Drowsy Dreamland Tasks/Task Script

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Current Task Script

The Star of The Show

"There they are! The star of the show!"
"How does it feel, [Toon Name]?"
"Knowing that you've come here and single handedly helped basically every Toon in Toontown?"
"From your humble beginnings training with the resistance here in Toontown Central."
"Protecting the Toons of Barnacle Boatyard from the invading Cogs, learning from the elders..."
"Setting a foundation for us to plan to find Lima, and getting Moe Zart back on board..."
"Finding Lil' Oldman like a true bloodhound, and of course taking down both Lawbot and Bossbot Headquarters!"
"It's been a real journey for you, [Toon Name]."
"I'm proud of you."
"Our job here isn't done yet, but we're in such a better place."
"Soon we'll roll out more plans to launch attacks on these Cogs, but we have to organize them."
"So hey, maybe this IS a chance for a vacation after all!"
"If you don't mind the Cogs still roaming around, that is."
"Oh, and by the way, I heard Professor Pete wanted a word with you. I'm not sure what it's about."
"I won't hold you up any longer. But I sure am glad you're around."
"Have fun in Toontown, [Toon Name]."

But Wait, There's More?

"Psst! [Toon Name]! Listen closely."
"Flippy doesn't want me to mention any word of this, but they need someone like you to help."
"Who's they?"
"You'll see."
"I've gotten word from them that something really fishy has been going on lately with the Cogs."
"I want you to go see them about this."
"Just trust me on this, [Toon Name]. They're a trusted source of mine."
"A team that's been under wraps for a long time."
"Now listen closely."
"They have an undercover building in Drowsy Dreamland. I want you to go see them."
"Their shop is Dimm Nightlights - Scientifically Proven!"
"Inside you'll find Doctor Dimm."
"He won't know you're coming, so tell him I sent you."
"If he doesn't believe you, just say the words Loony Labs. You'll get his attention."
"Now go, and don't let anyone know I told you!"

The Dimm Doctor

"Hello! Welcome to Dimm Nightlights, number one provider of nightlights in Drowsy Dreamland!"
"What would you like to order? Moon shaped? Sun shaped? Pie shaped? Shape shaped?"
"Pete sent you?"
"Ha, you're quite hilarious, [Toon Name]."
"Seriously though, what night light would you like?"
"...Loony Labs!?"
"I believe you now..."
"That's not even supposed to be known! It's just a codename! We were going to change that name when we went public with our findings!!"
"I'm guessing you're here about our recent findings, correct?"
"Well, let me explain."
"I'm Doctor Dimm, one of the members of the prestigious LOONY LABS science group."
"We're a team of scientists working together to make Toontown the best version of itself that it can be!"
"We've invented many of the important Toontown mainstays, from portable holes, to the name generator, and even the laugh-powered trolley!"
"But we stay out of the public eye to keep our focus lasered in, and to keep public inquiries about our delicate work out."
"This comes at a cost, however."
"Just like any laboratory, we need..."
"Jellybeans to operate."
"So that's where this shop comes into play."
"We put a few of our creative minds together and found the solution to our empty piggy bank issue."
"Night lights."
"That's right! We designed the most perfect dim night light, so much that it's scientifically proven."
"People in Drowsy Dreamland adore it, and it flies off the shelves."
"So that's how we operate."
"Anyways, since you're here, I and the fellow scientists of Loony Labs can indeed use your help like Professor Pete suggested."
"We've been hard at work developing a Cog activity radar of sorts."
"A machine capable of monitoring the accurate movement of Cogs and their bosses alike."
"We recently have nearly perfected it, and we seem to think there's been peculiar movement happening lately."
"This is where you come in."
"While we continue to work, develop, and fine tune our projects, we can have you providing us with critical field research!"
"Now, let's start simple."
"I'm giving you this radar kit. Keep it on your person at all times."
"I would like to study each department roaming in this region with the device, as they seem to have some very peculiar movement."
"I'll discuss our future plans with you upon your completion."
"Focus on the stronger, more executive looking Cogs."
"Good luck, and thanks for the help!"

The Rumbling in Drowsy Dreamland

"Oh my..."
"These findings are..."
"Almost only newer Boardbots seem to be roaming these streets."
"This can't be good, by any means."
"But thank you, [Toon Name], for this research."
"I'm... going to keep looking these over."
"As for you, it might be best to see if you can find eyewitnesses for this kind of stuff."
"Go incognito and speak with Resistance Ranger Rest."
"See if he or anyone in Drowsy Dreamland has seen something in correspondence with the Cogs' movement."
"Meet back here once you've gotten something."
"I'll be here breaking down the numbers."

