Barnacle Boatyard Tasks/Task Script

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Current Task Script

Oh, Barnacles!

"Welcome back, [Toon Name]."
"So, Lord Lowden Clear made it apparent that you've assisted them with everything you possibly could this point."
"Since this is the case, I do have a new job for you that I think you're ready for."
"As you may have experienced yourself, there's many places to visit here in Toontown."
"And they're all experiencing the invasion of Cogs all around."
"There was one place that held out for a while..."
"But was the most recent playground to experience the flood of Cogs swarming their streets."
"Each playground had an ambassador of sorts assigned. I presume you've heard this term before, correct?"
"These Toons are supposed to help organize and strategize with their HQ Officers, much like me here in Toontown Central."
"I need you to go over to the Barnacle Boatyard playground as soon as you can."
"We've recently promoted Barnacle Bessie to ambassador of Barnacle Boatyard."
"I'm sure she could really use this assistance."
"Oh, and she's in the lighthouse on Lighthouse Lane now, it's her base of operations."
"Just take Punchline Place to get to Barnacle Boatyard, and from there you can find her on Lighthouse Lane."
"I'll leave this in your hands, [Toon Name]. You're a Toon of the resistance now, and a darn good one."
"Show us why we continue to put these tasks in your hands. The best of luck to you!"

"OH, thank Flippy!"
"I thought you were one of those Cogs for a second!"
"Please pardon me, I'm just really all over the place lately..."
"I've been on the Toon Resistance for a while..."
"And while I may be notable for my experience with drop gags, I really do prefer to keep my distance from any Cog."
"Ever since this swarm started, I've been fearing the day they made their way here to Barnacle Boatyard."
"You see, I've spent a lot of my toony life here, enjoying the docks, swimming in the water, water-skiing, boating, everything you could possibly imagine."
"It was a water paradise here. I didn't want anything bad to happen to it."
"And it didn't, not at least for a while anyways."
"It turns out the water all around Barnacle Boatyard made it quite tasking for the Cogs to make it here."
"But they've finally managed it, and their numbers have been increasing each and every day."
"Since then I've been promoted to ambassador and moved here into this lighthouse."
"I can see the Cogs coming in and be prepared to siren if something critical happens."
"But I'm not the only new promotion in this playground."
"With the big burst of Cogs, we all knew that I wouldn't be able to handle all the Cogs myself."
"We got the most experienced Toon we could get on short notice moved in, that being our HQ leader Resistance Ranger River."
"If only Resistance Ranger Rain didn't get caught up..."
"I've got a lot of sorting to do here, but the Cogs are roaming the streets more than ever."
"A lot of Toons here haven't experienced anything like them before."
"I need you to go talk to Resistance Ranger River in the playground headquarters and help her in setting Toons here up for success."
"I'm grateful you're here, [Toon Name]. Welcome to Barnacle Boatyard."
"Good luck!"

"Welcome to the Barnacle Boatyard Headquarters!"
"Barnacle Bessie sent you here to help us, huh?"
"Well, I'll be honest, we can use any toony hands we can get. So welcome aboard."
"Let me introduce you, I'm Resistance Ranger River, and behind this desk you can find my trusty HQ Officers, Dover, Misty, and Wade."
"We're all a bit new to this, so bear with us. We have a lot to do and a lot to help with. So let's get to work, shall we?"
"First I want you to help Wade with tasks I've assigned him. He's the newest member on this HQ officer team and as such could use the help the most."
"Good luck."

"You're here to help us right?"
"That's great, cause I wasn't feeling too confident myself..."
"But maybe you can show me how it's done, especially from what I overheard was happening in Toontown Central."
"The first major task I have is to go and see Fred Flounder at Lost and Flounder on Lighthouse Lane."
"Apparently when the Cogs swarmed Toons dropped what they were doing and ran off to their shops and estates, literally and figuratively."
"Fred has had the job of going around to collect these items and return them to their owners."
"Can you go see him and help him hand the items back? It shouldn't be too hard."
"Thanks, [Toon Name]!"

Butter Flippers

"Oh... Hey!"
"You're not looking for one of your lost items, are you?"
"Great! Cause I'm in a bit of a pickle..."
"You see, I'm a bit of a flounder, and these Cogs are rather intimidating and frightening."
"So I was minding my own business, walking down the sidewalk as instructed with these items for the shopkeepers..."
"And then I saw one of those bigger looking robots strolling right for me."
"I floundered in the moment, and I kind of... dropped them."
"If you can go around and find the items I dropped around Barnacle Boatyard, I'd really appreciate it."

"Oh happy day! Thank you so much, you're a real lifesaver!"
"There's just one other important thing I dropped that I saw the Cogs scoop up..."
"Oh no... I'm floundering again!!"
"Please, just hurry back with the box, before someone comes asking where their rubber ducky or sombrero is at..."

