The Brrrgh Tasks/Task Script

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Current Task Script

Rocky Joins The Battle

"[Toon Name], great, you've arrived."
"Let me cut to the chase."
"We need your help."
"Lawbots have been swarming our playground, and despite our best efforts, we haven't been able to keep their numbers down..."
"We think it's the climate. The Lawbots seem so attracted to the cold."
"Our freezing temperatures make for the perfect storm for the Cogs that love the cold hard truth of the law..."
"Making it the ideal place for them to settle."
"Now naturally, we'd go to the one Toon that's guided us the most since we've all arrived..."
"But he's been missing ever since the Lawbot Headquarters sprung up."
"And he's the Toon that started this eternal blizzard, we think he would be powerful in helping us through this fight."
"We think he may have fled and found shelter back in his homeplace in Ye Olde Toontowne."
"We need you to go there, find him, and bring him back. We need him to guide us through this battle, to take down these Lawbots."
"Go, ask them where he is, find us The Blizzard Wizzard."

Ye Olde Wizard

"[Toon Name]! What my I do you the honor of on this fine day?"
"The Blizzard Wizard??"
"We don't speak of that name here. The nerve!"
"Not since he decided to leave us three to handle operations on our own, anyways..."
"He may be the fourth elder, and his homeplace may be here, but trust me, he hasn't returned. We would know."
"I don't think there'll ever be a day where you find Lil' Oldman Roaming these streets anymore."
"Now I urge you to run along. You won't find what you're looking for here."
"I wish you the best of luck, and I apologize for the unfortunate circumstances."
"May you find ease in your battles, [Toon Name]. It was great to see you again."

"Not there??"
"This isn't good. We NEED him."
"Please, go check his shop, this is vital."
"Even try defeating Cogs nearby, maybe he'll be inspired to join the battle... do anything you can."
"Report back if you find him."

Home's Where the Wizard's At?

"He's not in his shop?"
"Not even battling lured him out?"
"Expected, unfortunately..."
"This isn't good..."
"We need him, his experience, his smarts... We need Lil' Oldman..."
"Okay, here's what we'll do."
"Having been in The Brrrgh for some time has put me through a lot of situations."
"Each of those times I've gone to Hysterical Harry repeatedly to help me manage these things."
"Go visit him at this shop "Snow Big Deal! Crisis Management" on Walrus Way."
"He'll figure something out for us, I just know it."
"Find Lil' Oldman, and find me once you do."

Let's Retrace His Steps...


"Did... did you get them all?"
"WHEW, thank you!"
"I was having a bit of a... crisis."
"But I understand now that The Brrrgh's full of helpful Toons like you!"
"So now, let me help you. What do you need?"
"Finding Lil' Oldman? Why, that IS a task."
"It's not everyday that you set out to seek the wizard that cast upon us our eternal blizzard."
"Well... I find that in frightening times such as a Cog invasion, a common thing Toons tend to do is hide."
"What I recommend is speaking with Patty Passport. Her shop is Icy London, Icy France Travel Agency here on Walrus Way."
"Speak to her and see if by chance Lil' Oldman booked a trip somewhere. Perhaps you'll find your Toon."
"If that doesn't work, feel free to come back!"

Oldman On Vacation?

"Welcome! Would you like a trip?"
"Great! Trip's cancelled."
"Ever since this awful abundance of Lawbots arrived I've been ordered to limit any traveling. Flippy's orders..."
"You're here about Lil' Oldman?"
"I'm sorry, but inquiring upon bookings is private information, I could NEVER speak about any of those outside of between me and the client."
"But maybe you could make it worth my while..."
"Those Corporate Raiders, always so stylish with their golden earrings..."
"If you can get a couple of them for me, maybe I'll accidentally spill the beans on a certain booking..."
"Pleasure doing business with you, [Toon Name]."

"My, my! What lovely earrings!"
"These will go great for when I organize Lil' Oldman's booking when traveling can happen again!"
"Oops... did that slip out?"
"I'll tell you more about it, if you can help me again... Hehe..."
"A little birdie came through my doors one day and snatched up my records, for whatever purpose they may need."
"I assumed it was for building a nest. It can go lay an egg for all I care, anyway."
"But, if you can get it back, I'll tell you all about where that little old man was trying to go."
"Hurry back!"

