Daffodil Gardens Tasks/Task Script

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Current Task Script

Trained and Ready

"Woah, woah, woah, slow down there, [Toon Name]."
"What's all this about metal framing? ..Weaknesses?"
"So it seems conclusive that this is the right way to go, huh?"
"Right, well then I'll have you go right away to Daffodil Garden's ambassador."
"It's been utterly flooded with Sellbots as of late."
"The Toon I'm sending you to is one of the best Toons in the game of training, as a matter of fact."
"His name?"
"Coach Zucchini."
"I'll send a briefing ahead of time to arrive for him before you get there, that way we'll all be on the same page by the time you arrive."
"Keep your head up, your Gags stocked, and your pies flying!"
"Good luck."

The Zucchini

"Hey there, [Toon Name]."
"Coach Zucchini at your service."
"You can call me Coach Z. for short."
"Welcome to the Squash and Stretch Gym!"
"This is the place to come to so you can become the roughest, toughest, Cog-fightingest Toon around."
"Now, I've been noticing some pretty poor Cog fighting around Toontown..."
"So I decided to start studying up everything I could about these Cogs roaming the streets, to train these Toons and whip them into shape."
"Now, you already know the most basic strategies, right?"
"Don't use Sound on Lured Cogs, don't double Trap, the essentials."
"Gah! Toons these days are just so raw with Cog fighting and proper strategies..."
"I'm surprised you've even made it as far as you have at this rate!"
"Okay, well, I'm entirely too busy to be training a Toon like you at this moment."
"I've got some extremely important business to conduct with some fellow Toons, and I can't be interrupted."
"If Flippy wants you to be useful here, talk to Resistance Ranger Rose in the playground HQ. She'll give you something to do for now."
"And learn proper gag choices while you're at it."
"Just don't go around using another one of the stinking kazoos on high level Cogs, please."

The Rose

"Why, hello there!"
"Let me introduce myself. I'm Resistance Ranger Rose, Head officer for all Daffodil Gardens' HQs alike!"
"What may I help you with?"
"Coach Z. sent you here? Rather rude and busy?"
"My apologies, he's certainly been a bit busy as of late. All he's mentioned to me lately was that he was dealing with classified work."
"But as a matter of fact, Coach Z. came down here not too long ago..."
"He asked us to sort all of our issues in a specific format, wanting us to be organized."
"He seemed rather stern about it."
"It caused a bit of unfortunate drama here as well."
"Reed here used to be head officer, until he was annoyed with having to sort everything and upset Coach Z..."
"Coach demoted him on the spot and promoted me, and mumbled something about "being seeeelfish" on his way out."
"Either way, it's gotten things a bit tense at times here, but we're working it out."
"Anyways, you're here to help us, right?"
"That's perfect, you can help us for a bit until Coach has the time to see you!"
"I've got an easy one for you to start. Sofie Squirt is a wonderful shopkeeper who operates her shop The Squirting Flower over on Daisy Drive."
"She loves squirting flowers, and is one of the biggest providers of them for gag shops."
"But for some unforeseen reason, the Cogs stormed her shop and took her squirting flowers..."
"If you can run on over and help her, you'd be doing a great favor to us and all squirting flowers alike!"
"Good luck!"

Wilted Sunflowers

"Alright, hurry up, get on with it..."
"Oh, what? You're not here for a joke?"
"My bad, I've come to expect most people to come here to either take my gag supply or to say a really overused joke..."
"I can't really complain however, it does bring new traffic to my shop after all!"
"Anyways, I do need your help."
"I need to build up a new supply of my lovely squirting flowers so that I can keep providing them to all the Toons of Toontown."
"I'm going to let you in on a little secret."
"Each and every squirting flower comes with their very own button."
"It's a ton of fun getting to press the button and watching the flower spray the Cogs down!"
"The secret?"
"Sellbot's suits."
"They're just the right shade and material. I've even found that they're realy easy to manipulate and mold into just the right shape!"
"More so than any other type of Cog, for some reason."
"If you can go out and recover a few pieces of their suits and bring them back, I'll be one third of the way towards squirting flowers!"
"I don't mind if they're damaged or scuffed by the way, they always are when you fight those street Cogs."
"Thank you!"

"Perfect, these are going to work perfectly."
"Now I just need two more things and you'll have done a big help!"
"I just need a fresh arrangement of beautiful helianthus pauciflorus!"
"That's the scientific name for a stiff sunflower, if you didn't know."
"I find it rolls so perfectly off the tongue when you say its proper name."
"Say it with me."
""Helianthus pauciflorus"."
"Isn't it just wonderful?"
"If you could, the usual shop I prefer here in Daffodil Gardens is Crystal's shop over on Tulip Terrace. It's Just Vase It Flower Arrangements."
"Bring back a shipment of stiff sunflowers and I'll be so grateful!"

