Ye Olde Toontowne Tasks/Task Script

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Current Task Script

Flippy's Plans

"Ah, yes! [Toon Name]! Just the Toon I wanted to see."
"Firstly, let me congratulate you on all you've accomplished in Barnacle Boatyard."
"I've heard great things were coming from the things you did!"
"The Toon Resistance thanks you, and so do I."
"So, I had a plan for you... It was going to take you to Acorn Acres."
"You'd have worked closely with ambassador Professor Pi, working to defeat Bossbots."
"But... she said she didn't want your help. as she felt you were way too weak, and too new..."
"She said, and I quote, "We're organizing a battle stike afterall, not a daycare!""
"So, in that case... I'm uh..."
"I'm going to give you the opportunity of a lifetime to learn from some of the best instructors that Toontown has to offer!"
"They'll help us-"
"I MEAN, uh..."
"They'll help YOU research the ropes of battling these Cogs, identifying them, and the proper strategies in taking them down."
"Who are they, you ask?"
"Why, they're the Toontown Elders of course!"
"They're the oldest and wisest Toons in all of Toontown. They've been around for longer than anyone in town can even remember!"
"Head over to the elder headquarters over in Ye Olde Toontowne's playground."
"Everything should be set up in advance by the time you arrive. Just let them know Flippy sent you."
"This learning should equip you to move forward and allow you to help us in future missions."
"These are the most experienced Toons in all of Toontown, after all."
"Good luck to you, and I hope this proves useful for you!"

Ye Olde Basics

"Welcome, [Toon Name]."
"I am Glada The Good, the kindest witch in all of Toontown and one of the Toontown Elders."
"I understand that you want to begin your journey, and this is one we're willing to guide you on."
"Before you ask... we mustn't teach magic again."
"However, defeating Cogs, protecting Toontown, and knowing the ways to battle are something we're more than willing to tutor you in."
"All types of Cogs are similar in nature, however, they are distinct in purpose."
"As the Elders of Ye Olde Toontowne we oversee each and every issue that faces the townspeople."
"Cogs, as of recent, have been causing plenty of troubles for our residents."
"First, seek Patsy. She would know best, she should be able to show you first hand."
"Her shop is invariably overthrown, her goods being strewn throughout the cobble roads by the hands of the Sellbots."
"Then, find Moneyer Mason. His shop is a beacon of wealth, and the Cashbots have caused a ruckus of wages."
"After which you must seek Merlin Ambrice. The classroom hast been disrupted for eons since the surge of Lawbots."
"Then Marry Pastron seeks assistance with thy Bossbots, for which postal service has dropped since then."
"For the final trial, you must find Steamed Bams. Boardbots have eaten away at his necessities."
"In trials and tribulations throughout your journey, you'll come to learn all you need to know about each Cog department."
"Share with me what you've learned once you've completed your tasks."
"Good luck to you, young Toon."

Ye Olde Cog Bash!

"Welcometh, kind stranger. Welcometh to mine own shop."
"I'm afraideth I doth not have the wares to slleth for Toons like thou, at the moment."
"Many a time hath the Sellbots waltzed through mine own doors and proved to causeth a tempest."
"Mine own goods must be scattered throughout the entire lands of Ye Olde Toontowne by now!"
"It is Sellbots thee seeketh, thee sayeth?"
"These rambunctious Sellbots hath been causing me many a problems for mine own ornate dinnerware sales."
"Ventureth out amongst the streets of the finest land in Toontown. Searcheth for these scoundrels."
"Dare sayeth, can thou teach them a lesson in trickery? I will thank thee so."
"Many blessings to thou, kind traveler."

"Welcome, young Toon."
"What doth thou seeketh the present day from the finest of moneyers in the lands?"
"Cashbots, thou sayeth?"
"Wherefore it's every day with these Cashbots..."
"They hitteth down mine own doors, try to stealeth mine own -- I meaneth, the Toons of Ye Olde Toontowne's wages!"
"The fix will be simple. Defeateth the Cashbots and ease shall be brought upon me and mine own threshold."
"With Cashbot's numbers dwindled, my wage - I MEANETH our wages, shall be secure!"
"Destroyeth those robots and a most wondrous service shall be doneth."