"Thank you again for covering my tailfin on this one..."
"You're inspiring me to get this job done, and get it done right."
"So here I go!"
"Thanks again, [Toon Name]. I got it from here!"
"There's not going to be lost items anymore!"
"Let the HQ officers know that I've got it all figured out, thanks again!"

"Done already?"
"Fantastic, I'll just check that one off the list then."
"Let's see here..."
"Ah... yes..."
"I have it written down to check up on old Mr. Ahab."
"He's been reportedly acting out of character and being risky..."
"He's reportedly gone out on the streets and toyed with the Cogs, tipping them over and yelling at them when he can."
"If you could, can you go over and talk to him and see what that's been all about?"
"Thanks, [Toon Name]. Good luck."

Someone's Been Drinking Saltwater...

"Aye! Come to be me first mate are ye?"
"Why not? Too much o' a landlubber, ay?"
"Fer years I've been a cap'n. Constantly protectin' the seas o' Barnacle Boatyard, makin' sure no evil touches her waves."
"That's what I've called meself at least. Either way, these Cogs be lootin' up our land, roamin' our streets 'n I can not stand fer it!"
"I wants ye to show me ye've got what it takes to be a true privateer. Go 'n defeat some o' those blimey robots 'n show me ye've got what it takes."

"Well shiver me timbers! Ye sure look like a true buccaneer!"
"Masterful job in pillagin' those robots 'n feedin' them to the fish!"
"Ye're an honorary first mate by me one good eye!"
"But ye aren't dressed like a true pirate. I reckon ye visit Topsy Turvey at the Cap Size Hat Store o'er on Lighthouse Lane."
"'Ave her get ye in shipshape wit' a true pirate hat. I wants ye lookin' the best fer the occasion!"
"Ye'll be shipshape and prime to man the helm. Ye run on now and get yet hat."
"Yer work here is done. This ol' capn' will protect the seven seas. Ye do the same, Capn' [Toon Name]!"

"Welcome to the Cap Size Hat Store!"
"We specialize in the finest of reversible headwear."
"Turn it upside down, turn it downside up, it doesn't matter!"
"Now how may we help you?"
"Pirate hat huh? Well we can certainly get the job done, but we'll need some material for that."
"If you can get some threading from the suit of one of those Double Talkers, I believe they're called..."
"I think we'll have just what we need to get you your pirate hat!"

"This will work perfectly. It won't take too long to fashion it, but I'll just make it easy and send it over to you through the mail."
"Hopefully it's to your liking!"
"Have fun!"

"Looking good! Ahab's managed to convert yet another Toon into a swashbuckler, huh?"
"Well, all I gotta say is I'm sure glad to hear the commotion's just him wanting to protect Barnacle Boatyard."
"I was afraid he was starting to drink the salt water again!"
"Anyways, that covers all the big issues I've got assigned to me now."
"I have just a few small things here and there, like helping fix that creaky door over on Buccaneer Boulevard."
"I do think Dover needed some help however, if I recall correctly."
"Why don't you go over and help him out?"
"Thanks for all the excellent work, [Toon Name]!"

Red Rover, Red Rover

"Hey there!"
"I've heard you've been doing great things so far."
"I sure am glad, because those things should include mine as well!"
"Sorry if that came off a bit rough, I'm just really new to this and I could use the help..."
"So the first big thing I have on my list is assisting the schooling locations around Barnacle Boatyard."
"We need to start right away in setting them up to teach Toons how to prepare themselves from the Cogs."
"If you could help get Professor Pearl at School of Fish Tutoring on the right page, that would help lots."
"Thanks, [Toon Name]!"

First Day of School!

"Hey there! Welcome to the finest tutoring class this side of the ocean!"
"What ocean, you say?"
"Oh my, you really do need some tutoring, don't you?"
"Oh, you're here to help me in preparing a curriculum for tutoring Cog battling strategy?"
"I'm glad to hear that!"
"Well, no time to waste! Let's get started. I'll grab the pencils."
"That is indeed a problem..."
"I can't seem to find my pencils anywhere as a matter of fact."
"Okay, critical thinking Pearl... what would be the most logical solution..."
"Oh yes! There were some of those Cogs roaming around that looked exactly like pencils!"
"If you could go defeat them and bring back several pencils, we could get to work right away!"

"Perfect! These pencils will do just fine."
"Number two pencils in fact, just the right grade of pencil!"
"So, we can't write these tutorials ourselves, we're gonna need more help."
"I'd have you go and reach out to Professor Plank here in Barnacle Boatyard, but I already know the outcome."
"That's called deductive reasoning, [Toon Name]!"
"Or assumptions, if you want to be blatant about it..."
"Either way, Professor Plank presses the use of learning through reading."
"There's plenty of published books on the proper Cog busting etiquette that made their way into my hands."
"But those blasted blue colored Cogs came in and swooped them all up. Perhaps for legal reasons."
"Just some more deductive reasoning!"
"Go ahead and see if you can nab them back. That way we can get these tutorials going!"

