Mezzo Melodyland Tasks/Task Script

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Current Task Script

Flippy's Been Expecting You

"Fantastic, you're back."
"First, how did handling the Sellbots go?"
"Detective Lima..."
"Don't you worry, [Toon Name]. We'll find him soon."
"But I brought you back here for another reason."
"It's about Moe Zart. He's the ambassador for Mezzo Melodyland."
"Since the time the Cogs invaded Mezzo Melodyland I've begun to hear less and less from him, and that's a major issue."
"The only person I've managed to contact recently in fact is Resistance Ranger Rhapsody."
"I need you to straighten this out as this isn't a time we can allow for things to fall apart."
"I also hear word that they've been dealing with a lot lately, with a Cog outpost lurking nearby."
"Go and assist them, help fix the issues Moe Zart has and bring Mezzo Melodyland back on board in the fight against these Cogs."
"I'm counting on you, [Toon Name]."
"I'll call for you again soon, now go and work your magic!"

Can Anybody Find Moe...

"Oh no, no, no. If you have an issue, get in line. I'm utterly swamped..."
"Wait, you're here to HELP?"
"Well that's a change for the best!"
"Moe Zart's been a bit of a shut-in lately. So we haven't managed to get a hold of him..."
"We'll talk about getting in contact with Moe Zart soon, but for now..."
"I have a bunch of things you could help me with!"
"Let's see... First up..."
"I've gotten reports of littering going on around in Mezzo Melodyland, and I've heard time and time again that it's coming from Jungle Jim."
"Can you please go speak to him about this? His shop is Haydn Go Seek Playground Supplies on Baritone Boulevard."
"When you finish up with that, come right back, I got plenty more tasks to hand out!"

Tracing Tasty Treasure

"Oi! Are you here to claim your reward?"
"No, I'm conducting a treasure hunt!"
"But nobody's even batting an eye..."
"I was going around yelling out to the Toons of Mezzo Melodyland about a chance to win a free delicious swingset, but nobody cared."
"And these are the finest swingsets I've produced, as a matter of fact! They hardly creak, and you can go SO high on them!"
"I sent out pieces of paper with riddles leading to the location of hidden swings. Simply solve the clue and find the swingset to receive your prize!"
"But at this point either the wind blew them all away, or the Cogs scooped them all up..."
"So, it's safe to say that the promotion failed..."
"Maybe you COULD see it as littering, but I saw it as potential marketing genius."
"In fact, I'll tell you what. If you help me get them back, I'll even let you have one for free!"
"You know what, let's even let you play the game."
"Go find those riddles from the Cogs and bring them to me so I know that they're the real deal."

"Welcome back. So let's take a look."
"Sure enough, these are my riddles!"
"Let's see... You wouldn't mind taking them all on at once for me, right?"
"You're going to have to go all around Toontown to find these!"
"Once you find them all, come back to me for your reward."
"Good luck!"

"Absolutely wonderful. How'd you find the treasure hunt to be?"
"I'm amazed that it didn't go over well, it would've been a blast!"
"But anyways, thank you for retrieving my swingsets for me."
"Don't you worry about keeping any of these weathered environment-exposed swingsets either. I'll send you a new one via the mail!"
"And uh, if anyone ever asks you about swingsets or other miscellaneous playground supplies, could you mention me?"
"Well, [Toon Name]. This has been good fun, but I'm all set to work on my next big promotion."
"This time it's going to be air-dropping swingsets all over Toontown!"
"Imagine a hundred different swingsets, all scattering throughout the lands."
"People would be practically fighting over resources the entire time to get them!"
"Anyways, I'm going to let you go now, [Toon Name]. Thank you for all your assistance, and I wish you the best of luck!"
"Bye bye!"

"Oh, sorry, just here trying to not PANIC while I have all these tasks needing to be done!"
"I need you to go see Fran Foley over on Baritone Boulevard. She runs Doppler's Sound Effects Studio."
"She's been begging me non-stop for access to more sound effect materials."
"I don't have stuff just lying around, you'd think this was a place full of music with how often she asks me!"
"Go help her out and get her off my back, it'd be so appreciated."