"Ah, yes! Welcometh to my class of the magical arts."
"I am Headmaster Merlin Ambrice, at thy service."
"Art thou mine own newest student?"
"No? Well, I expecteth great things from thee regardless."
"Dost thou seek Lawbots?"
"We can arrangeth that. They're very common around my class, after all."
"The Elders try to helpeth me, but it doesn't quite solveth mine own problems."
"They wanteth mine own classroom."
"What's that? Thou art asking because of mine own magic?"
"Ha! No, silly child. I doth not teacheth magic, I teacheth ABOUT magic!"
"But these Lawbots doth not realizeth that."
"They see mine own building... all they noticeth is mine own quills, parchment, and magic potential."
"But again, there's none here! Just the appreciation of it!"
"Imagineth saying "Pip, pip!", and witnessing a magical creature causeth damage to the Cogs for thee..."
"But to puteth it simply: if thou art here to helpeth me, thou should starteth by lowering the number of Lawbots in this town."
"If thou can do that, I willeth be forever grateful."
"Thank you, [Toon Name]."

"Welcometh, stranger."
"I trusteth thee has a most wondrous importance for being here, judging from thy looks, after all."
"I shall be honest with thee. Thou art not like one of us oldetowners."
"Young, bright, brimming with potential... Rarely doth I see a Toon like thee strolleth through these doors."
"What may I helpeth thee with on this day?"
"Bossbots? Aye, I'm very familiar with those folk."
"Days where Bossbots cometh art more frequent than not, unfortunately."
"I tryeth to protecteth all the post I can, but I'm just a mere lass. Some of these Cogs art frighteningly big."
"If thou could riddeth the paths of Ye Olde Toontowne of these Bossbots..."
"I wouldst feeleth as though thee were doing a service to us both."
"I wisheth to thee most wondrous ease and strength in thy battle ahead, [Toon Name]."

"Ah, new traveler, welcometh!"
"I hopeth thou art prepared for a mem'rable eating experience!"
"Mine own roast wast ruin'd by any of those wretch'd Boardbots!"
"It appears they foundeth mine braiser and sabotaged it with their fiendish supply of oil!"
"Those bootless Boardbots doth find it appropriate to carry oil to every one of their pointless board meetings."
"Perhaps thee taketh some of those Cogs down for me while I... prepareth mine braiser once more."

"Welcome back, dear [Toon Name]."
"I trust you've learned about each department? Tell me, what did you learn?"
"Sellsbots had taken to the exquisiteness of Patsy's dinnerware? And Lawbots to Merlin's parchments and quills?"
"Very intrigu- I mean yes, yes of course. That is to be expected of them."
"I'm impressed, you have learned so much in just the brief time you've been with us!"
"I say with confidence that it is now time for the next phase of your training."
"Speak with Dangalf, young one. He is now ready for you."
"Best of luck, you will need it for the trials ahead."

Dangalf's Lessons

"Welcome young Toon."
"I am Dangalf, one of the three Wise Elders here in Ye Olde."
"I trust you've gained wisdom in your short time with us."
"I must admit, I said before that I was hesitant to train another Toon, but you seem special."
"Like you have a unique ability that excudes from you. An ability to overcome the obstacles thrown before you."
"See, as steady, focused, and ready as the best of the prodigies that came before us."
"You've reassured my stance, and maybe we can even allow for more Toons just like you to work with us."
"But your training is far from complete, and I can tell that you still have a long road ahead of you."
"Let us continue with your training."
"So you've already met, researched, and familiarized yourself with the Sellbots, Cashbots, Lawbots, Bossbots, and Boardbots."
"Unfortunately, there is more work to be done with the foul Bossbots."
"Organizing and sending postage is necessary."
"This is a service we mustn't go without. Marry Pastron requires thy assistance again."
"For a lack of connection in this degree is to send us back to an early age of Toon civilization. Barbaric in nature."
"Bossbots have taken a liking to these letters and packages, anything that comes through that office. Attempting to pilfer each and every thing they can."
"Go and help Marry, secure the post office, and in the process defeat and research these Bossbots responsible again."
"Good luck to you, young Toon. I will await your return here at the Elder's Headquarters."