Fitting Into The Crowd

"Oh hey! It's [Toon Name]!"
"You're the Toon that's known for going around and literally helping everyone and everything!"
"You're here to help me, right?"
"You look a bit uncertain, but alright!"
"So as you can see here, my fellow HQ Officers have decided to nap on the job."
"They all have tasks to complete for the Toons of Dreamland like any other respectable HQ Officer, but they just keep sleeping on the job!"
"I got an idea."
"You can help me by waking them up!"
"Let's try smell, I've heard that's always a good way to bring someone back!"
"Let's see... what smells awful."
"Toxic Managers!"
"Ooh, ooh! Even better! Lil' Oldman's breath!"
"But his lumpy cheese breath self would be impossible to drag all the way out here..."
"Old boots!"
"Those murky dirty things are always at the bottom of the pond!"
"If you can bring one of those back through these headquarters doors, I'm sure that awful stench will jolt these Toons right up!"
"Let's try it!"

Wakey, Wakey!

"Oh good golly, these smell RANK!"
It's perfect!"
"Let's see if it works!"
"I guess they're having sweet dreams, cause this sure isn't working..."
"Ok, next plan."
"One thing I love to wake up for is food."
"Everyone loves food, right?"
"How about fresh, delicious pineapple?"
"They may or may not be my favorite but..."
"I'm sure it'll work!"

"Perfect, they look fresh and ready to eat!"
"Smell, food, what else..."
"If only I had the keys to what sound would wake someone up..."
"Wait... keys!"
"But what Cog could you possibly get keys from..."
"Always going around, jingling their keys and mingling with Cogs."
"Be a good helper and fetch some Mingler keys for me, this must work!"

"Jingle, jingle, jingle!!"
"I don't think it's enough, unfortunately."
"We need more keys!"
"But what Cog could possibly have more..."
"Legal Eagles!"
"Always jingling their keys for... law stuff..."
"Go, fetch them for me, and we'll wake these lazy officers right up!"

"Well looky there! I think it worked!"
"I think you can reach through to them now, just yell a bit at them."
"If you could, work with them, as I'm sure they're back loaded on tasks for a while."
"I have some as well, but it'd probably be best you help them while you still can, and then come back around to me."
"Thank you!"

Eggs and Bakey!

"You outright spooked me!"
"I'm sorry, I've just been so... tired lately."
"There's a lot of pressure to get these tasks done and this playground is just so calming and I..."
"It's just been so hard for me to catch up on my Zzz's..."
"Maybe if you could catch them for me?"
"Then we can talk a little more about what you ne..."

Just a Hunch...

"There's a bunch of Zzz's! Thank you!"
"Okay, before I take another nap, what did you need?"
"Movement of Cogs?"
"Well, sorry to break it to you, but all I've been seeing lately is the back of my eyelids..."
"But I did have a dream..."
"It was about those Loan Sharks. That they were shipping around boxes."
"It's not much to go off of, but maybe you could try looking for them and see if my dreams had any real meaning."
"If you want to come back and help me with some of my tasks after, you'd be a real dream!"

"Oh look! You found something from one of those Loan Sharks."
"I'm not... sure what this is though, unfortunately."
"If only there was someone you could take this to that could research what it is, and maybe give you some answers."
"Well, anyways, I'm going to take a short nap here."
"If you want to come back and assist me here in a little bit, just let me know!"
"Good luck with whatever that is!"

Look What I Found!

"Why, [Toon Name]! You're back so soon!"
"My deductive reasoning would lead me to believe you have found something for me, yes?"
"Well hand it over already!!"
"What's this?"
"It appears to be wooden, some light paints on it, traditional, toxic, not safe for Toons..."
"I deduce that what you have here is a piece of a crate!"
"There appears to be a "C" on this crate as well..."
"Very peculiar."
"This is one of those Cog Nation crates that the Cashbots keep in their mints!"
"But why does one here in Dreamland have a piece?"
"This is very odd indeed..."
"I need to think, go back to your undercover studies, this is great stuff you're bringing me, [Toon Name]."

Back To It!

"Nap over!"
"Okay, so I have a few tasks I'm back up on, naturally."
"Nat over at Don't Let The Bed Bugs Bite Exterminators."
"There's been an outbreak lately of bed bugs, and he's been asking for some assistance in extermination."
"If you could head on over to his shop on Pajama Place and help, that'd be great."
"Meanwhile, I got a nap to catch..."

Zee Exterminatah

"Bed bugs! All over!"
"I need some help right away!"
"What we need to do first is get something to get them all attracted to the same spot!"
"Something smelly, something they'd want to try and chew on!"
"Some stinky cheese from Big Cheeses would work!"
"And hurry back with it, they're sooo itchy!"

"Oh, this stinky cheese is great!"
"They're feasting upon it like it's a meal unlike any other!"
"Quick, let me just grab my vacuum here..."
"Oh no."
"My vacuum's busted!"
"Quick! I need some spare parts!"
"We can't let these bed bugs finish up this cheese and scatter around again!"
"I think if you take down one of those really tall Cog buildings you should find just the right stuff, hurry!"

"This works! Thanks, [Toon Name]!"
"Now, we just have to dispose of these guys..."
"I think I got just the idea!"
"Bed bugs hate the cold."
"How about you take this vacuum bag with you on your way through one of those freezing Lawbot offices?"
"Leave them to scatter around those cabinets and papers."
"If they make it through the cold, then the Lawbots will certainly have a problem to deal with."
"No need to be overly impressed, I know I'm a strategic genius."
"Just don't let any of them out of that bag too early!"
"After that, we're all done here. So give my thanks to you and Dreamy for helping me out!"

