Acorn Acres Tasks/Task Script

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Current Task Script

Flippy's Message

"[Toon Name]! Perfect, there's no time to waste!"
"Remember all the great work you've done, helping Toontown Central Toons?"
"Aiding the needs of the Barnacle Boatyardians?"
"And even assisting the wisest elders in Ye Olde Toontowne?"
"Great. Keep that fresh in your mind."
"You've been drafted."
"Shhh. No words."
"Just go speak with Good ol' Gil Giggles. You'll learn in time."
"Good luck out there on the battlefield, [Toon Name]."

First Draft Pick

"Just the Toon I wanted to see, come closer."
"I presume you've heard the word that you've been drafted, correct?"
"Well all this drafting talk, it's serious."
"It's about Acorn Acres."
"We've figured it out, [Toon Name]. We now know just how we're going to strike down these Bossbots."
"We've done constant stealth work, always monitoring the actions going inside that headquarters of theirs, listening to what's happening."
"Doing so has allowed us to grab valuable intel."
"The head of these Bossbots is the C.E.O. Boss of the Bossbots. Strong, mean, and loathes Toons of any kind."
"We have to take him down, and we found the right time to do it."
"Coming very soon is a banquet. The C.E.O. is throwing it and hosting all kinds of high-ranking Cogs."
"This is our way in, and I've got a plan."
"I already proposed it to Flippy and another Toon you'll meet soon, Professor Pi."
"I've ordered an army of Toons to suit up in preparation for this."
"Operation: Break The Banquet begins now."
"So congratulations, [Toon Name]. You're one of us now."
"Prepare to train hard. We're getting inside that banquet."
"To start, you need to go see Professor Pi. Her shop is Sine and Cosine Tanning Supplies on Peanut Place."
"I'll see you and the rest of the army when we're ready. Good luck."

Enlisting In The Army

"Hey there, [Toon Name]. I must say, you look super strong and sturdy!"
"Okay listen, I've heard the rumors going around through Toontown about a strong Toon like you."
"You look sturdy, strong, and more experienced."
"Like you've faced quite a few trials and tribulations to get to this very point."
"That's what I like, and that's what I want to see from someone like you."
"You're ready."
"Welcome to bootcamp, [Toon Name]. It's gonna be a ride."
"So let's begin."
"This will be a basic but strong bootcamp. You may not like it, but this is what we need to see in order for you to get in this army of Toons."
"You need to show prowess in defeating Cogs. Simple start, simple to prove."
"If you're strong enough, that is."
"Now go, defeat these Cogs, and come back to me. I'll be the judge of your abilities."

Its a Hard Knock Life

"Defeating Cogs, a very simple task you've just fulfilled in my eyes. Good work."
"But Cogs are just Cogs. I need you to now prove prowess in defeating Cogs of all types."
"This will be an arduous and tough task ahead, but you must achieve it."
"I'm in charge of filling this roster out for Good ol' Gil Giggles, a Toon I trust dearly. And I am not about to let him down."
"You've already gotten off to a good start here, [Toon Name]. Keep your momentum going."
"Defeat Cogs of each type, and then come back to me."
"Don't stop until you've taken down an adequate amount of each department. I'll keep my eye on my watch."
"Now go."

"Excellent! I truly see your growth, your potential filling out. It's motivating to see how swiftly you've completed those tasks, [Toon Name]."
"There's only a few more steps before I move you onto the next phase of your training."
"Now, I must require you to prove your prowess in the ability of Cog building busting."
"I've heard word of great work that you've accomplished alongside Lil' Oldman in this regard, but you're not working with a wizard here."
"These strong buildings may not be easy to overcome, but it's a requirement."
"Now go soldier, prove you've got what it takes to break this banquet!"

"Excellent. Truly excellent."
"You're ready to move onto the next step in your training, [Toon Name]."
"With every drafted Toon that's made it to this point, I assign them an officer to work with."
"Most of them work with one or another, the average crop of officers I have on hand."
"But you, you're special."
"I'm sending you to train with my right hand Toon."
"Go to the playground's headquarters and speak with Resistance Ranger Ridge."
"Beware, he may be a bit tough to get along with, but after you're done with training through him, you'll be ready to move to the final steps of preparation."
"Don't waste time now, [Toon Name]. The banquet's only getting closer minute by minute!"