Ye Olde Missing Postage

"Ah! A pleasant returneth!"
"I already feeleth a sense of relief overcoming me."
"But I still hath some issues I needeth to tend to, if thou art willing to help me."
"One of the shortest looking Bossbots I've ever seen cameth into the shop recently, and tooketh a package I wast meant to delivereth in the present day."
"It's unfortunate, as it's forced myself to puteth a halt to the ability for me to delivereth goods."
"If thou couldst searcheth the pathways for these bawbling Cogs and receiveth the package back..."
"Thou shall hath done the townspeople a valorous service."

"Consider mine own shopeth open once more."
"Nay longer doth I feareth the fate of Bossbots upon me."
"I thanketh thee, [Toon Name]."
"Prithee, doth me one lasteth service in dealing with those fiendish Cogs?"
"Their unsightly architecture hath been plaguing this land as of recent, it hath becometh rather an eye-sore."
"Would thou doth a fair Toon the honor of defeating one of these buildings?"
"Valorous luck to thee, [Toon Name]."

"Your return has been awaited by us. Welcome."
"I trust you've learned enough during your time with these Bossbots."
"Could you.. Tell me?"
"I mean."
"Nothing new here, young Toon."
"As for your training, thyself have succeeded beyond our expectations."
"However, you're much like the young caterpillar, slowly weaving its cocoon, for soon it will become the butterfly."
"You too must advance and become the butterfly in this case, [Toon Name]."
"You must research thy evils on each street and study thy differences."
"Now go, young butterfly. Seek Craig Plague on Plague! Plague! Go Away!"
"Good luck."

Cog Flu

"Doth pardon me, I seemeth a tad under the weather as of late."
"If only the run-of-the-mill average flu wouldst stand ho as to coming round so oft."
"What is't thee seeketh, mine own guest?"
"Ah, invasions. Aye I knoweth all thee couldst knoweth about these."
"Many a time hast an invasion swarm'd through these streets."
"I seeth the Cog invasion much alike the slightly-annoying-throat-tickler attacketh of the fusty ages."
"Tad nasty infection that's an outright pain in the pantset pocket, if thee asketh me."
"But fighting these invasions art simple."
"Thee wilt studyeth what is happening, noteth the things thee seeth, and then findeth the weakness, or the most wondrous way to treateth it."
"Much liketh a sickness, thee findeth the soft spoteth in these Cogs roaming around, and giveth those folk a swift kicketh!"
"I trusteth thee has it from here, friend."
"Good luck to thee on thy adventures."

"Perfect, the information, hand it over."
"Yes, this is wonderful, this will do perfectly."
"I mean... If we didn't already know this, of course."
"I will keep this information in my posession here with the Elders."
"Your training with me is complete, and you're ready to move onto Al Bumbledorf."
"Remember what I said young Toon, you're almost a fully fledged butterfly now."
"Now go and speak with Elder Bumbledorf, and become the butterfly you're meant to be."
"You're about to be finished with this training. I wish you luck on your future adventures."
"Good luck is upon you, [Toon Name]."

Executing The Executives

"Ah yes, [Toon Name]. I've been awaiting you."
"It is great joy that I lead you through these next steps of your training."
"This will allow you to unlock and discover new things that will aide you in your travels."
"Now, I presume you've learned about each and every department of Cog, and even potential extra information."
"This is good, but your training's not finished, unfortunately."
"For there are Cogs stronger than the rest. Somewhat unique in appearance."
"Executives, as they call them."
"As we understand every last detail about them, you may not, and this is where your training has brought you."
"Now these Cogs are stronger than normal, that is for certain."
"So I'm sending you to be trained by the proper team to prepare you mentally for such a daunting task."
"Seek Sir Prysin of Demon Slayers - For Hire. There you will learn from one of the most respected knights in Ye Olde Toontowne."
"Take his advice, and defeat executives, see what it takes to defeat them."
"Good luck, [Toon Name]."