"I can honestly say I'm glad you got rid of those bed bugs, cause I sure love my bed."
"My last task I need done is helping Big Mama."
"She's a wonderful Toon who's been handing out her famous Bahama Pajamas for a long time to Toons who need some."
"But she's recently ran out of material, and wanted some assistance with this."
"So off you go to help her! Her shop's Big Mama's Bahama Pajamas on Lullaby Lane."
"I wonder if I got a pair around here somewhere, they'd sure be comfy to nap in..."


"Hi dere!"
"I've been hard at work perfecting my craft, my Bahama Pajamas for Toons to enjoy!"
"But wit all dese Cogs around latahlee, it's just been so hahd to get enough materiall to make some new designs for Toons..."
"Could you possibleh clear up da streets here a bit, for meh?"
"Tank you, [Toon Name]."

"Tank you vereh much!"
"I tink it might be easier to now get materialls for my Bahama Pajamas, but I still need to find some..."
"I want to make a nice pair for Cat, who also produces some lovely pajamas."
"If only I had some materiall to make it wit..."
"Dere was one of dose Cogs I saw, tey had some cloth on dat would make great pajamas!"
"Could you get some for me?"
"It was dose Bossbot Cogs! It looks like great materiall! Soft and silky!"
"Thank you!"

"Oh dis looks so great!"
"I have to whip some pajamas up right dis instant!"
"Just watch me go!"
"An excellent gift for Cat!"
"Could you take dis pair of pajamas ova to her?"
"Her shop's Cat's Pajamas over on Pajama Place."
"Tank you once again!"

"What's this?"
"Oh, wow! This is a lovely pair of Pajamas!"
"Big Mama sure is so nice!"
"In fact, I was out to deliver her a pair of my own!"
"Before the Cogs stepped on it, tripped me up, and picked it up as I scurried off..."
"If you helped her out with all of this, could you find the pajamas and bring it to her?"
"Tell her I put a lot of love into it!"
"Thank you, and thanks for bringing these to me again!"

"Aww, dat Cat sure is sweeter dan a ripe mango!"
"Da design is a bit odd with the Cog footprint, but I will still cherish it."
"Tank you, [Toon Name]. You've helped dis mama out."
"Maybe anotha time I can give you some bahama pajamas as well!"
"See you around the Bahamas, [Toon Name]. Unteal next time."

"Oh, you finished all my jobs?"
"Nap time!"
"Before I do, you should probably speak to Dozy."
"He keeps falling asleep on the job."
"He's unbelievable, really."
"Alright, nap time!"


"Hey, hey, hey! I'm trying to nap here!"
"Whaddya want?"
"Cog movement?"
"Why, I had a dream about the Cogs recently."
"Bossbots specifically."
"We kept defeating them, but then they'd shrink into little clowns and run away."
"Weirdest dream ever... Could you imagine?"
"So hey, I'm no dream interpreter, but if you wanna go check them and see if I had a prophetic dream, be my guest."

Another Hunch...

"Hey, hey, hey! I'm trying to nap here!"
"Oh, you found something..."
"Looks like a drawing."
"Meh, unless you're gonna help me do my jobs or something, you'd probably be best to take that somewhere else."
"Come back when you wanna help, [Toon Name]."

Is it the Golden Ticket?

"Another item?"
"Hand it over, I need something to give me my big break on all this information!"
"Drawing you say?"
"I disagree. It appears to be..."
"A map of Toontown!"
"But why?"
"There's some marks circled down specifically as well..."
"This is quite interesting."
"You got this from Bossbots, you say?"
"That Dozy sure is good, then."
"I'm going to add this to my cute little desk in the back where I feel special looking over a bunch of clues."
"I'm like a little ducky detective!"
"Keep helping the officers and see if you can dig up more clues."
"See you soon, [Toon Name]."

I've Been Working In The Dreamland...

"Hey, hey hey, I'm tryin-"
"Yeah, yot get it."
"Since I was so prophetical and all and helped you, it seems like it's only fair if you help me out with my tasks I got piling up, right?"
"Good, glad to hear you see it my way!"
"First on my list is Wyda Wake over at Pillow Fights Nightly on Lullaby Lane."
"From what I hear, she's been nothing but a nuisance to the Toons of Lullaby Lane..."
"Always hollering and hooting, slamming sounds galore coming from her shop."
"Most of the complaints are from the owner of the All-Tucked Inn, Tabby Tucker."
"Perhaps it's best you speak with her first. Her shop is just next door to Wyda Wake's on Lullaby Lane."
"Now it's time for me to nap here!"

The Not-So-Tucked-Inn

"You there! You need to help this old horse out!"
"I'm trying to run a peaceful inn, but I can't keep all the noise out!"
"All these Toons around here have no sense of peace and quiet... It drives me crazy!"
"My inn is known for its calming and serene environment, and they're ruining it for all of us!"
"Start with that boisterous Hardy O'Toole across the street..."
"He's been constantly clanging and shuffling metal around over at his hardware store, and I can't stand it!"
"The noise pollution must come to an end!"