"These are perfect, nice and properly bound, clean blank pages, this will do nicely."
"From here I'll work on writing up the best resources I can put on paper."
"Maybe I'll even include a thing or two about the ocean for you, haha."
"Wait... You really don't know the ocean, do you?"
"Well, thank you for all your help. Us professors of Barnacle Boatyard will begin taking it from here."
"Tell the toons back at the Toon Headquarters that you've done a stellar job here!"

"You're really whipping Barnacle Boatyard into tip-top shape aren't you?"
"I'm really glad I got you working with me to be honest! You make my job so much easier."
"So I'm gonna give you this next one on my list..."
"It says here Billy Budd has had some troubles recently since the Cogs came and needs some assistance."
"If you could go over to his shop, Billy Budd's Big Bargain Binnacle Barn over on Buccaneer Boulevard and see what's up, that'd be a big help."
"Good luck!"

Big Binnacle Bash

"Oh thank goodness! Someone that can help me!"
"Okay listen, I need you to run-"
"Slow down?"
"My apologies, let me explain."
"So not too long ago I was showing Melville my latest and newest binnacle."
"It's a fine specimen with all the bells and whistles you could ask for in a binnacle."
"Precise, accurate, and it shines with a shiny silver finish."
"That baby was the finest binnacle I ever produced."
"What I was saying was, when the Cogs came I was showing my binnacle to Melville, as he's an avid sailor and a prime customer for such a tool."
"But as soon as the Cogs came we got in a scramble and hurried off..."
"My buttergloved self dropped the beautiful binnacle right there in the Lighthouse Lane pond..."
"I need you to help me and go fish it up, now it's heavy, so it might take you a few tries, but it'll be extremely appreciated."
"Please hurry!"

"Oh my precious binnacle!"
"But it's all messed up..."
"There's a lot of issues with it that I don't even know where to start."
"The clock's non-functional, the clinometer is missing, and my correcting spheres are all rusted over..."
"Listen, I need your help in restoring this binnacle to it's former glory. This is really important to me!"
"What's that?"
"Do you not know?"
"Okay, you know what, I'll explain what a binnacle is to you and why it's so important once you've helped me."
"Take it over to Admiral Hook at Hook's Clock Repair on this street and have him look it over."
"Handle it gently, I don't want it getting busted up even more!"
"Be careful!"

"What's that you got there?"
"Billy Budd's Binnacle? From Billy Budd's Big Bargain Binnacle Barn?"
"I work with him from time to time when he wants to install clocks onto those binnacles of his, so I can surely help out."
"But while I'm here fixing this timepiece, I want you to make my time well spent."
"Could you go out and defeat a couple of those nasty Cogs roaming around outside of my shop?"
"I find myself watching the clock more than ever with how often I see them pass by..."
"And as a Toon that works on them for a living, I don't need to look at them any more than I already do!"
"I'll get this clock working in a jiffy in the meantime."

"There you go, as good as new!"
"Tell Billy Budd to be a bit more careful next time."
"And until next time, see you around!"

"Admiral Hook does great work!"
"Okay, so now I just need my clinometer and my correcting spheres repaired."
"Oh, and I owe you and explanation!"
"It's quite simple really, a binnacle is a tool used on ships near the wheel that the captain uses for a variety of purposes."
"It can range from things such as reading a compass, telling the time, or seeing the leveling of a ship!"
"It's a necessary tool for any proper captain!"
"And that's why I take such pride in manufacturing the best in all of Toontown."
"So, my clinometer. It's jammed and I need it to move smoothly, so I need you to take it over to Salty Stan. He's the Toon with the plan."
"His shop if From Fore to Aft, here on Buccaneer Boulevard."
"Be careful!"

"Welcome to From Fore to Aft."
"I'm Salty Stan, and I deal with all sides of ships, from stern to stern, from fore to aft, and from aft to fore!"
"What can I do for you?"
"Clinometer, huh?"
"It's a little more than I'm used to, but I think I can make it work."
"Looking at this one here, it does look like it's been through quite a lot."
"I'm going to need a new stand, weights, polish, and a new dial arrow."
"These are all things I can make myself, but I'll need some spare parts."
"I think if you could go out and fight a few of those stronger robot things, you might be able to find some extra stuff for me to work with."
"If you come back with spare parts for those four items, I'd be glad to help you two out."

"Yes, these look good. I can work with this."
"In fact, it won't take long at all. Just keep those Cogs off my aft while this ship is sailing!"

"So, you wanna know why they call me Salty Stan?"
"Most people assume it's because I'm a grump, but it's actually just because I have high sodium."
"It's a bit misleading, I find."
"But I actually quite enjoy the company of Toons, so it was nice to see you drop by, [Toon Name]."
"Alright, that looks like it does it, the clinometer now moves perfectly as you level it around."
"Thanks for dropping by and good luck!"