"Hello there, honey!"
"How can I help you?"
"I'm sorry, what are you trying to say?"
"Stiff sunflowers, of course, why didn't you just say!"
"I'll pick a supply from my greenhouse in the back, but it's not free, sweetie."
"There's been a lot of Sellbots lately on my street here."
"If you can weed them out a bit I'll be more than happy to let you have a box of the freshest smelling sunflowers."
"Good luck!"

"Here you go, honey!"
"Enjoy those beauties."
"I put a lot of care into growing them, making sure they grow nice and bright yellow."
"Have a nice say, sugar."

"These look and smell wonderful!"
"Like a cross between the misty air of Barnacle Boatyard and the gag shops when fresh pies and cakes are delivered in the mornings."
"Thank you, [Toon Name]."
"Last thing I need, simply put, is water."
"The one thing I adore most about Toontown is the water here."
"In this town we have the most refreshing, clear water you could ever possibly imagine."
"I love to get all the water I use for my squirting flowers straight from the source."
"This may be the most perilous task you face yet however, so I must ask, are you ready?"
"Just joking!"
"I finally got someone back after all this time!"
"I couldn't resist."
"I just want you to take my container here and visit any pond you can dive inside."
"Barnacle Boatyard's water or even some Toon's estates are fantastic sources of this!"
"Swim below and gather up the freshest water you can, and bring it back to me."
"I'll be all set once you do so!"
"Thank you, [Toon Name]."

"Ah, wonderful, thank you."
"It looks so good I could almost drink it!"
"But I won't of course, do you know how many Toons swim around in this stuff?"
"You didn't happen to drink any, did you?"
"Why the awkward look..."
"Well anyways, thank you so much!"
"You've given me some splendid assistance."
"This will surely help me in getting ready for another batch of perfect squirting flowers!"
"Good luck to you out there on your journey, [Toon Name]. And don't forget to stop once in a while to smell the flowers!"

"Great job helping Sofie! But now let me talk about another issue we're having here."
"Law N. Mower has been constantly filing requests for a permit to expand his building."
"Despite the fact that we keep telling him there's no such thing as a building expansion permit."
"Every day is something new, and he words it slightly different each time like it'll make something magically happen..."
""Building size increase permit", "Building go big big permit", "Building size equals greater than current size permit"..."
"It drives us nuts!"
"Could you please go talk to him about it?"
"His shop is Mow Jellybeans Mow Problems Lawyer's Agency on Sunflower Street."
"And if he asks you about any permits, just tell him they don't exist."
"Good luck!"

Where the Grass Grows...

"You must be here to finally approve my permit!"
"As you can see, this building is much too small for my lawyer agency-lawn mowing business."
"Do you even know how big the potential is for such a thing!?"
"You're not here to ratify my submitted documents?"
"Nonsense! Then I request you politely leave the premises, or fear... the wrath of a restraining order I'll write up right now!"
"...Those don't actually exist either?"
"Fine. Well, I'm going to need your assistance then."
"If I can't make my building bigger then I'll just have to knock some of the others down a few pegs!"
"Take out some of those tall unsightly Cog buildings that stand around, I need to make my shop look much more important!"

"Excellent, is my shop looking bigger yet?"
"You're just saying that aren't you..."
"Anyways, another reason I wanted to expand my shop's size is to allow for a bigger mowing sector."
"There's always grass to level in this flowering playground."
"But if I'm not able to expand myself, perhaps we can outsource..."
"No, no, no, I'm not talking about taking away jobs! I'm talking about expanding our current jobs!"
"Speak with Rocky Raspberry, I've been eyeing his shop for a while now for multiple reasons."
"One, because I'd like to expand my own business there, as it's a beautiful and sizeable building."
"But also because he runs Astroturf Mowers, the only main competition in town!"
"But let's be beneficial, I need you to make him take on my jobs, for a small cut of the mowing profits!"
"Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be attempting to glue more flowers to my shop to make it look even taller!"

"You want me to help Law N. Mower?"
"That Toon I find standing outside my shop often?"
"He just stands there... eyes looking up and down my shop's walls, almost drooling..."
"Until he notices me staring at him, anyways. Then he quickly waves awkwardly and sprints away."
"What can I do for him?"
"Taking on new jobs? I can't imagine he's THAT busy, but I'd be willing to."
"I originally set my heart on mowing astroturf, but business has been a tad scarce lately, it seems like that stuff almost never ever grows!"
"I'll make you Toons a deal, if you clear Daffodil Gardens of some of those excess Cogs, I'll be glad to take on some jobs."
"It clears up a ton of space to mow safely!"
"Come back to me when you guys finish that up, I'll be prepping the mowers!"