"Why hello there, stranger."
"Or should I say..."
"Just kidding."
"Just bear with me, I tend to be a bit dramatic."
"When you live the life of a sound effect technician, you tend to be a bit over the top!"
"When you speak, you start getting the sense of sounds going on."
"Like the sounds of looooove..."
"Bow chicka wow-wow!"
"But do you know what sounds I've been wanting for the longest time?"
"Office supplies!"
"The sound of pens scribbling on paper, pages being flipped through... the gooooood stuff!"
"I really need you to go see Cleff at Notations Office Supplies on Alto Avenue, do whatever you must to get him to record these excellent sounds for me!"
"Thank you!"

"Ey there man, welcome to my shop!"
"You want my supplies for sound effects?"
"Sure, man. But they ain't free, you know."
"I want you to deliver a whole cream pie."
"No, not to me, man!"
"To the Toons all around town!"
"I've been a bit of a hoarder over the days with whole cream pies, and I got a surplus in my shop."
"So I'll tell you what, man."
"Take some of the pies and toss them to some other Toons."
"Once you finish that I'll have just one more thing for you."
"Cool runnings, [Toon Name]."

"Thank you for sharing the love of whole cream pies, man!"
"Now, all I want for you to do is defeat the Cogs, one for every pie I gave!"
"And don't cut it short, man. Make sure you get the big nasty ones!"
"Then I will record sounds for the sound technician."
"Now go, man!"

"Yo, I appreciate what you've done for me. But, before I can record the sounds, there are more pressing matters."
"I can't focus with all this racket outside the shop."
"I say, "HELLO, PLEASE KEEP IT DOWN," but they do not listen."
"These Cogs just keep making more and more buildings, disturbing the peace and distracting me."
"Please take out some of these buildings for me, I'll take my supplies over to Fran Foley while you're at it."
"Just head on over after. Thank you for your help, man!"

"I got Cleff in here earlier and recorded up some perfect sounding pen scribbles and page flips!"
"Thank you so much, [Toon Name]!"
"My collection is just about complete. You can tell Resistance Ranger Rhapsody not to worry about any more requests, I'm all set!"
"I'll let you go now, see you around!"

"Oh great, you're back!"
"Please, head over to Rinky Dink at her shop "Kazoology School of Music" on Tenor Terrace."
"She's been pestering me about getting students to enroll, especially some specific Toon..."
"If you could help and get her off my back, it'd be really great."
"Thank you!"


"Why, welcome! Are you here to enroll?"
"You were told to help me? Why, did somebody ring about the dinkster?"
"Well regardless, I could use your help, as a matter of fact."
"It just seems like in these days Toons don't seem to appreciate the full value of the kazoo..."
"You want to make beautiful, beautiful music? Kazoo."
"You want to annoy the stink out of your pals? Kazoo."
"You just want a reason to have an unnecessarily high amount of attention? Kazoo!!"
"In fact, I even go to such lengths as getting gag shops to recognize the kazoo as an actual sound gag."
"Something a lot of Toons didn't recognize for the longest time!"
"So here's how you can help me."
"I'm going to hand you one of my kazoos."
"Now, you don't have to use it, but I want you to carry it on you while you take down some Cogs in stylistic fashion!"
"All I need you to do is tell Toons that your skills were taught to you through the teachings of the legendary kazoo."
"Now go, take down some of these Cogs and be the glorious postertoon I want you to be!"

"Wonderful! I bet those Toons are going to go WILD over kazoos real soon!"
"Now, I want you to target a pupil I've had my eyes on for a while."
"I was strolling down Soprano Street one evening when I witnessed a young Toon surrounded by Cogs."
"I nearly jumped into action with my kazoo until I saw himself wielding a kazoo of his own..."
"Masterfully blowing air into it in a manner that was at least a minor-grade annoyance to the robots around him!"
"The Cogs, never having faced such MILD kazoo-tastic trauma in their robotic lives simply walked past him down the street..."
"Continuing to terrorize the Toons of Soprano Street completely unfazed."
"Gosh, I sure haven't seen anything like that kid before..."
"I want you to recruit him!"
"He's over at his place on Soprano Street called You On Kazoo."
"Do whatever you must, he will be my protege!"

"Oh, hey there."
"You want me to sign up for kazoology?"
"I would, but uh..."
"Lost... my kazoo?"
"Yeah, yeah, I lost my kazoo. I'm afraid I just won't be able to make it without that."
"...How did I lose it?"
"The Cogs stole it! I think..."
"I just couldn't bear to sign up without it."
"Sorry to break the news to you."
"Wait? You'll get it back?"
"No, no, no... It's not that neces-"
"You insist?"
"Ha ha, yeah uh, alright."
"I'll be here if you find it."