"That's very smooth! Salty Stan did wonders!"
"Now just my iron correcting spheres."
"They're extremely important as they minimize any interference on the compass' magnetization!"
"We can't have them being all rusty, so they need to be replaced."
"Take the binnacle over to Ree Pare's shop, called Flounder and Sink Ship Repair, over on Anchor Avenue."
"Again, be gentle, it's a sensitive piece of equipment!"

"Welcome! I'm Ree Pare and I will ree-pare any ship-related item you need!"
"Shrouds, rudders, masts, hulls, you name it!"
"Correcting spheres eh?"
"Not a very common request but certainly something Ree Pare can handle!"
"I'll need you to get me some good metal for such an item, however."
"I think if you try to salvage some metal from the fishing ponds around here, that should work well enough."

"Welcome back!"
"I was just getting all my tools ready to work while I was waiting for you."
"And this scrap metal looks perfect. In fact, you got plenty to spare. This will be great for future projects of mine, thank you!"
"I just have to fashion this scrap metal into a couple correcting spheres, and attach them on either side, aaaaand-- BOOM!"
"All ready to go!"
"Gee, this binnacle sure looks fancy!"
"I'm sure Billy Budd will be pleased with the condition it's in now."
"Thanks for stopping by and thanks for the extra iron!"

"Oh happy day! My baby is whole again!"
"Thank you so much, [Toon Name]!"
"I'm going to have to put in quite a good word for you all around town!"
"Soon everyone will hear about all the amazing work you've done for the Toons of Barnacle Boatyard."
"Good luck with your future endeavors, and if you ever need a pristine binnacle someday, you'll know where to find me."
"See you around!"

"You really ARE good!"
"Like, no kidding, you're as good as I've heard!"
"Honestly I'm very happy. It's hard to say that since the Cogs came, but I really am. You've solved all my major issues in no time!"
"I'm going to hand you over to Misty now, she's in need of some assistance and I can't imagine anyone else better than you right now."
"Thank you and good luck!"

Meet Misty

"There's just the Toon I wanted to see!"
"I've heard nothing but exemplary news buzzing around Barnacle Boatyard about you, [Toon Name]."
"In fact, we got a report about a Toon yelling, and it turned out to be Billy Budd yelling about how much help you were!"
"And also about his new binnacles..."
"That being said, I do have some issues I could really use your expertise on."
"Helpful Harry's been doing his very best over at Be Pacific Customer Support..."
"But since the Cogs have come he's been swarmed with requests and Toons popping in one by one!"
"Can you head over to his shop on Anchor Avenue and help him solve a few open tickets he has?"
"It'd really allow him to get back to assisting Toons on smaller-scale needs."
"Thank you!"

Contacting Live Support

"Hey there!"
"If you need some help I'll be glad to open a ticket with you, but just be aware that I've got quite the list at the moment."
"Times are tough after all, since these Cogs have dropped by."
"Oh, you're here to help ME?"
"Well, that's certainly a change of pace for once!"
"I'm normally the Toon helping everyone else, but it's very fulfilling for me. I love helping people solve issues they experience."
"Right now the main problem I have on my tickets up and down the board is simply Cogs. Cogs here, there, everywhere!"
"If you could just start by ridding the Barnacle Boatyard streets of a few Cogs each, I think that'd allow me to cross off quite a few open tickets."
"Just start with this street here, and then make your way through Lighthouse Lane, Buccaneer Boulevard, and lastly Seaweed Street."
"Once you've done that, come back and see me and we'll see what else we can cross off."
"Thank you for all your help!"

"Thank you so much, [Toon Name]!"
"You've helped me more in this short time than I've helped Toons in weeks!"
"You're a natural at this. I should hire you!"
"But I know you've got much greater things to accomplish than just sitting here with me in my support center."
"Good luck to you and the Toon Resistance. You've got my faith in you Toons!"

"Can you just stick around here and help us forever?"
"You make all our jobs so much easier!"
"So lastly I have a few Toons here that I need to assist in preparing them to deal with Cogs being around."
"These shopkeepers are all really frightened and rather new to the idea of this, so we need to take good care in helping them along!"
"Start by going to Eileen Overboard at Piano Tuna Works for Scale on Buccaneer Boulevard."
"That's a good starting point."
"Come see me once you've helped her and we'll send you along to the next shopkeeper."
"Thank you, [Toon Name]!"

Baby's First Steps

"Hey there, [Toon Name]."
"Nice to meet the Toon that's been the talk of the town lately!"
"Are you here to help me with my Cog situation?"
"I've gotta say, it's been rather disappointing since the Cogs came."
"Barnacle Boatyard used to be sun, sand, and surf, and now it's just simply soggy, foggy, and Coggy..."
"I'm ready to help us make Barnacle Boatyard the aquatic paradise it once was!"
"But, I need some guidance on how to just exactly do that."
"Could you bring me a level four gag?"
"Having that would go a long way in helping me with this battling thing, I think."

"Wow, this looks impressive, I'm glad I got you showing me the ropes!"
"So... if you could go and defeat a few Cogs outside my shop, I think I could watch you and see what your steps are."
"This is really exciting!"