"Sir Ehntor Prysin, at thy service."
"So thou wanteth to defeat stout executive Cogs?"
"Well any respectable knight knoweth it all starts with a suiteth of armor!"
"I wilt sendeth thee apace to Jongleur Jocelyn."
"From there she can fiteth thee into proper armor, and thus can alloweth for us to fight!"
"Her shopeth is Jesters and Jousters - Armor Suppliers on Knight Knoll."
"Suiteth up and prepareth thyself for the wrath of battle!"

"Welcome to mine own shopeth, what can I doth for thee on this blessed day?"
"Armour? I can doth this, but I'd liketh payment for it, and not in jellybeans."
"These Cogs cameth and did stealeth mine own juggling sticks, which is a disappointing experience for a jongleur liketh myself."
"I tryeth mine own best to juggle metal armour, but I findeth it's just too heavy and hard to doth so."
"Oh how I misseth mine own juggling sticks..."
"If thou can findeth all three and then assisteth my dear acquaintance Mad Ernage, I shall work with thee on getting thy armor situated."

"Why, welcome to my establishment!"
"I'm Mad Ernage, and this is Brain Over Bronze Metalworkers."
"My speech? Ah yes, impressive, isn't it?"
"See, I have one core philosophy, and that's that the brain is the most important part of a Toon."
"So I've spent my time researching and studying the art of language, sometimes stepping outside of my boundaries to do so."
"People call me Mad Ernage solely because of this, but I scoff at those thoughts."
"In fact, I often prefer to tell them to get into the modern age."
"Wait.. Mad Ernage, modern age... it must be a sign!"
"I'll give you your metal or whatever it is you need..."
"Just go beat some Cogs up that are roaming around my shop and leave me to deduce the meaning behind this naming anomaly."

"Oh a pleasent surprise, thee did get the metal-- and my Juggling Sticks!"
"It's a shocketh, yond gent is absolutely barking mad I may say."
"I can't understand a single thing that gent's talking about half the timeth!"
"This is quality metal I wilt sayeth."
"I grant to thee thine request'd piece of armour."
"I wish thee luck in thy battles. Good luck kind Toon."

"Aye, welcometh to mine own smith'ry."
"What is it I can doth for thee?"
"A sword? Yes, I can doth this for thee."
"But at a material's cost, it'll hath to be."
"If thou can defeateth the towering residency of these evil Cogs..."
"Thou shouldst be able to bringeth backeth the materials thee did needeth for a personalized sword."
"Bringeth me the materials, and thee'll receiveth the sword."

"Victorious returneth I see?"
"I giveth thee most wondrous credit. Many a Toon in this town couldst not matcheth the fortitude of thee."
"As did promise, a sword crafted from the materials of the building just for thee."
"Many wishes to thee on thy battles, [Toon Name]."

"Ah! You hath made your returneth."
"Thou service has been greatly appreciated thus far."
"Perhaps one couldst even say thou art becoming quite an impressive knight."
"I assigneth thee one last task, to proveeth thyself a mighty conqueror of the executive kind."
"Thineth the numbers of these fiendish foes."
"Go! Raineth thy fury upon them!"

"You've made your splendid return once again, [Toon Name]."
"I trust you've made great strides in battling these executives, yes?"
"The wisest Toons are ones who do not flee from battle, but rather take it head-on as a challenge."
"You, young Toon, are one of the wise ones."
"Now that you've experienced the circumstances taken to defeat them, you must research them properly just as you have the departments before."
"I must beckon you to see Constable Conrad. He runs the town's detective agency. It is named Witches Get Stitches, found on Noble Nook."
"I request you speak to him, defeat those executives and present your findings."
"From there you can work with the Toons of Ye Olde Toontowne to research these Cogs properly."
"This is all a part of your very special training, as we already know every last detail about these executives."
"Now go, you mustn't waste time. Us Elders will not get any younger, after all."