"Okay, I gotta be honest, I still have my kazoo..."
"I'm actually surprised you found that one, to be honest."
"I know they want me to sign up, but... I can't."
"I'll tell you a secret."
"Sometimes I get a little... quiet, when I'm around lots of new Toons..."
"I can't go alone..."
"But wait! I'm not alone!"
"You'll sign up with me, right?"
"Run over and tell Rinky Dink that I'll sign up with you!"
"You know what, I think we're gonna be friends."
"Special friends!"
"And when I'm with friends, I like to have fun, fun, fun, fun, fun, FUN!"
"Now go sign us up..."

"Did you do it?"
"OH FANTASTIC! Great work!"
"And you're signing up as well?"
"Well, you're no Kazoo Kid, but I'll take you on anyway."
"Wait, you're wanting out already?"
"Well, I don't care if you have tasks to do, you are enrolled for the kazoology program!"
"You have to at least pay the early termination fee if you're going to leave so soon."
"It's to uh..."
"It's to defeat one of those rampant ugly buildings blocking the view of my school!"
"Take care of one of them, and I'll set you free. Especially with my star pupil needing my undivided attention!"

"A deal's a deal. You're free to go."
"I must say, that Kazoo Kid is a real charmer, by the way."
"It's only been one lesson, but we've learned how much we share our love of singing, dancing, pretending, aaaaand..."
"Thank you, [Toon Name]. My star pupil will now receive the kazoo training he's always deserved."
"Now I wish you luck on your tasks."
"See you around town!"

"Thanks for tackling these issues. Now, I got a real sticky situation for you to work on."
"I've been getting complaints from all around Mezzo Melodyland about Moe Madrigal selling faulty motor homes to Toons around town."
"I've been really meaning to get to this lately but it's not easy come, easy go..."
"Can you deal with this monstrosity for me, [Toon Name]?"
"Thank you, you're a big help."
"His shop is Madrigal Motor Homes on Baritone Boulevard."
"Good luck!"

Chop Shop Blues

"Oh hey there little buddy, you wanna buy a big fancy motorhome?"
"These babies are pristine, ready to cruise around town!"
"Just avoid those sidewalk props! They can get in the way a bit too often!"
"Okay... you gotta help me out here..."
"I've been fearing the day the Toon Council would come kicking my door down, accusing me of fraud..."
"I don't have the jellybeans to pay all these possible fines!!"
"You gotta help me get my stock in tiptop shape!"
"Here's an idea, I'll go check my lot and see what issues I need fixed, and you just keep my shop clear of Cogs until I get back."
"I should be just a minute... Hopefully."

"Okay, so I checked out my motor home lot."
"It's not that bad, honestly!"
"I just need new parts!"
"...and tire repairs."
"Aaaaand auto insurance coverage..."
"And... maybe proper licensing to operate the motor homes."
"You know, the small stuff."
"But on the bright side, I think I can use parts from some of those stronger Cogs to patch up the holes on my motor homes!"
"Just bring about five pieces of quality metallic material from those beefy Cogs and I'll be ready on that part."

"Great, I'll be able to use these on the gas tank holes, spaces in the roof, and maybe even giving a few of them actual engine hoods!"
"But hey, they still are some fine pieces of automobile machinery!"
"So now I need someone to take a look at those tires..."
"They may not have held air since the day they had their shag carpeting installed inside the cabin, but they sure are nice!"
"Why don't you run down the street to Gummy Whistle at C-Flat Tire Repair."
"Here, take some flyers. Tell him I'll give him a massive deal on one of these fiiiiiine motorhomes! Several jellybeans off!"
"Once he's taken the bait, get him to come on over and fix up all 7 tires on each motorhome."
"They are supposed to have 7 each, right?"
"Well, just go get him!"

"What's this?"
"A flyer for two jellybeans off of a motorhome?"
"Yeah, I'm good. Thank you though, [Toon name]..."
"Wait, what? You want me to work on THAT Toon's tires?"
"If you want me to help out that cheapskate, you're gonna have to make it worth my while, [Toon Name]."
"I'll need more rubber cement, and a lot of it."
"Those tougher Boardbots are a good source of it, I find."
"Their suit blazers can be combined with some water and some instant-cheese spray I carry around for when I'm hungry, and it solidifies right up!"
"In fact, I've had a part-time job working on racing karts down in the raceway lately with my little invention."
"So just get some back for me, and I'll work on those tires for you guys."