"That didn't look that hard!"
"I think I'm ready, I'm gonna go train my own tracks and take down as many of those rust buckets as I can!"
"Thank you, [Toon Name]!"
"See you on the streets!"

"If you had told me you were Lord Lowden Clear himself coming through solving all of our issues, I wouldn't disagree!"
"You're really an expert at taking down these Cogs, and teaching us Toons how to take them down."
"I don't have anything else here I can't handle. I'll let you talk to Resistance Ranger River again."
"I'm sure having proven yourself to this degree, she'll give you some real important stuff."
"Thank you, [Toon Name]."

The Important Stuff

"I guess you really are just as good as your reputation says."
"I've been holding onto important tasks that I've set up with Barnacle Bessie, but I figure you're just as good to share this with."
"We wanted to start a new initiative in the form of the Barnacle Boatyard Buccaneers."
"This plan would have us uniting the strongest Toons we have here in Barnacle Boatyard to make a formidable team."
"This team would go out on the streets in order to keep these Cogs down -- just where they deserve to be."
"One Toon from each street."
"The Toons we need you to unite are..."
"Rocky Shores of Seaweed Street's Able-Bodied Gym."
"Cal Estenicks of Buccaneer Boulevard's Poop Deck Gym."
"Svetlana of Lighthouse Lane's Mussel Beach Gymnasium."
"And A.R. Ming of Anchor Avenue's Swordfish Armor and Weaponry."
"Go out, unite these Toons, and give Barnacle Boatyard the team it needs to defend itself properly."
"I believe in you, [Toon Name]!"

Unite the Buccaneers!

"Welcome to the Able-Bodied Gym. What can I do for you?"
"Recruitment, huh?"
"Become a Barnacle Boatyard Buccaneer..."
"Well I am a boxer... strategic strikes and stamina are what I do best. I think I could really help out as a buccaneer."
"You know what, I like the sound of that."
"I always dreamed of being a buccaneer, but I never thought it'd be a reality."
"I'm in, but on one condition."
"If you can find the darn Cog that thought it was a good idea to nab Rocky Shores' boxing gloves, I'll gladly join in."
"Find those gloves and come back to me and we got a deal."

"They fit just as good as ever!"
"You've got yourself a done deal, [Toon Name]."
"Go ahead and let the Toon Headquarters know that Rocky Shores is throwing his gloves in the ring."
"There won't be any Cogs left once I'm done."

"Welcome to the Poop Deck Gym. I'm Cal Estenicks."
"Despite what you may think from my appearance, I offer the finest training in regards to swiftness, grace, and agility."
"Would you like to try?"
"No worries if you don't have the time, what else can I help you with?"
"A recruitment plan, huh?"
"So you want to unite the strongest and most agile Toons in all of Barnacle Boatyard to assit in taking down the Cogs..."
"I really couldn't have planned it better myself."
"But I need to know this team is legitimate."
"If you can take down some of these stronger robots that roam around my shop, I'll gladly use my talents for the good of Barnacle Boatyard."

"Looks like I'm an official buccaneer now."
"These Cogs won't be able to withstand the constant bounce, the perfect agility, the swift movement as I flash around before their sensors."
"The Barnacle Boatyard Buccaneers are coming together!"
"See you out there, [Toon Name]."

"Da, hello. I am Svetlana and velkome to my gym."
"I teach rrraw strrrength and pover to all Toons."
"What you vant?"
"You vant Svetlana to fight?"
"Svetlana crush Cogs vith bare gloves."
"Prove to Svetlana zat you are strrrong Toon."
"Crush big Cogs quickly and Svetlana vill join team."
"You go."

"Svetlana impressed."
"Svetlana join your buccaneer team."
"I vill crush all Cogs."
"You go now."

"Hey, how can I help?"
"Barnacle Boatyard Buccaneers, huh?"
"Who's on the team?"
"Rocky Shores, Cal Estenicks, and Svetlana??"
"How did you manage to get all those Toons working together..."
"I gotta say, I'm impressed. That's quite a lineup."
"But if getting me on board is what you want, then you'll have to help me out."
"See, I'm only really talented in the art of swordfishmanship."
"Wielding a xiphiidae, I charge into battle, which then I promptly drop it and use my pies and seltzer like a coward."
"But there lies the problem. "Drop it.""
"If you can start by fishing me up a new swordfish to use, that'll be the start."
"Hurry back now!"

"Perfect, this specimen will do finely."
"Now, I just need some armor."
"What? A floppy swordfish isn't gonna keep me safe out there!"
"I think if you take out some of those stronger Cogs, you can get some metal plating from their suits."
"I can fashion that into perfect armor for battle!"
"Bring back some metal plating and you've got yourself a new buccaneer!"