"What a strong Toon you are, [Toon Name]."
"Let's see here..."
"Ah yes, Lil' Oldman was wanting a sunny getaway, to see the sun with his eyes and to feel the sand between his toes."
"But the booking isn't supposed to be until a few more months from now."
"If he was hiding, it wasn't because I took him away!"
"Plus, I would NEVER do that to The Blizzard Wizard!"
"Apologies if this doesn't help, but on the other hand, you've been a great one."
"Good luck to you on finding him!"

"[Toon Name]! Hurry!"
"I heard word of someone yelling about Lil' Oldman over by Pinecone Zone on Polar Place, hurry!"
"Go see Connie Ferris, see what's up!"

Lil' Oldman! Lil' Oldman?

"Hi there!"
"Are you looking for something?"
"Lil' Oldman?"
"Nope, just uh..."
"Just a bunch of pinecones, really."
"A looooot of pinecones."
"But not long ago a few Magnates were fluttering about by my building."
"I was screaming out "NOT LITTLE OLD ME!!!"."
"That must be where your confusion came from."
"No Lil' Oldman. Just pure terror at the sight of losing pinecones."
"Those birds sure love them for some reason..."
"Always pecking at them and taking them, I don't even understand it."
"If you could, could you get my pinecones back?"
"I just... want my pinecones."

"My pinecones! Thank you, [Toon Name]!"
"If you like pinecones or whatever, you could like, drop by again."
"I just like chilling out with pinecones."
"Pinecone Zone."
"Neat, right?"
"Well, uh... Good talk."
"You heading out? Or -- oh, yeah? Oh, uh, okay. See you!"

"Why... why are you so angry?"
"Waste of time?"
"I'm sorry..."
"Let me think..."
"Ah, right!"
"So, getting back on track, another common theme during times of pressure is to find comfort."
"All you have to do is find a place that he frequented, and maybe you'll have a good chance of finding a route to him!"
"Just like The Melting Ice Cream Bar down the street. I see Lil' Oldman there all the time!"
"Why don't you go on down there and talk to Sticky George? He might just be able to help you find what you need!"

The Ol' Pub

"Hey, hey, hey, are you looking for something? You look like you're about to survey the gum varieties stuck under the counter..."
"Well listen, I'll help you out. I'll answer any questions, get you a free ice cream, but you gotta help me out quick."
"My heater's in the back and I gotta turn that darn thing off, but my keys are gone for the door."
"I keep it locked to make sure nobody messes with my stock of ice cream!"
"One of those big Cogs with the little tiny heads came in and snatched them from me. The nerve of that Cog!"
"I need you to go get them back for me, then I'll get you something."

"Hey thank you, I appreciate you getting them back for me."
"I unfortunately got a little... frustrated and pried the door open while you were gone."
"You see, I recently got my new Hilariously Hot Heater from Sweaty Pete the other day, and this darn thing has been blasting out heat waves all day long!"
"I know my shop's called The Melting Ice Cream Bar, but I didn't mean it literally!"
"Please, go speak with him, I need this darn thing fixed..."
"His shop is Heat - Get It While It's Hot! over on Sleet Street."

The New Heater

"Hey there, welcome to my shop of heat! What can I do for you?"
"Sticky George? Yes, I sure did install him a new Hilariously Hot Heater!"
"Top of the line too, guaranteed sweat -- almost instantly!"
"Complaints? Nonsense, it says on the brochure that it has only one setting... Hot!"
"But look, I'll cut you a deal."
"I got a shipment of dry ice coming in from Choppy, but I'm in dire need of new heating parts for my heaters."
"It's extremely busy business here in The Brrrgh and it's hard to stay in stock!"
"With the recent surplus of Cogs however, you should be able to find some."
"Just take down some of those big ugly buildings, I'm sure there's boilers and pipes and all kinds of goodies inside!"
"Bring them back to me and I'll give you my order sheet for the dry ice, already paid for. You can then give those to Sticky George on my hehalf."

"These look great, thanks!"
"Now if I could just find out where I can get a shower around here..."
"Anyways, take this order sheet. It's all yours."
"Choppy's shop is Diced Ice at a Nice Price just down the street."
"Good luck!"