"Okay, so I took a look at those tires, and you better wish me luck."
"Nails, tire rot, blown holes in the tires all over, it's a real nightmare..."
"You're lucky I'm a Toon of my word."
"And if you're helping him out with more stuff, I wish you luck, you'll need it."
"See you around, [Toon Name]."

"Great work, [Toon Name]! I saw that little green mouse taking a look at my tires just before I got back."
"So, let's talk business."
"I need insurance."
"Not because I'm a danger..."
"But turns out to be a legally functioning motorhome salestoon, you need to have insurance covering the wares!"
"I uh... forgot to get that."
"Forgot is definitely the word."
"So I need you to run down to Sid Sonata at Sonata Your Fault! Discount Auto Insurance, just down the street."
"Just take this registration for my motor homes. I'm sure you'll find no problem getting insurance using these bad boys."
"See you soon!"

"Hi there! How would I be of assist-"
"Woah, what are these papers..."
"Okay, hold on, let me take a look."
"Wow, uh, yeah..."
"These papers have been expired for nearly seven years..."
"I often like to say "Sonata Your Fault", but this is literally the biggest issue I may have ever seen!"
"You have multiple motor homes here without correct registration of insurance... This is hilariously out of whack."
"But, I'll cut you a deal."
"You save me maybe a few jellybeans off one of those motorhomes, and take down some Legal Eagles, and I'll sign off on the insurance for these."
"Legal Eagles put shame to my business, which has a very serious place in this toony world."
"What's that? Oh! Neat! A flyer for a few jellybeans off!"
"Well, then it's just the Legal Eagles left then."
"Good luck, and take them down!"

"Well then, [Toon Name]. Consider yourself in possession of some prestigious insurance forms!"
"Just sign on the first twelve pages and initial on the designated locations."
"If you want to bring it back later, feel free!"
"I'll be browsing that motorhome lot now! Thanks for the sweet deal!"
"Happy travels!"

"Ey, did you get it done?"
"What's all this paperwork? I didn't ask you to bring me this..."
"Eh, whatever. I'll just get it done later."
"Now I just gotta head down to Tim Tailgate and get my operation license for these..."
"Shouldn't be too bad! I'm sure I'll pass with flying colors on my first try."
"Thanks for the help, [Toon Name]. You best be getting back to Rhapsody. I hear she's swamped."

"You're really taking all these tough tasks away from me."
"It feels like a weight being lifted off of my shoulders!"
"Any way the wind blows right now doesn't really matter to me!"
"But, there is one last thing that we mentioned before that stops my theoretical wind..."
"Moe Zart..."
"He's been struggling lately to cope with the Cogs..."
"As such he's sulked and locked himself inside his shop. A shut-in, as I said before."
"No messages being returned, no leadership, no direction..."
"I've been trying my best to handle everything, but it's almost like I'm inside an impossible game trying to multitask everything everywhere..."
"It makes me wonder sometimes if this is the real life..."
"...Or if it's just fantasy..."
"As much as I'd love to make you do every new task that comes in, it'd probably be best if you spoke with Moe Zart yourself."
"He's over in his shop More Scores Sporting Goods on Alto Avenue."
"Good luck, and let me know if you manage to get him speaking again, or even outside that shop!"

Going Through The Moetions

"Oh, hi."
"Are you looking for something?"
"Oh, yeah, I'm the ambassador alright..."
"It's just..."
"I'm not feeling the toony spirit like I was once, honestly."
"Mezzo Melodyland used to be a bright and colorful place. Full of harmonious music and the sound of joy and cheer."
"But then those Cogs came..."
"Now don't get me wrong, I put my best foot forward and battled back, and we did good, for a while at least."
"But then those Cogs just kept coming, and they don't stop coming, and they don't stop coming, and they don't--"
"You get the picture."
"These Cashbots have flooded our streets and made Mezzo Melodyland their home..."
"It's caused nothing but stress and issues, to the point that we've evacuated Toons from their shops as they're dangerously close to the headquarters."
"Go have a look at the damage yourself."
"Head over to Nothing But Treble on Soprano Street. I imagine you'll find it deserted, just to the Cogs' pleasure."
"I imagine they even ransacked it. Go see how much damage was done and come back."
"I can already imagine having to put the call in for Tony Deff to come fix the roofing..."