"Are some of those Cogs gone?"
"Good, it gets hard to try to mow around them."
"They often avoid the sidewalks but you gotta move around all the little trash bins and things, and it's not easy!"
"You can feel free to let Law N. Mower know that I'll take on any mowing job he sends my way."

"He'll do it? ...You mean it?"
"Excellent! My mowing empire is growing!"
"Next I'll have my eyes on expansion beyond this playground, to chop down every last piece of grass that's just slightly too tall!"
"I just really like mowing, honestly."
"And grass of even-height."
"Thank you, [Toon Name]!"
"I will handle it from here. Consider my permits vanished!"
"For now."

"Welcome back, [Toon Name]! I hope you solved all those permit issues."
"We started to get so many that it was a wonder what to even do with them."
"As it turns out, Ash here actually worked part-time with Patty Papercut over in Toontown Central. We had paper airplanes flying all around!"
"We even had a competition, and I won! But Reed got a bit salty and stomped on all of them..."
"But then we had a crumpled up paper throwing competitions without him, just to tease him."
"Anyways, thank you for your help!"
"In fact, let me have you speak with Ash now, he'll work with you on a few issues around the playground."
"Thanks again!"


"Hey howdy! Welcome to the Daffodil Garden's HQ!"
"If we're going to be working together for a bit, let me introduce myself."
"I'm Ash, a Toon that loves fun and I'm a bit of a traveller."
"I bounce around from place to place, having worked part-time making paper airplanes..."
"Waterboy delivering glasses of water to Professor Pete, and the list goes on and on."
"But for now I've settled down in solving tasks here for the Toons of Daffodil Gardens! Not a bad job at all!"
"Speaking of fun, let me send you over to a pal of mine that's just the most fun you could ask for!"
"His name's Bert!"
"He likes dirt."
"Go visit him! His shop is Bert's Dirt on Daisy Drive."
"Have fun!"


"Hi I'm Bert!"
"I like dirt!"
"Do you have dirt?"
"Then you can have fun with Bert!"
"Now go find dirt!"

"See! Isn't he just the best?"
"Gosh, I sure love that Bert."
"Okay, okay, slow down..."
"I'll help you find the dirt so you can have real fun with Bert."
"I do believe there is a shop around here that you can get some dirt from, I think..."
"I think it's on Petunia? No... Sunflower? No, no...."
"Okay, how about you defeat a few Cogs for me while I check the shop register."
"Come back once you've defeated a few and I'll tell you where to go."
"You'll love it though, Bert's a real hoot!"

"Okay, here we go! It's "Dirt. Cheap." on Tulip Terrace."
"Uncle Mud should be able to help you out."
"I can't wait for you to have fun with Bert!"

"Ey you looks like a Toon that really likes tuhh roll around in duh mud!"
"Hows about you help yer ol' uncle out?"
"Whaddya mean I'm not yet uncle?"
"I'm ol' Uncle Mud!"
"Eh, fuggedaboutit, you wants some dirt, yeah?"
"Then hows about you take out some of dems Money Bags for me eh?"
"Always walking 'round like dey own duh place, tossing 'round their bags 'uh money, their snooty flat faces, I can't stand dems."
"You take a few of dem out, you got some real cheap dirt."

"Ey that's a good job you did right dere!"
"You knows what, maybe you could help me out some more."
"You see I got a big ol' tummy here, and a pal of mine keeps telling me tuh eat my greens."
"It's a little embarrassing so I was hoping you could go on ova' to her and gets her meal for me."
"Her shop's Honeydew Dis on dis street."
"I appreciate it pal."

"Hey there, stranger!"
"Well aren't you going to greet me properly?"
"And you really need to straighten your shirt, and when's the last time you combed your fur?"
"I'm sorry, where's my manners..."
"I'm so used to pointing people in directions, I'm told it's a very bad habit of mine."
"Anyways, what can I do for you?"
"Oh, my old Uncle Mud!"
"I gotta be honest with you by the way, I don't think he's really my uncle, but he keeps saying he is..."
"Either way, he really needs to eat a bit better so I've been helping him with eating right!"
"I've been giving him delicious salads all the time when he drops by, however I don't have any right now."
"If you go to Caeser at The Salad Bar just up the street you'll be able to pick up a fresh one!"
"And straighten up your posture, you don't want a sore back!"
"Have a good time!"