"Howdy there, lil' fella. Here to make yer' own bed?"
"Noise pollution?"
"Slow down there, lil' fella..."
"This here hardware store ain't puttin' out no noise pollution..."
"That Tabby Tucker needs to check her sources before she goes round pointin' them there fingers!"
"It's like my pappy always told me... Don't dig for water under the outhouse."
"That's how that goes, ain't it?"
"Anyways, that shufflin' be the Cogs roaming 'round this street!"
"Don't let my hardware store fool you! I work in a soundproof workshop in the back. I'm a considerate fella!"
"Why, if you go and rassle some of them Cogs down, I betcha you'll fix that there sound problem pronto!"
"Now get along, lil' fella."

"Hey, there you are!"
"I was lookin' round for ya, lil' fella!"
"I found another source of that there noise pollution that you were describin' to me!"
"It be them Cog buildings sprouting up nearby!"
"I almost hear a whistlin' when they pop up as well..."
"Anyways, you go and lasso some of them down, and I'm sure all your metal clangs and bangs are gonna be good as gone!"
"When you're done, let the nice little lady at The All-Tucked Inn know of the source of your pollution."
"See you round the watering hole, lil' fella."

"Sound! Sound!"
"Hideous, hideous sound!"
"You may have fixed one problem, but my horsey ears detect another issue!"
"Loud hits, smacks, booms, like a boxing match being played through a megaphone!"
"It's that rackety Wyda Wake, throwing her nightly pillow fights..."
"It's so loud that the sound carries straight inside my shop's walls, and I can't stand it!"
"Please, you HAVE to speak with her, and stop this rambunctious pillow pounding going on outside my inn!"

"Hey there, better be careful stepping inside this shop unarmed!"
"Next time you might just get WHACKED outta' nowhere by a stray pillow!"
"And let me tell ya', these aren't no ordinary pillows!"
"After so many pillow fights and busted pillows, feathers strewn all over the floor, we had to figure it out..."
"We stuffed whatever we could find into pillows to see if it could hold up to our pillow fights."
"Straw, sand, marshmallows, heck, even tofu!"
"None of them could withstand the power of the pillow fight."
"We took it to the next logical step."
"Empty pie pans, used whistles, flimsy old rake pieces, whatever we could find!"
"We scrounged them all up, and stuffed them into our nightly fighting pillows."
"Boy oh boy can you imagine the sound that emits when you wallop a Toon with one of those!"
"Needless to say, we have quite the intense fights here."
"So now, let me guess..."
"No pillow, angered look, slouching arms."
"You must be here from Tabby Tucker, aren't you..."
"I have to be honest, I understand her frustrations with the sound."
"Pillow Fights Nightly... more like Sound Complaints Daily!"
"It's like people are always trying to sleep around here or something..."
"The point is, I can't do anything unless we find a way to make these pillows quieter."
"We can stuff even more things inside them to make the metal quieter!"
"But what could you run out and find at this hour..."
"Clouds? No, they'd disappear..."
"Stars? No, too far away..."
"Ah-ha! Let's try those Magnates. They have feathers!"
"I think..."
"Bring some of those back and we'll try it out!"

"Oh no, no, no!"
"I had thought for sure they were birds..."
"Don't get me wrong, these are feathers alright. It's just..."
"They're metallic feathers!"
"These will only add to the problem!"
"I'm still taking them for pillow fight usage, but still."
"We need something soft, plump, something that'll drown the sound out."
"Something like..."
"Those wigs the Big Wigs wear!"
"Let's try that! Bring me some of those!"

"Oh, these are excellent!"
"Soft, plushy, and absolutely caked in powder that is sure to create a new sneezing factor to my pillow fights."
"This is perfect."
"With these, I'll be able to stuff our pillows full, and those metal parts will be muffled down, so no more worry for Tabby Tucker's ears!"
"Thanks for the help, [Toon Name]. And if you ever wanna pick a fight, you know where to go!"

"I must say..."
"My ears..."
"They don't... hear anything!"
"You're a blessing in a toony disguise, [Toon Name]."
"And you have helped restore my shop's calm demeanor."
"Here, take this free reservation for a night off at my inn. You deserve it."
"Have a pleasant night!"

"Hey, hey, hey! I'm tryin-"
"Wait, is that a ticket to the All-Tucked Inn?"
"Well don't mind if I do."
"I earned it, especially seeing as I helped you with my dreams and all."
"I really needed those naps."
"Speaking of help, I need you to head on over to Mr. Sandman."
"I've been meaning to help him with his delivery issues, but I uh... haven't gotten around to it."
"His shop is Mr. Sandman's Dream Delivery on Twilight Terrace."
"Now excuse me while I cash this ticket in!"