"Why, hello there!"
"What kind of diced ice may you be looking for?"
"I've got them all! Diced, chopped, crushed, bagged, square, round, puddled..."
"I ESPECIALLY like the puddled ice!"
"...Dry ice?"
"Ha, none of that here. No siree."
"...Order sheet?"
"Okay, I admit it..."
"I kind of..."
"Made a deal with a Cog."
"Don't look at me weird, alright?"
"They came inside my shop and threatened to take it, but that just lead to me chucking ice cubes at the darn Cog."
"Then he went a different route and made me a deal..."
"They said they'd take the ice and use it for whatever they needed and would bring it right back."
"So I kind of just let them, they took what they could, but it was only about half of the ice..."
"Looking back on it, I don't even understand what they'd be doing with the dry ice..."
"In fact, what would they do with most of this stuff they take?"
"Anyways, the fact of the matter is that there's a Cog out there with half of my supply of dried ice."
"If you could by chance get it back from them, I think you'd be in service."
"The good news though, is that it's probably cold enough that it hasn't fully evaporated yet!"
"Heh, sorry. Good luck."

"That's it!"
"Now let me just hand you over the other half..."
"Wait. That's a LOT of dry ice..."
"I know Sweaty Pete was desperate, but he needs to just crack a door open or something, this is just excess spending..."
"He also needs to invest in a shower, his shop smells worse than a Big Cheese convention in the middle of summer..."
"But that's another story. The issue here is you can't just move all this dry ice yourself, you're gonna need something to help."
"But I got an idea!"
"I work with Professor Flake all the time on issues like this."
"Most of the time it's turning the ice into water, but regardless. I think he could help!"
"His shop is The Precipitation Foundation over on Polar Place."
"Talk to him and see if we can't figure it out!"

"Is that you Doctor D-"
"OH, UH HI!"
"Hah, sorry. I thought you were someone else!"
"So, what are you needing from old Professor Flake?"
"Compacting an overwhelmingly large supply of dry ice for the sole purpose of ease of travel?"
"You could just walk in shifts, you know..."
"But this DOES give me an opportunity to test out my stretch-and-shrink zapper prototype!"
"I just need one more piece that I've been trying to find."
"It's a highly reflectived metallic piece used to focus the signal light."
"Perhaps Mover & Shakers could help. They sure do have some pearly whites!"
"If you can get some of those shiny metallic teeth back to me, I could definitely let you test out my zapper!"

"Oh no..."
"Pearly white is definitely what I'd call them."
"But it's also what I'd call the coat of paint ON them..."
"This just won't work."
"I've been at a crossroads for weeks trying to figure this out..."
"If only I could find a way to doctor this machine into working order, but my ideas keep sinning and fizzling out..."
"Doctor... Spin..."
"Spin Doctors!"
"They have those head mirrors on!"
"I just need you to go out and fight those Spin Doctors and bring me back a pristine, non-cracked head mirror!"
"This is going to work, I just know it!"

"Yes, yes! This is going to work!"
"Oh, [Toon Name], you're making me happier than my first date!"
"And we even high-fived on that date, so you KNOW this is special!"
"Oh how I miss Svetlana and her hand-shattering high-fives..."
"Regardless, take this. It's my stretch-and-shrink zapper!"
"To use it, simply point it at the dry ice, and press the button."
"It should work flawlessly!"
"Just leave it with Choppy when you're done. He has me create puddles for him all the time, so he can just bring it over the next time he's up for it."
"Good luck!"

"Hey, [Toon Name]! Nice remote!"
"Wait, don't point that thing towards me!"
"Woah there! I didn't know we were going to handle things this way!!"
"You know what, just take it, before anything else bad happens..."
"You leave that remote with me, I'm gonna have to talk to Professor Flake about this..."
"Oh boy..."

"Dry ice?"
"Well... It'll have to do. I can't let my ice cream melt into puddle cream!"
"Who would come to buy that?"
"Besides Choppy..."
"Anyways, where were we?"
"So, you wanted to know about Lil' Oldman, right?"
"Oh yeah... That Lil' Oldman is quite a character, alright."
"He visits nearly every week, always ordering the same thing. Two ice creams. One large cheese, one extra, extra small red bean for his toads."
"It's quite weird, if you ask me."
"But I always try to please The Blizzard Wizard, especially after everything he's done for us."
"Anyways, he left his cap here one day. An old wool one, to be exact."
"I was keeping it in my lost and found, but he hasn't showed up for weeks now. Since you're looking for him, you can take it."
"He didn't say anything on his last visit, just smiled with cheesy ice cream dripping from his buck teeth, scooped up his toads and strolled on out."
"But that's our wizard!"
"Anyways, good luck in finding him. I hope the cap can help!"

