter or a date proposal..."
"Whatever juvenile gesture that he can produce. Something of that nature."
"Go see him, work something up, and I'll humor him so that we can all get along together again."

"Maybe just a little.."
"Do you think she'd like me?"
"You do!?"
"Can you help me ask her?"
"Here's what we'll do!"
"I wrote a letter a while back. It contains my apologies and a few other words about how I like her..."
"How I like her big mouse head, and seemingly well-functioning joints and stuff..."
"But I was way too nervous when walking over to her shop and a Double Talker snatched it out of my hands."
"I couldn't bring myself to get it back from them. If you could, can you find it and deliver it to her for me?"
"Thank you, [Toon Name]."

"Oh, great! Let me just make sure they didn't smudge it up or anything."
""Dearest Ma Putrid, when I pass your shop, I always cherish the terrible smelling pie-covered gloves you air outside your window.""
"Oh NO! This isn't mine!! I'll have to write another one..."
"The only issue is I've ran out of ink..."
"Oh, I know! Professor Wiggle and I recently ended our long-lasting beef with each other."
"I had been dumping his ink deliveries in the pond for years! It was the best prank ever!"
"Go fish up some and I'll get this letter written up quickly when you get back. There has to be plenty there still."

"Perfect! Just the right kind."
""Dear Dr. Sensitive"..."
"Here you go! Please make sure this gets to her safely."

"Ah, yes. A love letter just like little Toons in the school house would pass around."
"You can tell Flippy I'll work with Dr. Pulyurleg again. I have a feeling he'll no longer mess with me."
"Thank you for finally getting that out of him, and for resolving the issues at hand."

"Fantastic. You're the real deal."
"We were worried we wouldn't be able to get those Toons working together again, but you stepped right in and proved us wrong."
"All I can say is thank you."
"Thank you, and welcome to the Toon Resistance."
"We're glad to have you, [Toon Name]."
"Before I let you go, I just wanted to tell you to go check back with Lord Lowden Clear. He may have more tasks for you."
"From the sounds of it, he's definitely taken a liking to you. And that's understandable. You're an excellent assent and a team member."
"Thank you again, [Toon Name]. I'll see you around."

Find the Rain

"I'm proud of you for the great work, but listen real close, [Toon Name], we have a serious issue."
"We've been keeping tabs on one of our Resistance Rangers lately."
"They were supposed to be the new ambassador for Barnacle Boatyard, but they disappeared shortly after a meeting with Flippy."
"Since then their trail's gone cold, until today, that is."
"We've been personally asking for Toons with any knowledge to step forward, and finally, Louise Connection has alerted us that she may have something."
"We need you to run over to her shop Toon Mobile Wireless on Wacky Way and see just what she's heard."
"If this can lead us back to Resistance Ranger Rain, it would be a huge relief."
"Thank you, [Toon Name]."

"You're here about Resistance Ranger Rain right?"
"So here's the deal."
"She stopped by a while ago, seemingly frantic."
"She said she was watching out for some kind of "special" Cogs, something no toon had seen before roaming around."
"But after saying that, she didn't mention much more besides the fact that she was going to set up shop next door at Wacky Way Wonderworld."
"If you go over to Wacky Wally at Wacky Way Wonderworld, you just might be able to find out more."
"Good luck!"

"Resistance Ranger Rain?"
"I indeed saw them recently as a matter of fact!"
"I was shocked right out of my shoes after hearing about their disappearance."
"I still can't find those shoes anywhere, as a matter of fact..."
"Rain was camping out here often over the course of a few days, constantly eyeing the new building being worked on across the street."
"In fact, mentioning it now, I haven't seen any Toons walk in or out of that shop personally."
"And it's not a very toony shop, being all about oil refining, after all. It's quite weird, to be honest."
"Back when it seemed to be open, I stepped out to visit and welcome the new shopkeeper, but the doors were locked."
"But maybe it's not locked anymore, why don't you go ahead and try it out."

"Darn, but just what I was expecting, to tell you the truth."
"Come to think of it... I do remember another detail she mentioned during her time here!"
"She mentioned something about watching those Cogs with the brown, pinstripe suits. Bossbots, I think they're called?"
"If there's any connection, you just might be able to find something on one of them via battling."
"Perhaps a key to figuring out where Resistance Ranger Rain is?"
"If you do, I think it'd be best you take this back to the Toon HQ and for you guys to work on it together."
"Good luck, and if you decide you need any wackiness in your day-to-day, come back anytime!"

"Gagsoline Oil Refineries huh?"
"This just might be the big break in this case that we need."
"I want you to take that key you found, and enter the building."
"Go inside, but be careful!"
"Take a look around, and then come back promptly and tell me what you saw."
"Don't take too long and don't make too much noise, we want you being as careful as you can be."
"Good luck, [Toon Name]."

"A secret Cog shop!?"
"What's that? You found a small written label inside?"
"The Derrick Man!?"
"This is way worse than we could've ever had imagined.."
"It appears the Cogs are using this building as a secret front to gather resources right from under our noses!"
"And to think Resistance Ranger Rain must be held captive inside that office as well..."
"I just don't understand why she wouldn't have informed us more before endangering herself like this."
"Listen, [Toon Name]."
"I need you to gather up all the Gags you can find, go back inside that evil shop, and take down and defeat that Cog inside that shop."
"Go inside, take them down, and rescue Resistance Ranger Rain."
"You got this. We know you do."

"I knew you could do it. I just knew it!"
"I don't think a single Toon here doubted you after everything you've done."
"You stepped up to the plate and absolutely nailed it. You're fantastic!"
"You've solved all our major issues here."
"You even found and rescued Resistance Ranger Rain, and uncovered some of the Cog's even plans they're trying to unfold here in the heart of Toontown!"
"By the way, I don't think those Cogs will stop trying to run their operations in that alleyway."
"Nor will we be able to stop Resistance Ranger Rain from repeatedly trying to take them down."
"She mentioned it already? Figures..."
"We really appreciate her, but she can be very stubborn, to the point that it gets her in trouble."
"So anytime you can, feel free to stop back at the Derrick Man's office and take them down."
"We'll need to always keep them in-check, I would presume, as well as keep Rain out of harm's way."
"But I just want you to think about all of this."
"You yourself came up from nothing and single handedly fixed all our major problems. You're a real asset."
"But besides everything you've accomplished, there's always more to do."
"In Toontown there's many playgrounds that need help from Toons just like you."
"In fact, I'm sure if you ask Flippy, he'll have some place that he can send you to help out."
"Go out and help those Toons like you've helped us, like you've helped Rain. I know you can accomplish it."
"Thank you again, [Toon Name]. The Toon Resistance thanks you."
Good luck.