Bring Us A Dream

"Oh... all my dreams are so alone..."
"I have nobody for them to call their own!"
"I try my best to turn on my magic beam, but this old sandman can't bring any Toons a dream..."
"This old sandman just isn't spirited like he used to be..."
"First the Cogs came, but that didn't stop me from turning on my magic beam and sharing a bit of sand."
"Then they got stronger, and stronger, and even stronger..."
"Until the point that I just couldn't take it anymore. This old sandman's sand is out of business!"
"The only way to get this dream delivery going again is to instill some spirit in this old sandman standing before you."
"But it'll be quite the challenge, I must say."
"If you defeat some of the strongest Cogs I've seen, I may just be able to get my magic beam working again."
"But until then, I'll be playing in a mere pile of sand."

"All those strong Cogs, taken down by yourself?"
"I must say, that really does put some spirit back into this old sandman!"
"Now I just need to literally get my magic beam running again!"
"It's just an old porjector, but the Cogs tore it up one day and took the vital parts from it."
"It was one of those stronger Cogs that took it..."
"One of those Robber Barons!"
"No wait... It was a Mr. Hollywood!"
"If you can go and get my projector parts back, we'll be ready to go!"

"That's it! I'll pop the parts in and this old magic beam will be raring to go!"
"Anyways, thank you for helping instill the spirit within this old sandman once more, and for helping me deliver some dreams!"
"Have some sand for your journey. If you ever want to take a nap, just toss a little on the noggin. You'll be catching Zzz's in no time!"
"This old Sandman's gonna bring Toons a dream!"

"Hey, hey, hey, that All-Tucked Inn nap sure was nice!"
"But you know what isn't nice?"
"That I still have a task to do, and it's a pain in my backside."
"Susan Siesta and Bertha Bedhog have been fighting for years..."
"One claiming that their own special club should only be for rich Toons, the other for less fortunate or normal wealth Toons."
"They've gone and made their own competing shops on some lovely real estate at the tail-end of Lullaby Lane."
"I'm supposed to solve this dispute somehow..."
"But I trust you have the keys to the problem."
"Start with Bertha Bedhog. Her shop is Snore or Less on Lullaby Lane."
"By the way, what's that sand?"
"From Mr. Sandman? For naps?"
"Why, don't mind if I do!"

Battle Of The Bedheads

"Welcome to Snore or Less, the only shop around these parts that CARES for underprivileged Toons."
"Toons that roam the streets just barely scraping by on jellybeans."
"The ones scarred from too many trips to the memory game to dare try the trolley again!"
"The ones who dare not touch a fishing pole, for they find it just too boring..."
"I am here for you."
"You're one of these Toons, right?"
"I'm running a competition of sorts, you see."
"Susan Siesta has always tried to hold her flashy, rich, snotty ways on me, ever since we were tiny Toons."
"It's gotten a little out of hand to say the least, and now..."
"We're rival shops, competing to see who can do the most good in the community, proving that our clubs are the best in Toontown."
"Since the Cogs came, our goals have been all about defeating the strongest ones we can find."
"You'll help me and all the unfortunate, right?"
"I knew you would."
"Our focus has been exclusively the strongest of the Cogs we can tackle."
"I don't mind which ones you defeat, but you have to take down as many as you can."
"Let me know how many you defeat, I have a chart to keep a tally!"
"Thank you!"

"This is great! Our tally is up to twenty-one Cogs now thanks to all your hard work."
"Go rub it in Susan Siesta's face, she won't be able to stand it!"
"Her shop is next door, it's For Richer or Snorer."
"Let me know what she says!"

"Why, who are you?"
"I hope you're prepared to spend a wealth of jellybeans, [Toon Name]."
"For this shop is only for the Toons that know the finer things in life! Like golden pie pans!"
"What's that?"
"Bertha has managed to defeat twenty-one extremely strong Cogs?!"
"That's preposterous. What a foolish Toon she is."
"I just don't understand it, [Toon Name]."
"Growing up with her, I wanted her to be my friend so badly."
"She's one of the famous Bedhogs, after all!"
"Since her parents were renowned for having so much wealth in chocolate coins, it only made sense for her to join me in my special club for rich tiny Toons!"
"To think after all these years it's come to this."
"Well, I mustn't stand around. My special club must rank higher than hers."
"Currently we have..."
"...Five strong Cogs defeated."
"Forget it! You must just be one of those unfortunate Toons with a low amount of jellybeans to your name!"
"Hmmph! I'll beat Bertha myself! Off with you!"

"What... she said what?"
"[Toon Name]... how could you rile her up like that?"
"It was my idea? Okay, maybe... But you still did it!"
"I thought you were here to help me, and all the unfortunate Toons..."
"You're going to have to make it up to me..."
"Help me and the unfortunate Toons. Keep us on top! Help us prove that Susan Siesta is wrong."
"Thank you."