"These look just fine, I can make this work no problem."
"I'm proudly declaring myself a new member of the Barnacle Boatyard Buccaneers!"
"And thank you to not only giving me this opportunity to help out our playground, but for helping me in getting a new swordfish and new armor!"
"From here we'll roam the streets daily, picking off Cogs one by one and keeping our streets as safe as we can for all of Barnacle Boatyard."
"It's exciting just talking about it!"
"Well, I'll let you head back to the Toon Headquarters. I've got some planning to do with my fellow buccaneers!"
"See you around, [Toon Name]!"

"I've heard the great news!"
"The Barnacle Boatyard Buccaneers are already teaming up and strategizing. This is perfect."
"But now, we need to focus on the other side of the spectrum."
"The last thing Barnacle Bessie tasked me with besides getting the stronger Toons together was getting to the bottom of this Cog swarm."
"So you, me, and the Toons of Barnacle Boulevard are going to get to the bottom of it, right here, right now."
"So I need you to go to Art right away."
"He's a master of charts, from street maps, to the little customary direction ones for new tourists. He's the guy."
"We need you to go to him and have him draw up a chart of the Cog's recent activity."
"This will allow us to move forward with a plan to find the source of these Cogs and figure out the best way to slow them down."
"Now hurry!"

Charting Smart Charts

"Hey there! How can I-"
"Woah, woah, woah! Slow down there!"
"What's the big rush?"
"Y'know, this would've been easier if you had saved your breath instead of bolting into my shop..."
"Okay, now tell me, what do you need?"
"Hmm... a chart of the Cog's activity since the swarm broke loose..."
"That's quite an ambitious task, I must say."
"Normally I do simple things like playground maps, or charts of jellybean inflation since the big switch."
"To draw up a chart of that detail and magnitude would take a few resources. But I'm willing to try."
"First start by getting me the shoes of a Glad Hander."
"These Cogs, however it may be a surprise due to their name, get around a lot to schmooze."
"They make a ton of noticeable tracks all over the boardwalks of Barnacle Boatyard."
"Getting me their shoes will allow me to track them."
"It'll be an arduous task but in time it will indeed lead to definite results."
"In the meantime I'll prepare my finest paper and crayons. This chart's gotta look professional, after all!"

"Perfect, these are going to work excellently for collecting this data."
"Speaking of data, however, there is more that could be done to further this research."
"If you can find one of those unsightly Bean Counters around these parts and take it down..."
"Bring me the number of beans it leaves behind. The amount can contain valuable insight into just how many Cogs are planned to come."
"Don't feel too rushed now, retracing these steps will certainly take a while."

"This should give me some valuable insight."
"I've already begun progress on the chart, but it's not quite done yet."
"I've already used blue and green, but I can't seem to find my red crayon..."
"I used one that I thought was red, but it just ended up being red-violet... so I guess I'll just have to go with that."
"Either way, the last thing I could really use is something from those Insiders. Some kind of -- debriefing list of sorts, perhaps?"
"Having that should enable me to finish this chart up and hand it over, so be on the lookout for those Cogs!"

"This is wonderful, it gives a real insight to the activity of the Cogs as it shows many of the thought processes shared around."
"This will allow me to get a theoretically accurate representation of the activity of Cogs here since they've invaded."
"Cross these lines..."
"Connect these dots..."
"Done. I have the chart all ready and finished. It's quite interesting to look over, to be honest."
"I hope this helps you out, [Toon Name]."
"And don't be in such a rush next time, you could fall, and boy would that smart!"
"I could even whip you up a chart on how much that'd smart, if you'd like."
"Fair enough."
"Alright, good luck to you and the Toons of the resistance. If you need anymore help I'm always here!"

"You got the chart already?"
"...let me look it over real quick."
"Wow, that's really quite interesting..."
"I think this is something bigger than my duties."
"I need you to take this chart to Barnacle Bessie and work with her from here on out."
"Us here at the headquarters got this handled. We learned from the best, after all."
"You go on to accomplish bigger and better things, [Toon Name]."
"It was a pleasure working with you, and I hope to see you around Barnacle Boatyard sometime soon!"
"Good luck!"

Unite the Buccaneers!

"Back so soon?"
"You really are good."
"So what's this? A chart showing the Cog's activity since their arrival, according to Art?"
"Well it's a stretch to assume that ALL of the footprints are still exact, but it does give us something to go off of."
"I've got a plan, however."
"I want you to go to Doctor Squall."
"He's a very reliable optician that specializes in his own viewing telescopes."
"I want you to take this chart to him and have him scan the horizon all around Barnacle Boatyard."
"This is the first step in figuring out where these Cogs came from, and just how we might be able to slow them down."
"His shop is Out to See Optics on Buccaneer Boulevard."
"Thank you for your assistance, [Toon Name]."

I Can See Clearly Now...

"Welcome, what can I have the pleasure of doing for you today?"
"Orders from Barnacle Bessie herself huh?"
"Well let's not waste any time."
"Let me just grab my trusty old telescope here..."
"Oh my."
"My lens is busted."
"I must've dropped it at some point recently."
"This is not good..."
"Okay, maybe, you know what, there was one of those robot Cog things walking around recently with glasses on."
"If you can get me the lenses from those glasses, I can probably fashion them to fit inside my telescope!"
"Thereby allowing me to get a gander at the horizon."
"I think it had a brown suit on, if that helps."
"Please try and hurry!"