Researching The Executed

"Welcometh to the most wondrous detective agency thee'll findeth in Ye Olde Toontowne."
"Pressing matters did geteth the best of thee, I presume?"
"Well, as the finest constable in the landeth, I regard myself as the only Toon capable of assisting thee properly!"
"What troubles doth be bothering thee, fine Toon?"
"Executive Cogs. Aye, I shall concureth. Those Cogs art most certainly a pain for mine own job."
"I shall alloweth thee to doth as any effective detective wouldst doth."
"I bestoweth upon to thee mine own parchment and mine own quill."
"From which thee shall defeateth these executives and noteth every finding thee can."
"I shall then confereth with thee upon them, allowing for us to gaineth valuable insight."
"I casteth upon you my good fortunes."

"Welcometh backeth, now alloweth me to seeth these findings."
"Aye, these findings art indeed good, but there's a lot of math here."
"I may be a detective, but proficient in mathematics, I am not."
"I shall refereth thee to Marty Python. That gent is one of the wisest Toons in all of the lands, and shall helpeth thee."
"His shop be Installation Wizard - Handcoded Computing on this very street."
"I doth sincerely hopeeth mine own assistance wast useful to thy discoveries, fellow Toon."
"I shall be here if thee needeth any further assistance."

"Perfect! Thou hast arrived!"
"Just in timeth to answereth mine own mathematical question!"
"What? Thou wanteth ME to answereth it?"
"Nay, this lodging is for Toons to answereth MINE own questions!"
"Okay, I admiteth, I am here to answereth thy questions..."
"But thou should've beheldeth the look on thy face!"
"Painted with such fright it was, more so than wheneth young Toons art first toldeth of the headless horseToon!"
"So thou needeth me to revealeth the history behind what these findings meaneth, aye?"
"NOTHING! It means nothing! Tut tut!"
"Unless, of course, thou provideth me with a potion capable of organizing these numerical findings."
"I shalt passeth thee onwards to Dr. Brewce."
"That gent be the Toon able to breweth the potion needed to organize these findings properly."
"His shop be 1 Potion, 2 Potions, Red Potions, Blue Potions on Wizard Way."
"Seeketh his mixture, useth it upon the Cogs, and bringeth me backeth the findings."
"Only then shall I be able to helpeth thee."
"Now leaveth. I must confuseth the next Toon yond seeks mine own wisdom!"

"Whatever thee may seeketh, Dr. Brewce may very well keepeth."
"If it's a potion thou desireth, then a task I wilt requireth."
"Whilst a potion I can giveth, my clumsiness thou must forgiveth."
"My potion hath been losteth, whilst in a Cog's path that I once crosseth."
"Go findeth this strong robot on one's behalf."
"Now go my young Toon, I promise thee will completeth my task and delivereth thee potion on one's behalf."

"This potion looks splendid! Almost perfect enough to drinketh!"
"In fact, perhaps I'll just..."
"I joketh, again."
"But now I wilt sendeth thee out. Useth it on these executives thee seeketh researcheth on, and bringeth me thy findings."
"From there I shall rendereth it into something us Toons can understandeth!"
"Now goeth!"

"I wilt be honest with thee, [Toon Name]."
"I hath kept a bite of thy potion with me, it seemed just simply too tasty!"
"But I hadst a fright upon drinking it at which many numbers did flasheth before mine own eyes."
"Series of zeroes and ones, constantly changing, liketh I wast almost madeth up of them!"
"Absolutely mad isn't it?"
"Regardless, taketh this, it enwheels the translated findings thou did provide to me."
"If thou pardons me, I may now just tryeth another sipeth!"