"It was in disrepair, wasn't it..."
"...It was perfectly fine?"
"Hah, for now, anyways..."
"And I'm sure you saw it, right?"
"Their headquarters, just looming over everything..."
"I'm telling you, [Toon Name]. Mezzo Melodyland just isn't what it used to be anymore."
"In fact, I bet if you asked the average Toon what their least favorite playground was, it'd be ours..."
"It wasn't like that before, though."
"Mezzo Melodyland used to be the heart and soul of Toontown, as a matter of fact."
"Toons used to stroll down these streets skipping and singing gleefully, until the Cogs came and caused "the switch" to happen..."
"What's the switch, you ask?"
"You see, at the end of Soprano Street used to sit the Toontown Mint."
"It was a fantastically beautiful place where the Toons of Mezzo Melodyland produced Toontown's mint chocolate coins!"
"Everyone used them as the main form of currency!"
"But then the Cashbots came in droves and invaded it, taking it over and turning it into their own headquarters..."
"Leading to the Toon Council installing new JELLYBEAN mints in Toontown... Being operated by the gag shops... Thus being "the switch"."
"It's awful. Ever since these Cogs came it just feels like the magic of Mezzo Melodyland isn't there anymore."
"Toon travel here is at an all-time low..."
"I've even heard word of development for mint chocolate coin presses somewhere else in Toontown for new purposes..."
"Anyways, I've been working for a long time now on my downsizing plans."
"I don't expect Mezzo to recover, so I'm working on lowering production and expectations for all Toons still here."
"You can help me though, I need you to visit Anna at Anna's Cruises Travel Agency on Tenor Terrace."
"Tell her to expect less bookings, come back once you're done and I'll send you to the next shopkeeper on my list."
"Thanks. Sorry to burden you."

Slow Cruising

"Welcome to Anna's Cruises, the finest pickup in all of Toontown!"
"Downsize? Lower expectations?"
"That's quite silly!"
"Ever since the Cogs came, I've only experienced more bookings than ever!"
"In fact, if you're here to help, you can assist me in getting my booking chart back!"
"Earlier today, a Number Cruncher came inside, swatting away all my clients and snatching it right from my gloves."
"If you could go and find it for me, I'd be so thankful!"

"That's it! Thank you!"
"Now I can expect to see even more clients coming in! Thanks, [Toon Name]!"
"And make sure you tell Moe Zart the great news. I haven't seen him lately, so this should be great for him to hear."
"Thanks again!"

"...More bookings than ever?"
"Heh, that must be just an extraneous oddity."
"I bet that's probably from some mandate Flippy put into effect, like the one that brought you here..."
"Go see Barbara Seville at her shop "Shave and a Haircut For a Song" here on Alto Avenue."
"I need you to tell her to slow down on sharpening her clippers, as the number of songs she receives will most certainly be declining."

Dull Scissors & Expectations

"Oh, hi there! Are you going to sing me a song?"
"Let me explain, this is Shave and a Haircut For a Song."
"The only shop in town where you get a free haircut and shave for providing ME with some music!"
"So, do you have something for me to hear?"
"Well, then there's no haircut!"
"Moe Zart told you to come here?"
"OH NO!!"
"I almost forgot!"
"He told me a while back that he produced an opera that was gonna air on the radio, and today's the day!"
"I gotta turn it on and listen!"
"What was the right station?"
"He handed me a note months ago with the station and date on it..."
"I know it's today, but I can't remember the station..."
"I had it pinned to the wall until-"
"I walked out one day for a stroll down to Attendant Abe's Rests Rooms..."
"When I got back to my shop the entire place was torn to pieces by Cogs!"
"I need you to somehow find me that note, so that I can keep my promise to Moe Zart and listen to it!!"
"Please hurry!"

"Oh, fantastic! It says it's the Mezzo Melodyland Official Station!"
"Let's just turn it on and take a listen!"
"Oh no! My radio's all out of tune!"
"I can't miss Moe Zart's big composition!"
"I need tuning utensils! I'd beg Offkey Eric for a set, but he's been sold out for a while now!"
"Business is booming as of late!"
"I know he said Loan Sharks have them often, as they LOVE to eat, and they're made of solid gold!"
"Go and get one, please!"