"Welcome to my shop!"
"I am Caesar, renowned restaurateur for my caeser salads."
"All the Toons in the land enjoy my salads."
"Even some Cogs, too."
"Those Cogs cannot stop ravaging my wares."
"I will allow you to have a free dish if you can stop some of those dreadful Cogs."
"I shall await your return."

"Excellent news. I am pleased to hear of the downfall of those Cogs."
"For this, I give you one of my finest caeser salads."
"Enjoy it, and feel free to visit my restaurant once more if you find it satisfactory."
"Have an excellent time, [Toon Name]."

"Ey! You came through for yer ol' Uncle Mud!"
"Ah yeah, whatevuh', so what if I'm not yer uncle."
"Anyways, here's yer dirt. Enjoy it, kid!"
"And I'll be enjoying dis salad with a bit of chocolate syrup on top!"
"It sure is easy eating right!"
"See ya, kid!"

"Hi I'm Bert!"
"I like dirt!"
"Do you have dirt?"
"Ok, you are dirty."
"You must leave Bert's shop."
"Bert's shop must not be dirty."
"Good party, [Toon Name]."
"Bring more dirt sometime!"
"Bye bye!"

"Wasn't... that... just... the... COOLEST?!"
"Ah, man! Bert's just the best!"
"Phew! Okay, what else can I show you around town now..."
"Oh yeah! Cool Ray!"
"He's just about the coolest rabbit you could find!"
"Go on over to his shop on Sunflower Street! It's Cool Ray's Rad-ish Makeovers!"
"You'll love him, I promise!"

Never Out Of Style

"Heyyyyy, what's up ... yo!"
"I'm Cool Ray, the reddest rabbit in Daffodil Gardens."
"Now before you ask, yes, Daffodil Gardens is a totally rad place to be."
"Flowers and... trees and... stuff are TOTALLY rad."
"Now, do you wanna be totally RAD like me?"
"Of course you do fam, so here's what you gotta do."
"Bring me the fake hair from some of those not-so-rad Mover & Shakers."
"Four of them to be specific, because four is a totally rad number."
"Bring it back to me and I'll make you a totally rad wig like mine."
"'Cept mine's totally real and totally RAD."
"It doesn't look fake right?"
"Go and get that hair already!"

"Rad, yo!"
"That's a real DAB moment, dawg!"
"I'll weave up this wig until your hairdo is on fleek!"
"Check it out, yo!"
"Congrats on being TOTALLY RAD."
"Well, sort of."
"Now you gotta be stylin' like me too!"
"So you need some of these totally sick shades!"
"Oh, and by sick I mean like cool, or rad, or -- okay, you get it."
"Bring me back some of the plastics those Cogs use and I'll fashion you some sick shutter shades, yo."
"Hurry up, I gotta see how rad you can look!"

"Oh sick! This plastic is totally gonna work!"
"Now, check these swag shades out!"
"You're gonna look rad as heck!"
"My job here is done, yo."
"You're totally rad now, [Toon Name]!"
"See you on the flip side, yo!"

"Wasn't Cool Ray just the coolest?"
"Gee, well... I guess maybe you're just not a partier like me and my pals!"
"That's alright, no need to keep you stringing along with me then, let's have you talk to one of our other officers!"
"Resistance Ranger Reed's been a bit moody lately honestly, so let's have you talk to Petunia."
"She's real sweet, so I'm sure you guys will have a good time!"
"Have fun, [Toon Name]!"

"Why, hello there, [Toon Name]!"
"Have you been enjoying the sights of the lovely Daffodil Gardens?"
"Met some interesting characters, have you?"
"Well that's great! There's a lot of history and charm to the Toons of Daffodil."
"In fact, why not see one of our most interesting Toons, Susan!"
"She runs her own boxing lesson establishment over on one of the prettiest streets if you do ask me, Petunia Place."
"You'll get a real taste of Daffodil Gardens when you're done with those boxing lessons!"
"Have fun!"

Petunia's Place

"I eye the next finest boxer in Toontown!"
"Well, with my one good eye anyway."
"I got myself a real good shiner from my last heavyweight bout last weekend, but I sure laid the smackdown!"
"No pansy could stand in the way of this black-eyed susan!"
"I'll make you a deal, [Toon Name]."
"Have a word with Dr. Spud over at Eye of The Potato Optometry down the street."
"You get her help to take care of my eye, and I'll teach you a bit of boxing!"
"Sound like a plan?"
"Great! See you soon!"

A Boxing Lesson To Forget

"Hi there! Got a client you need me to take a look at?"
"What's that? Your client told you to come talk to me?"
"Your client is a talking potato?"
"This is astounding news... I've spent my life studying these potatoes, constantly learning, and I never knew they could talk!"
"You must bring them to me! I need to witness this talking potato! The town will be in total shock!"
"Hush, hush! Please, go fetch them!"