"My apprentice, welcome again to the House of the Elders."
"Do you have for me the findings of these executives?"
"Very interesting, but what's written here, it shows that these executives are no ordinary Cog."
"Increased health and increased strength, things no weary Toon would like to see cross their path."
"Of course, we knew this from the start."
"Hmm? Why do we keep mentioning this?"
"You see young Toon, we..."
"Haven't been straightforward with you."
"We may be the Elders, and as such are the wisest Toons in the lands, but this knowledge has all been new for our eyes."
"We've been working with the Toon Council to figure these Cogs out for the longest time, not long after the Cogs had started their arrival in our lands."
"But our last Elder had left us without word at that moment. And for a balance as delicate as ours had been for years, it was completely shattered."
"We were unorganized, and our plans were skewed. We tried continuing training with our last apprentice and had disastrous results."
"Our land was invaded, and we were unable to help. We panicked."
"With this having happened, we focused our efforts into managing the town, trying to maintain it to the best of our abilities."
"Our Toons may be able to pick the fight where they can, but many of us endure this robotic invasion."
"This town is old, older than you can imagine."
"We need your help, with one last task."
"Our buildings, our streets, our town is in need of care, attention that hasn't been brought to it since before the Cogs arrived."
"May you help us, and in turn we will allow you the documents you've given us to be taken to the hands of Flippy..."
"To allow for you and the Toons of the Resistance to begin the fight that's truly needed."
"I thank you, Ye Olde Toontowne thanks you."
"Not a Toon like you has roamed these streets. And finally we will be able to restore a lot of what gave our town it's charm."
"Seek Dagger. Work with him to repair our streets, our buildings, and repair our town."
"Allow for Ye Olde Toontowne to stand for as long as history will allow it."
"His shop is Taken for Granite!, found on Noble Nook."
"The town of Ye Olde Toontowne thanks you, [Toon Name]."

Ye Olde Restoration Project

"Hear ye, hear ye!"
"The freshest and strongest cobble in all the lands is on saleth!"
"What kind might I interesteth thee in, fellow Toon?"
"Rebuilding the streets? The buildings? The very foundation of this town?"
"Why, I wilt sayeth, it is quite a splendid planeth!"
"Howev'r, I am but a cobble m'rchant."
"I can provideth thee cobble, but mine own services shall only taketh thee as far as thee can carryeth it."
"Although, I shall be more than fain to supplyeth thee all the cobble thee may needeth, if thou doth a wee task for me."
"Riddeth mine own street of those rampant Cogs, and gaineth the space to lieth the cobble, as well as gaineth mine own services at thy timeth of needeth."

"I wilt sayeth, thee impresseth mine own eyes."
"I shall gladly provideth the cobble thee desire at thy whim."
"But now thou must useth it to its fullest potential."
"Perhaps thou shouldst visiteth Magus Bizzy at Witchcraft? Hobby Helpers on Wizard Way?"
"I'm no genius, but I doth believeth that gent wouldeth be a helpful handeth in this matter."
"Good luck, friend."

"Welcometh, mine own fellow gloved Toon."
"I am Magus Bizzy, hobby enthusiast."
"Some even calleth me a magician for how well I exceedeth in crafts and hobbies of any kind."
"Archery, Building tables, even jousting!"
"I'm a real wizard -- at hobbies!"
"Now my friend, what hobby might thee seeketh assistance with?"
"Restoring Ye Olde Toontowne to its former glory?"
"Consider me in, but after thou help me, of course."
"I've dealteth with a major pain in mine own backeth for some timeth, constantly stabbing at a moment's noticeth."
"Cometh to findeth out this entire timeth it wast the Backstabbers poking me with their pens!"
"I must pleadeth with thee to defeateth these Backstabbers."
"For once thou defeateth those Cogs, I shall oblige in directing thy restoration projecteth."
"Then proceedeth to visiteth thee Wizard Way tunnel and inspecteth it to seeth if it be true any repairs art needed."
"Thanketh thee, [Toon Name]."

"How is the tunnel, [Toon Name]."
"Just as I did expect, it needeth a fresh coat of painteth!"
"Thou must visiteth Bailey at the Draw-Bridge Art Academy on Knight Knoll."
"She is the most gift'd Toon in Ye Olde Toontowne in this regard!"
"Visiteth her, and thou shall face the lass capable of restoring the tunnel!"

"Oh, good morrow!"
"Welcometh to mine own art academy!"
"Art thou looking for a quite quaint mural? Self-portrait? A picture yond shall lasteth hundreds of years?"
"Oh... Thou wanteth the tunnel painted over?"
"Well... I figureth I can, if thou cleareth the streets for me."
"I shall obligeth once I seeth the numbers dwindleth!"

"One task finished. Now to more, my friend."
"Perhaps thou shouldst visiteth Joan of Park at Horse-Drawn Karts on this street."
"She'll has't the resources did need to lie all-new cobble up and down the streets."
"If thou can convinceth her to useth her horse-drawn karts, of course."
"Go, [Toon Name]. Thou shall accomplisheth thy task. I knoweth of it."