"You did it! I bet Susan Siesta won't ever be able to top this."
"Let me explain."
"She may have told you about our story, right?"
"Well, while it's true that I grew up in a family that was wealthy with chocolate coins, I didn't want it to define who I am."
"I didn't want to stand out or be special from anyone else just because I have a lot of coins."
"So I welcomed all the strange kids who collected bugs, or enjoyed peeling glue off their hands."
"Don't tell me you like to do that..."
"The point is that everyone's welcome, and that everyone's special."
"And that's the message Susan Siesta should adopt as well."
"Now go, tell her that the club for EVERYONE is doing very well."
"And you've done enough for me here, thank you."
"No matter what she says, you tried your best, for everyone."
"Thank you again, [Toon Name]."

"Wow... she already has that many defeated...?"
"And wanted to share those words with me?"
"You know... I never thought about it that way before."
"Maybe I should have listened."
"You know what..."
"She's right."
"For Richer or Snorer will no longer be exclusively for the wealthy!"
"But for all Toons, poor and rich alike!"
"Hmm? Work on my wording, you say?"
"I'll figure it out eventually... I've never been around poor Toons before!"
"Thank you for uniting us, [Toon Name]."
"I must speak to..."
"My friend Bertha!"
"Have a pleasant time in Toontown, [Toon Name]."

"Hey, hey, hey! I..."
"Have so much free time to nap now!"
"You're a real pal, [Toon Name]."
"Try talking to Snoozy about seeing anything, by the way."
"They just might have something."
"In their sleep..."
"Good luck!"
"Nap time!"


"Wow! What a way to rise and shine!"
"What time is it..."
"HEY! Wait a minute, it's still dark outside..."
"Oh yeah, it's ALWAYS dark outside..."
"Anyway, what can I help you with?"
"...Dreams? Prophetic visions?"
"I'm afraid not. I was dreaming of dancing around with giant ice cream cones, personally."
"Not sure that would do you any good..."
"But I do need some help."
"I've been... slacking on the job, and I realize now that I have something sliiiiightly important to do..."
"The playground of Drowsy Dreamland pays local business to power all the lights and shops and..."
"I've been pressing the snooze button on this job perhaps a bit too long."
"Could you go speak with Powers Erge for me before our power cuts out?"
"Her shop is Lights Out Electric Co. on Lullaby Lane."
"Thank you!"

It's Time To Pay Up

"Hey there!"
"You wouldn't happen to be here to order a power supply worthy of up to over two hundred buildings, would you?"
"You're here to finally pay the bill, huh?"
"Good. I've been waiting."
"It's well past due."
"Cough up the jellybeans."
"What do you mean you don't have enough?"
"Well, you're going to have to pay me back one way or another!"
"Or else it's..."
"Lights out."
"You want me to keep the power on?"
"Make it worth my while."

"A deal's a deal, [Toon Name]."
"I'll keep the power to Dreamland going."
"But tell those darn sleepy officers that they need to pay up next time, or else!"

"Oh hey, you got it done."
"Great, I was worried I would have to fork over a ton of my jellybeans!"
"Oh... YOU had to pay?"
"Haha, uh..."
"I got just one left!"
"But I warn you. It's a weird one."
"It's Lawful Linda."
"She runs her shop Wynken, Blynken, and Nod, Attorneys at Law on Pajama Place."
"I'm supposed to... help her?"
"I can't describe it accurately myself. You'll just have to see for yourself."
"Good luck."

Lawfully Strange

"Hello. I am Lawful Linda."
"Let me introduce my colleagues."
"I am Wynken."
"And I am Blynken."
"And I am Nod."
"We three are the all-seeing attorneys of Drowsy Dreamland."
"Do what we seek, and you'll find what you seek in return."
"I, Wynken, seek the fish of the sea. In this case, those smelly Shark Watchers."
"Defeat the fish and bring back what you find, for you will see that there's more than you expect."

"You have found many fins, but what more did you find, but a piece of parchment, with a word inscribed."
"The paper is yours, do with it what you wish. For I only sought the fins of the fish."
"I, Nod now seek something shiny and bold."
"For I, Nod, want you to bring me a dime."
"Now go and collect it, you mustn't waste time."

"A dime you have brought to me."
"And yet another note for you to see."
"May these notes that you've found guide you on your many quests."
"Now excuse us as we use the dime to invest."
Thanks for all the lovely items, [Toon Name]!"
"If you need any legal help, come say hi to me and the gang anytime!"
"Why the weird look?"

"What's this?"
"Three pieces of paper?"
"I'm sorry, [Toon Name]. I couldn't help with this."
"I'd recommend asking Resistance Ranger Rest, maybe he'd know more."
"But thank you for all the kind help!"

Three Pieces

"Three pieces of paper, with words written on them?"
"It seems to be really worn and almost illegible..."
"It's odd... but maybe someone involved in optics could help decipher them?"
"It'd start with REM Optometry. It's run by Dr. Blinky over on Pajama Place."
"Hopefully it helps!"