"Give me some backup, clean some of these Cogs up off the street while I go give Dr. Spud over there a nice little talking to!"
"I want you to go see how she thinks of me once I'm done!"

"I... I didn't see it coming."
"It was like slow motion, [Toon Name]."
"One second I'm standing here minding my own business..."
"The next an angry little horse struts into my shop, and ZOOM."
"This potato starts sailing through the air, and all I can do is watch it get closer and closer..."
"BAM! It hits me right smack in the face!"
"The nerve!"
"Hit me right in the eye as a matter of fact!"
"I bet I'll get a black eye from this..."
"Anyways, where's the talking potato at?"
"She WAS the potato, you say?"
"Well that just can't be true, [Toon Name]... Potatoes don't just transform into Toons, silly!"
"Why didn't you just say there was a mixup?"
"Maybe it would've saved me a black eye as well.."
"Okay, so taking care of it, that's simple enough!"
"You just need to compress it with a cold material for several days, and then switch to warm."
"It's quite simple if you have the packs for it!"
"In fact, I bet you could get some from those pesky Spin Doctors. Those Cogs seem to have a lot of hoarded medical supplies."
"Get that ex-potato a cold compress and a heating pad and her shiner will be back to normal in no time at all!"
"Good luck!"

"Okay, keep this on the eye for a few days and then switch, got it!"
"So, are you ready for your boxing tips?"
"Great! So the first step is to always keep your eye on your opponent."
"Next thing you'll know is you're on the ground and you'll have a shiner just like me!"
"Keep your guard up, keep your stance strong, and never let your eye off of the opponent!"
"I think you got what it takes to become a real boxing champ, [Toon Name]."
"Come back sometime if you wanna learn more, I'm always ready to dance around the ring o' rosies!"
"Keep your gloves up, [Toon Name]! See you around!"

"See! Now wasn't she just spectacular?"
"Why the odd look? You look as if us Daffodillians are a bunch of weirdos or something..."
"Well maybe you just need to see the finer side of things here!"
"Or... the viner things, shall I say!"
"...Why are you shaking your head?"
"I want you to go see Professor Ivy, she's one of the wisest and most talented Toons in regards to the vinest things of art."
"You'll enjoy the experience, I promise!"

"Welcome to my school of vine arts!"
"I presume a Toon like yourself is here to learn of the vine artistic qualities of the vine itself, yes?"
"These vines are something to be respected, to be adored!"
"Vine art isn't six seconds long, it's a lifetime!"
"To understand the vines, you must think like the vine."
"The vine is in the common sense a grapevine. Producing beauty and nourishment!"
"You must know like the vine knows, so go forth."
"Seek Diane Vine at Grape Expectations on Petunia Place."
"Assist her, and in return learn the knowledge of the grape."
"I will await your return, vine young Toon."

Not So Vine...

"Why, welcome to my bookstore!"
"You're looking to learn the knowledge of a grape?"
"Well, I have a few books on them, if that's what you mean!"
"...You need to know the knowledge of the grape?"
"Okay, I got an idea!"
"Let's do some charity work, defeat some of those Deadlocks that roam around causing a ruckus all over, and I'll read you a short passage!"
"It'll help save the grapes, and in return you'll know all about the "knowledge" of the grape!"

"I can already feel a weight off my chest!"
"Okay, so listen up!"
"Grapes are botanical berries that grow from vines, with over ten thousand different kinds!"
"But do you know how much they know?"
"Nothing! They're grapes!"
"You already know so much more than a grape will ever know."
"It's within you!"
"Now go out and enjoy some berries!"
"Have a good time!"

"Yes! Good! Now you know the wisdom of the mighty grape!"
"But now you must feel as the vine feels."
"As it grows, sprawls out, and produces grapes, you must feel the way these vines do."
"Seek Dr. Vine, use him to give you the experience that a vine feels."
"His shop is I'm Feeling Vine! On Sunflower Street."
"You must to it for the vine, [Toon Name]!"
"Now go forth!"

"Hey there, pal!"
"Are you my newest client?"
"You're here to... feel like a vine?"
"Well, the vine is kind of the backbone of a plant..."
"The spine, if you will."
"I think this could work!"
"I'll give you a spinal adjustment, but you gotta make it worth my while!"
"You see, those Back Stabbers are a real pain in my spine, and if you want yours feeling better, you gotta help mine too!"
"Take some of those ache-inducing Cogs down and I'll help you feel like a real vine!"