"Oh this just won't do, these lenses keep fogging up."
"I'm an optician, not a magician!"
"Maybe you can see Greggory Goggles. He runs his shop Goggle Defoggers over on Anchor Avenue."
"He's a man of many defogging talents, albeit normally goggles, but perhaps he can help with this situation as well."
"I'll leave with you my trusty telescope. Take it over to him and see if he can work his wonders on it."

"Hey there! I trust that you have some goggles to defog!"
"But... you don't have any goggles on..."
"What's this? A telescope?"
"Who do you take me for?"
"I defog GOGGLES, not telescopes!"
"What is this nonsense?"
"...This is for Barnacle Bessie herself?"
"Oh ha, uh yeah! Telescopes! Defog them all the time!"
"To be honest with you, it's going to take some experimenting."
"I have usual methods for goggles, but this is a much more fine optical tool than I'm accustomed to."
"If you can give me some time and take out some of those clumps of metal shifting around, I just might be able to make it work."

"Oh thank heavens! My telescope is in working order once more."
"Let me just take a quick peer around the pier here."
"While I get a good view, can you do me a quick favor and pick up my shoes?"
"I dropped them off next door at Soles Repaired While U Wait."
"Thank you!"

"Oh thank heavens! My telescope is in working order once more."
"Let me just take a quick peer around the pier here."
"While I get a good view, can you do me a quick favor and pick up my shoes?"
"I dropped them off next door at Soles Repaired While U Wait."
"Thank you!"

"You're here about Doctor Squall's shoes?"
"Finally, at least someone is."
"I'm not a cobbler!"
"The word SOLE has multiple meanings!"
"I repair the sole of a captain's ship cabin, not fix someone's stinky old shoes!"
"I'm just going to leave them with you. Drop them off at Doctor Squall's place when you can."
"I apologize for the inconvenience."

"Oh wow! My shoes look brand new!"
"That Flappy Docksplinter sure does a great job!"
"Anyways, I got a great view of the horizon, oddly less foggy than usual, but it was still hard to see all the way out."
"However, I did see quite a commotion of Cogs that seemed to be coming from around Anchor Avenue."
"Naturally I couldn't see too much more however, unfortunately."
"I think it's best you tell this information to Barnacle Bessie."
"If you need any extra help, I'm always around."
"Good luck!"

"Around Anchor Avenue, huh?"
"That must be it!"
"The Cogs must've found their way around to the other side of Barnacle Boatyard and have been getting in through Anchor Avenue."
"I need someone to set sail on the ocean and see what they can find, and there's only one Toon for the job."
"I need you to go over to his shop here on Lighthouse Lane."
"Get him to head out and sail around and see what he can find."
"This is critical, [Toon Name]. Our fate is in your hands."

A Captain For Hire

"Avast ye! What goes there in me store?"
"Sailing eh?"
"I'm quite a fan, I must say."
"I call myself the king of the seven seas, as well as sole proprietor of me shop here."
"But the landlubbers here in Barnacle Boatyard don't know a good mizzenmast when they see one, and my business is in a hard time."
"I resort to sailing the seas when I can to find treasure, but even that's gone unfortunate for me."
"See, I was sailing me ship and recently found some long lost treasure!"
"I was bringing me haul back when me boat was struck, and the treasures were sent flying overboard, right over the brim."
"I sat there lost for words as me treasure chests sunk down to the bottom of the ol' blue."
"I almost shed me first tear that day..."
"Okay, maybe I did when I knocked me knee into my wheel last week, but that's not for ye to share around."
"Anyway, I managed to sail back in time, but me ship's in disrepair and I'm down two chests of loot."
"If you can find me two treasure chests, I'll allow ye to help me fix me boat up, and I'll sail for ye."
"Go dive and find me lost treasure, and we can go from there."
"Good luck ye landlubber."

"Oh I am but a mere cabin boy to you on this day, matey!"
"All we must do now is repair me ship and I can sail the seas once more!"
"I need ye to visit Flappy Docksplinter, he's a-"
"You've already heard of him?"
"Well heed no longer!"
"Go forth, have him repair me ship's floor!"

"I told you, if this is about Squall's shoes again, I'm NOT a cobbler!!"
"Oh, this is actually about a ship repair?"
"Fantastic! I can do that!"
"But I'm going to need some wooden planks."
"If you can go around and defeat some of those robots, I do believe they quite often rip up the planks around Barnacle Boatyard."
"It's kept us quite busy, in fact."
"Just recover a few while I assess the full damage of Melville's ship and we'll start from there."