The Magic Cap

"Not there, huh?"
"Gee, The Wizard must really be that elusive..."
"Wait, you got a cap?"
"Oh, well this is great news!"
"Personal belongings, especially one like this that's most likely well-used can be practical in finding him!"
"If he's ordered from Sticky George recently, he might still be nearby!"
"The style is very reminiscent of the old ages."
"I'd recommend you to take this over to Granny Icestockings at Antarctic Antiques down the street."
"She's very wise about things like this, she should be able to help!"

"Is that my little Morgan? Come closer so Granny can see you!"
"Who's a cute little Toon? You are!!"
"Oh! I'm... I'm so sorry!"
"My eyes just aren't what they used to be anymore, unfortunately!"
"What do you need help with there, youngun'?"
"This cap? Well it sure feels old..."
"There's some fabric..."
"And some material... here..."
"You know what, it might be best you do something while you wait for me to take a good look at this hat here..."
"Why don't you go topple one of those big gray buildings. Those are just about the only thing I can see nowadays..."

"Morgan? I'm so glad to see you again, you weren't supposed to visit until next week!"
"Oh darn it, not again!"
"I'm sorry, [Toon Name]."
"So, I took a look at your cap here and it's oooold, even older than me, and I'm pretty ancient!"
"It looks to have come from Tailor's Tales, from the styling of it."
"I'd recommend you go down there to Allan A. Dale. He's on Noble Nook in Ye Olde Toontowne, if I remember correctly."
"Hope this old granny helped you out! Good luck!"

"Why, what may I do for thee on this fine day?"
"This cap of wool? It's a finely crafted piece, did stitch cleanly!"
"And in fact didst cometh from this very shop, upon further inspection!"
"But this order looks to beest old, and our records aren't hath kept well."
"Perhaps thee help us with a recent Cog crisis, and in returneth I findeth that order record for thee?"
"Many a stout Cog has't invaded our streets lately. It would beest a big help to us here if thee help."
"I thank thee, and in returneth shall beest looking for this sales ticket."

"But this order... It hath happened many, many years ago."
"It would not beest of much help in leading thee to the owner, but I asketh of thee, please taketh this cap back to the elder who hadst owned this cap."
"Much luck to thee, [Toon Name]."

"Really old, huh?"
"Well, that doesn't mean we're done for."
"In fact, this opens up a new opportunity!"
"With a cap that's well-worn, we can use scent tracking!"
"This is just the job for Snooty Sinjin and his pups with powerful sniffers!"
"His shop is the St. Bernards Kennel Club on this street."
"Let me know how it goes!"

That Smelly Smell

"Hello there, do you have a doggy?"
"I just adore dogs, I love them so much that I made my own club where I can keep all my little precious barkers!"
"You want to get assistance from my little previous ones?"
"Why, absolutely, we can sniff and track down that wizard!"
"My little doggie's noses are the sharpest in all of Toontown!"
"Except, their poor noses are all frozen cause of this awful weather..."
"It's a bad side effect from always wanting to keep a wet nose!"
"If you can help get their sniffers sniffing like they should, we'll track him down right away!"
"In fact, I think the best person to ask about this is Grumpy Phil. He knows all about cold noses."
"His shop is The Frozen Nose on Sleet Street."
"Help my puppers and you'll get rewarded!"

"GRR! I'm just so upset!"
"My nose is SO DARN COLD, all these Lawbots are EVERYWHERE, and "The Wizard" BAILED OUT ON US!"
"I can't STAND IT!!"
"And so what do you want now?"
"Help with frozen noses?"
"Forget it! Get out!"
"...For puppies?"
"But you gotta take down some of these Lawbot buildings, because I just can't stand this playground ever since they came in droves."
"The only reason I'm gonna do it anyway is cause my one weakness is puppies."
"But don't tell anybody!!"
"I wanna watch them fall as you take them down. Come see me after and we can work out this dog business."
"Make sure to throw the pies extra hard for me."

"I gotta admit, I didn't expect a Toon like you to pull off such a feat, but down they went!"
"And how sweet it was, watching those Lawbots scramble as their looming offices were taken down with tooniness."
"I'll take care of those little dog noses. But I want you to clean up the mess the Lawbots are leaving."
"Defeat fifteen of them while I head on over and work on those pups."
"One Cog for each puppy."
"The job should be done by the time you're finished. Just drop by Snooty Sinjin's after."
"Good work out there, [Toon Name]."