"Okay, so the key to a spinal adjustment is adjusting the vertebraw so you gain some relief."
"Try it!"
"Great! How do you feel now?"
"Like a vine?"
"Well don't ask me what a vine feels like, I'm just a chiropractor!"
"But I think you've managed here, thanks for the backstabbing help!"
"And remember to stay loose out there!"

"The experience of feeling the vine first hand is the key to understanding them. This is good progress you've shown me."
"But it is time for your final task, to fully experience the life of a fine vine."
"You must look like a vine."
"No arguments, you must step into the shoes of the thing you seek to understand."
"Despite... vines not having shoes..."
"But regardless, you must seek Vine Green of the Vine and Dandy Menswear shop on Daisy Drive."
"Tell him that you must experience the look of a vine, regardless of what cost it may take."
"Come back to me once you've completed this task."

"Howdy! What can I do ya for?"
"Looking like a vine, you say?"
"Well, I'm not sure if I just have a vine tuxedo just laying around... But maybe I could do something."
"Ah hah! I got an idea!"
"It might not exactly be vine-related specifically, but perhaps it could help you out!"
"I just need one thing, though..."
"I need one of those fancy light blue buttons that I see Toons using all the time!"
"Perhaps if you defeat some of those dark greenish blue looking Cogs you could find one that they swiped! I think they're called Boardbots."
"Come back with one and I'll help you out!"

"Oh! Thank you very much!"
"Now, just let me press that button for you and you'll be looking great in no time at all!"
"There we go! I'll just "drop" this gift into your wardrobe here... Check it out sometime!"
"Hopefully it helps in some way! Good luck on your vine-related adventures, [Toon Name]!"

"Excellent! Yes! You've done it!"
"How do you feel now that you've experienced the knowledge, feelings, and appearance of the vine?"
"Well that's kinda disappointing to be honest with you."
"I would've expected more honestly, but now that you've explained it to me it makes sense. It's just a vine."
"Well, there goes my creative curriculum for the next semester!"
"Maybe I'll teach about different types of vines instead, does that sound riveting, [Toon Name]?"
"Would you wanna help me research? There's a lot of them around Daffodi-"
"Uh -- Thanks for your help!!"

"Welcome back, [Toon Name]!"
"Did you enjoy the experie--"
"Well... uh... What about I send you to another Toon that's a lot of fun!"
"His name is Soggy Bottom!"
"Okay, well... Maybe you should just go ahead and speak with Resistance Ranger Reed and help him out. It might be the best for the both of us."
"Good luck, you'll need it!"

"Huh? Oh, hey there, [Toon Name]."
"You're here to help me, right?"
"Listen, here's the deal."
"Ever since Coach Z's been undergoing all this extra "work" lately he's been putting a lot of stuff onto my plate."
"Now naturally I like to help Toons out just as much as anyone, but I need a life too!"
"So I recently had my fill and got into a tiny argument with him."
"Which then lead to him pointing out a few of my flaws and calling them "EPIC FAILS!!!.""
"Then he had the nerve to demote me and promote Rose to Resistance Ranger and the head officer of the headquarters here."
"So you know what? You're going to help ME."
"So the first thing is I've been given a daily quota of Cogs to defeat."
"But that's not such a big deal, Toons are all over the place making up for that."
"And it's like, why can't we just make friends with them anyways?"
"You know what, go and find out for me. Go try and add one of them as a friend. Why not?"

Hard to Reed

"What'd they say?"
"Weird, I almost expected a different answer."
"Well, just go defeat a few for me. That'll take care of my quota."
"Hurry up!"

Reed's Needs

"Great! Now we got that out of the way."
"So next I need you to do some errands for me, since I can't leave this desk until my shift's over."
"I want you to take this commemorative Resistance Ranger pin they gave me for being on the team for so long."
"I don't really care much for it."
"So I want you to take it down to Pamela Puddle at Take It or Leaf It Pawn Shop on Daisy Drive."
"Just bring me back whatever you can get for it, that'll work for me."

"I'm Pamela Puddle, and THIS is my pawnshop."
"I work here with myself, and my greenery, big grass."
"Just go ahead and tell me about your item and I'll either Take It or Leaf It."
"Commemorative Resistance Ranger pin, eh?"
"Well... These certainly don't come through the door everyday!"
"If you got a minute, I can get my guy who knows a lot about Commemorative Resistance Ranger pins down here to tell me more about it."
"No time, huh?"
"Alright, well... I'll trade you... three leaves for it!"
"Okay, and some pocket lint. But you drive a hard bargain!"
"I mean, it'll sit on my shelf, I gotta find a buyer... It'll really take me a lot of work to sell it..."
"Wait, really? We got a deal?"
"Thank you! Come again anytime!"