All-Seeing Eye Doctors

"Oh, my pal, what can I do for ya?"
"This paper?"
"Well it sure seems to be torn, but I think I can make out what it says, if I use my optics machine."
"It's not easy making out what it says!"
"It's written with a specific kind of type."
"One from a typewriter."
"The Cogs wrote this word."
"I'm not sure what it means, but you can take your best guess at it!"
"Oh geez, look at the time! I'm late for an appointment!"
"I'm afraid I won't have the time to help you out on the other two at the moment."
"I'd recommend you go and see Dr. Blurry over at Heavy Eyelids Optometry on Twilight Terrace. He should be able to do the trick."
"Good luck to ya, pal!"

"Why, what's this?"
"A note you say?"
"Written by the Cogs?"
"Well, I guess I could take a look."
"It indeed appears to be some sort of Cog typewriter type."
"I believe this note says... "Development.""
"I'm really not quite sure what that means, but I'll leave that with you."
"Now if you'll excuse me, optometry is a very busy practice and I can't be doing note interpretation all day for free."
"If you're wanting more help, I recommend you ask Dr. Bleary at Shut-Eye Optometry on Lullaby Lane."
"Good luck!"

"Oh, hello there fella'."
"Looking for some new lenses?"
"Woah, slow down there..."
"A note, typewriter, Dr. Blinky and Blurry?"
"Okay, it sounds like there's a lot going on here, so I'm just gonna go ahead and turn the machine on..."
"I'm not quite sure what it means, but it's definitely that Cog typewriter mumbo jumbo you were talking about."
"It said, as far as I could tell, "Affairs.""
"I'm not quite sure what's going on with this Cog here, but there's quite a few questions left..."
"But I hope that at least answers the one you came in here with!"
"Good luck with the uh..."

"Hand development affairs?"
"I'm sorry, but unless we're talking about someone with a fragile ego, I don't think I'm of much help here."
"Maybe there's somebody you could think of to help you with this."
"But as for Drowsy Dreamland, I think your work here is done."
"Thanks for basically taking over for Dozy, Snoozy and Dreamy here."
"As you can see they're... Not quite up to par still."
"But I'll keep working at it. I appreciate all the help."
"See you around Dreamland, [Toon Name]."

Yes. Hand Development Affairs

"Hand development affairs?"
"This is all you got...?"
"Well, it's something... Maybe."
"But I got something as well!"
"A secret trick up this ducky's sleeve!"
"Under the cover detectives."
"That's right!"
"Toons secretly going on the inside as Cogs to find out their plans!"
"Here, take your development affairs thing to them, they might figure it out!"
"Their name is Detective Slumber, they're at Under The Covers - Detective Agency just down the street!"
"Let me know what they give you!"

Not-So-Secret Secret Agent

"Friend or foe?"
"State your business!"
"Okay, good, Doctor Dimm sent you."
"Sometimes you just gotta make sure there's no sleeper Cogs trying to sneak their way in!"
"So yeah, the cat's outta the bag. I've been going undercover."
"I've seen everything these Cogs have been doing. Moving around, communicating, the whole nine yards."
"I'm just about to make my final sweep before presenting all my findings to Doctor Dimm -- for better or for worse."
"You can help me."
"I've been watching the Sellbots closely, to the point that I feel it's necessary to infiltrate the factory."
"I think there's something very suspicious going on inside those walls."
"I want you to head inside, defeat it, and bring me anything you can find."
"I'll document it for Doctor Dimm."
"Be careful!"

Gathering Intel

"This is interesting stuff you've brought me, [Toon Name]."
"From the looks of this, it appears the VP has been in correspondence a lot with..."
"The Chairman...!?"
"I'm going to have to document this all VERY clearly."
"Keep going further. I think Sellbots are key here. They have some intel, I'm sure of it!"
"I think the V.P. is keeping hold of it. Get in there and nab it from his oily Sellbot claws."

"This... This is just as peculiar...."
"Another correspondence with The Chairman."
"I cannot fathom what must be truly happening behind those closed doors..."
"This also says... Club President??"
"That's it! You need to find the last of the information from the Club President!"
"They're inside the Cog Golf Courses!"
"Be careful now, this document is almost complete."

"This can't be right."
"It's... me!"
"Nah, just joking."
"You should've seen the look on your face!"
"Cogs in disguise as Toons? That's hilarious!"
"But, these findings are actually quite exceptional."
"This information talks about the C.E.O. in explicit detail!"
"I don't see any signs of movement from the CEO here indicating correspondence with The Chairman, however..."
"It's unlike what we've seen from the V.P., and the other bosses from what it looks like here..."
"In fact he's been quite still from what everything shows..."
"I mean, there were SOME things, but it couldn't have been much."
"My mind is overwhelmed, [Toon Name]."
"Please, take this folder of documents back to Doctor Dimm. I hope he can make sense of it."
"Good luck."