"These puppies! Their sniffers are sniffing again!"
"They're almost ready to get sniffing, but they had an issue with my nose heater..."
"Their fur is all damp from melting all that ice..."
"I can't let those little pups out like that! They need to be groomed or else they'll freeze right up again!"
"Here, take them to Olive over on Arctic Avenue. He always does a great job!"
"His shop is Olive The Other Reindeer Pet Groomers."
"Keep them covered, you don't want their noses freezing over!"

"My! What wonderful canines you have there!"
"Reminds me almost of the ones Snooty Sinjin brings over, in fact."
"You'll need grooming, right?"
"For... all fifteen pups?"
"I hope you understand, but getting grooming in this environment is costly."
"It'll be about 5,000 jellybeans per pup, so if you can just hand over the 75,000 jellybeans, we'll be right in business."
"What do you mean you don't want to spend that much?"
"I have to keep the room heated, prepare the clippers, sterilize everything, and watch over all fifteen of them, it's a completely reasonable amount!"
"Well... You're going to have to find a way to pay for this if you expect me to groom all fifteen dogs, [Toon Name]."
"You know what, how about community service? Take out one Cog each for the price of one grooming service."
"Just 5,000 Cogs."
"No... How about 500?"
"OKAY FINE, take down 50 Cogs, and I'll be busy grooming them..."
"But don't you dare go around telling people I gave you such a deal!"

"All done! They're so fluffy and trimmed and adorable!"
"It was a pleasure doing business with you, [Toon Name]."
"Enjoy your time with your doggies!"
"By the way, if you happen to see The Wizard sometime, can you tell him I finally figured out the proper way to groom toads? Thank you..."

"They're perfect! All soft and cuddly, just as they should be!"
"Now, all they need to do is get their fill."
"My puppies are wonderful, but they're also extremely lazy."
"Yup, they looooove to sleep, and then wake up to nap, eat, nap, extra nap, and sleep some more."
"You have to use food to get them ready to go sniffing and running around town."
"But thankfully for the both of us, I know just the thing they love, and it'll surely get them sniffing this trail down!"
"That's right."
"They love a new puppy food innovation I created that I call "The Big Burger.""
"You take one part Big Cheese, one part Big Wig, a bonus Shark Watcher, two pieces of bread, and voila!"
"What's that?"
"Oh yes, I know the Cogs are all metallic robots!"
"It's really just a combination of the crunchiness, smell, and the fact that it's basically a giant chew toy that they love!"
"So what I need for you to do for me is to bring me back a Shark Watcher fin, cheese from a Big Cheese, and some flavoring powder from Big Wigs!"
"Once I have that, they'll be raring to chase after Lil' Oldman and his wizardly scent!"
"See you soon!"

"Oh here we go!"
"They're all smelling that beautiful burger, they're ready to go sniffing!"
"Quick, you go ahead and clear the path, and I'll get their leashes on. These Cogs are gonna be sniffing all up and down this street!"
"Meet back here and I'll tell you where that darn rabbit is!"

"My dogs did their job excellently, I must say."
"I lowered the cap down to them, and they started sniffing."
"I told them to go, and ZOOM! They were off!"
"They instantly had a lock on the scent, and they chased straight down Walrus Way."
"They stopped right outside his shop..."
"I'm afraid that's all I can really tell you, [Toon Name]."
"I couldn't get any other trail, my pups were focused on that building."
"Almost like he was still in the area..."
"Maybe he casted a spell to vanish? Or to teleport away?"
"I'm sorry if that's not much help, but I sure did try!"
"If you decide you need more trail-hunting help, however, I'll be here."
"I wish you the best of luck, [Toon Name]."

"Jeez, I would've bet my jellybean bank on that being what lead to us finding him..."
"I'm not sure what else we can do really, we tried a good few options...
"Well, I guess another last option is storage."
"If someone were planning to uproot themselves and leave right away, there's no possible way to move all your stuff that quickly."
"Perhaps he signed up for a storage locker with the guys over at the end of Sleet Street. Blue Lou's the owner."
"Go see them at Winter Storage, perhaps this could be the big break we need."
"Good luck, [Toon Name]."

Prepping For The Winter?