"OH COME ON, [Toon Name]!"
"Well, I guess the lint's kind of colorful..."
"Fine. Next errand."
"We're going to get back at little Mr. Coach Zucchini."
"You see, he loves taking up my time, while using his own time doing some "extra work", as he calls it."
"So what I want you to do is to go over to Shoshanna Sap at Pine Needle Crafts on Petunia Place and have her construct a clock."
"I want you to hand deliver it to the coach yourself, as a present from the both of us for taking up all our time."
"This is gonna be good. I can't wait!"

"Hi there! If you need some crafts done, you've come to the right place!"
"And before you ask, if you need a birdhouse, just say so and I'll get one from the back."
"Toons come in here all the time asking for once and then never come back to pick it up, for some reason."
"In fact I had an order recently that I thought for sure would be picked up, paid and all, but I haven't seen anything yet."
"Anyways, what can I help you with?"
"Crafting a clock, huh?"
"I'm no stranger to making clocks, so I think I can make it work!"
"Lucky for you, I went out scraping up random items I could find for arts and crafts."
"I think some of these acorns and other various items I have could make a great outer casing!"
"All I'd need really is all the gears and innerworkings! Which I'm sure you can nab from those pesky Cogs roaming around."
"Bring those back and I'll pop it all in for you!"

"And voila! Your clock is complete."
"And if the hands start spinning wildly out of control, just ignore it. It doesn't mean anything is coming any faster than usual."
"May you enjoy your time with it."

"Wow, it's almost a shame. This clock is so nice that I almost don't wanna give it up."
"Eh, he deserves it after all the time he's taken."
"Go ahead, [Toon Name]. Lay it on him."
"Let me know how it goes!"

"Huh? What's this?"
"Oh, well, thank you for the clock, [Toon Name]."
"But now's really not the right time. I'm still waiting on a note delivery and it should really get here any second."
"I'll reach out to Rose soon for you to come back by later, however. Then we can start on some real work together."
"But for now just keep on doing what you're doing. I'll let you know when to come soon."
"Good luck!"

"How'd it go?"
"Ah yeah! We totally got him!"
"Okay, so, I was waiting to see if you're legit, and you came through with our little prank."
"I need you to do one last big favor for me."
"I... need you to get my blankie back."
"Don't laugh, please."
"It's my favorite. I've cuddled with it for years!"
"One day I was strolling along the street with my blankie in hand when one of those ugly Shark Watchers came and snatched it right up out of my hand."
"They said it'd make a nice handkerchief..."
"You gotta get it back for me, I'll do anything!"
"I'll even... work on my tasks again and be productive..."
"Just please, go get my blankie back."

"Thank you!!!"
"And I don't even think I see a single bit of robot boogers anywhere! This is a great day!"
"Thank you, [Toon Name]. You've really turned my mood around. You're a big help."
"I'm gonna take this as my inspiration for finally fulfilling my workload. Count me back in!"
"Now if you'll excuse me, I got to attend to my tasks!"
"Oh, and Rose told me she wants to speak with you once you dropped by, so go ahead and speak with her."
"I bed it's about helping Coach Zucchini, so good luck on that one!"
"See you around!"

Rose's Words

"Hey there, [Toon Name]!"
"Coach just left a message saying he's ready to see you now, so I just want to wish you luck and to let you head on over!"
"Come back anytime you want!"

Stretch and Squash

"OH! [Toon Name]! You're here so soon!"
"I can explain..."
"My uh... training schedules have been all messed up due to all the extra work and unknown circumstances lately!"
"Ha ha, yeah..."
"Could you, uh..."
"Could you go see Detective Lima and get any notes he might have for me?"
"We've been researching uh..."
"Training methods, lately. Ha."
"I've been expecting him to drop by sometime today with his notes."
"So he must just be busy looking over another case about missing donuts again."
"His shop's the Spill The Beans Detective Agency just next door. Just try to be quick if you can."

Lima... Seen?

"Oh heavens, this is really, REALLY bad news..."
"Here's the deal, [Toon Name]. You've probably seen it, there's no hiding the giant Cog outpost just around the corner of my shop."
"I've been trying to keep Toons away from it as long as possible while I work closely with Lima to conduct research on this outpost..."
"It was our belief that it'd lead to us finding the path forward to striking these Cogs effectively."
"But I think... he may have been captured."
"And this might be crazy, but I need you to help me just the same way Lima did."
"I need you to head inside that headquarters."
"We need to find out what's lurking inside and just what may have happened to Detective Lima."
"Especially before it happens to anyone else!"
"With me having postponed everything waiting for his research, I can't go myself."
"I have to train Toons, and I have to watch over Daffodil Gardens!"
"Get your gags in order and head inside that headquarters. Come back as fast as you can."
"Good luck, [Toon Name]."