First Impressions

"Oh, hey, I bet you're here for training. You're probably looking for Lilac, judging by the looks of you."
"Ha, consider me surprised."
"Well, I guess I'll train you, if that's what Pi wants."
"Our training regime is one that we faced when becoming officers of this headquarters."
"I'll be having you do tasks for, and with, the people of Acorn Acres, and it won't be easy."
"But it will leave you totally shredded, like me."
"See these pecs? These biceps? Nice, right?"
"Prepare to do some heavy lifting. You're about to be doing a lot of work."
"So let's see..."
"Ah, yes. Irritable Ivy is always tough work."
"He runs Did Nut See That Coming! Insurance Agency over on Legume Lane."
"He's always having to fulfil claims from Toons with Cog insurance, and it can be tough work."
"Good luck. It's on your hands now."

Or Your Money Back

"Oh please no... not another claim..."
"Oh great! Boy, can I use your help!"
"I've got claims all over the place! Cogs stealing things, stepping on toes, rough battling, and so much more..."
"I can't waste any time, I need the help!"
"Let's start with Little Ol' Miss Johansson's filing."
"She's said here that Bossbots stormed her estate, and on the way out a Corporate Raider snatched up her Marc Corncobs designer purse!"
"The poor old lady."
"So please, I need you to go out right away, and get her purse back!"
"Thank you so much, [Toon Name]!"

"There it is! It even still has the Marc Corncobs label on it!"
"Oh, Miss Johansson will be so pleased!"
"I'll hand it over to her the next time she scoots on down with her "premium white-gold trim scooter" to retrieve it."
"She's pretty daring, you can see her popping wheelies on that bad-boy driving around Acorn Acres!"
"Okay, so next claim."
"Mother Wood's been demanding an insurance payout ever since she's had noisy Cogs waking up the sleeping little Toons in her daycare center."
"Listen, [Toon Name]. You can't argue with an angry mother, or daycare center owner, for that matter!"
"Her insurance covers up to 20 Cogs."
"I'll allow you to defeat any of the Cogs here in Acorn Acres..."
"But let's try to make sure those buildings are taken down near Mother Wood."
"And don't wake the babies while you're at it!"

"Great work! Now maybe Mother Wood will get some peace and quiet with the sleeping little tykes."
"And hopefully I won't need to dodge any other sandals being thrown my way when she's denied a claim!"
"Okay, last claim that I could really use help on..."
"I need you to go see Mechanic Mike. His shop is Nuts & Bolts here on Legume Lane."
"I've tried to make sense of what he's saying but... he's not easy to understand..."
"If you can go and help him out, I'll get the rest covered from here."
"Thank you so much!"

"Hlleo trehe byddu, I'm Mechanic Mike, or Michael if you wnat to be cotcerrly famrol wtih me."
"So balacisly my iusse is Sellbots."
"Tehy lkie to ruammge thuorgh my shop all the tmie and I c'nat keep processing karts and mrotos at tihs rate."
"If you cluod go defeat tehm for me, codisner my cialm fulllifed. I'd rllaey appicerate it. And if you eevr wnat a diuocsnt ocne yr'uoe deno, let me kwon!"
"Waht are you loikong at? Y'uod tnihk I w'nsat spikaeng peporr Enilgsh or somgnihte..."

"Trehe we go!"
"I can tlel the Sellbot poptaluion drppoed signacifintly aldaery."
"Codisner my cialm fulllifed!"
"Now if yl'uol esucxe me, I got mecinahcal imets to mses whti! See you arnuod, [Toon Name]!"

"Took you long enough."
"But... nice job."
"Now, I got a good one for you."
"Ever since Good ol' Gil Giggles started stirring things up here it's caused a few Toons to go a bit... crazy."
"None more than Undeer Cover."
"They've been locked up investigating Bossbots for a while now."
"And at this point you can't even get inside that shop without being forced to do some work..."
"Good luck, you'll want it."

Stir Crazy

"I bet you're a Cog aren't you!"
"A filthy Cog in disguise!"
"Then prove it."
"Go outside and defeat some of them. Blow them up."
"Then I'll talk. You Cog..."