"Why, what on this fine wintery day brings you to Winter Storage?"
"An inquiry about someone having opened a locker?"
"Sorry to break it to you, but most people in these parts who open a locker here are Chipmunks touring for the winter to store acorns!"
"Who could you possibly be asking about?"
"Lil' Oldman? The Blizzard Wizard?"
"Well no, no storage here."
"But I DID get contracted to build him a storage room a while back."
"I can't exactly remember where though..."
"I had documents that'd allow me to tell you..."
"But when the Lawbots came they did a thorough sweep of buildings, and with it they stole my documents."
"My best bet is that they stored it inside one of their buildings they have towering around."
"If you by chance could find it, that'd be the best bet."
"If you do, just bring it by and I'll tell you where it is. It's the least I can do if you get my documentation back in order."

"Hey, you found it! Hand it over and let's take a look!"
"Let's see here..."
"Hmm, okay..."
"Wait a minute..."
"THAT'S where it is?"
"According to the paperwork..."
"His storage is just..."
"Right next to The Blizzard Wizard itself!"
"Wait, where are you goi-"


"Ah, yes. [Toon Name]. I have been expecting you."
"Okay, I wasn't. But it wouldn't have been a shock if I had said that."
"What do you say?"
"Hiding out?"
"The Wizard does not hide out."
"The Wizard merely takes time to himself, coincidentally at the exact time of a Lawbot breakout."
"Many Toons come to The Wizard for my powerful wizard training."
"Many Toons say stinky things about The Wizard."
"The Wizard does not like this."
"And so, YOU have come to The Wizard..."
"... to help The Wizard."
"As The Wizard, I live in solitude."
"Perhaps a side effect, but I now find myself fancying the finest of Cogs after all these years alone."
"You must ask a Mingler to befriend me."
"Now go."

Mingle The Mingler

"They said no?"
"Destroy them."

Destroy The Mingler

"My heart, [Toon Name]."
"It is shattered."
"I now lose a piece of me with every Sellbot building I see."
"Destroy them."

Really Destroy The Mingler

"You must be tired from all the destroying."
"Bring me more gags to replenish my strength."

Please the Oldman

"These will do, but these are little gags."
"Show The Wizard your strength."
"This is the only time The Wizard will allow you to flex on him."

"You have proven yourself."
"Now that we both are proven to be strong muscley Toons, we must dress for the occasion."
"Fetch me a tie. I require a specific one."
"Only from Head Honchos."
"Only those ties will allow me to dress to impress Minglers."
"Oh how I want to be friends with Minglers."

Look Good, Feel Good

"What is this that you bring The Wizard?"
"This is not six ties."
"Wait a minute..."
"Hold up six fingers on one of your hands."
"You must repair The Wizard's eyesight!"
"Bring me the glasses from those nerdy Cogs."
"Or else I will destroy you, with my magic."

Lil' Old Eyes

"Ah, just what I expected!"
"Bring me the monocle from the Shark Watchers."
"They have class, much like The Wizard."
"I sure hope the Minglers think so..."

"These are wonderful."
"For just one eye."
"I cannot afford to set only my good eye upon the pink hair of a Mingler."
"You must bring me frames with two lenses."
"Bring me the shades of a Hollywood."
"These will certainly impress the Minglers."
"The Wizard hopes..."

"Perfect. In every way."
"The Wizard is now The Desirable Wizard."
"The Desirable Wizard is also now The Wizard who is able to see things."
"The Minglers will be unable to avoid me whe-"
"They popped from the frames!"
"The Wizard is sad!"
"You must fix these."
"Along with my heart."
"Take them to Dr. Ivanna Cee at Icy Fine, Do You? Optometrist on Sleet Street."
"I demand you bring them back repaired."

"I Dr. Ivanna see."
"You vant glasses repairrred?"
"I fix, but at kost."
"You defeat kogs on zis strrreet."
"You zen rrreceive fixed glasses."
"Now, you go."

"I fix."
"Herrre you go."
"Enjoy yourrr glasses."

"My attire is assembled. The Wizard is ready."
"What's that?"
"They say it is too hot in here now, for my shades radiate the heat of a thousand suns."
"They demand popsicles."
"The Wizard also demands popsicles."
"Now go."

Sweet Buck Tooth

"Delicious. The talking toads and The Wizard thank you."
"But popsicle time is over. And The Wizard's tongue is left with an aftertaste."
"The Wizard now requires mints of the finest flavor, one that everyone loves dearly."
"Coin flavor."
"Fetch me a coin-flavored breath mint from the Mint Supervisor."