"Okay... now I just need to remember what Offkey Eric showed me..."
"Just dial it in more, you say?"
"Okay, on it!"
"Now let's take another listen!"
"Oh, there it is!"
"I think we just caught the very end of it!"
"It's a shame I wasn't able to listen to the whole 10 hours, but it sure sounded great!"
"In fact, I just may have to get a copy to play for all my future customers when they get their trims!"
"What's that?"
"Oh, yeah! I've been getting loads of customers lately, no worries here!"
"Anyways, thanks for stopping by and helping. Is there anything else?"
"How about a nice trim? A mullet, perhaps?"
"No? Oh, you gotta go? Alright! Well thanks again!"

"Not a single haircut in weeks, right?"
"...Booming business? Offkey Eric, too?"
"Well I bet she didn't even listen to my compo-"
"She DID?"
"Wow, that's surprising, I didn't expect anyone to listen to all ten hours..."
"But still, trims are something that'll always be needed, so that must be the reason."
"Plus everyone needs to eat, so tuning utensils are always a sellable commodity..."
"I want you to go tell Annie Airhead to expect a surplus of canned air."
"The Toons wanting to pull pranks and make loud noises surely won't be coming..."
"Her shop is The Air Horn Refillery on Soprano Street."
"Let me know how breaking the tough news goes."

Take a Deeeeep Breath


"Got them!"
"Ahhh, Okay, so what did you need?"
"Lowering expectations? Air surplus? Why? That's nonsense!"
"I've been refilling air horns like selling hotcakes out here!"
"In fact, I had the greatest idea in mind recently to bring in even more Toons!"
"I'm starting to release a new line of air horns called, "Annie's French Air Horns"!"
"It'd be a smash hit!"
"I'm so excited! And it'll go over super well with all these customers visiting lately."
"Thank you, [Toon Name]!"
"I need to get to work on these air horns, so I'll let you get back to what you were doing, but it's been a pleasure!"
"Now time to break out these ear plugs again!"

"Let me guess again, cans on top of cans of stored air, right?"
"...tons of customers? An entire new line of air horns?"
"Wow... maybe I've been wrong this entire time."
"All this time I've been thinking to myself that this Cog invasion has been such a plague..."
"A dampening on the light and sounds of Mezzo Melodyland."
"But maybe, just maybe, it's only brought out the best of us!"
"You know what, I'm in too. I can't let this beat me."
"We're going to take these Cogs down. And I'm going to join back in the fight."
"We're going to start with that ugly headquarters. We need to understand how to take that down."
"I want you to go see Professor Pete, he's the wisest Toon on strategy."
"Ask him about these Cashbots and come back to me, we need to get to work."

To Catch a Cashbot

"Welcome back, [Toon Name]. Always a pleasure to see you around these parts. What can I help you with?"
"Cashbots? Well, I certainly can give a recommendation... Especially after reviewing the parts you retrieved for me a while back."
"From what I've seen, I have to say it seems Cashbots are the most logical target after Sellbots, as their entire motive is to produce cash, and fast."
"Now don't get me wrong, these Cogs certainly are tougher, they don't skimp out on materials as much as the Sellbots do, but it's possible..."
"I've heard of your tactics you devised with Coach Zucchini, and my advice for you would be to do more of the same."
"Infiltrate their headquarters, stay safe, and recover any pristine Cashbot parts you can, even if it's materials. We will figure this out."
"Work with Moe Zart to obtain these pieces until you have a full suit, that way anything you do inside that headquarters can be conducted in a safe manner."
"Good luck, and feel free to come back again for more advice. I'm always more than glad to assist you, [Toon Name]."

"Good to go? Excellent!"
"From what you said, we need to put our focus into building this Cog disguise."
"So, we have to play smart here. We don't want to rush into this headfirst."
"I want you to go investigate first, take a step inside that entrance and report back what you find, but be careful."