"Phew! You had me convinced you were one of them!"
"I might be... going a bit stir-crazy lately."
"You see, Good ol' Gil Giggles has been putting A LOT of pressure on me lately to get as much info on these Bossbots as possible..."
"They drive me crazy! CRAZY!"
"Could you just... for my sanity, defeat a few more of those kinds?"
"I'd... appreciate it. Thank you."

"I'm feeling better already!"
"So, it just so happens that I'm ready to receive another shipment of footage to review."
"I've been working closely with Spruce Hairtune over at Pecan You Surveillance Systems on Peanut Place to study these Cogs."
"If you could, could you head over to him and pick the footage up?"
"I've had him set up cameras all around Acorn Acres to film these Cogs and study what business they may conduct."
"Thank you!"

"Welcome, [Toon Name]."
"How did I know you were coming? Why, I had a camera at the ready outside my shop!"
"How do I know your name?"
"Let's ignore that part..."
"ANYWAYS, what do you need help with?"
"Oh. Undeer Cover's footage."
"Right, well..."
"I may have... left the cameras unsecured."
"So when the Cogs caught wind of the cameras... they kinda just snatched them right up."
"It wouldn't really be too big of an issue if I could receive the footage wirelessly, but..."
"It's all on film."
"But don't blame me! Blame Undeer Cover for cheaping out and going for the cheap film package!"
"I need those cameras back. If you can find them, I can give you the footage."

"There it is! Great work, [Toon Name]!"
"Just pop the film out here... and great! Take this on over to Undeer Cover!"
"Thank you again for the help."
"Oh, and good luck with your Bossbot army training!"
"...How did I know that?"
"Uh, well..."
"Undeer Cover's waiting, better not make him wait any longer!"

"AH! COG!"
"Oh, phew! Just you again..."
"Did you get the footage?"
"Great, thank you!"
"I appreciate it, [Toon Name]. You're a really helpful pal."
"Now, you must excuse me..."
"I'm about to lock myself inside here watching each minute of the Bossbot's movement on this film for all 45 hours straight!"
"Can you tell I'm brimming with excitement?"
"Send a kind thought out for my eyes..."
"Thanks again, good luck out there!"

"Welcome back."
"About to fall to your knees in exhaustion yet?"
"Great! Cause you'll want to after all this physical labor you're about to do."
"I want you to visit one of the most respected builders in all of Toontown."
"My personal best friend, Builder Bob."
"You see, Builder Bob has been in a competition of sorts lately, and he's trying to stay on top as the biggest and best builder."
"So I volunteered your services to help out."
"Better get to building!"
"His shop is Walnut Built Yet over on Peanut Place."

Crazy Construction Time

"Are you my volunteer?"
"Great, cause I need some assistance."
"You see, Duke Lancelot over at Deer and Doe Construction Co. has been trying to take over my reputation as number one builder in Toontown."
"That's not going to happen."
"Sometimes it makes you just want to say..."
"Or sometimes it makes me want to just go back to my own safe zone..."
"But I can BUILD my own safe zone!"
"I'll call it the BobZone!"
"Yes, that's it!"
"I'll create this BobZone, and Duke Lancelot will have to outplay my finely crafted area!"
"Quick, defeat some of these Cogs and bring me their shiny metal plates. These are going to work so nicely!"
"Don't mind me while you work on getting those parts, I'm just going to be messing around with some really crazy dynamite."
"It's imported from Sweetentown, really useful for taking down old buildings that I want to reconstruct!"
"Anyways, get to it!"

"I gotta say, this crazy dynamite is crazy good!"
"I may just have to make my own CrazyZone out of this stuff..."
"That might be a bit dangerous, however..."
"Oh, and fantastic work, this metal is going to work great!"
"Now, just one more thing."
"I need you to take down some of these tall Cog buildings. It cuts into the raw power my tall beaver-made structures give off."
"If you do it, I promise you can be my best friend!"

"Here we go!"
"BobZone complete. But only Bobs are allowed, like me!"
"This is all shaping up nicely, thank you best friend, [Toon Name]!"
"Let's gloat. Head on over to Duke Lancelot and let's see what he's been up to."
"Surely it can't beat my construction work!"
"Go rub it in his face!"