Delivering Intel

"No time to waste, [Toon Name]. Let's crack this baby open."
"Mmk. Yes. I see."
"Movement patterns are indeed interesting, and do seem to correlate with my machine's findings."
"The Chairman correspondence is quite interesting..."
"But what does it all mean..."
"Think Dimm, THINK!!"
"The Cashbots, you found a piece of a Cog Nation crate here, didn't you?"
"This information says that the Cashbots corresponded with them recently..."
"With the rise in Boardbots and the sharp drop in Cashbots, I can deduce that The Chairman must be moving into Drowsy Dreamland!"
"This is quite interesting..."
"But it doesn't make up for everything else..."
"Especially with the CEO being so still, after every other department having reached out to The Chairman reportedly..."
"You found the drawing from earlier, right?"
"It was a map of Toontown, with specific spots circled."
"I thought it was nonsense, but you're absolutely sure that you found it from the Bossbots, right?"
"Tell me if the circles mean anything."
"One was over Toontown Central."
"Another on Barnacle Boatyard."
"And a last one on..."
"Ye Olde Toontowne."
"What's that?"
"Derrick Man? Land Acquisition Architect? Public Relations Representative?"
"But what does that have to do with the CEO staying put, and this map?"
"Hand, Development, Affairs..."
"Derrick Man..."
"Land Acquisition Architect..."
"Director of Land DEVELOPMENT!"
"Public Relations Representative..."
"That's it!"
"[Toon Name]! You've figured out the reasons for the lack of movement!"
"It all makes sense!"
"The CEO's staying put because he's developing even STRONGER versions of the Cogs you faced in your journey up until this very point!"
"He must be doing it in the very heart of his own operations."
"His office..."
"I need to look over more of this stuff, I might even bring it back with me to Loony Labs. I'll have to invite you over."
"Perhaps we'll even rebrand into an official entity and let you and your friends visit!"
"But for now, stay safe out there, [Toon Name]."
"Good luck."


"What's this?"
"The CEO's planning a stronger attack than before?"
"Look, [Toon Name]. You've helped the Resistance too much for this to be anything other than the truth."
"Are you sure you can handle this?"
"Well then you've got my support."
"There's no time to waste, but I can't organize another team so soon after the banquet bust..."
"The CEO continues to run it's banquet, and we keep needing those Toons to take him down."
"This is going to have to be a mission organized by yourself, [Toon Name]."
"It's in your hands, [Toon Name]."
"Tell Flippy. I'm going to send you in."
"Grab your Gags, get everything set, and find some Toons to bring with."
"This is going to be dangerous. Quite possibly the hardest thing you've ever tackled."
"Good luck."

Put Me In, Coach.

"I... I just don't know what to say."
"And who told you about Loony Labs? They're not even public! And possibly rebranding!!"
"...Professor Pete again?"
"Can't that darn cat ever keep his lips shut..."
"Look, [Toon Name]. If you're sure you're ready for this challenge..."
"And you have Lord Lowden Clear's blessing.... Then consider it done."
"I will be biting my claws until I hear word back from you, though."
"PLEASE, be safe..."
"The CEO's office isn't a safe place to go, we've agreed to avoid entering it at all costs."
"But we trust you, [Toon Name]."
"Good luck."

The Final Battle. For Now.

"You did it! You're back safe!"
"I knew you could do it, [Toon Name]."
"Those three new "stronger" Cogs never stood a chance!"
"Now we just need to keep all eyes on that Chairman."
"Who knows what plans could be rolling up his sleeve soon..."
"Again, great work."
"You're a real Toon of the Resistance, [Toon Name]. Congratulations."
"You'll want to speak to Flippy too, by the way."
"I bet he's a new shade of purple after all the breath holding he's been doing while you've been gone."
"Great work again."
"Glad to have you here."
"See you around Toontown, [Toon Name]."

The Day Is Saved!

"Oh great! I can breathe..."
"How was it? Did you give it to em good?"
"That's what I thought!"
"Oh, [Toon Name]. Toontown wouldn't be the same without you..."
"From early beginnings learning the ropes here in Toontown Central."
"Assisting the Toons of Barnacle Boatyard, learning lessons, getting stronger."
"Helping the elders, not arguing with us everytime we kept a secret from you..."
"Restoring faith in Moe Zart, finding Lil' Oldman..."
"And even going on your own and tracking down this dastardly plan the CEO and the Chairman hatched, and stopping it yourself."
"You've taught us how to effectively battle each department, how to handle ourselves in battle overall, and just helped us in every possible facet."
"It is with great honor that I bestow upon you the Gold Medal shirt."
"It's a prestigious shirt."
"We also kinda handed them out during competitions and stuff and have some extra, but still, it's truly meaningful, I promise."
"It's for going above and beyond nearly every other Toon in Toontown."
"I thank you, [Toon Name]."
"You're the tooniest Toon in Toontown!"
"But our job here is not done yet."
"Keep your head up and your eyes open."
"The Chairman and his departments are not defeated. Not yet, anyways."
"We have places to go and mountains to tackle. But we'll get there."
"Especially if we got you on our side, [Toon Name]."
"See me again soon, for we'll have work to do, I'm sure of it."
"But for now, enjoy your vacation."
"Enjoy the rays of Toontown Central, the winter wonderland that is The Brrrgh, and each and every place in between."
"Help your fellow Toons, enjoy yourself, heck, even compete in some game shows for all I care!"
"Just enjoy yourself, [Toon Name]."
"Thank you."