"How is it?"
"Just what I expected."
"It seems they've completely taken our mint over and transformed it into their own. Fueling cash flow from our very own building..."
"Our mint buildings, our chocolate coin vault, and even our trolley tracks..."
"Toons used to wheel wildly throughout the Toontown Mint, stopping to pick up some delicious chocolate coins on their rides through."
"Now they've ripped up all those tracks, bringing in their own trains from who knows where..."
"We can't just stand by and let this happen. We have to shut this headquarters down from the inside."
"What's that? Coin mint? Dollar mint? BULLION MINT?"
"They used to be three Chocolate Coin Mints. Now... they're Cog Mints..."
"Go into each of them, and get disguise pieces from each one, just like Professor Pete said."
"I think the best idea would be four from the Coin Mint, four from the Dollar Mint, and two from the Bullion Mint."
"Be careful. Assemble this disguise as soon as you can!"
"Good luck."

Mints, Anyone?

"That Cashbot disguise looks fantastic, [Toon Name]."
"You're ready."
"I forwarded my plans over to the Resistance leaders back in Toontown Central, and Mata Hairy took note. She said she wants to see you."
"Work with her to infiltrate that headquarters, and find what's lurking inside."
"Once you do, come back to me, I'll want to share some words with you."
"Thank you, [Toon Name]. Good luck."

The Plan's a Go

"Eek! Just the Toon I wanted to see!"
"Hi there, [Toon Name]. I've heard of the work you've been doing lately."
"Especially involving the Cashbot headquarters."
"I've been keeping my eye on that spot for some time now."
"During my free time I've snuck away to that headquarters, watching that vault."
"Day in and day out, almost nothing coming in or out."
"Until recently, that is."
"I saw a Robber Baron walk out..."
"Cited something about a C.F.O., mentioning that he had been disappointed to hear about the VP's recent defeat."
"So, naturally, that piqued my interest. I had to get inside that headquarters."
"So I did what you had done with Sellbots. I fashioned a suit."
"I snuck my way inside that vault door and I explored inside."
"There's a main vault where I believe the entire headquarters is operated and controlled, and their valuables stored."
"But I couldn't stay long, for something terrifying came strolling through the corridors."
"The tallest, biggest, green Cashbot I had ever laid my toony eyes on."
"The C.F.O.."
"I would have gotten caught, if it wasn't for my quick reaction skills and my innate ability to be Cog-like."
""BAH BAH BAH", I said!"
"I just ran out quickly, after that. It was super smooth, trust me."
"But this is it, with you being ready, I want to revisit this."
"I'm going to go ahead, I've already gotten the word out for the Resistance to train more Toons just like you."
"Meet me inside that vault with your disguises on, and get to this vault together. Once we're inside I can take it from there and investigate properly."
"Once we're done I want you to see Moe Zart, he's made it clear to me that he wants another word with you before you take on another task."
"Now prepare yourself, get your Gags in order, and I'll see you inside that vault."
"Good luck, [Toon Name]!"

The Vault Heist

"Did you do it?"
"You took down the C.F.O.? The head of the entire Cashbot department?"
"I applaud you, [Toon Name]."
"I asked Mata Hairy to make sure you came here, as there's words I meant to leave with you before you left."
"I just wanted to say thank you."
"Thank you for keeping the spirit inside me alive, for showing me that Mezzo Melodyland is still the prosperous place it always had been."
"And thank you for showing us the right way to infiltrate the Cogs Headquarters."
"For equipping us with the knowledge to fight the C.F.O. and to keep our streets safe."
"I can't thank you enough."
"And before you go, I just want to say good luck to you on your future endeavors. You're a special Toon, [Toon Name]."
"Thank you again!"

The Show Must Go On

"Back already?"
"You've been helping me left and right!"
"An HQ officer by the name of Snow dropped by just a minute ago. They've been looking for you."
"They're one of the HQ Officers that work with Resistance Ranger Rocky."
"Apparently there's been some incidents that have happened over at The Brrrgh."
"They said they REALLY needed some help, so they reached out to Flippy."
"He said Flippy told him his best Toon was doing work for Toons here in Mezzo Melodyland. That Toon being you."
"On behalf of Resistance Ranger Rocky and the Toon of The Brrrgh, they need your help, [Toon Name]."
"I thought about keeping you here, but you've done me such a favor already that I couldn't possibly ask you to stay much longer."
"I want to say good luck to you, [Toon Name]. And thank you for your help to all of the Toons of Mezzo Melodyland."
"So please, as soon as you can, visit them in The Brrrgh. Speak with Resistance Ranger Rocky. They'll let you know what to do from there."
"Be safe!"