"Hello, I presume you're the volunteer Resistance Ranger Ridge told me he'd send over. Great."
"Let's cut to the chase."
"I'm jealous of that Builder Bob, and his really crazy dynamite..."
"I have to overtake him and make sure Deer and Doe Construction Co. are the biggest and hottest name in construction!"
"Here's what I want you to do."
"Builder Bob uses any metal plates he can find from Cogs, but that's the easy way."
"I want you to get me metal plates from Boardbots. Think about it."
"Board...bots. They clearly must be sturdier and more superior!"
"Once you got them let me know, I'm going to build a fantastic play area that anyone would be jealous of!"

"Excellent. My play area will come to fruition, and Builder Bob will be so jealous!"
"In fact, why not show it off."
"Go talk to him, show him how impressive Deer and Doe Construction Co. can be!"
"Thanks for the help, pal."
"See you around."

"Friendship ended with, [Toon Name]."
"Now only my crazy dynamite is my best friend."
"If only I didn't use it all on the CrazyZone..."
"Just go, [Toon Name]. Don't return unless you bring me something to restore our best friend status."

"[Toon Name]! YOU KNOW ME SO WELL!"
"I forgive you best friend."
"I will now continue to work hard on making Walnut Built Yet the biggest name in construction."
"Deer and Doe are gonna crash to the ground, just like their cheap building material!"
"Thank you, best friend, [Toon Name]."
"See you around!"

"Great work. Truly inspiring."
"Not really, though."
"Okay, maybe just a little..."
"Let's do some real charity work."
"One thing Professor Pi all had us do was contribute to a good cause."
"So, I want you to go see Walnut William at Toons in a Nutshell Housing Solutions over on Legume Lane."
"Help him set up preparations for brand new housing for the Toons of Acorn Acres."
"Good luck, and lift with your knees, not your back."

Help The Needy

"Why, welcome to Toons in a Nutshell Housing Solutions."
"Are you here to find a home, or by chance help?"
"Oh, you're one of those in-training folk, aren't you?"
"Splendid! Well, let's get to work then! We're gonna give a Toon in-need a home!"
"First things first, we need some wooden planks."
"They're always drifting around the ponds, why not go fishing and try to reel some in?"
"Bring about 5 back and we'll move forward with things!"

"You really are good at this, it's like it's a breeze for you!"
"Last thing we need is a really sticky sealant to seal this house up!"
"I hear great word of the Sellbot Factory having some excellent suit sealing paste, perhaps you could go get some of that for me?"
"Thank you so much!"

"This is excellent!"
"Say, you really are a natural at this."
"Make sure to leave a good word with your superior for this!"
"This is really going to do lots for building a future home for a needy Toon, so thank you again!"
"If you ever feel like volunteering again, we're always looking to help out Toons in need."
"Have a nice day!"

"You genuinely helped people. Feel proud about that."
"Alright, enough time being proud."
"Next task. I'm sending you to Humid Henry."
"I'm sending you here not because it's a lot of work or anything, but because honestly it's just straight up annoying."
"His humidifiers hum constantly, and even walking near Almond Avenue gives you a sample of that awful noise."
"Go find out what's wrong with those machines, and fix them."

Silence Is Golden

"Hey there! What do you need?"
"Buzz? There's no buzz!"
"Ohhh, wait!"
"My humidifiers!"
"Sorry, I've just been around them for so long that I've just tuned them out..."
"Yeah, those things just hum all the time, could never figure it out."
"...Is that an issue?"
"Noise complaints, huh?"
"I'm no stranger to that, unfortunately."
"But there could be a few fixes, potentially."
"I got an idea!"
"Try getting a wig from the Big Wigs. That should do the trick I would think."
"See you soon!"

"Okay, here goes nothing!"
"Hey! I think it worked!"
"The humming's gone!"
"Wow... It was really that simple all this time..."
"You did it, [Toon Name]!"
"Great work!"
"I'll have to keep my humidifiers stocked with a good wig, but it's worth it."
"Thanks for the help, I appreciate it."
"And I'm sure my neighbors do too, for that matter!"
"Have fun out there!"