Enter The Big Scary Place

"Tell me everything you saw."
"No... It's exactly what I feared..."
"An area completely devoid of any happiness, smog filled skies, no tooniness in sight..."
"This isn't good, and to add to it, this proves my theory."
"One of the Resistance Rangers has gone missing."
"I've heard it's someone you've saved once before."
"Anyway, I have a hunch that this is where they've been taken."
"I need you to go back in, defeat a few Cogs inside and see if you can extract any important information inside."
"I'll be here, [Toon Name]."

Secret Agent Toon

"This information you've brought to me appears to be in the form of memos..."
"There are a few here that say some interesting things."
""The ongoing Resistance Ranger Roundup' operation had been a success thus far.""
""Acquired Toons will be held at the top of Sellbot Towers with the Vice President.""
"I see... So they were, in fact, the ones responsible for Rain's disappearance."
"However, that Vice President... doesn't sound good."
"If we're going to get inside there, we'll have to disguise you."
"I need you to look around this HQ and find what's inside, but be very careful."
"I will await your return."

"The Sellbot Factory!?"
"This is it, [Toon Name]. This is where the heart of the Sellbot's production must be!"
"I need you to go inside that factory, and pilfer parts of their production line."
"We can use those parts to disguise you!"
"We just need you to get enough parts from the Sellbot Factory until you have a full suit."
"This is it, [Toon Name]. Be careful, and team up with any Toons you can find."
"Use your wise battling strategy, and defeat the factory while grabbing a part each time you pass through."
"Don't stop until you have a full disguise ready. We've got to save Resistance Ranger Rain, and Lima!"

The Great Factory Haul

"You've done it, [Toon Name]!"
"You finished your Sellbot disguise!"
"With this you'll be able to enter and see what's lurking behind those doors!!"
"This is perfect. You can enter the VP's lobby and investigate things, maybe you'll even find Detective Lima!"
"First let's have you step inside, be careful. Inspect inside and tell me everything you see."
"Come back as soon as you can. Good luck."

Whats Behind Door #1?

"Slow down there, [Toon Name]... What did you see?"
"Dull, gray, and a huge elevator?"
"This is just what I expected... This is awful, TERRIBLE news."
"Word's gotten out about Rain and Lima, and Toons all over are flooding in to try and save them."
"These Cogs are tougher than anything we've seen yet, we need to put a stop to this as soon as possible!"
"But I fear the Vice President's strength. I need to be sure you're ready, as a coach, and as a friend."
"I want you to train. It's a force of habit. I need you to be ready to take on these Cogs."
"Defeat a strong building, and then come back to me. If you're ready I'll guide you along the next steps."

The Last Training

"Do you feel you're ready?"
"Take a step back, and assure yourself."
"I want you to have gained enough experience in your gag tracks."
"If you think you're ready, speak to me again, and I'll send you into that elevator."

"You are ready. You're strong, you're prepared, and you're primed for the fight."
"Go, find any Toons you can and board that elevator. Ride it to the top with as many as possible and take down the Vice President."
"Put a stop to this roundup operation. For the good of Toontown."
"Find Lima. I'm counting on you."
"I wish only the best of luck to you."
"I will be hoping you return."

The Great Market Crash

"You're back!!"
"Did you do it?"
"Is... the Vice President gone?"
"But the headquarters still stand."
"This must mean... that the Vice President isn't truly gone."
"You said the Cogs mentioned promotions?"
"Perhaps they promote the next Sellbot in line..."
"Unless they've repaired the Vice President as we speak..."
"The battle isn't over, for now."
"But thank you for equipping us with the knowledge to invade this headquarters."
"Did you find Lima, by chance?"
"Well, he must be in there... somewhere..."
"I hope..."
"Still, thank you. From here I'll continue to train Toons to invade the factory."
"Getting Toons everywhere to build their disguises and to take down the Vice President."
"So we can keep Toons like Rain safe from their cages."
"But Lima..."
"Anyways, thank you. From here your help is better equipped in another part of Toontown, so I've heard."
"Flippy's sent the word out to me that he needs to see you as soon as he can."
"I figure I can handle this from here, I'll bring up any Toon I can to keep this fight going. Maybe we can even organize a full-on strike someday."
"Good luck to you out there, and thank you for helping me, the officers, and the Toons of Daffodil Gardens."
"You're always welcome in the Gardens anytime you'd like."
"I'll see you around, [Toon Name]."