"Now, you have sufficiently helped The Wizard."
"So now, you seek The Wizard's help, I can see."
"But you must be trained to the degree that The Wizard sees fit before you receive my help."
"But do not worry."
"In my time training the Toons of Toontown I have learned that many have hated how hard I train them."
"But I am a changed Wizard."
"You are lucky, for you will not have to experience training to the harsh degree that has befallen those before you."
"Now go, train for me while I sit here and hope that those Toons forgive me for what training I have put them through."

Blast From The Past!

"You have trained well, [Toon Name]."
"I must consult my advisor to see if you have accomplished the training goal."
"What do you think?"
"Hmm... Yes, I agree."
"THE TOADS HAVE SPOKEN!" "You must do one last task for me."
"Defeat a single five story building."
"Then you will earn my assistance."
"Now go, before the toads change their minds!"

Blast From The Past Pt. 2!

"Congratulations. You have accomplished your training, and as a result, have earned my assistance."
"Before I help, however, would you like to ask anything of me?"
"You want to know about me becoming The Blizzard Wizard?"
"Let me explain."
"For many many years I was an elder of Ye Olde Toontowne, helping the others for decades, training young Toons in the ways of wizardry."
"But the Cogs came, and I was burdening a heavy load in training the young Toons. It was a burden too much to bear, so I left."
"I sought to find a place remote, a place I could call my own."
"This allowed me to find myself in Drastically Dry Desertland. A very unpopular location in Toontown for obvious reasons."
"From there I set the land into an eternal blizzard. Snow falling, piles of it growing constantly, a true winter wonderland."
"Between you and me though, people think I casted a powerful spell."
"In reality I just broke out my portable super-duper air conditioner and turned it to the "ICE AGE" setting."
"All of a sudden -- POOF! The darned thing started spitting out ice and snow like crazy, and I lost it in the pile of snow..."
"Ever since that day it's been snowing constantly here. And as such, was promptly re-named to The Brrrgh."
"So while I may be the Blizzard Wizzard, it's not quite as magical as you think."
"Anyways, it was a lot for the people of Drastically Dry Desertland to get accustomed to, but it proved to be for the best."
"Ever since I changed the desert landscape to one of constant snow, the area became bustling with Toons moving in to experience the weather!"
"From there I settled into my own shop here as The Blizzard Wizzard. Where I've trained Toons in Cog battling ever since."
"Until those Lawbots came, that is."
"That was the last straw, I couldn't stand me and my toads being harassed into doing so much more work, so I went into hiding."
"So I've been here ever since. If I need to eat I send my toads out, if I need to enjoy something I read my old books."
"It's a sad life."
"Anyways, let's get to it. What do you need from me?"
"Helping Resistance Ranger Rocky in defeating the Lawbots, of course."
"I'll help you and Resistance Ranger Rocky, don't you worry."
"Speak to him again, and I will guide you on what task he needs solved."
"The Wizard never disappoints!"
"Unless it's Minglers..."

Helping Rocky

"You found him! Great!"
"We need his expertise to properly infiltrate and take down the Lawbot Headquarters on Polar Place."
"This is critical, [Toon Name]."
"I want you to work closely with Lil' Oldman, don't let that wizard out of your sight."
"Work with him, and build a disguise just like the other headquarters you're notable for having researched."
"Come back to me once this is accomplished. We'll go from there."
"Good luck, and I'll forward the great news to Hysterical Harry. He'll be thrilled."

Nevermind, Helping Oldman

"Okay, let's begin."
"Lawbot HQ, offices... paperwork... boring...zzz..."
"Okay, we just got to find out what's inside, and then strike it accordingly."
"Very simple."
"Just ask to speak to their manager."
"No, no, that'll never work..."
"Okay, first order from The Wizard."
"Enter that headquarters and find what's inside."
"You can plan for what you see, but planning for what you cannot is impossible."
"That sounds smart, at least."
"Now go."

Is This Malpractice?

"Large, spacious, and filled with Lawbots."
"Sounds... boring."
"The plan is simple."
"The toads tell me to tell you to take the Cog's blue ink."
"If it's a disguise you're looking for, a disguise you'll get."
"Head back inside, and defeat those law-abiding criminals."
"Get a proper reference for a disguise!"

Cog Suit Architect

"Hand over the proper disguise reference, [Toon Name]."
"Yes. The Wizard sees. The Wizard is reading..."
"The Wizard understands not a single thing on this reference."
"This drawing of an item needed for the suit you made looks fun."
"The Wizard does enjoy coloring books on occasion, and it looks just like one."
"Have this thing made. "Temperature Gauge.""
"Professor Flake will make it. I shall cast a spell if he doesn't."