"For the first time in history, I can actually say I appreciate the work you've done."
"My ears are saved."
"Onto the next task for you!"
"One thing we must always try to do as officers of the lovely Acorn Acres is to keep the streets clean and the value high."
"So I want you to assist us on this."
"Do it like you mean it, too."
"Head on over to Jake, King of Estates at his shop Acorn for Acres Realtors on Walnut Way."
"Speak to him and assist him in ways that keep our streets clean and our property values optimal."
"Off you go."

The Best Investments Is...

"Why, who dare lay their feet upon my store's squeaky-clean floors?"
"You there, Toon. What business do you seek?"
"Preserving real estate value?"
"Why, I do say, that is a SPLENDID idea!"
"To protect our financial backing is simple!"
"Clear the streets of the wretched Cogs, and our value shall not decline."
"Impress the ever lovely Professor Pi."
"Clean the streets of its robotic curse and return once finished!"
"Good luck, young Toon."

"My good Toon, I must say you have impressed me."
"I may be a high King of Estates, but I beckon thee Jester of the streets!"
"You may proudly proclaim your newfound title to all who may listen."
"Hold your head up high. You are royalty."
"Street royalty."
"Dirty, messy, street royalty."
"Alright, thanks for the real estate help bub, now get outta my shop."
"Cya around!"

"You look a little dirty there, [Toon Name]. You been playing around in the mud?"
"Well, regardless, get over it because you're on your last task before you prove yourself."
"This is the harshest task you'll face."
"But not just any judgement."
"Forced judgement, judgement that'll always go against you, one you don't agree with, but can't fight."
"That's right."
"Judge Judybeans."
"Gather yourself, get ready, and go face your judgement."
"Her shop is Lawn and Order Courthouse on Walnut Way."
"Good luck. You'll need it."

All Rise

"Good, you made it."
"I almost thought the defendant wouldn't arrive!"
"All rise for the honorable Judge Judybeans!"
"Oh you guys are too sweet, hold the applause, really."
"Okay, let's begin."
"We are here today to discuss the charges made against one, [Toon Name]."
"Very strong, bold claims, claims that'll make you do an extreme amount of community service."
"What say you, [Toon Name]?"
"Not guilty, eh?"
"Well, let's see what the JURY THINKS."
"The jury says guilty! Just as I suspected."
"Thank you jury, you've been lovely tonight."
"As for you, [Toon Name]."
"I hereby sentence you to community service of defeating 35 Cogs, 15 executives, and a strong building."
"There is no arguing, there is no counter-case."
"This is final and this is your sentence."
"What's that? Putting up a fight, I hear?"
"Okay... well... If I had a bailiff, you'd be restrained right now!"
"Now go, serve your community sentence, [Toon Name]."
"Don't come back until it's fulfilled. Otherwise, we will lock you up and throw away the key! Once I find a bailiff, that is!"
"Now go!"

"There you are, [Toon Name]."
"The court's been watching you, and we deem you have properly fulfilled your community service sentence."
"We hereby announce you are free to go, and strike this occasion from your permanent record."
"Do you agree, jury?"
"The jury says yes."
"What a lovely jury."
"What's that?"
"Oh yeah, no bailiff. No cuffs either..."
"You're a free Toon, [Toon Name]!"
"Please leave a 5 star rating on Howl for me, by the way."
"Hope you like the syndicated television!"
"Thanks for visiting Judge Judybeans' Courthouse!"
"Goodbye, and have a wonderful day!"

"You... got past Judge Judybeans' rulings that quickly?"
"Gee, that's kind of impr-"
"I mean... totally normal and totally un-cool."
"I just uh..."
"I just got one last thing for you, surprisingly."
"It's a gag check, to see if you're where you should be by now."
"Just uh, just bring me a level 8 gag from one of your tracks, that's all that's required as of right now."
"I'll see you soon."

Surprise Supplies Check!

"Wow, sure enough, there it is..."
"Good work, [Toon Name]."
"I gotta admit, I'm proud of you."
"I'm pretty harsh on people, and I try not to let anyone get past that."
"I kind of expect people to fail to live up to my expectations, so I put them through the ringer."
"But you... rose up and knocked it out of the park."
"I just gotta say, I'm happy to be on your side, honestly."
"You helped out a lot of the Toons of Acorn Acres, and you've proven yourself worthy."
"All I can tell you is to report back to Professor Pi. You're done with the second stage of your training."
"Congratulations, [Toon Name]. Welcome to the banquet breaking army of the Toon Resistance."
"I'll see you around... partner."