"Welcometh amateur racer."
"What doth thou seeketh from me and mine own horses?"
"Laying cobble? Nonsense, I leadeth mine own horses only to victory!"
"Thou must impresseth me if thee wanteth me to useth mine own horses for such a task."
"Defeateth some of those executive Cogs, as they calleth them."

"Two tasks completeth. At this rateth Ye Olde Toontowne shall becometh Ye New Toontown."
"Or perhaps Ye Slightly Refurbish'd Toontown."
"Regardless, the next step be housing, and restoration of buildings alike."
"Beseeketh the aid of Gentry Gary, who resides in A-FORT-Able Housing on Noble Nook."
"May thou findeth ease in enlisting his help in restoring our town!"

"My most humble apologies! Thou hath startled me!"
"Now what is it... that thou... seek..."
". . . ZZZ . . ."
"Apologies, mine own Toon. I've just been suffering from a wanteth of catching a wink, having not since dealing with these Cogs lately."
"Perhaps thou can... taketh some... down... and... I shall... assist..."
". . . ZZZ . . ."

"Young Toon, cometh to me and bid Cecily of thy sleepy needeth."
"Thou beholdeth to be well-rested, a sharp mind, a promising young Toon!"
"What couldst thee possibly be seeking from Cecily?"
"New pillow? for Gentry Gary?"
"That indeed maketh much more sense!"
"Hither's what I can doth for thee."
"I wilt has't thee runneth to the streets. Defeateth the Cogs and pocketeth their wiring."
"Thou can use this to weaveth a pillow for thy friend. Here, followeth one's instructions."
"I wisheth thy luck to thou!"

"Oh, what is this?"
"Thee has't broughteth me a new pillow for me to resteth mine own head upon?"
"I cannot thanketh thee enough, [Toon Name]!"
"I can already telleth it is so much comfier than mine own fusty wooden pillow!"
"Trust be in me now that mine own building resources shall be given to all those in needeth in town!"
"Thanketh thee again, [Toon Name]."

"I'm impressed, [Toon Name]."
"For taking instructions from a mere hobbyist, thou sure art turning it into something meaningful!"
"As we speaketh of meaningful, alloweth's doth something meaningful for the new buildings that are constructed soon."
"Let's hath you go to Percy Lane at Royal Thrones Toiletries hither on Wizard Way."
"Worketh with him to provideth the new locations with all the toiletries they'll ever need!"
"Perhaps this shalst cometh in handy whilst thou visit. A simple strength potion Dr. Brewce gaveth me as a gift. Thou deserveth to taketh this with thee, for all thy hard work."
"Nice worketh so far, [Toon Name]."

"What art thou looking at, Toon?"
"Is it mine own stature?"
"I shalst not take requests from a toon who is stronger than myself."
"Oh? Thou say thou already hath a strength potion handy?"
"Nay longer shall I standeth standing shorter than those who standeth 'round me!"
"I'm liketh a mountain!"
"Nay, I AM the mountain!"
"Especially since I am such a valorous size and all, now!"
"Oh! I almost forgoteth... what doth thou seek?"
"Toiletries for new buildings? Fine. But thee must recovereth thy furniture from the wretched evil."
"If thou can wend findeth those Cogs and recovereth mine own combs, I shall giveth toiletries to all the little Toons in need."
"Beeth like me, and completeth my task."

"Fantastic, thou hast done a most wondrous job!"
"Streets... buildings... yep! That's all there is in Ye Olde Toontowne!"
"If there is any extra worketh, resteth assured I'll be there to taketh care of it. I knoweth thou art a busy Toon, [Toon Name]."
"Stayeth safe on thy travels, and good luck!"