"These will do nicely."
"So I did see other structural damage to the hull, but it looks quite odd."
"Almost like a beaver's been gnawing on it..."
"Either way, I'm going to send you across the street to Linda Landlubber."
"She runs her shop Disembark! Tree Surgeons."
"She'll be able to give us some more defined pieces to repair this hull with."
"Just get those back from her and we'll be in good shape."

"Hi there! Welcome to Disembark!"
"I handle all things trees in Barnacle Boatyard."
"I'd be glad to help you out with your hull situation, but unfortunately the Cogs took all my fine woodcutting tools."
"If you fight some of those stronger looking ones, I'm sure you can get them back for me."
"If you do that, I'll owe you and repay you in the finest wood selections for your hull."

"That's them alright!"
"Let me just whip up your order real quick."
"Just a chop, a zip, a zap, and voila!"
"Some perfect hull pieces."
"Good luck to you on your adventures!"

"These are definitely top notch. Linda did a great job."
"I'll go right ahead on fixing up the rest of Melville's ship now."
"Go ahead and swing by and let him know it'll be ready by the time he gets out to it."
"Good luck to you!"

"Ye truly are a walking daydream, [Toon Name]."
"I care a lot about me ship, and you got it all fixed up."
"But ye know what I care about nearly as much?"
"Me shop."
"I'm afraid something might happen while I'm out on me ship..."
"Can you protect me shop and defeat some of them robots that come near while I sail?"
"Thank ye, [Toon Name]."
"I will be back shortly."

"Oh me matey, this is not good."
"I sailed around Barnacle Boatyard, and I definitely saw me some Cogs in big numbers around Anchor Avenue."
"I sailed silently to keep me ship safe."
"I'm glad I returned in one piece to tell ye the truth!"
"Melville's eyes have gotten worse in their age, and I wasn't able to tell what the kerfuffle was behind all them Cogs."
"But it definitely seems there be a swarm filing their way in through Anchor Avenue!"
"You must tell Barnacle Bessie posthaste me bucko."
"Good luck."

"That confirms it. Anchor Avenue is the weak link in the fence."
"I need you to investigate for me. Carefully head out to Anchor Avenue and take down some of the strongest Cogs you can find."
"I need to know if this wave of Cogs is durable for us."
"Once you do that, please inform the HQ Officers of just what's happening. They'll need to be aware of the situation."
"Thank you, [Toon Name]."

The Weakest Link

"Oh, uh, hi there... What can I help you with?"
"Situation? Let me tell you about it..."
"We... Have a smalllll situation here."
"We let something happen right under our noses."
"But to be fair, it IS pretty humid, so it's harder for our noses to work, right?"
"But we should've seen it."
"But we DO have eyepatches on, so that limits that, right??"
"We... found the source of the Cogs."
"Look, we need your help."
"Somehow, we were so blind as to not notice something huge, happening right next to our very own headquarters..."
"Before I say too much and scare you off, you should just take a look for yourself, and tell Bessie. This is bad..."
"Just head down the path next to our headquarters. You'll see everything needed to be seen."
"Just be quick and tell Barnacle Bessie what you saw!"

The Office

"You're back."
"That's already promising."
"This means we can send the Barnacle Boatyard Buccaneers in to keep this wave of Cogs in check, right?"
"...No? What do you mean no?"
"This is awful!"
"First off, I now have to consider hiring new officer for Anchor Avenue, but not only that, I now fear the Cogs may keep coming..."
"I need for you to stock up, be careful, and enter that office and take down whoever's running it."
"This is important and you're all we got, [Toon Name]."

"You made it back! Oh thank the heavens."
"So tell me everything you can, this is important. We need to know so that we can send our best in to keep this thing stabilized."
"Director of Land Acquisition, hmmm...?"
"This makes a lot of sense."
"They came here and set up this office up as a way of allowing Cogs to finally get into Barnacle Boatyard..."
"In their neverending plan to acquire as much of our land as possible..."
"But... why?"
"Well, either way, we're going to have a lot on our hands from now on."
"But I just have to say some things to you, for everything you've done."
"Thank you so much."
"You know, even though things have been hectic here, from mere Cogs to even offices, you stepped in for all of us and exceed all of our expectations."
"You showed me how to be a true leader, how to organize a strong team, how to plan ahead, and how to take down these Cogs."
"Especially when a lot of us weren't too experienced!"
"Are you sure you don't want to stick around and take a few... hundred more Cogs down with us?"
"Maybe a few more offices too?"
"In all seriousness, thank you."
"You've brought us from a playground of terror, fright, and inexperience and watched the winds turn us into a town ready to win against these Cogs."
"You're capable of just about anything for us Toons. I can see it in you, [Toon Name]."
"If you ever drop by and need a partner to help use Drop on some Cogs, I've always got a spare minute or two."
"But for now, I'm unfortunately going to have to let you go."
"Flippy recently got the memo out on some extremely big plans. Things bigger than us."
"They'll need you."
"You left us in a great place, now go and do more great things for others."
"Good luck out there, [Toon Name]."
"See you around the boatyard."