A Real Banquet Breaker

"You look a little tired, [Toon Name]."
"I suppose you must've been training hard with Resistance Ranger Ridge, huh?"
"Consider me proud of you."
"Allow me to slow things down for you, as well as perhaps put a smile on your toony face again."
"As a reward for making it through your bootcamp, I've got a present for you."
"It's just a little something I'm handing out to each member for the banquet army."
"Welcome to the team, [Toon Name]!"
"Now, let's talk about your final step in training."
"First, I want to congratulate you in your excellence in responding, assisting, and training."
"You've gone above and beyond and you've put yourself in a fantastic place amongst the other Toons of this army."
"So there's just one final step to go. You ready for that, [Toon Name]?"
"I've been working closely with Good ol' Gil Giggles on this entire process, and we've got it down to almost an exact science."
"It's a banquet army policy at this point, practically."
"What you need to do is obtain your suit to be able to enter that banquet."
"However, we did the hard work and have suit parts to hand out at the ready."
"But we want you to learn about these Bossbots closely."
"The perfect training tool we've devised is having Toons like you enter their facilities, to study their environment, and take them down."
"So our policy is simple."
"One facility, one suit part."
"We will make exceptions for prior work in these regards though, so if you've done some work in these facilities, just let us know."
"Otherwise, your task is simple."
"We recommend you follow our pre-made course of action for optimal Bossbot experience."
"4 Silver Sprocket Cog Courses, 4 Golden Gear Cog Courses, and 2 Diamond Dynamo Cog Courses will provide you the most optimal experience."
"I must stress that you do not stray from this format, as doing any more than that in any Cog Course will not reward any valuable experience."
"Study these Cog golf course environments, and take down the Cogs as you prepare yourself for the banquet bust of a toony lifetime."
"Once you've returned, we'll give you all the parts necessary to be fully ready to bust that banquet."
"Good luck, [Toon Name]."

"Congratulations, [Toon Name]. You've done it."
"You've gone above and beyond once again and you've shown you've got what it takes to join the fight in Bossbot HQ."
"You've really proven to me that I was wrong not to take you under my wing all that time ago."
"Take your suit with pride. It's yours!"
"It's time, [Toon Name]. Operation Break the Banquet is upon us!"
"On behalf of me, Gil Giggles and the Toons of the resistance, I wish you the best of luck."
"Now report to Good ol' Gil Giggles, and good luck."

Suit Up.

"Great! You're back!"
"Did you get your training all done? Your suit in order?"
"Fantastic job, and great timing!"
"The banquet is ready to go, [Toon Name]."
"Get yourself ready, prepare, stock your Gags, find fellow Toons of the resistance to join the fight and head inside."
"I'll be heading inside myself ahead of you guys to set up the operation."
"The plan is simple."
"The Cogs are having a banquet, right?"
"So we stop the Cog caterers, disguise ourselves with their suits, and give them our toony rootbeer instead of the Cog oil they're expecting!"
"They'll be taken by shock and laughs and explode on the spot!"
"But before I ramble and take up too much time, it'd be best for you to get ready."
"Once you're inside you'll be able to find me." I'll be waiting for you and your teammates."
"Once you and your fellow Toons find me, just follow my lead!"
"We're going to crash this banquet with style, and take down the C.E.O. and the Bossbots as a whole."
"Once done, speak with Professor Pi. You'll have done all you could to have helped me."
"Now let's go do this!"

It's Time.

"You did it, [Toon Name]."
"You did something that many Toons couldn't."
"You went from a new Toon absolutely fresh to Toontown, and rose through the ranks."
"From the Toon I foolishly underestimated, to this."
"A Toon that's so strong and so capable that you can take down entire heads of departments with little help!"
"You're one of the mightiest Toons of the resistance, in my eyes."
"Congratulations, [Toon Name]. On everything."
"I don't have anything else for you here. It's best you speak with Flippy from here."
"But if you ever visit the land of Acorn Acres, you're always welcome to drop by my shop for a few words."
"Or tanning supplies, if you're interested in that. I do still sell tanning supplies..."
"Good luck out there, and have a fun time here in Toontown!"