The Secret In The Dungeon

"[Toon Name], I am proud of your progress but I mustn't delay you..."
"There's been an issue here in the lands of Ye Olde Toontowne. And we need your help."
"It is something I must tell you about. A secret we've been keeping from everyone for a long time..."
"You see, these Cogs are nothing special to us, having invaded for some time now, but there was one that WAS special."
"A skeleton Cog unlike anything we've ever seen before, having only seen Cogs in their outer suits as they are on our streets."
"They came here with a plan in mind to brainwash our people. To turn Toons into mindless workers obeying their robotic orders."
"We foolded them into believing we were falling into their trap..."
"It allowed us three Elders to capture them and lock them away in the dungeon."
"Ever since that day we've kept that door in the dungeon locked, hoping nothing would ever have come from it."
"But we fear the cell we gave them will not last forever. And eventually they will get loose once more."
"We fear what may happen if that day were to come."
"Having seen your progress here, we've decided you are the Toon to give the final resolution to this issue."
"I must beg you to prepare yourself, get your gags, and step up to the sigil in front of the portcullis in the dungeon."
"I have bestowed upon you the ability to open it."
"Use these powers to enter the cell and face this Cog. Defeat it and save Ye Olde Toontowne from the very havoc they seek to cause."
"You must also say the word "portcullis" as you open it."
"We chose this as it turns out nobody in Ye Olde Toontowne knew what the word portcullis meant."
"Just say it in your mind, it's easier and it still works."
"Consider it a magic spell of sorts."
"We have faith in you, [Toon Name]. And we will wish you all the luck."

"Done so soon, [Toon Name]?"
"I can already feel the weight of the director's presence gone, for you've saved us."
"But I fear they will return. Never stop checking that dungeon door, for we will continually lock them away if they step inside our lands again."
"You will always have the power we gave you, [Toon Name]. This will not be the last of that director. I can already tell."
"But you yourself have saved the Toons of Ye Olde Toontowne from losing their spirit at the hands of the Cogs."
"And I trust that you'll continue to keep the dungeon empty when they return."
"I wish there was a magic word I could say to keep you here at this point..."
"For your talents far exceed any expectations from us Elders, especially my own."
"Well, to be completely honest..."
"There are at least five spells I can think of off the top of my head that'd keep you here for a while but..."
"Regardless! I must let you go and continue on your path with the Toon Resistance."
"But before you go, I need to say, on behalf of everyone in Ye Olde Toontowne, thank you."
"Thank you, [Toon Name], for helping the birthplace of Toontown. The very foundation. From our old buildings to our bumpy streets."
"From keeping our streets safe, to even repairing them, you've been here for us."
"You're always welcome in our lands."
"On behalf of all of the Toons in Ye Olde Toontowne, we wish you the best of luck on your future adventures."
"Now go ahead, young Toon, and see Flippy, for your work here is done."
"Fare thee well."

Trained and Ready

"Good work, [Toon Name]!"
"I've been getting snippets here and there of word of your excellent work during your time in Ye Olde Toontowne."
"And the Public Relations Representative, you say?"
"I'll forward all the information you have to Lowden Clear, but if you ever have the time you're always free to take them down again."
"It's always good to keep the elders out of harm's way."
"With that being said, I think you're finally ready. You're a trained Toon now."
"Take everything you've learned, every document, every fact, everything with you to Professor Pete."
"He will go over everything with you, and from there we will devise a plan to move us forward."
"You've made me proud today, [Toon Name]. Keep it up."

"Good to see you again after so long, [Toon Name]!"
"So, let's cut to the chase, we both know you have valuable insight on your mind. Let's hear it."
"Yes, that's quite interesting."
"Your knowledge in combination with my own research and the wealth of information the Toon Resistance has provided me has given me an idea."
"Metal framing. I need you to get me a metal framing from each department of Cog."
"It doesn't matter where, but I need to examine them. Right away."
"Be quick, I'll be waiting!"

"Yes, these will work perfectly. Now let's take a closer look."
"Absolutely wonderful, just what I thought!"
"This Sellbot frame here, it's so bendable and meldable, way easier than any other part here."
"My hypothesis states that these Sellbot suits are fundamentally flawed due to their inherent lifestyle."
"They're always cutting costs where they can, in turn producing low-grade metal framing."
"This is where we need to strike, and strike now!"
"Report back to Flippy, tell him we need to attack the Sellbots right away!"