"A familiar face! What can I have the pleasure of doing for you this time?"
"A temperature gauge of sorts, huh?"
"Why, I've actually been working on quite a similar thing for a while now!"
"They're called external temperature sensors. I've used them to study by sticking them to the Cogs around The Brrrgh."
"My findings do indeed show that it's cold. Really cold. Shocker, I know."
"Anyways, if you can get my temperature sensors back, I can fix one up for you to attach to the inside of this suit you're mentioning."
"That should fix you right up!"

"Brilliant! I'll just attach some super-sticky-tape to the outside of this sensor, and attach a wire here... aaaaand..."
"Your sensor is good to go. Good luck with whatever you're doing with this suit."
"I love to dress up as things sometimes myself, as a matter of fact."
"Most of the time it's as different kinds of particles, however."
"Anyways, have fun!"

"GASP! Is that the cute drawing thingymabob!?"
"So... You're telling me that there's three offices, correct?"
"You shall need to enter each one. Collect an object from each one. I will cast a spell to combine all of these items into a suit."
"Four cartridges of ink for the coloring from the first Lawfice."
"Four supplies of scrap metal for the suit's lining from the second Lawfice."
"And two stacks of paper and binding for the suit filling from the third Lawfice."
"Consider each trip through a collection of a single piece of the disguise."
"You can even reward yourself by thinking about what part you've gotten at the very end."
"Come back to me once you're done and we'll consult the toads."

Just Another Day At The Office

"Why thank you, The Wizard was parched."
"What's that?"
"My toads inform me that you were merely delivering the ink. Good job."
"Excellent. The blue really matches your eyes."
"The Wizard is proud of you, [Toon Name]."
"The toads as well."
"But, I must leave the battle of the Lawbots in your hands, [Toon Name]."
"I'm much too old and worn to continue this journey along with you."
"You must leave me here to purchase a rocking chair, and slowly rock in it while murmuring random things about my non-existent grandchildren."
"Gosh, I hope they visit me one of these days..."
"I beckon you to visit Resistance Ranger Rocky. Work with him to defeat the Lawbots."
"You'll always have my guidance if you seek me, [Toon Name]."
"Good luck to you."

Actually Help Rocky

"Excellent, you're back. Where's The Wizard?"
"...Not coming?"
"Fine, well, I need you to run over to Toontown Central."
"Bumpy Bumblebehr has informed me of his plans to move forward with an attack on the Lawbots."
"Move quick, before he's already gone off inside Lawbot HQ."
"Come back once you've infiltrated and found the way to take these Cogs down once and for all."

Bumpy Plans

"[Toon Name]! Just the Toon I wanted to see!"
"I heard of all your plans and successes!"
"Especially with Mata Hairy and the Cashbots, and I decided to take the same step with Lawbots!"
"I've already gotten the intel I needed, the head of the Lawbots -- the C.L.O., is inside of the executive Lawfice deep within their HQ."
"My plan is to infiltrate that executive Lawfice and put an end to this nonsense."
"I'm confident this is going to work out -- so much so that I was just about to storm right inside that headquarters!"
"Lawbots, ready or not, here I come!"
"You just follow my lead, head on over there. You'll find me and Lauren Ordier inside."
"We'll probably already be busy laying the SMACKDOWN on some Lawbots, though!"
"Alright, let's go get them!"

Topple The Law

"You did it! You helped defeat the C.L.O.!"
"Good work, [Toon Name]."
"You also happened to save Bumpy's rear, from what I heard."
"I also heard Lauren Ordier's going to get a bit of a talking to. Something about a backbone?"
"Either way, let me tell ya, I love that goofball, but he sure gets himself in predicaments easily."
"I doubt this will be the end of those Lawbots, however."
"So, if you ever have the time, head back in. I'm sure Bumpy will catch Lauren trying to sneak in again, and I'm sure they'll need your help again."
"Also, I have urgent news from you."
"While you were busy defeating the C.L.O., a little birdie dropped by."
"They left a message that Flippy needs to see you. Right away, as well."
"Before you go, I just want to thank you for going out of your way to find Lil' Oldman."
"He'll be useful as we aim to train more Toons to take these Lawbots down for good."
"Good luck to you out there, [Toon Name]. And just remember that you've always got a place to stay in The Brrrgh if you ever need it."